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This essay discusses the life and work of Elise van Calcar (1822–1904), a writer and maternal feminist who introduced Froebel’s kindergarten in the Netherlands. Van Calcar also was the leader of a Christian branch of spiritualism. The focus is pointed at parallels between her reading of Froebel and of ‘messages’ from spirits in the ‘other world’ with whom she claimed to be in touch during spiritualist séances. Both Froebel’s Romantic pedagogy and spiritualism put emphasis on harmony and synthesis. Each of her projects was an attempt to transcend the dichotomy between the public and the private. Spiritual motherhood ruled the kindergarten and non-conformist religion, alternative medicine and Froebel training were practised at home. Both the kindergarten movement and spiritualism made her promote a ‘natural’ approach. Yet, she never stopped warning of the danger of leaving a child’s moral development to nature. Like a garden a child had to be worked upon.  相似文献   

What does Penny Thompson really want? Reading her article in BJRE 26 (1) proved a baffling experience: it clearly wanted to say something, and to say it passionately, yet signally failed to do so. It fails largely because it lacks an argument; there seems also to be conceptual muddle at its heart. A fuller critique will need to attend to Thompson’s reading of religious education’s history, particularly to her use of evidence—but that is a story for another night. Consequently, this brief critique has at its core four questions to elicit clarity where at present there is none: First, does Penny Thompson want so to revision religious education in community schools that she and other aspirants to ‘Christian confessional religious education’ may freely work to convert young people to ‘Christianity’ and to nurture them in a Christian tradition? Second, in what sense, or senses, does Thompson want readers to understand her phrase, ‘the truth of the Christian faith?’ Third, in whose confession and in which tradition does Thompson want this Christian confessional religious education to be rooted? Fourth, is Penny Thompson willing to allow Christian teachers to present alternative understandings of Christianity, critical of her (implied) view? These questions are preceded by reflection on the form of her article’s argument and on its use of ‘confess’ and its cognates.  相似文献   

Japan has often been criticized for allegedly teaching its schoolchildren about the history of Imperial Japan 1895–1945 in selective and misleading ways. Is this criticism justified, and how does it compare with the record of another former colonial power in East Asia: England? International criticism of history teaching in England has been insignificant when compared with criticism of Japan. Yet how much are English schoolchildren taught about the British Empire?This paper is based upon documentary study of national curricula and examinations, together with observations of history lessons at several secondary schools in Japan and in England, as well as interviews with history teachers in both countries, with university students in Japan, and with high-school students in England. It argues that both Japan and England devote relatively little curricular time to the study of their respective imperial pasts. However, this is not necessarily because of a deliberate cover-up of the facts. In each country, teaching about imperialism is partly determined by the way history as a subject is taught. In order to change the way children learn about imperialism, it may be necessary to change the philosophy and practice of history teaching as a whole.  相似文献   


This study examines how origami has been implemented, practised, and developed in the early childhood education of Japan over the past 140 years. Historically speaking, paper-folding has been part of Japanese symbolic art, craft culture, and religious ceremonial artefacts since paper and paper-folding techniques were first imported from China during the seventh century. By the eighteenth century, paper-folding provided a form of mass entertainment in Japanese society. During the 1870s, paper-folding was dramatically transformed into a pedagogical tool within Japanese kindergartens after Friedrich Froebel’s (1782–1852) kindergarten system and its curriculum was transferred to Japan from the West. “Papier-Falten” (paper-folding) comprised an element of Froebel’s Occupations – which was a series of handiwork activities – in his kindergarten curriculum, whereby various folding techniques and models were derived from European traditional paper-folding and introduced into a Japanese kindergarten curriculum that was associated with the concept of Froebel’s kindergarten. Particularly seen in early childhood education in Japan, what we now call origami developed as a new form of paper-folding. This gradually emerged through the marriage of Western (German) and Eastern (Japanese) paper-folding cultures. The study highlights the benefits and uniqueness of cultural transmission and transformation when developing origami in early childhood education in Japan.  相似文献   

Mary Perkins Ryan remains one of the least recognized of the twentieth-century figures in the modern renewal of Catholic education in the United States. The reasons are many but none satisfactory. Ryan was an intellectual without a scholarly credential. She was an educator without an affiliation to an academic institution. She was a leading voice for professional standards in church religious education without ever serving in either a parish or diocesan role. Ryan worked alongside the giants of twentieth-century Catholic educational history—Gerard Sloyan, Johannes Hofinger, Gabriel Moran, Berard Marthaler, Maria Harris, Gloria Durka, and Thomas Groome. Their shadow cast long and may be the reason why despite her leadership in the American liturgical movement and her visionary stance on adult religious education, Ryan still remains on the margins of Catholic educational history. The purpose of this article is to illustrate how Ryan's intellectual corpus, which includes twenty-four authored works and two decades of editorial direction at The Living Light and Professional Approaches for Christian Educators (PACE), justifies her place alongside the more established figures of her time. It is to reclaim a leadership role for Ryan as a visionary in the modern renewal of Catholic education and in so doing to move her contributions from the margins to the main text of that history.  相似文献   

古代希腊罗马文化以其典范、楷模和启迪之功,被称为西方古典文化,成为西方文化发展史上的第一座高峰。然而到罗马帝国后期,随着罗马奴隶制危机的全面爆发和基督教在帝国境内的发展传播,曾经辉煌的古典文化逐渐失去往日的光彩而日趋衰落。476年西罗马帝国灭亡时,以信仰为基础的基督教文化取代了以理性为基础的古典文化,古典传统在欧洲宣告结束。  相似文献   

蒙台梭利在中国的发展可追溯到20世纪80年代,随着时间发展,蒙台梭利在中国幼儿教育界的关注便在持续上涨。所以在此时间,"蒙氏热"的发生从沿海延生到内地,从大城市蔓延到中小城市,从单位办园、私人办园扩展到教育部门办的园。这种"热度"不仅体现在对蒙台梭利教育思想的引进,也体现在全国疯狂的追求蒙台梭利玩教把具的使用;还体现在遍地全国的蒙台梭利幼儿园,蒙台梭利教学实验班……这种"热度"细琢磨下来,就可以追踪到蒙台梭利经典著作之《有吸收力的心灵》对我国幼儿园课程设计的影响上来。本文作者将着眼于《有吸收力的心灵》这部经典的巨作中有关蒙台梭利的教育思想及其对我过当代幼儿园课程设计的影响,并将此做必要的分析和阐述。  相似文献   

Based on an experiment with 5452 kindergarten school children from 15 cities, this article examines the effect of a customised spiritual education programme (SEP) on their quality of life. Results showed that treatment group kindergarteners who participated in the SEP had higher scores on the Pictured Child Quality of Life Self-Questionnaire in comparison to the control group. Kindergarteners from European cities, US, Canadian and Australian cities, boys, Christian children, those who had done three to four rounds of the SEP during the study period and those who self-practiced the lessons, were more likely to have higher post-test scores on the quality of life scale. Based on the study results, a broad frame for having SEP for kindergarten school children across cultures has been suggested comprising the spiritual domains of calmness, silence and quiet; listening; accepting; loving nature; and, using imagination, resilience and efficiency in everyday functioning.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the history of Christian higher education in China as a case study, building upon the work of scholars who have been seeking to better understand the identity and distinguishing marks of Christian higher education in a variety of settings worldwide. Although there had been 13 Christian colleges and universities in China before the Communist rule in 1949, such institutions had totally disappeared from China during the early 1950s, only to be revived to a limited extent three decades later due to a resurgence of the study of the history of Christian colleges in the 1980s. As one manifestation of the renewed interest in Christian higher education, in 2014 Yenching University Alumni Association celebrated the 95th anniversary of the founding of Yenching University in Beijing. This indication of interest reflects a new form of Christian presence in higher education in China that is quite different from elsewhere. In this article, the author describes some of the activities taking place over the past three decades in China that merit scholarly attention more broadly.  相似文献   

办好幼儿园,提高整体教育质量,关键在于园长。园长在办园过程中,处于管理系统的核心、主导和决策地位,园长的思想、行为和作风等在幼儿园工作中影响全局。因此,园长在管理中要重视领导艺术,以便各项工作的开展和协调。  相似文献   


A university child development/early childhood education professor renews her relationship with young children and with current public school teaching by spending 5 weeks in kindergarten. This article describes some highlights of her experience: the children's daily journal writing, an in‐class and take‐home math activity, and teaching the required kindergarten social studies unit on Antarctica. The experience provided renewal for the professor and fresh examples for the professor to share with her university students.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of Uganda Christian University (UCU) in devising strategies for the sustenance of Christian faith in one's career for the betterment of the society despite its social ills. The current theme of UCU is “A Complete Education for a Complete Person.” As a Christian university, UCU seeks to provide a positive educational experience and a strong biblical foundation for all that God will call upon its graduates to do in the years that follow. A biblical worldview should see God as the source of truth in all academic disciplines; after all, God not only made all things but he knows them intimately. Given the hostile and challenging social, political, and economic environment of Africa, and Uganda in particular, how can one keep Christian faith in his or her career? How can one remain “salt and light” of such a society? Being a Christian is no longer popular in Uganda and an alarming number of young Christians are walking away from their faith by the time they finish their university years. Mere academic knowledge should not be the sole aim of education, but rather the Christian character in one's life during education and, later on, in his or her career.  相似文献   

Problem-Based Learning (PBL), an instructional approach originated in medical education, has gained increasing attention in K-12 science education because of its emphasis on self-directed learning and real-world problem-solving. Yet few studies have examined how PBL can be adapted for kindergarten. In this study, we examined how a veteran kindergarten teacher, who was experienced with PBL in her own learning, adapted PBL to teach students earth materials, a topic emphasized in the new state curriculum standards but students had difficulty understanding. The pre-post tests showed that students improved their content understanding. Analysis of the classroom discourse showed that PBL and the teacher’s facilitation strategies provided opportunities for students to develop their questioning skills. In conclusion, we discuss the implications of this study for using PBL in kindergarten classrooms.  相似文献   

幼儿园英语教育的师资现状及对策研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教师是幼儿园能否开展英语教育的关键。作者对当前幼儿园英语教师的素质进行了调查,结果表明教师素质普遍偏低,不能很好地胜任英语教学的任务,由此,作者提出了培养和提高幼儿园英语教师素质的一些有益建议。  相似文献   

日本“幼小一贯学校”述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本近来出现了将幼儿园教育和小学低年级教育紧密联系在一起的“幼小一体化”教育机构——“幼小一贯学校”。文章重点分析了其基本特点和主要成因,以期为我国基础教育改革提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

程育真,作为上世纪40年代东吴女作家群的一员,其作品充满着独特的梦幻气息和浓郁的基督教色彩。围绕着梦的编织和破碎,这个走出象牙塔的寻梦人,一直在作品中试图宣扬基督教的平等博爱。虽然有时脱离实际,过于理想,但是她清新的文笔还是给文坛抹上了一道亮色。  相似文献   


This article explores the implications for Christian religious education of the theory of moral virtues formulated by Thomas Aquinas and developed by the contemporary Neo-Thomists. The analysis is divided into two parts. The first part introduces Thomistic virtue theory and presents cardinal virtues crucial for Thomistic ethics: prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude, as the reference points for moral education. This part also includes analysis of the relationship between cardinal and theological virtues, leading to the conclusion that Christian religious education also requires the development of theological virtues. The second part explores, through Thomistic theory, what factors condition the development of a person’s moral character (i.e. his/her moral virtues) and what those factors mean for supporting moral education within Christian religious education, initially within the context of Polish schooling. Particular attention is given to three issues: introducing the concept of responsibility for community members, introducing knowledge of moral virtues, and building a relationship with God.  相似文献   

在"二战"前乃至"二战"后的相当长一段时间里,日本主要存在两类幼儿教育机构,一是作为"学校"之一种的幼儿园,二是属于"儿童福祉设施"之一种的保育所(战前为托儿所),这就形成了幼儿教育机构的二元体制。现在,日本更加认识到了幼儿教育的重要性及其意义和作用,加大了幼儿教育改革的力度。在近年日本的幼儿教育改革中,实质性地推进幼儿园和保育所的一元化是一项重要工作,创设并实行"认定儿童园"制度是一项重要的制度变革。创设"认定儿童园"是日本政府主导的推进"幼保一元化"改革中的一个制度选择和设计。目前,日本中央和地方政府正在着力推进"认定儿童园"的认定工作。  相似文献   


Despite being raised in a culture that denied her access to formal education and employment, Flora Annie Steel became an Inspector of Female Schools in the Punjab, India, in 1884. Her inspection reports for the occupying British government of India are the focus of this study, which examines texts within the context of British imperialism and late‐nineteenth century report conventions. The study concludes 1) that cultural expectations for women in imperialism influenced Steel's response to the genre and 2) that the report genre may have been fluid within imperialism, crossing boundaries between professional and government writing pertaining today. The study suggests that, historically, we need to study these genres of writing from the perspective of economic and political expansion as genres of imperialism.  相似文献   

Kindergarten education in the US has a rich heritage. The roots date back to the influence of Froebel with an emphasis on play and to Susan Blow and her concern for the whole child. Comenius regarded early childhood and kindergarten as an inseparable part of education and society as a whole rather than a separate entity. His belief parallels the contemporary approach to kindergarten, as it is increasingly being viewed on a continuum in the educational process.

Significant societal and educational changes in the US during the last two decades have influenced kindergarten education for five‐year‐olds. The American family structure has been effected by the increased divorce rate, the economy, and the increase in two‐employed parents.

Education changes include a shift to an emphasis on standardised testing at all levels, accountability, and the incorporation of four‐year‐olds in public schools. The result has been a ‘spiraling down’ of academic expectations.

In addition, schools are responding to the needs of demographic shifts in the nature of the population. Increasing numbers of children have multicultural backgrounds and English in their second language.

These societal and educational changes have precipitated the movement to the all day kindergarten. As more and more schools offer an all day experience to kindergarten children, numerous issues surface that challenge the original purpose of kindergarten. Entrance age, screening practices, retention, commercial books and materials are all influencing the nature of the all day kindergarten.

The current focus in the US on developmental appropriate practice places the emphasis on child‐centred programs that utilise hands‐ on learning and attention to the development of the whole child. A strong parent education and involvement component, a rich environment, and a qualified teacher are components of a quality kindergarten program. These issues and trends will be discussed within the context of the historical perspective of kindergarten education. The results of a current and thorough literature review will be shared with participants.  相似文献   

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