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This paper examines the issue of secondary school vocational education reform in North America from a critical‐feminist perspective by linking directly to challenges that women face in pink and blue collar jobs. In the first part of the paper we review the research literature on pink and blue collar jobs in the clerical, sales, service, and manufacturing sectors. We explore how occupational sex segregation, job value and job security shape the working contexts of female employees in these jobs. In the second part of the paper we turn our attention to the implications of these challenges for vocational education reform. We focus on how curricular contexts such as traditional and non‐traditional vocational curricula, secondary school‐workplace linkages, and nonvocational courses could be reformed to become more responsive to the workplace challenges that current and future female workers face in pink and blue collar Jobs.  相似文献   


This paper examines recent British and American discourses on the question of the efficacy of bridging the liberal/vocational divide in the curriculum of secondary schools. It proceeds from a conceptual frame consisting of strongly taken positions on both sides of the question. In both countries it is shown that the discourse springs from the need to make secondary school vocational education more responsive to the needs of contemporary work places. The article traces the lineage of the more enduring philosophical aspects of the discourse to the thought of Dewey, Whitehead and Wamock. It contends that dualistic curricula take their cue from class rigidities in society, and that while the economic climate now makes all education vocationalist, until schools become more truly egalitarian, offering a common liberal or general curriculum to all, the efforts of the current movement will amount to nought.  相似文献   

当今世界许多国家在高中阶段即开始了普通教育和职业教育的分流,普通高中和职业高中究竟谁更具相对优势?通过对泰国高中职业的波比(probit)研究发现,在促进经济发展中,中等职业教育起着非常重要的作用;普通高中教育考虑到经济发展对于生产力的需求而进行适当就业指导将会赢得更多的利益回报。  相似文献   

张秀珍 《高教论坛》2014,(3):105-107
《教育部关于加强高职高专教育人才培养工作的意见》(〔2000〕2号)明确提出:高职高专教育要实现校企"共育人才"的目标,依据这一目标,结合高职文科专业的特点,提出了"校内实训—校企合作—职业鉴定—顶岗就业"这一文科生职业能力培养的模式,力图降低文科生职业能力培养的无序性和模糊性,从而实现高职高专培养高等技术应用性专门人才的目标。  相似文献   

Prior research on the labor market success of secondary vocational education has produced mixed results, with several studies finding wage gains only for individuals who work in training-related occupations. We contribute to this debate by focusing on a single occupation and organization and by comparing the careers of employees with and without occupation-related training in high school. We use longitudinal data on the careers of military recruits who completed high school Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC), a military science program that has features of a vocational training and school-to-work program. We find that the occupation-specific training received via JROTC reduces early turnover and improves long-run job stability for those who choose military jobs, suggesting that an important effect of vocational training is to improve job match quality. We also find that promotion rates for vocational graduates are similar to their peers, suggesting that vocational education in general works by improving occupational sorting.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Christopher Winch's contribution to the debate on the aims of education contains some significant errors and omissions. His definition of work is problematic and leads to the conclusion that education should be directed towards very narrow vocational targets. His argument makes unstated and contestable assumptions about the source of educational aims. Lastly, he underplays the implications of the economic aims of education for the achievement of liberal aims. His programme would lead to less pluralism than the liberal alternative.  相似文献   

This paper examines the vocational education aspects of the new National Policy on Education (NPE) in Nigeria. The NPE advocates a 6+3+3+4 system which means that the educational system would be divided into six years of primary school, three years in a junior secondary school, three years in either a senior secondary school, a technical or teacher training college and four years in a university. The junior secondary school will be terminal for those who do not have the aptitude for the more academic subjects of senior secondary school and the emphasis at this stage would be both pre-vocational and academic. While it is generally thought that the vocational provision outline in the NPE would help to lay the foundation for a modern technological society, it is clearly an over-simplistic appraisal of the Nigerian socio-economic background. First, the selection for the trainees in vocational education is not usually from an open population in terms of relevant characteristics but from a closed population, those who had already proved to be of lower than average ability, by failing to gain entry to the ‘academic’ senior secondary school. The social implication of such a situation is that trainees in vocational education are caught up in an ‘ecological niche’ in society as fishermen, miners and other direct producers. Secondly, when the elite, the top federal government officials, advocate vocational expansion, it is often for other peoples' children rather than their own. Furthermore, as could be seen from the results of the Udoji report set by the government to harmonize civil service salaries, those who had academic qualifications from schooling rather than vocational qualifications were more favoured. Thus this paper calls for a rethink of the NPE, bearing in mind the realities of the Nigerian educational system and the job market.  相似文献   

依法治国是我国的基本国策,而法制教育则是依法治国的一项重要内容。应当说,在中职学生中强化法制教育,增强其法制意识与法制观念,则是实施依法治国战略的根本性工作。根据当前中职生法律观念现状,提出了增强中职生法制观念的主要途径。  相似文献   

Some of the most difficult problems facing governments today are linked to their increasing involvement in the global economy. One of the most pressing problems faced by developed economies is chronically high youth unemployment. As labour markets have tightened, the jobs which have disappeared, and look unlikely to re-emerge as labour markets become more buoyant, are the jobs which young people have traditionally held - unskilled entry level jobs. The creation of the French Baccalauréat Professionnel saw the development of a programme that balanced the needs of a vocational qualification with those of a general education. This paper will look briefly at the background to the debate between general education and vocational education, in particular the low status of vocational education. The paper looks at the manner in which two developed countries in different hemispheres, France and Australia, have attempted to solve an increasingly complex problem: the transition from school to work. It suggests how the McGaw Report [(1997) Shaping Their Future ( Sydney, Department of Training and Education Co-ordination)] tackles this problem of high and low status educational pathways in Australia. The use of 'school-workplace learning' in Australia represents a relatively new specific programme, highlighting the NSW government's direction in school to work transition. In France the Baccalauréat Professionnel (Bac Pro) will be used as an example of a diploma that provides a useful bridge between the vocational and general education streams.  相似文献   

德育是中等职业学校教育的重要组成部分。在新的形势下,我们要重新认识中职学校德育工作的重要性,重点加强职业道德教育,创新工作思路,实现德育工作的规范化、科学化和制度化。要针对中等职业学校的特点实行生本教育,营造良好的教学生态,使教学发挥最强大的德育作用。  相似文献   

基于中等职业教育基础性转向的政策背景,通过对全国10660位中职生的问卷调查,研究了影响我国中职生升学的若干因素。研究发现:中职生具有很高的升学意愿,且以本科为主要期望学历;毕业班和学习自我效能感强的中职生更可能选择升学;学生干部身份和学校生涯教育质量会影响中职生升学意愿;家庭对中职生升学与否的影响主要体现在经济、文化和社会资本,但影响方式和程度与普高生存在差异;对省域中职升学政策的了解和认同会促进学生升学,而对就业市场和本科招生政策的了解和认同会削弱中职生升学意愿。基于此,未来应从职教本科办学规模、高等职业教育招考机制、央地项目设置、公共财政兜底、生涯教育和升学指导等方面优化中职升学环境。  相似文献   

高职教育中更应注重理工类学生"说"能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育的一个突出的特点就是它的实用性,也就是它所培养的毕业生走上社会后能够很快地胜任工作,出色地完成本职工作,毕业生的学历 和能力固然重要,但还应有较好的口才,这样才能成功地推销自己,才能更好地开展工作,进行各个方面的沟通,所以高职院校必须开设语言课,不仅是科专业,理工科也要开设,而且更应注重“说”的能力的培养。  相似文献   

当前高职英语专业毕业论文仍在沿用老旧的学术性论文模式,这脱离了学生从事的岗位,也背离了高职教育的初衰。在调查和借鉴其他院校的基础上,在工学结合理念指导下,根据英语专业的文科特点,并结合学生所在行业的具体工作,笔者提出采用基于工作岗位的实践性论文、调查报告、项目策划书、翻译项目以及核心岗位实习报告等五种毕业综合项目模式来取代毕业论文,并分别对这五种模式的具体内容和形式进行了探讨。  相似文献   


This paper uses Basil Bernstein’s work on pedagogic discourses to examine a largely neglected facet of the history of vocational education – the liberal studies movement in English further education colleges. Initially, the paper discusses some of the competing conceptions of education, work and society which underpinned the rise and fall of the liberal studies movement – if indeed it can be described as such. The paper then draws on data from interviews with former liberal and general studies lecturers to focus on the ways in which different variants of liberal studies were, over time, implicated in inculcating certain forms of knowledge in vocational learners. Whilst it is acknowledged that liberal and general studies always represented contested territory and that it was highly variable both in terms of content and quality, the paper argues that, at least under certain circumstances, liberal studies provided young working-class people with the opportunity to locate their experiences of vocational learning within a critical framework that is largely absent from further education today. This, it is argued, can be conceptualised as an engagement with what Bernstein described as ‘powerful knowledge’.  相似文献   

毕业生参加工作后,因为身体素质的原因,不能胜任工作岗位的体力需求,给中职体育教学提出了新的要求,中职学校的体育教学必须围绕学生就业方向安排教学。在培养学生的终身体育意识的同时还要有针对性地加强学生的体能训练,以便使他们具备良好的体能面对工作岗位的特殊要求。所以学校的体育教学应根据将来的职业特点调整和改造课程体系、教学方法和教学内容等,使学生在校期间能够通过体育课的学习锻炼出一副强健的体魄。  相似文献   

中职院校以培养技术型人才为主,注重学生某项技能的学习,对学生的基本文化知识和个人素养要求较低。思政教育工作关系到中职学生的发展,是人才培养和全民素质提高的关节环节。随着中国社会的发展,传统的中职院校人才培养模式已经不能适应社会的发展。思政教育是其他教育教学的基础,中职学校深入开展思政教育,应该以培养学生高尚道德品质为目标,同时应该注意与其他学科的结合,保证学生全面发展。文章主要对中职学校学生思政教学进行简要分析,希望对中职院校的思政教育起到积极作用。  相似文献   

美国职业教育课程体系及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国的职教课程体系包括基础教育中的生计教育课程、综合高中的职前技术教育课程、职业技术学校课程和从学校到工作的过渡计划课程。这些课程体系给予我们的启示是,职业课程要体现定向性和应用性特征,实施职教课程资源共享,创建多元化、全方位区域职教格局,设置灵活多样的课程形式,构建中高职相结合的职业教育模式。  相似文献   

Learning in vocational schools and workplaces are the two main components of vocational education. Students have to develop professional competences by building meaningful relations between knowledge, skills and attitudes. There are, however, some major concerns about the combination of learning in these two learning environments, since vocational schools are primarily based on the rationales of learning and theory, while workplaces are based on the rationales of working and practice. This study therefore aims to structure empirical insights into students’ learning processes during the combination of school-based learning and workplace learning in vocational education. A review-study has been conducted in which ultimately 24 articles were analyzed thoroughly. The review shows that students’ learning processes in vocational schools and workplaces are related to six main themes: students’ expertise development, students’ learning styles, students’ integration of knowledge acquired in school and workplace, processes of knowledge development, students’ motivations for learning and students’ professional identity development. Our results show that students are novices who use specific and different learning styles and learning activities in vocational schools and workplaces. It is concluded that the enhancement of students’ learning processes needs to be adaptive and differentiated in nature. Recommendations for further research are elaborated and suggestions for the enhancement of students’ learning processes are discussed using insights from hybrid learning environments and boundary crossing via boundary objects.  相似文献   

随着教育事业的创新发展,中职院校也在逐渐扩张其办学规模,学校的生源数量不断提升,但是其生源质量仍旧不高。新时期,中职院校在开展德育课程教学工作中,要以职业素养培育为核心,不断提升学生的综合素养与职业能力,促使学生形成较高的思想认知,在中职教育中开展德育教学是践行社会主义核心价值观的具体表现,有利于社会主义核心价值观的有效弘扬,从而更好地适应日益激烈的市场竞争。以职业素养为导向对中职生进行德育,旨在培养一批具有良好职业操守以及具有创新创业意识的综合性高素养的技能人才。文章主要研究了以中职生职业素养培育为导向的德育课程教学,首先对职业素养的含义进行了分析,然后分析了以中职生职业素养培育为导向的德育课程教学现状,最后具体分析了以中职生职业素养培育为导向的德育课程教学的有效途径。希望通过本文的研究,对于中职以职业素养培育为导向的德育课程教学产生有益的启示。  相似文献   

澳大利亚学校本位学徒制提高了学生进入劳动力市场的就业能力,成为高中毕业生就业与升学的良好选择。澳大利亚学校本位学徒制具有学历与能力并重、学校教育和带薪兼职工作紧密结合、增加职业培训积累实践经验、学分互认和课程融通、严格管理与灵活实施等特点,其对我国实行1+X证书制度具有如下启示:推行学分互认与转换,院校办学以就业为导向,深化产教融合、校企合作,严格按照相关规定执行,保障“X”证书质量。  相似文献   

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