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新时期高校成人教育转型的发展研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
当前,我国的经济和社会发展进入了极为重要的时期,伴随着社会转型所发生的教育与知识的转型,对高校成人教育的发展与改革产生了重要影响,高校成人教育转型已势在必行。面对新的形势,我国高校成人教育必须抓住机遇,坚持与时俱进,开拓创新,依托行业优势,发挥院校专业特色,走校企合作订单式培养应用型人才之路,更好地推动高校成人教育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

高校科技产业是技术创新的主力军,发展高校科技产业的首要因素是制度创新,知识创新是高校科技产业得以持续发展的源泉,产学合作创办高新技术企业是技术创新的有效形式,技术创新是高校科技产业的效益增长模式,人才是高校科技产业的创新关键。  相似文献   

Following a brief introduction, the extension of engineering education in Spain is described. A scheme of the national education system is given. We consider the impact of the current implementation of new university curricula as a way of improving the quality of the programmes. Attention is paid to the fact of including foreign languages in the engineering programmes of the Spanish universities. Throughout the article, the question of the need of communication for engineers both during their undergraduate and postgraduate studies in engineering as well as in their practical training in industry is emphasized. The core of the paper is devoted to the fact of considering English as the lingua franca for new technologies. A programme called English for Engineering Environments is presented as a way of improving not only the training and understanding of students while at university, but also as future professionals for industry.  相似文献   

In the structures of European society, the institutions of education, state, industry and others have always been quite autonomous and largely separate from each other. This contrasts with the USA and Japan, where the linkages between the university and industry sectors have always been very strong and cooperation between the two has been long established. This paper addresses itself to the situation in Ireland and reviews the many institutional structures for university industry cooperation. The specific developments in University College Dublin are described and the benefits which such cooperation bring to both the university and industrial sectors are summarised.  相似文献   

During the last 10 years, new models of funding and training PhD students have been established in Denmark in order to integrate industry into the entire PhD education. Several programmes have been conducted where it is possible to co-finance PhD scholarships or to become an employee as an industrial PhD in a company. An important question is what impact these new conditions will have on the PhD students’ training, work conditions and study environment. In this article, the new type of programmes will be presented together with data analysis of PhD students’ work conditions and study environment in various programmes mainly based on a research project from 2006. The results of this study show no significant difference between PhD students in a traditional university PhD programme and PhD students in an industrial programme concerning working environment. However, the study shows significant differences in the intercultural dimension, where foreign PhD students are significantly more satisfied with their study environment compared with Danish PhD students. In general the workload is very high and the environment is stressful for all PhD students.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,受经济变化的影响,日本政府对科学技术政策、高等教育政策进行了一系列的改革,而且这些改革与产学研合作是紧密相连的。随着《科学技术基本计划》和国立大学法人化的实施.日本大学的产学合作呈现出了新的形势:向机构与机构之间的,即以大学为单位的、更加广泛的合作交流发展。包括产学研合作在内的一系列的高等教育改革的倾向是,逐渐偏离大学应该遵守的“学问自由、大学自治”的基本准则,趋向经济效益的追求。从文部科学省分离出来的国立大学因此就可能成为经济界、产业界的附庸,这正是所有倡导学问自由、追求大学自治的人士所担心的重大问题。  相似文献   

Most investigations into the effects of funding changes on higher education systems have been carried out in developed economies. This article focuses on the Thai higher education system, applying theoretical arguments and empirical analyses to the case of a newly industrialising country. One goal of the Thai higher education funding reform is to cut public spending and to stimulate university–industry cooperation as a means to obtain additional university income. This article presents empirical data based on an investigation into the cooperation activities of five Thai universities. The results show that both individuals and organisations react to changes in university funding: university–industry relations are becoming more frequent and are promoted by university administrations. The financial benefits for the universities as well as the technological benefits for the cooperating companies are, however, both very limited.  相似文献   

产教融合对高等教育优质发展和社会经济转型升级具有重要意义。然而企业的合作意愿不足是制约产教融合的重要因素,提高企业合作积极性成为推进产教有效融合的重要突破。从心理距离的角度出发,以概率维、时间维、社会维剖析企业合作动力不足的深层原因,诠释产教合作困境的生成逻辑,提出通过遴选合作企业、具化合作利益、丰富合作形式等推进产教深度融合,并以福建某高校的实践案例进行实证。  相似文献   

法律类职业院校在合作办学过程中,有着与其他职业院校不具有的优势。办学合作单位拥有大量实践经验丰富的骨干专家,在学生实习实训和外聘教师等方面能够达到有效合作。但由于体制等原因,合作办学实际上只能满足浅层合作,深层合作如学生就业等方面没有办法实现。建立真正校企合作、本科兼专科模式、建立实习实训基地,培养学生综合素质和职业竞争能力,是突破法律职业院校合作办学瓶颈的有效途径。  相似文献   

21世纪初,战略联盟这种企业合作的组织形式已成为高等教育机构合作的重要形式。高等教育外部环境的变化要求高校之间加强横向合作,高校与政府的紧张关系需要以高校联盟这种中介组织加以协调,后合并时代的高校需要寻找新的途径来提升高校的竞争优势,提高高校自主创新能力更需要高校组建联盟以实现协同创新。要解决高校联盟发展中的困境问题,就需要我们对高校联盟有着全新而全面的认识。  相似文献   

为提高国际竞争力,满足未来发展需求,近年来,欧盟制定了一系列推动大学—产业部门合作创新的战略,并出台了相关的政策文件,以期建立一种大学—产业部门合作创新的生态系统,推动欧盟各成员国大学创新创业教育的长足发展.创建大学—产业部门合作创新的治理结构,积极推动大学与产业部门之间的人员流动,鼓励大学与产业部门进行更广泛的科研合作等,已成为欧盟大学—产业部门合作创新的主要内容和支柱,也是欧盟大学推动创新创业实践教育发展的主要战略举措.  相似文献   

通过校企合作达到产教融合是普通高校转型发展的突破口,对应用型大学的可持续发展具有举足轻重的影响。应用型大学应作为毕业生和行业及企业之间的桥梁,通过产教融合、校企合作创新人才培养模式,培养服务经济发展的应用技术型人才。文章对高校实施产教融合、校企合作的现状进行了分析,并对近几年山东交通学院开展直通就业的企业实践、企业里的教师工作室等机制进行了研究,为应用型大学探索符合实际需求的发展道路提供了对策。  相似文献   

论合作教育之“合作”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
合作教育是科技、经济与教育“合作”的必然结果,是高等教育与社会“合作”的必由之路。在计划经济体制下,高校与企业的合作主要体现为政府行为,而市场经济体制要求高校与企业作为独立的主体进行合作。高校与企业的合作是建立在利益需求的基础之上的。我国目前合作教育的开展需要高校、企业与政府的协同作用,即:高校主导、企业参与、政府协调。  相似文献   

政产学合作是开展学生工程实践教育的必由之路.是提高学生实践创新能力和就业竞争力的客观需要,是适应高校和企业发展需要,培养学生综合素质的必然要求,是发达国家工程教育改革和工程应用型人才培养的成功经验。当前政产学合作教育中存在着政、产、学三方“缺位”现象。政府要进一步加强对政产学合作教育的宏观调控和政策扶持,高校要不断探索和创新政产学合作开展工程实践教育的途径和方法,企业要主动加强与高校的“联姻”与合作,从而进一步推进政产学合作开展工程实践教育。  相似文献   

校企合作是职业教育的本质特征和特色办学的关键,是高职教育内涵发展的重要内容,加强职业教育与行业企业合作与融合,完善职业学校与企业一体化办学模式是办好高职院校的正确途径;本文结合我校汽车类专业校企合作的现状,探讨了高职院校与企业合作育人机制的创新模式,并对校企双方在合作中存在的问题进行了分析.  相似文献   


Cooperation between home and school benefits pupils’ wellbeing in many ways. Hence, it is of utmost importance that teachers are able to cooperate with families in early childhood education as well as in primary and secondary education. In order to work effectively with the diversity of families, teachers need to develop their skills and knowledge while in teacher education programmes. Earlier research has suggested that teacher education programmes do not address this issue adequately. In this article, programme managers in Finnish teacher education programmes are asked to reflect on how cooperation is covered in their programmes. Based on the data, collected through an online survey, home–school cooperation can be considered an integral part of teacher training: most of the programmes surveyed offered modules that concentrated either solely on the issue or as part of other modules. Cooperation was also discussed from various perspectives during the modules. Respondents considered their graduates to be either competent or somewhat competent to cooperate with families. According to programme managers, modules should be developed in relation to strengthening the theoretical basis of cooperation, and especially in enabling pre-service teachers to practise their skills in cooperation while they are having their practical training at schools.  相似文献   

新一轮科技革命深刻影响着高等工程教育的未来走向。针对面向工程应用的普通本科高校存在学生学习能力较差、缺少应用实践,同时教学内容与行业需求之间存在巨大差距等问题,对新工科背景下软件人才培养体系进行研究与实践,提出“厚基础、窄口径”的人才培养模式;将产业与技术的最新发展、行业对人才培养的最新要求引入教学过程,更新教学内容和课程体系;落实科教结合、产学融合、校企合作的协同育人模式,秉承以学生为中心的理念,加强大学生科技园建设。通过南阳理工学院计算机与软件学院的教学实践,建立以学生为中心的软件人才培养体系,打造工程教育开放融合的新生态,从而切实提高教学质量,形成办学核心竞争力。  相似文献   

广西经贸职业技术学院积极推进国际化产教融合模式办学改革,在集中跨国优质资源,构建产教融合发展共同体;打造跨国合作新平台,推进产教融合协同育人;推广产教融合标准,提升中国职教国际影响力;推进产教协同创新,服务东盟中小企业发展;深化国际化办学改革,树立国际交流合作品牌等方面开展办学实践。在构建中国-东盟职教共同体背景下,未来职业院校国际化产教整合需要加强政策规划对接,明确产教合作方向;创新产教融合模式,服务高水平开放合作;打造产教融合新机制,推进高水平协同育人。  相似文献   

日本专业学位教育与职业资格匹配的特点与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专业学位与相关职业资格准入匹配是近年日本专业学位改革的一大特点。这种匹配就实质而言是一种产学合作的人才培养模式,其核心是引导行业协会直接参与专业人才的培养,根据行业准入要求规划培养内容与质量标准。专业学位与职业资格匹配对强化学校与行业用人单位的结合、推动专业人才培养切实面向行业发展需要具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

How the experience of science‐based Ph.D. students working in or funded by Australian Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) compares with their peers in regular university science‐based departments is the key focus of this article. CRC doctoral programmes that integrate industry needs with professional development offer an alternative to traditional research training, emphasizing producing ‘industry‐ready’ graduates with a broader educational experience linked to the needs of research users. The overall experience of both groups, their attitudes to collaboration with industry and where their studies are leading them are analysed. Of particular interest is whether CRC‐related Ph.D. students have more positive attitudes towards their training, towards industry and research and development (R&D) partnerships with industry than those outside CRCs and to what extent both favour the idea of careers in industry. Findings, based on a survey of Ph.D. students in two Australian research‐intensive universities, indicate that the CRC research training experience has much to commend it. This suggests that in reforming doctoral education programmes, universities would do well to further examine the effectiveness of aspects of this alternative.  相似文献   

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