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《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程教学案例的选取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
案例教学法,又称情景教学法,情景仿真法,是当代一种很有发展潜力的教学模式,是为达到一定的教学目的,学生在教师的引导下围绕教师所提供的案例进行阅读分析、评判和讨论,进而得出结论或解决问题的方案,深化对相关原理的认知和对科学知识的系统掌握,从而促进学生能力素质发展的一种教学方法.案例教学的真谛与核心,在于让学生在对案例进行分析、探讨并解决具体问题的过程中,获得启迪,渐渐归纳并领悟出一个适合个人特点的有效的思维路线和思维逻辑,并把理论运用于实际,深化理论学习,真正地做到学理论、懂理论、用理论三者有机结合,从而化理论为方法,化理论为德行,全面提高学生的素质及能力.  相似文献   

案例教学法和项目教学法是理论与实践有效结合的教学方法,就《影视动画剪辑》这门操作性、实践性较强的课程而言,它能够激发学习者的兴趣和潜能,并培养出适应企业需求的应用型人才。该文主要分析案例教学法在理论教学、项目教学法在实践教学中的应用优势,设计真实的案例和项目,并运用在实际教学过程中。  相似文献   

王德鲁 《科技风》2013,(17):183-184
案例教学法的实施为解决运营管理课程教学过程中理论与实践脱节的问题提供了一条行之有效的途径。但要取得良好的教学效果,必须选择与学生知识结构特征相匹配的案例,提高案例的质量和适应性,这已成为案例教学的关键点之一。  相似文献   

对案例教学法在工商管理教学中应用的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
案例教学法在工商管理教学过程中得到广泛的应用,具有较强的针对性、开放性、实践性和师生的互动性。当前案例教学中存在着教学过程重理论轻实践、案例质量不高、教师缺乏实际企业管理经历等问题。在教学中我们还要注意培养学生各种能力、案例教学没有固定答案、教学形式应灵活多样等方面。  相似文献   

案例教学法已被实践证明是一种培养学生能力和提高学生素质的有效教学方法,是管理学科课程教育中普遍推崇和倡导的教学方法.但是,在《管理学原理》的教学中,大学生往往关心案例而忽视管理理论学习.同时,教师往往强调理论教学而对案例教学重视不足.本文提出在对这两个方面分析的基础上进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

《管理学原理》理论教学与案例教学问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翁文先 《科教文汇》2007,(9X):27-28
案例教学法已被实践证明是一种培养学生能力和提高学生素质的有效教学方法,是管理学科课程教育中普遍推崇和倡导的教学方法。但是,在《管理学原理》的教学中,大学生往往关心案例而忽视管理理论学习。同时,教师往往强调理论教学而对案例教学重视不足。本文提出在对这两个方面分析的基础上进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

“利息理论”作为高等学校金融学科的一门专业基础类课程,是学习和掌握金融市场学、金融工程和寿险精算数学等后续专业课程的必备入门知识,而研究性教学法作为一种有效的引导学生主动探究、培养学生实践能力和创新精神的教学方式,可以激发学生的学习兴趣、培养学生独立思考能力。因此,结合教学实践,在“利息理论”课程教学中尝试使用研究性教学法具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

"利息理论"作为高等学校金融学科的一门专业基础类课程,是学习和掌握金融市场学、金融工程和寿险精算数学等后续专业课程的必备入门知识,而研究性教学法作为一种有效的引导学生主动探究、培养学生实践能力和创新精神的教学方式,可以激发学生的学习兴趣、培养学生独立思考能力。因此,结合教学实践,在"利息理论"课程教学中尝试使用研究性教学法具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

在经济全球化高速发展的大形势下,做商务的人要通晓英语,学英语的人要懂得商务。因此,对商务英语人才的需求日益增大,大批高职院校纷纷开设商务英语专业。如何构建一个成功的教学模式,成为商务英语教学工作者不断探索的一个课题。现从高职院校学生的特点入手,从商务英语的课程特点和教学目标,以及各类教学法的特征入手,分析了案例教学法、交际教学法和互动交流教学法在商务英语教学中的表现形式及其应用。  相似文献   

白秀娜 《科教文汇》2008,(34):69-69
21世纪的高等教育应加强理论教育与实践的结合,重视学生自主学习能力、实践与创新能力的培养。房地产营销学作为一门理论性和实践性均较强的学科,采用案例教学法对于学生综合能力的培养具有其他教学方法所不可比拟的优势。本文就案例教学法如何在高等教育房地产营销课教学中组织实施及案例教学过程中应注意的一些问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

曾运用于法律、医学及工商管理教学领域的案例教学是指教师通过利用典型的案例给学生提供一个近乎真实的业界情景,主要用来教授学生相应业务实践中的重要思想、技能及理论知识。本文通过对案例教学及其特点的分析,探讨在教师岗前培训中引入案例教学的意义,最后提出了实施成功案例教学应注意的问题。  相似文献   

罗娟  罗建光 《科教文汇》2011,(22):10-10,17
曾运用于法律、医学及工商管理教学领域的案例教学是指教师通过利用典型的案例给学生提供一个近乎真实的业界情景,主要用来教授学生相应业务实践中的重要思想、技能及理论知识。本文通过对案例教学及其特点的分析,探讨在教师岗前培训中引入案例教学的意义,最后提出了实施成功案例教学应注意的问题。  相似文献   

付凤菊 《科教文汇》2014,(29):113-114
案例教学法应用到大学英语听说课教学中有利于活跃课堂气氛,提高学生的参与程度,使学生在案例中提高听力及口语水平。通过案例学习与分析可以开阔学生的知识面,增加学生的英语听说知识储备。案例分析以小组合作的形式完成,可以培养学生的团队合作意识,促进学生之间的知识共享与相互学习。因此,案例教学法是大学英语教学改革的可行方式之一。  相似文献   

彭学敏 《科教文汇》2011,(13):37-38
案例教学是一种十分有效的教学方法,能够提高学生的实践能力,培养学生的创造性思维。但是,熟练地运用案例教学是一个比较复杂的过程,对教师提出了更高的要求。本文尝试把案例教学引入跨文化商务交际课程中,就课前案例的选择、课上案例的呈现和讨论、课后的总结和评价等方面进行了探讨,旨在提高学生的跨文化交际能力,培养实用性人才。  相似文献   

In the last decade, there has been increasing pressure on academic laboratories to produce practical results. The last 10 years also have seen a growing interest in knowledge management, a management discipline believed to enhance organizations’ innovative capability by the sharing and creation of knowledge. While most knowledge management cases refer to the business setting, we believe that the introduction of these practices can also enhance knowledge creation and knowledge sharing within and among research units. This paper focuses on a pilot study being conducted at a Japanese public graduate university – JAIST – under a Center of Excellence (COE) program that was established to bring the performance of research laboratories up to a world class level in productivity by applying the theories and tools of knowledge science. This study is a cooperative effort between the School of Knowledge Science, doing research on knowledge management and systems, and two research laboratories in the School of Materials Science, doing basic and applied research on materials science. The goal of this project is to enhance materials science students’ capabilities so that they become successful creators of new scientific knowledge. A group of seven graduate research students volunteered for the study. As one of the first steps, we introduced a formal and periodic written reporting system that motivates students to think strategically about their experiments, helps them to improve their communications skills, and enables students to self-evaluate their skills and supervisors to evaluate the students’ skills as well as monitor their progress and developments in a formalized way. Since the project is relatively new, these preliminary results are associated with a generalized awareness and participation of the students in the project. However, we are expecting to obtain more concrete results, that is, quantifiable improvements in scientific production, in the near future.  相似文献   

郑毅  徐芳  牛华勇 《科研管理》2020,41(10):238-247
由于研发人员工作内容的复杂和产出的不确定,如何对其绩效进行科学、准确的测量和管理一直以来困扰着研发管理者。较之于社会标签、工作结果等表层绩效信息,对研发人员日常工作行为的分析研究可以帮助我们更好的理解其深层次绩效特征,进而开展有针对性的绩效管理。因此本文提出了一种基于行为证据推理的研发人员绩效测量方法。这一方法首先确定与研发人员绩效相关的行为证据,进而采集行为数据并利用证据推理规则构建起研发人员“行为-绩效”间的推理关系,进而根据推理结果对研发人员绩效表现进行预测和管理。通过实证研究,上述方法可以有效判断个体研发人员的绩效水平,并帮助研发管理者开展有针对性的绩效反馈、提升。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a current trend that reveals the next-generation application architecture and it is estimated that by 2013 the cloud market will have reached $8.1bn. While cloud services such as webmail, Flickr and YouTube have been widely used by individuals for some time, it not until relatively recently that organisations have began to use cloud services as a tool for meeting their IT needs. This study aims to investigate how cloud computing is understood by IT professionals and the concerns that IT professionals have in regard to the adoption of cloud services. The study was carried out in Taiwan and used a survey by interview approach to understand IT professionals’ understandings and concerns about cloud computing. The findings of the study suggest that while the benefits of cloud computing such as its computational power and ability to help companies save costs are often mentioned in the literature, the primary concerns that IT managers and software engineers have are compatibility of the cloud with companies’ policy, IS development environment, and business needs; and relative advantages of adopting cloud solutions. The findings also suggest that most IT companies in Taiwan will not adopt cloud computing until the uncertainties associated with cloud computing, e.g. security and standardisation are reduced and successful business models have emerged.  相似文献   

This study is based on an actual simulation application project carried out for a parcel transportation company. In its current system, the company has a wide network of branches throughout the country. Although, it is good to have a large network in terms of accessibility and increasing the business volume, performing the same operations in almost every branch is costly ineffective. Consequently, the company managers considered merging several branches in the same neighborhood and carrying out most of the tasks in these central branches. As they consulted us to see if this idea is feasible or not, we decided to use simulation modeling. After carefully investigating the details of the system we developed a comprehensive model of this dynamic and complicated system and looked at the feasibility and also the limitations of their approach. After getting the results, we noticed that what they planned would not work out and developed another central branch design that could work out. Using design of experiments we obtained the behavior of the suggested system under different business scenarios. In this study, we describe the details of this interesting application of simulation modeling.  相似文献   

Knowledge is the currency of the current economy and a vital resource for sustaining organisational performance in today’s knowledge-based intensively competitive business environment. To avoid the detrimental consequences of knowledge loss, managers are urged to identify where knowledge stocks exist and how knowledge flows within their organisations by identifying knowledge holders among their employees. Although some studies have attempted to use different methods to measure knowledge at the organisational level, very few have addressed the individual knowledge holder. Moving from a critical literature review of the existing knowledge measurement approaches, this paper proposes a novel framework that enables organisations to measure individual knowledge in the business context using a set of metrics, which are subsequently validated via a series of in-depth interviews with senior managers. A summary of the managers’ views on individual knowledge measurement is presented, and reflections on the industry application of the proposed framework and recommendations for its improvement are also discussed.  相似文献   

文章通过建筑材料课程的传统实验教学方法与开放式实验教学方法的比较和分析,认为应该大力推广开放式实验教学。开放式实验教学能够帮助学生全面理解和掌握理论知识,加强学生自主思考和独立工作的能力,培养学生的创新意识和创新能力。  相似文献   

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