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This article addresses the lack of attention universities have given to adjusting liberal education, the undergraduate major for teachers in California, to the increase of multi‐ethnic, multi‐racial, and social class heterogeneity in state universities. This article argues for a revised pedagogy for undergraduate liberal arts education for teacher candidates in California called critical liberal education. This pedagogy emphasizes the interdisciplinary knowledge and inquiry skills of a traditional program in conjunction with intercultural competence, civic engagement and an ethical stance toward social justice. This pedagogy brings liberal arts education in line with living in our complex multicultural democracy to create analytic, engaged teacher‐citizens for the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

我国成人教育学科建设在取得长足发展的同时,面临着揭示规律、阐释规范、改进实践三个学科任务。成人性、终身性的学科本质属性,构建决策、服务实践的学科工具使命,坚守学术界限、持续变革的学科发展需求是上述三个学科任务的主要价值成因;揭示规律之“难”、阐释规范之“艰”、改进实践之“困”是成人教育学科任务困境的基本现状。追求研究“可重现”以揭示学科规律,致力改革、聚焦目的以阐述学科规范,面向终身教育以改进学科实践,是缓解当前成人教育学科发展困境的有效对策。  相似文献   

作为女性主义批判教育运动的代表,贝尔·霍克斯完整地创建了另类的教育学理论,即关系教育学,其理论侧重传统教育中为人们所忽视的师生关系、情感的沟通。关系教育学对教师的关怀伦理、沉醉参与、非理性精神等均有精辟论述,这对深化我国当前教育教学改革,推动良好师生关系的形成,提升教师与学生的情感世界有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

20世纪中国教育学科的发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
20世纪中国教育学科的发展, 大致可以分为4个大的阶段, 其中影响中国教育思想和实践较大的, 主要有以赫尔巴特为代表的 “传统教育”思想和以杜威为代表的“现代教育”思想, 它们与教育中的社会本位论和个体本位论有着密切的联系, 由此引申出教育目的、课程设计、教学模式等方面的不同主张。这些历史经验, 对于我们进行教育改革, 有重要的借鉴意义。教育学科要以马克思主义思想为指导, 以 “三个面向”为指针, 即以教育现代化为基础, 立足本国, 面向世界, 探索出一条既是现代化的、又是具有中国特色的教育与教育科学发展之路  相似文献   

20世纪初,赫尔巴特及其学派教育学导入中国。特定的导入动机、导入路径和导入时机,使得我们在学习赫尔巴特教育学方面埋下了诸多的“先天不足”。1919年以后,中国学习别国教育学的主潮几经更迭,先是杜威的实验主义教育学,后是苏联的凯洛夫教育学,由于缺乏对后二次学习与先前一次之间内在关联性的发现,学习杜威、学习凯洛夫成了变相批判赫尔巴特的过程,遂又导致对赫尔巴特甚至对整个教育学理论的学习都流于表层而无法深入。  相似文献   

文化存在论教育学理论是在教育学这门学科究竟主要是一门以哲学运思为主的精神科学,还是一门方法至上的实证科学这一历史性交锋中应运而生的。文化存在论教育学的提出是对实证主义范式在教育学领域过度宣扬的匡正。教育学是一门有着浓郁的强烈的丰富的人文性、艺术性、审美性、价值性和伦理性的学科。从学科嬗变史、学科本质、学科研究方法借鉴路线图等来考察,我们可以得出这样的结论,教育学作为一门“成人”的学科所具有的境遇性、生命性、个殊性、复杂性等特质无法被完全数据化的定量研究所把握。文化存在论教育学分别从教育本质、教育目的及教育方法出发,聚焦三个根本性问题:儿童“是”什么?儿童会成“为”什么?儿童之所以会成“为”社会与文化所期望的那个样子,需“要”什么?针对这三个根本问题,文化存在论教育学提出了理想的教育应确立的四项重要原则:首先,教育要关注儿童的“精神”或者“生命”成长,关注儿童的心灵世界、精神世界、生命世界;其次,教育是“相遇”的历程,是一场充满“境遇”的人生旅程,多元、丰富、奇幻的教育孕育着儿童各种生长的可能性,教育既关怀当下,又指向未来的生活;再次,教育要注重“关系”的营建,魅力在于生活世界中诸般“关系”的和谐与共融,儿童与教师在美好的教育“关系”中相濡以沫,砥砺前行;最后,儿童是“文化”的存在,教育要关注文化在陶冶滋养儿童的向善、求真、育美中的重要作用。  相似文献   

This self-study of teacher education practices examines the processes of developing a pedagogy of teacher education. Drawing on multiple data sources (video and audio, reflective diary, and focus groups), we used concepts from rhizomatics to explore the question, “How does a teacher educator negotiate his learning and practice as he develops a pedagogy of teacher education?” We explicate the complexity of teacher education learning by showing how a conflux of interactive elements co-produce a teacher educator’s practice. This encourages us to introduce the metaphor of “orchestration” as a way of conceptualizing teacher educator practice and pedagogy.  相似文献   

There has been considerable distress in early childhood classrooms due to a cultural bias of Cartesian dualism, which has led to the bullying and disappearance of Body in education. Efforts of bringing about shifts in pedagogical practices toward holistic, bodily views of the self must be supported and developed. However, with classrooms that are filled with less movement and play, the marginalization of Body is of major concern. Interdisciplinary educational settings may be rich in exposing potentials and challenges of a nondual pedagogy implemented in unconsciously dualistic classroom cultures. The purpose of this article is to describe the barriers to implementation of a Mindfully Somatic Pedagogy, as well as affordances to young children throughout a preschool yoga class over an academic year. This research provides a basis for understanding how a Mindfully Somatic Pedagogy can curate holistic, first-person experiences of young children’s bodily selves within a classroom. Likewise, differing expectations of Body from adults in classrooms can lead to mixed messages for children. Understanding how bodily experiences afford young children’s development and teachers responses to Body in the classroom is informative in understanding the roles a school culture can have on the relationship between child development and teacher pedagogy.  相似文献   

Pedagogy Against the State   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The present article draws on data from a three-year study of pedagogy in teacher education that attempts to disrupt normative structures of reading and being in the teacher education classroom. The author uses Bourdieu’s work to emphasize the ways in which academic fields become ruled by unspoken rules and practices – “nomos” – and demonstrates a use of trauma narratives in teacher education that can disrupt such unspoken rules and practices. The article challenges taken-for-granted assumptions in teacher education that students must be positioned as future teachers; that reading educational research and texts should be a priority; that writing assignments should be privileged; and that a cognitive approach to learning in teacher education should be privileged.  相似文献   


In the context of increasing international mobility in higher education, educators experience multiple challenges in the classroom. In the UK, policy discourses often frame international students as desirable resources. However, international students are frequently problematised as in academic deficit. Cultural reasons are posited for different patterns of participation in seminar discussions and critical engagement. This deficit narrative is neo-imperialist. A critical and ethical pedagogy should position international students as equals and as co-contributors. This article suggests that by changing pedagogical structures of traditional higher education classroom in the UK, subverting norms for epistemological interactions, international students can be empowered to engage actively and critically. This approach draws on the principles of Active Blended Learning to develop an ethical pedagogy, with equitable epistemic access for internationally mobile students. This paper explores how a module designed in keeping with ethical pedagogy [Madge, Clare, Parvati Raghuram, and Patricia Noxolo. 2009. “Engaged Pedagogy and Responsibility: A Postcolonial Analysis of International Students.” Geoforum 40 (1): 34–45] succeeded in critically engaging students.  相似文献   

教育学作为一门学科,有着自身的知识内在逻辑和学科规训制度,教育学正是在二者的共同运作之下不断地实现自身的发展和完善。教育学学科规训的产生既有内在的原因,也有外在的原因。为使教育学学科规训得到高效性发挥,应加强对于教育实践场所、教育实践方式和教育学本身的关注。  相似文献   

翻转课堂是一种基于信息技术的新型教学模式,近几年来成为国内外教育改革热议的话题。它颠倒传统教学流程,通过自主探究、体验参与、意义建构、实践应用等教学步骤,改变了传统教学中"以教为中心"的教学模式,而采用了"以学生为中心"的个性化教学,转换了师生的角色。并通过采用线上线下交互学习的方式,为传统的教师教育类课程带来了教学模式的革新,正符合小学英语教学法课程的改革需求。  相似文献   

This article treats the conflict‐laden relation of discourse analysis and the history of sexuality on various levels: at first it is shown how discourse analysis has become relevant for the history of sexuality in the wake of the transformation Foucault initiated. Continuing this discussion, the author outlines the theoretical connection between discourse and sexual experience. He thereby relies on Norman Fairclough's “text‐oriented discourse analysis”, a method that marries linguistic analysis and social theory, and thus facilitates research into the interactive kind of “sexuality”. The author deals with the linguistic, discursive and social practices of the German‐language pedagogical onanism discourse of the late eighteenth century along its respective dimensions. The texts of the late eighteenth century were more strongly oriented towards pedagogy and medicine compared with the religious–transcendental direction of the seventeenth century. Autobiographically infused texts on onanism served to demonstrate “real” case and life histories of onanists. Since the onanist was considered to be completely determined by his disease, one of the first “sexual subjects” emerged. Letters of consultation show that to some extent the consumers frequently adopted the existing model of onanism, but they also produced interpretations of their own. Precisely, those texts by onanists make evident that neither the concept of a passive registration of sexual discourses nor that of a one‐way communication can do justice to social reality. On the contrary, interplay between professionals and consumers developed. The “performance” of the texts could only succeed because scholars and onanists shared a common sociocultural “body” and could, therefore, understand, accept and sense within themselves the importance and meaning of onanism. The German‐language onanism discourse was part of the educationalist discussion throughout Europe in the eighteenth century, and yielded to the professional interests of a discipline on the cusp of becoming established.  相似文献   

教育现象学视域中的教师教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师教育作为教育领域的一个重要实践主题,一直备受关注.在技术理性的主宰下,教师教育违背了教育应有的人文特性.教育现象学为教师教育提供了一种可能的人文视角.教育现象学是一门成人与孩子如何相处的学问.教育现象学认为,富于教育机智是其视域下好教师的标准,引导教师保持教育现象学的生活态度,增强其对生活的敏感性并引导教师逐步形成反思力是培养好教师的优化路径.  相似文献   

教育学是一门什么学问——一场持续不断的探究与争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范教育专业中教育类课程究竟应怎样开设的问题,与对于教育学这门学科的性质的认识有关。教育学作为一门学问,它是具有复合结构的、多层次的、综合性的学问。它的核心层面一共有三个:理论的层面、实践的层面、行动的层面。三者构成一体的教育学。说明教育学既包括教育理论,又包括教育技术,还包括教育行为。以此,教育学作为一门总体课程,它的领域既包含理论性质的课程,又包含实践性质的课程,而且,还包含着一种行动性质的课程。教育学课程核心内容之一,是关于教师的专项研究。  相似文献   

This case study examines the contours of culturally relevant pedagogy in an undergraduate preservice teacher education program for Jewish women. The case describes how the assigned reading of Albarelli’s (2000) narrative of teaching in a Hasidic Jewish school, Teacha! Stories from a Yeshiva, disrupts the classroom community, diminishes student engagement with the course, and undermines student confidence in the instructor. This research explores what happens when “respect for” challenges “reflection about.” The study finds that differential cultural understandings surrounding the concept of “respect” mediate the discourse. The author raises questions about the ethics of social justice in religious teacher education, probes the poverty of educational reform in a landscape of nondiscussables, and offers strategies for navigating this tender terrain.  相似文献   

Historians have documented the dramatic battle over the mass introduction of IQ testing waged by Chicago’s unionised teachers in 1924 against Superintendent McAndrew and the Chicago Board of Education. The efforts of Chicago’s mid‐level district administrators and their work with principals and teachers to address the real and perceived differences of the students pouring into classrooms in this era have garnered less consideration. Examining the work of district administrators responsible for the educational programmes intended to manage “backward”, “subnormal” and “feeble‐minded” children provides a rich case to analyse how these district administrators made use of the emerging field of testing to address the educational issues they confronted. The use of testing in Chicago’s schools during the early twentieth century represents a moment when the line between administrative and pedagogical progressives appeared unclear and illustrates the complexity of educators’ pedagogic beliefs and practices. It offers examples of educators making use of educational testing and resisting it. This study analyses the reports of Chicago’s district administrators and superintendents, who often identified as progressive educators. These administrators seemed able to question the use of testing at least in part because of the vibrant progressive reform movement that existed in Chicago during this era. Indeed, although teacher resistance complicated the use of testing on a wide scale in Chicago, the early concerns of these mid‐level district administrators in the 1910s proved critical to keeping intelligence testing at bay until the mid‐1920s.  相似文献   

In this essay Krassimir Stojanov attempts first to reconstruct the “heart” of Jürgen Habermas's discourse ethics, namely the so‐called “principle of universalization” of ethical norms. This principle grounds Habermas's proceduralist account of social justice via equal access of all concerned to the practices of deliberative validation of norms. Stojanov claims with regard to this account that it could only be implemented if the social actors are involved in a process of education as discursive initiation. After using R. S. Peters's educational theory to distinguish discursive initiation from a traditionalist understanding of educative initiation, he discusses some central social prerequisites for the development of discursive skills in growing individuals; to identify these prerequisites, he draws on Axel Honneth's conception of the intersubjective origins of individuals' development of rational autonomy. In the final part of the essay, Stojanov briefly explores some implications of his elaborated account of discursive initiation and its social preconditions for schooling and pedagogy.  相似文献   

自从《普通教育学》诞生以来,就对世界各国的教育学产生了不可估量的影响,这当然也包括中国。20世纪初期《普通教育学》传入中国,影响了中国教育学界的发展。回顾一百余年的历史,赫氏这篇巨著的命运可谓跌宕起伏。反思我们曾经的所作所为,《普通教育学》对现阶段教育学的发展依然有所启示。  相似文献   

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