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Arrows of time in early childhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three studies with 149 children were conducted to provide information about development of the perception of temporally unidirectional transformations, such as dropping blocks or breaking a cookie. Children 3.5 through 6.5 years of age compared forward and backward videotapes of events or made individual judgments of what would happen if the actions were attempted. Even children 3.5 to 4.5 years of age recognized the anomaly of backward versions of gravity and separation events. In addition, relatively few children predicted impossible transformations in the prediction task. The results show that young children, like adults, are sensitive to the unidirectional nature of varied transformations.  相似文献   

视频编辑主要指对视频进行镜头画面剪切和串编。针对目前非线性视频编辑系统编辑性能依赖专用硬件板卡或者对视频源进行编辑时占用较大的CPU和PF使用率,且保存的文件占用较大空间的缺陷,提出纯软件的虚拟编辑的方法。通过创建一个拉模式的源过滤器获取视频文件数据,利用IAM Timecode Generator接口方法,编辑时为每帧编排序号并将各个将要编辑的视频序列的开始与结束的帧序号记录下来,并保存到数据库中;播放时读出数据库中记录的帧序号,在源视频文件中进行帧定位播放。该方法对于AVI格式视频文件进行虚拟编辑,播放过程中画面过渡自然,效果良好。  相似文献   

研究采用田野调查法对云南省一个农村地区的少数民族初中生辍学现象的成因作了家庭调查,立足于学生个人在复杂的角色中面临的角色冲突,分析了学生辍学过程中的推力、拉力因素以及反推力和反拉力因素。  相似文献   

亨利·卢斯对于20世纪前半期中美关系的影响在主流的研究视角中没有得到应有的重视。他得以成为中美关系史上的重要人物确非偶然。这是一位典型的美国至上主义者,有着深刻的宗教背景,特殊的中国情结,控制着一个影响非凡的舆论王国。他坚信美国正面临着承担一个强国的使命,因此有义务在全球范围内展现它的政治、经济和文化影响,而中国则是一片理想的试验田,一个美国化中国的出现,将是美国完成其强国使命的有力证明,"中美相似论"正是为了实现这一"强国梦想"而精心设计出来的。在亨利·卢斯控制时代公司的20多年里,"中美相似论"帮助塑造了美国主流的中国印象与舆论,从而形成了一种对于政府决策的公众压力。  相似文献   

语言输出的注意功能和验证假设功能中均匀丰“推动效应”,它能将二语学习的语言输出从白话体推向正式体。而正式体对白话体又会产生一种“拉引效应”。从心理学和驱力理论角度,探讨推动与拉引之间的互动关系及其对第二语言习得的影响,可以得出结论:推动对拉引的作用是正效应的,而拉引对推动的作用则正、负效应的,而且知推动和拉引的共同作用下,推动始终处于减弱状态,并向“零状态”无限接近。此结论可以解释中介语理论和“高原期”现象的合理性,并能从总体上反映第二语言的习得过程。  相似文献   

本文分析了港口经济的一般优势以及其对腹地经济的拉动作用,探讨了港口经济对腹地经济的拉动效应的测算方法,提出了强化港口经济对内陆腹地经济拉动效应的策略。  相似文献   

文章以推拉理论为基础,研究了沙特游客的出境旅游动机。研究结果显示:“商务”因子是沙特游客出境旅游的最主要推力因子,而“安全舒适”是最主要的拉力因子;拉力因子和推力因子分别在个别人口统计学特征上存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

The urban areas of Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) have become sites for cultural and educational convergence, as well as the reproduction of the élite as a class, far more than the rural areas. The urban secondary schools in cities such as Accra and Cape Coast in Ghana, and the lycées in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, serve as sites for the realization of these goals. Here, the cultural pull and push factors arising from West Africa's 'triple cultural heritage' that is African, EuroChristian and Islamic have placed considerable strain and stress on secondary school students and secondary education as a whole. This situation has been further complicated in recent years by the interplay of cultural pull and push factors emanating from the West, especially Britain, France and the United States. This complicated postcolonial condition with its implications for nation-building and development in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire constitutes the subject of analysis in this article. It is argued that the cultural pull and push factors and the forces of globalization emerging from the West tend to move secondary education and secondary school students in both countries towards neocolonial influences.  相似文献   

While the world market for international students in higher education is dominated by traditional major players such as the US, UK and Australia, Malaysia has emerged as a recent contender with a market share of 2%. There is a gap in the literature in assessing the contributions of policy initiatives, including trade agreements, towards attracting inbound international students, especially from emerging contenders such as Malaysia. The objective of this paper is to compare and assess the policy initiatives at the unilateral, multilateral, regional and bilateral level and their impact on the host environment which is defined in terms of the key pull factors that have attracted international students to Malaysia. The main findings show that domestic policy initiatives have enhanced the host environment for attracting international students by providing a governance system that protects the interests of international students through its regulations. Efforts to improve quality assurance and accreditation also serve to attract international students. The regulation of fees contributed towards competitively priced programmes that are also pull factors. Multilateral, regional and bilateral commitments are relatively new, emerging only after 2006, and have less potential influence on inflows of international students as these commitments reflect, at best, existing practices in this sector.  相似文献   

混凝土重力坝是中国坝工建设中的主要坝型,具有安全可靠、设计施工技术简单、对地形地质条件适应性好、施工导流和永久性泄洪问题容易解决等优点。重力坝的剖面设计是重力坝设计的一项主要内容,本文分析计算了非溢流混凝土重力坝剖面参数x1、x2、x3与上游水位、抗剪摩擦系数、扬压力折减系数的关系,结果表明随着摩擦系数的增加或上游水位的减小,上游折坡点位置逐渐变低,上游坝坡逐渐减小,直到上游变为直立面,下游坝坡逐渐减小,直到本文给定的最小下游坝坡0.5,且扬压力折减系数对坝体剖面的影响与抗剪摩擦系数的关系比较大,为工程设计提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移是个十分复杂的问题,不但和经济因素有关,还受到制度、文化、传统、习俗等众多因素的影响,针对目前吉林省农村剩余劳动力过多、转移困难现象,运用“反推-拉”理论模型有助于分析农村劳动力转移障碍问题。  相似文献   

研究了方阵A的左伴随还原矩阵的存在性问题,给出了左伴随还原矩阵的存在形式,进一步完善了伴随还原矩阵的结论.  相似文献   

This article examines the main strands of thinking about gravity through the ages and the continuity of thought-experiments, from the early Greeks, through medieval times, to Galileo, Newton and Einstein. The key ideas are used to contextualise an empirical study of 247 children’s ideas about falling objects carried out in China and New Zealand, including the use of scenarios involving thrown and dropped items, and objects falling down deep well holes (as in Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland). The sample included 68 pre-school pupils, 68 primary school pupils, 56 middle school students, and 55 high school students; with approximately equal numbers in each group and of boys and girls in each group in each culture. The methodology utilised Piagetian interviews with three media (verbal language, drawing, and play-dough), a shadow stick; and everyday items including model people and soft model animals. The data from each group was categorised and analysed with KolmogorovSmirnov Two-Sample Tests and Spearman r s coefficients. It was hypothesised and confirmed (at KS alpha levels .05; r s : p < .001) that cross-age and cross-cultural research and analysis would reveal that (a) an intuitive sense of gravity is present from an early age and develops in association with concepts like Earth shape and motion; (b) the development of concepts of gravity is similar in cultures such as China and New Zealand where teachers hold a scientific world view; and (c) children’s concepts of Earth motion, Earth shape, and gravity are coherent rather than fragmented. It was also demonstrated that multi-media interviews together with concrete experiences and thought-experiments afforded children the opportunity to share their emerging concepts of gravity. The findings provide information that teachers might use for lessons at an appropriate level.  相似文献   

在热力学中,理想气体所组成的宏观型热力学系统,是不考虑重力场作用下所遵从的玻意耳定律、查理定律和盖·吕萨克定律即气体实验三定律;对于实验中的真实气体是受重力场作用的,其宏观热力学系统就不严格遵从气体实验三定律;该文运用气体分子动理论和玻耳兹曼速度分布律,把宏观热力学系统按重力场方向分割成一系列的微观型的热力学系统,对重力场中的微观型热力学系统所遵从的气体实验三定律进行了统计证明.  相似文献   

A. Batterjee 《Resonance》2006,11(4):45-55
As readers would be aware, Einstein presented his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905. It soon became clear that while this theory could encompass mechanics and electromagnetism, gravity lay beyond its reach. The effort to reconcile special relativity with Newtonian gravitation theory turned out to be exceptionally demanding, and it led to the General Theory which transcends both these starting points.  相似文献   

针对选煤厂压滤机的电控系统操作过程中存在安全隐患大,生产效率低的情况;分析了电控系统不合理的原因;对压滤机的电控操作系统重新设计了拉板控制电路,实现了拉板和去拉板的分块控制,并对控制电源主回路系统进行了技术改造;改造后操作简便,消除了安全隐患,取得了较好的经济和社会效益.  相似文献   

我国东西部发展差距的核心是教育差距、人才素质的差距。构建和谐社会实现历史跨越,要求教育必须和谐发展,并成为社会和谐发展的牵引和支撑。高等教育应义不容辞地肩负历史的使命,为西南地区社会发展、经济振兴、科技创新、文化繁荣、人才培养作积极贡献。  相似文献   

气固并流顺重力场与逆重力场流动形成了迥然不同的流态化机制.与提升管相比,下行床具有气固速度及颗粒浓度径向分布较均匀、气固停留时间短而一致等特点,其流型更接近平推流.  相似文献   

“逻各斯”之所以重要,关键在于它能作为一把钥匙,帮助我们理解赫拉克利特的全部哲学思想。而其在赫拉克利特著作残篇中的使用却有很大的灵活性,这增加了我们研究难度。在具体的阅读学习中,我们应该用具体问题具体分析解决这一问题。  相似文献   

广义相对论否定了空间与时间是外在于物质的特别的实体,而是物质的相互作用与运动的显现的现象;同时,运动的定义不是相对作为背景的空间和时间,而是运动系统自身的运动关系的界定。作为显现的关系现象的时空不存在客观的时间。在此基础上的量子引力改变了物理学的认识论基础。量子引力中的各种问题带来了一系列意义深远的本体论与认识论的问题。  相似文献   

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