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有限责任公司的股东瑕疵出资存在多种形态,而由这些出资形成的瑕疵股权在转让后的出资责任如何分配。公司法应做出具体而明确的规定。目前,《公司法》及其司法解释的有关条款规定尚欠合理,有关出资责任的司法审判案例也不尽相同。为弥补这一缺陷,有必要对瑕疵出资的股东资格、瑕疵股权转让合同的效力进行分析,并在此基础上,结合我国大量有关瑕疵股权转让后的出资责任司法审判案例,探寻一个适当的瑕疵股权转让的出资责任体系。  相似文献   

在公司出资的实践中,股权作为出资形式运用已久,理论界也一直关注着该问题。新公司法修订后,对于股权出资的研究更加深入。通过对非货币出资应具备的三个要件、股权的性质、以及资本制度理念的变迁的分析得出,股权作为出资方式具备了理论依据。也由于股权的特性,决定了股权出资的特殊规则。首先,可用股权出资的主体和可接受股权作为出资的主体不同,然后,根据股权出资法律行为的特殊性质,从组织法的角度构建股权出资应履行的特殊法律程序,包括了订立股权出资协议、股权评估、股权交付、股权权属变更、权能移转等。  相似文献   

论股权出资风险的法律控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《公司法》修改之后,使得股权作为一种出资方式得到了法律上的许可,这不失为立法上的一大进步。但是,对于股权出资,《公司法》仅为原则许可,立法者并没有对股权出资在实务中的具体操作建立相应的配套制度。由于股权自身的特点,其出资存在一定的风险,为此应完善相应的削度措施,把股权出资的风险降到最低。  相似文献   

出资有瑕疵的股权转让涉及股权转让合同的效力、出资有瑕疵股权转让后的责任认定和责任承担等问题。出资瑕疵对股东权的影响不应完全否认出资有瑕疵股东的资格。瑕疵出资的股东仍然有权利转让其带有瑕疵的股权,但是要承担出资补充责任。股权转让属于一种民事法律行为,所以在判断出资有瑕疵的股权转让合同效力时,也要根据合同法的相关规定来分析合同双方当事人的意思表示内容对合同效力所产生的影响。  相似文献   

2013年新《公司法》并未对出资不实取得的股权,即瑕疵出资股权转让做出规定。原则上,出让者的出资补缴责任不随着股权转让而免除,受让者对股权瑕疵情况知情时,承担补充清偿责任;不知情时,对出让者、公司和其他股东享有抗辩权,该抗辩权无法对抗公司债权人。此外受让者可享有的救济途径有:追偿权、请求出让者承担权利瑕疵担保责任以及合同撤销权。  相似文献   

股权出资作为一种新型的公司出资方式,需要对这种出资的本质作一定性,以保护交易秩序的安全,不让善意第三人因此蒙受额外损失,本文把债权出资作为股权转让的一种方式,认为这种转让的方式是单纯的债权转让,而非债权债务的概括受让,所以,转让之后,善意受让股东不承担转让人对公司承担的义务--即补足出资的义务.  相似文献   

新《公司法》出台已久,遗憾的是,该法仍将人力资本拒于出资形式的大门之外。这使得一些隐含人力资本作为出资形式的现象,因缺乏法律依据的支撑,在理论上显得尴尬。通过分析人力资本的属性可看出,在有限责任公司里,纵然人力资本具有依附性,但股东以何种形式出资,只要不损害第三人和国家利益,就应当视为股东的自治行为。再通过设计一系列制度保障第三人的利益,可以得出人力资本作为股权出资是可行的。  相似文献   

企业知识产权出资问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在知识经济条件下,知识产权出资已经成为企业经济活动的重要组成部分,我国新公司法对这种出资方式进行了确认,但未构建出具体完整的知识产权出资制度.以知识产权出资的动力和转化机制为理论基础,从企业知识产权出资的各个环节对该制度进行研究,具有重犬意义.  相似文献   

股东的出资关系着公司资本的充实、债权人利益的保护和市场交易的安全。在公司设立过程中,它属于合同义务,在公司成立后,则成为法定义务。根据股东出资方式的不同,认定虚假出资的形式也不同。从资本角度探讨劳务出资和信用出资的问题,主观上出资人对以这两种形式的出资不存在虚假的故意,客观上如果劳务出资和信用出资能在资本市场中成熟运转,其不宜被认定为虚假出资,可以慢慢地纳入法律认可的出资方式的范围之内。  相似文献   

我国传统公司法理论及新修订的公司登记管理条例都认为劳务出资不得作为公司的出资形式之一。劳务是否可以作为公司成立的出资方式,学术界尚有争论。确认劳务出资,还应当处理好劳务出资的价值评估和法律责任等问题,以确保公司资本的确定性和债务清偿。因此,只要加以配套的完善措施,劳务出资完全可以成为公司的出资形式之一。  相似文献   

长期股权投资对取得时含有的已宣告但未发放的现金股利作为应收项目核算;成本法下投资企业对现金股利确认投资收益,仅限于被投资单位接受投资后产生的累积净利润的分配额,所获得的现金股利超过上述数额的部分作为初始投资成本的收回;权益法下投资企业按照应享有或应分担的被投资单位实现的净损益的份额,确认投资损益并调整长期股权投资的账面价值。  相似文献   

论教育政策的程序公平之虚假性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程序公平作为一个集合,集合中的元素有起点公平、过程公平和结果公平以及相关的伦理公平和规则公平。通过程序公平这个集合中的元素之间的学理分析,得出程序公平的虚假性,这里的虚假性是程序公平实现的一种尴尬和一种困境;同时,程序公平是教育政策制定中重要的一种制度安排的追求和结果。正因为程序公平实现的尴尬和困境,因此,进而指出摆脱这种尴尬和困境的路径。  相似文献   

产业投资基金作为一种新型产业融资工具,自出现以来就一直被人们寄予了很高的希望。从产业投资基金在我国的设立和发展来看,均表现出明显的政府主导性特征。政府及相关部门和国有控股企业共同发起并筹建产业投资基金的做法适应了过渡时期实际情况的需要,但就其进一步发展来看,存在一定的隐患,那就是政府力量对产业投资基金的主导和过分渗透将影响产业投资基金规范健康的成长。因此改变政府主导型的发展模式,更多地依靠市场力量来发展产业投资基金,构建一个服务型政府在我国产业基金发展的道路上显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

平等与效率相互促进的教育公平论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
平等与效率和谐统一的社会公平是促进社会和个人发展的重要手段,教育公平既有公平的普遍性,又有自身特点,应根据教育公平的本质特点实现教育公平的目标。实现教育公平必须追求和实现教育平等与教育效率的和谐统一,应坚持普及与提高、大众化教育与精英教育相结合的原则,坚持区域教育均衡发展、义务教育免费和强制性原则,积极消除分数面前人人平等的公平性和局限性的矛盾,实施素质教育和创新教育及其评价模式,坚持教学民主与因材施教。  相似文献   

中外合作企业的数量在改革开放二十多年后大大落后于外商投资与中外合资企业,其原因部分是中外合作企业法律制度的问题。为促进中外合作企业的发展,应引入有限合伙。有限合伙能适应风险投资的发展,并能解决非法人型中外合作企业法的问题。五部门的规章规定了有限合伙制度,是一大发展,但在多方面存在缺陷。  相似文献   

The term equity is ubiquitous in Australian education policy and evolves amidst ongoing debates about what it means to be fair in education. Over the past three decades, meanings and practices associated with equity have reflected broader shifts in advanced liberal governance, with equity being reframed as a ‘market-enhancing’ mechanism and melted into economic productivity agendas. In this paper, I argue that an emerging, yet, under-examined policy tension is the view that secondary schools are capable of being equitable, whilst simultaneously acting as adaptive service providers, tailoring education to different students and local markets. A dilemma here is whether or not schools should ‘tailor equity’ or whether tailoring equity is indeed antithetical to equity in so far as it implies unequal provision. To explore this tension, I draw upon fieldwork from ethnographic research in two socially and economically disparate government secondary schools in suburban Melbourne, Australia. In doing so, I explore how equity is enacted and governed by educators, how forms of equity at each school relate to versions of equity in policy and the extent to which each school tailors equity to its local community.  相似文献   

投资效率这一概念是企业理财活动的根本,与企业润利活动紧密联系在一起.该文从经济效率出发探讨了投资效率的基本内涵,剖析了其特殊性,指出投资效率不等同于投资效益、投资效率不等同于投资效果、投资效率不等同于投资效应.  相似文献   

The conjunction of equity and market logics in contemporary education has created new and different conditions of possibility for equity, both as conceived in policy discourses and as a related set of educational practices. In this editorial introduction, we examine how equity is being drawn into new policy assemblages and how, in the context of marketisation, equity is evolving and being enacted in new ways across education sectors. Different conceptions of equity are considered, including the increasingly influential human capital perspective promoted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). We argue that, separate from critiques of neoliberalism and its deleterious effects on equity in education, it is necessary to analyse carefully the increasing rationalisation of equity agendas in economic terms, the associated effects on education governance and policy-making, as well as on the work of educational institutions and educators. Providing an overview of the contributions to this Special Issue, we direct particular attention to the multiple, complex and often contradictory effects of the current education reform agenda in Australia, which has prioritised equity objectives and intensified performance measurement, comparison and accountability as means to drive educational improvement and reduce disadvantage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw attention to the impact of neoliberal globalisation in rearticulating conceptions of equity within the Ontario context. The Ontario education system has been hailed for its top performance on Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) as a high-equity/high-quality education system and created ‘PISA envy’ in the international context. Our aim in this paper is to provide some critical analysis of the neoliberal rationality and to examine its manifestations for rearticulating conceptions of social justice. Drawing on equity education policies in Ontario and one in-depth interview with an equity practitioner in one of Ontario’s large and most diverse school boards, this paper illustrates how a redefinition of equity has been made possible through neoliberal systems of accountability and performativity involving measurement and facticity. As a result of these strategies, equity policy in education has been concerned with outcome measurement and boys’ underachievement, while racial and class inequalities have become invisible. While this paper is focused on Ontario equity policy, we believe that it serves much broader interest given the current context of global education policy field.  相似文献   

Many educators believe that the goal of equity is far from being achieved given the dilemmas faced by today's inner city public schools. The authors examine the potential of Temple University's Professional Development School Partnership, a collaborative project with the School District of Philadelphia, to facilitate educational equity within an urban center. Current understandings of the construct of equity are identified and used to explore the possibilities and challenges of striving for equity in the urban center. The development of this partnership documents growth into a more inclusive, expansive, and collaborative style of working together. A closer look into this process is provided by an in-depth discussion of two essential components of the partnership, namely, its culturally responsive process and its objective of transforming the teaching and learning conditions of schools. It is argued that school systems need to look critically at their own educational resources as well as policies and practices to guarantee that they genuinely promote participation and achievement of all students. In essence we contend that there cannot be equity without the assurance that students will achieve to their fullest potential.  相似文献   

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