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刘向、刘歆父子校书是我国历史上第一次大规模的整理图书典籍的活动,在中国文献学史上影响重大,但它的一些局限性也给后世目录学带来了消极的影响。  相似文献   

杜穗 《图书馆论坛》1999,(1):92-93,35
本文论述了西汉刘向父子进行的历史上第一次大规模的书籍校理工作。扼要介绍了刘向父子校书的历史背景 ;刘向父子校书的主要方法 ;这些校书方法奠定了校勘学基础 ,并由此创立了中国古代目录学。  相似文献   

两汉——奠定我国图书事业基础的灿烂篇章   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉代统治者重视图书的收集,特别是成帝令刘向父子校理群书,成果卓著.其《别录》与《七略》的图书分类编目法被班固的《汉书·艺文志》所继承发扬,创立了我国图书目录学.这些开创性的成果,奠定了我国图书事业的基础.  相似文献   

章学诚重视学术源流的疏浚,而不是泛泛的学术考辨。他认为纷繁芜杂的图书差异和门类众多的学术纷争都可以转换为源流之辨,而目录学的旨趣即在于通过疏浚学术源流,引领"流"意义上的现实图书和学术回归"源"意义上的理想状态,从而将图书和学术化约为历时性的时间序列,而不是共时性的空间秩序。源流二分既是他考察图书、学术的根本视野,也是规范目录学理念和方法的基本原则。因此,疏浚学术的"源流",才是章学诚久执不改的目录学信念。  相似文献   

目录学是读书、研究工作的重要门径。中国从先秦开始,图书就越来越多,不加以归纳分类,几乎无法使用。因此,以西汉刘向、刘散的《别录入《七略》为标帜,产生了目录之学,清章学诚《校雕能义》称刘氏父子之书“部次条别”,有利于“辨章学术,考镜源流”;张之洞《语学》谓大量图书若“泛滥无归”,则将“终身无得”,若“得门而入”,则“事半功倍”。章。张二氏都充分阐明了目录书之重要。宋以前的目录书多数仅有目录,偶有题序亦往往详略失当。从宋代起,目录书开始有题解、提要,现存晁公武的《郡斋读书志》就有提要,其自序云:“日…  相似文献   

王世伟 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(2):66-69,74
文章介绍了著名版本目录学家潘景郑先生的学术生涯,分别以读书、抄书、校书、鉴书、考书、评书进行了评述。  相似文献   

刘向、刘歆父子长期的图书工作实践,造就了他们在校勘学和目录学方面的成就.他们在图书工作上的实践创新,至今值得图书工作者学习与借鉴.为此,作者愿与同仁一起探讨刘氏父子在图书校勘和编目方面的突出贡献.  相似文献   

本文主要以《医籍考》为视角,探讨了其作者丹波氏父子的目录学思想与成就。作者继承了"辨章学术,考镜源流"的中国传统目录学理论,并运用于《医籍考》的编纂当中,而丹波氏父子也成为晚清直至近代中国传统目录学家的代表之一。  相似文献   

《直斋书录解题》是南宋末年著名的藏书家、目录学家陈振孙编著的著名私目.因其著录的图书数量众多和解题精审而获得历代学者的赞誉,在我国目录学史上占有重要的地位.它的解题言简意赅,涉及内容广泛,但往往侧重于某一方面,大致论及作者、书的价值、内容、取材、体例、真伪、撰述时间、学术源流、图书版本等.为考证、辑佚古代典籍和辨别图书真伪"之所必资",并有利于"辨章学术、考镜源流".  相似文献   

在传统文化领域里,目录学素有“显学”之称。由于种种原因,史学家司马迁在目录学领域至今尚无一席之地。本文以事实表明,《史记》是一部空前规模的隐性书目文献。《史记》中隐含着目录学的理论和款目组织:辨析先秦诸子学术分野,揭示代表人物的生平事迹,考镜诸子学术源流,历数著述及学术成就,并以“互见法”揭示文献内容。《史记》对《汉书·艺文志》产生了重要影响,两书都以国史平台展示图书文献,重视学术流派的辨析,重视图书层面的内在联系。司马迁为目录学的确立和发展做出了奠基性贡献。参考文献8。  相似文献   

司马迁笔下的方志雏型朱积孝Abstract:TheChineselocalchroniclessproutedduringZhouandQindynasties.UptothetimewhenSimewhenSimaQianwrote"ShiJi"(...  相似文献   

司马迁通过广征博采,实地调查等主要方法,利用太史令和中书令的职务便利积累了集皇室档案文书、文献档案、口述档案、文物档案、文学档案等于一体的极丰富的、可靠的、权威的档案资料库,出色地完成了编写《史记》所需的材料准备工作。  相似文献   

上海图书馆藏稿钞本叶英华<莲裳公词稿>,其审订者意见与所录词作题序、自注和本文等,具有多方面的文献价值:有益于考求叶英华世系,有助于详考叶英华参与过的词社,某些作品的自注可以作为词体研究史料使用,于整理叶英华词全集有难得的校勘价值,为近代广东词学家族与家族词学研究提供新的文本支持.  相似文献   

以司马相如、冯衍、班固和张衡四人集为例,考察各集原本(主要是唐本)的旧貌,揭示校勘整理汉魏六朝人集不宜单纯依据丛编本,还需爬梳其原始文本资料.司马相如集的校勘表明选择丛编本作为参校本仍有其必要性.南朝隋唐时期存在文人赋作注本的单行本,推测因具备两人共同创作的文本属性而入"总集类".  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):687-703
In recent years applications like CoveritLive have diffused with great speed throughout online newsrooms. Such technologies create an interface where audience participation and journalistic reporting potentially merge into a text-production system marked by a high degree of immediacy and interactivity. This paper investigates the consequences of such practices for the professional ideology of journalism. What norms and ideals do journalists who initiate and partake in such practices adhere to? To what degree does their practice conflict with traditional ideals of journalistic reporting? The paper analyses the “live” coverage of football matches in the two most popular Norwegian online newspapers, VG Nett and dagbladet.no. The findings suggest that the merger of audience participation and immediacy creates conflicts of ideals for the journalists involved, and that ideals of subjectivity and social cohesion are promoted by such practices of journalism.  相似文献   

西汉末年刘向领校群书时,首先使用了"校雠"一词来指称图书整理工作。由于刘向校书的特殊意义和巨大价值,以致"校雠"一词在东汉以后为人们所广泛使用,并于后世用以指称图书文献事业。至于刘向何以使用"校雠"一词来作为校正图书文字之意,过往学者习以为常,少有细心追究。文章结合传世文献和出土简帛的材料,略作解说。  相似文献   


The myth of the liberal arts college, ivy-covered, cloistered, is increasingly less valid. Yet, at its heart, is an enduring ideal: a small, supportive community of scholars and learners who value the individual's importance. Today's college librarians have an important role in their schools. As agents of change and by offering new ways to achieve old ideals, they subvert the myth, but not the ideals of liberal arts education.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):150-175
Despite their popularity, few studies have systematically investigated the content of romantic comedy movies or the effects they may have on viewers. We conducted two studies to address this gap. The first study was a content analysis of the romantic ideals embedded in the top 52 highest grossing romantic comedies from the last 10 years. Results demonstrated that romantic ideals and challenges are prevalent in these films. The second study was a large-scale survey of 335 undergraduate students, who were asked to report on their romantic comedy movie viewing and beliefs about romance. Results showed that individuals who watched these films in order to learn reported stronger endorsement of romantic ideal beliefs than those who did not watch to learn.  相似文献   

The current study examined the associations between television and movie use, romantic ideals (belief in love conquers all and soul mates), and relationship satisfaction among adults who were currently in romantic relationships. Participants were 306 individuals aged 18–64. They were asked about their media use, their romantic beliefs, and their current relationship. In addition to overall time spent watching television and movies, seven specific genres were measured. Results indicated that viewing each genre of television and movie analyzed (including relationship reality TV, TV drama, TV comedy, soap opera, and romantic movie) was positively associated with romantic ideals. The results for television were not in the hypothesized direction or consistent with prior studies. Television drama and romantic movie viewing were the strongest predictors of belief in love conquers all and relationship satisfaction, whereas soap opera viewing was the strongest predictor of belief in soul mates. None of these associations were moderated by age or relationship length. Mediation analyses also showed that specific genres of viewing were positively associated with relationship satisfaction via romantic ideals. The implications of viewing television and movies for adults’ romantic relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

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