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现代教育重视评价。从功能来分,我们把教育评价分为三类:发展性评价、水平性评价和选拔性评价。"发展性评价"是新课程所需要的教学评价体系中最重要的一种评价体系。它强调的是教学评价要改变统一的过分强调评价的甄别与选择的功能,不仅要关注学生的现实表现,更要尊重学生的个体差异,重视全体学生的未来发展,促进全体学生在本人已有的水平上主动发展。在语文课堂上,教师的评价语言是非常重要的,只有让我们的评价语言更有生命力,有生命的评价语言才能评价  相似文献   

闵杰 《华章》2013,(14)
现代教育评价作为现代教育研究的三大课题之一,受到各国教育界的普遍重视。综观当前世界各国教育评价的发展状况,可以发现如下几种趋势:教育评价观的发展性;教育评价主体的多元化;教育评价范围的发展性;教育评价方法强调质性评价,注重定量与定性相合;教育评价注重过程,将终结性评价与形成性评价相结合;教育评价更加重视发挥元评价的作用,强化评价的监督机制。  相似文献   

教育社会学学科论包括学科要素与学科历史两个基本论域,学科要素则主要由研究对象、学科性质及方法论三者构成。通览我国教育社会学近百年的学科论,可概括大要为如下四则:"一涉",即研究方法论上的"价值涉性";"二说",即研究对象上的"社会化过程说"与"相互关系说";"三论",即学科性质上的"规范学科论"、"事实学科论"及"事实与规范兼有论";"四段",即学科历史上的"初创"、"停滞"、"重建"及"转型"四个阶段。本文以史带论地检视了我国教育社会学学科论中的四个困扰性问题:研究对象上长期主导的"关系说"其实并不能标示教育社会学的学科独特性,学科性质上不得不坚持的"事实学科论"事实上难以成立,学科历史上惯常的"三段论"不免失之粗混,方法论上的"综合论"实乃说到容易做到难。  相似文献   

发展性评价不同于水平性评价和选拔性评价。它是一种重在过程、重视评价对象主体性、以促进评价对象发展为根本目的的评价。它重视综合评价,关注个体差异,实现了评价指标的多元化;强调质性评价,定性与定量相结合,实现了评价方法的多样化;强调参与与互动、自评与他评相结合,实现了评价主体的多元化;注重过程,终结性评价与形成性评价相结合,实现了评价中心的转移。发展评价具有激励、调控与发展的突出特点,因此,对发展性评价的应用研究成了教育研究中具有现实意义的研究领域。“校长任期目标制发展性督导评估”是其中的重要课题。“一个好校长…  相似文献   

发展性学业评价是一种以学生发展为本,关注学生个体的处境和需求,尊重和体现学生个体差异,面向未来,强调合作和自我完善的一种评价方式。它包括基于模块和基于学科的学业评价两个层次,综合采用过程性评价和终结性评价,通过推行差异性考试和免试、加强学科开放式考试研究、重视作业管理与评价、探索学科档案袋评价、探索学生学科特长及荣誉学分认定、成立评价共同体等方法,借助学生发展性课堂学习评价表、各学科模块学习过程性评价表、模块(学科)测验方案表,对学生的学业作出全面的评价。  相似文献   

试论发展性教师评价的理念、过程和主要方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
发展性教师评价在评价理念方面,坚持以促进教师发展为主要目的,鼓励教师积极参与评价,注重动态、形成性评价,强调把交流、研讨贯穿于评价过程,重视教师评价的个别差异性。发展性教师评价主要以教师自我评价、同事相互评价及多主体综合评价等为主要方法。发展性教师评价倡导简便易行的评价标准,强调把握评价的切人点,使评价成为教师日常教育教学活动的组成部分。  相似文献   

发展性评价的关键是教师要用发展的眼光看待每一个学生。发展性评价的核心是重过程。发展性评价强调给评价对象多次评价机会,这种评价不仅要进行有序的数学学科教学,完成知识与技能等基础性目标,更重要的是要从学生全面发展的需要出发,注意学生发展性目标的形成。数学教学的发展性评价的另一个目的是促进教师不断提高教学水平.发展性评价主张评价以促进教师的专业发展为目的。强调教师在评价中的主体地位和民主参与,重视教师的个体差异和评价主体的多元化。  相似文献   

美国教师评价研究对我国高校教师评价制度的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者通过阅读美国教师评价研究的文献,思考中国高校教师评价制度,获得如下启示:在评价的目的上强化发展性评价;评价方式上强调多元化;评价方法上重视量化与质化的结合;开发区分性的教师评价标准;重视评价制度的伦理性标准。  相似文献   

在以素质教育理念为核心的教育背景下,对信息科技教学提出了更多要求,强调教师开展学科教学应坚持理论与实践相结合的原则,注重从学习过程和学习结果等多角度对学生进行教学评价,培养其综合学习素养。因此,教师应在小学信息科技教学时引入发展性教学评价理念,不断创新教育评价模式和丰富评价主体,强化学生独立思考和自主学习的能力,提升信息科技学科教育质量与价值。基于此,本文从正确评价学习方法、构建完善评价机制、重视教学评价过程、尊重学生主体地位等五方面,对发展性教学评价在小学信息科技教学中的应用策略进行探究。  相似文献   

唐善梅  裴育 《继续教育》2010,24(6):61-63
文章通过分析美国教师评价研究的文献,思考中国高校教师评价制度,获得如下启示:在评价的目的上强化发展性评价;评价方式上强调多元化;评价方法上重视量化与质化的结合;开发区分性的教师评价标准;重视评价制度的伦理性标准;以制度促进教师文化建设。  相似文献   

美国高校教师教学评价经过近百年的发展已形成了自己的特色,具有教学评价过程全面丰富,重视教学评价的形成性功能,注重教师自我评价和学生评价,强调教学的学术地位等特点。我国高校教师教学评价应充分借鉴美国经验,在高校教师教学评价中实施发展性教学评价,进一步改进学生评价,重视教师的自我评价,坚持教学学术的价值取向。  相似文献   

语文课程中的发展性学生评价以促进学生全面发展为根本目的,体现了语文新课程理念。我们应明确语文课程的评价内容,在实施中坚持发展性、全面性和合作性的评价原则。发展性学生评价的方法要灵活多样,采取教师评价、自我评价、同伴评价、家长评价等不同方式。发展性评价对当前语文考试改革具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

现代教育评价强调要在日常教育教学中发挥评价的激励和发展功能,学生成长记录袋正是适应这种要求的一种质性评定方法。本文以国内外成功经验的基础,介绍了学生 成长记录袋的理论背景与主要特征,并探讨了通过行动研究推进这种方法的具体策略。  相似文献   

学生评价改革是基础教育课程改革的重要组成部分,建立发展性学生评价体系是新一轮课程改革的重心和突破口.发展性学生评价是在教育性学生评价与选拔性学生评价整合的基础上形成的更加科学合理的学生评价模式,正确把握发展性学生评价,并积极运用于教学实践,对促进学生全面主动发展和新课程下的教育教学改革具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

Learning progressions, or representations of how student ideas develop in a domain, hold promise as tools to support teachers' formative assessment practices. The ideas represented in a learning progression might help teachers to identify and make inferences about evidence collected of student thinking, necessary precursors to modifying instruction to help students advance in their learning. The study reported in this article took the novel approach of using a learning progression for natural selection to support teachers' enactment of formative assessment. Sources of data include interviews and videotapes of six high school biology teachers leading assessment conversations around the same formative assessment questions. Results indicate that while teachers picked out and made inferences about student ideas related to the learning progression during assessment conversations, they did not use all parts of the learning progression in the same way. Furthermore, several of the teachers seemed to use the learning progressions simply as catalogs of misconceptions to be “squashed” rather than drawing upon the developmental affordances offered by a learning progression. Results are framed in terms of the utility of learning progressions as supports for classroom practice. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 1181–1210, 2012  相似文献   

International comparative data on student performance has led McKinsey&Company, among others, to suggest that education systems will inexorably converge in their developmental trajectories with principals and schools enjoying more autonomy. This article challenges these assumptions through referencing Singapore where schools and professionals are still tightly controlled in key resources, curricula and assessment, and where other key factors contribute to its success – thereby evidencing multiple pathways to success.  相似文献   

Within the current accountability framework of public education, kindergarten teachers face the challenge of balancing traditional developmental programing and current academically oriented curriculum. Central to this challenge is teachers’ uses of assessment to measure and communicate student learning in relation to their curricular stance. The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth examination of three teachers’ approaches to assessment within the current context of kindergarten education in order to elucidate potential approaches to bridging developmental and academic demands. Based on data collected from teacher interviews and classroom observations, three profiles are constructed that link focal teachers’ curricular stances with their approach to assessment. The paper concludes with a discussion on assessment within kindergarten education and areas for future research in the field.  相似文献   

This article reviews key developmental theories that have been adopted by writing development researchers over the last fifty years. It describes how researchers have translated these theories into definitions of writing development capable of influencing curricular design and interpretations of student writing and explores the implications for assessment extended by each theory. This piece examines both the variations in assessment practices/emphases suggested by different developmental theories as well as the shared assumptions about growth to which they lead, arguing that these commonalities should guide efforts to foreground development in the assessment of writing.  相似文献   

本文从发展性辅导的角度进行经济困难生管理工作的研究,首先介绍了发展性辅导的理念和内容以及对经济困难生管理工作的意义。从辅导队伍、辅导内容、辅导平台、辅导评价四个方面提出发展性辅导的模式。  相似文献   

Addressing high demand for developmental math instruction and low rates of successful completing of the developmental coursework, with cost and space constraints, has been an ongoing challenge for postsecondary institutions. With advances in online instructional technology, particularly those based on artificial intelligence, web-based instruction is increasingly considered as a way to alleviate these burdens. This is among one of the first efforts that uses a quasi-experimental design to compare the academic outcomes of students who take a developmental mathematics course in a blended setting that combines face-to-face instruction with an online intelligent tutorial system, ALEKS, to the academic outcomes of students who take the same course in a fully online setting. Results suggest that students receiving online-only instruction perform worse on the final exam and receive lower course grades. However, a cost-effectiveness analysis suggests that fully online instruction has both a lower cost per student enrolled and a lower cost per student passing the course.  相似文献   

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