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自主绘画活动对而儿童的自我发展有着积极的促进作用。本篇文章主要对幼儿自主性绘画作品的主要特点和对幼儿自主性绘画作品的特点进行发挥的教学措施进行了探究。  相似文献   

绘画应该是儿童自由探索和表现世界、自由表达自己思想感情的活动。幼儿园绘画教学的指导思想应该坚持三条基本原则:一是创造条件让幼儿自由自主表现;二是启发幼儿审美和创造;三是促进幼儿全面发展。  相似文献   

师雯 《学前教育》2006,(4):28-29
在美术教育领域,绘画和泥塑同是幼儿表现自我和主动想像、创造的有效途径。但两者分属不同的体系,实践中我发现,幼儿在绘画过程中最容易出现的问题是无法将现实生活中的三维情景事物转化为二维的空间形象,这在一定程度上抑制了他们对绘画创作的表现,而泥塑活动能提供给幼儿再次感受三维立体情景事物的机会。使他们通过团、捏、搓等小肌肉活动,再现事物的细微变化。为此,我尝试将泥塑融入到幼儿绘画教学中,以弥补幼儿在绘画过程中出现的问题。  相似文献   

陈静黎 《幼儿教育》2004,(11):10-11
现代绘画艺术以其绚烂多彩的反传统表现形态和在艺术史上的重要地位而备受世人瞩目。而表现对世界的初步认识和表达真实情感的幼儿绘画以其纯朴、率真的特点也愈来愈受人们的关注。人们发现有些现代绘画作品的表现形式和风格与幼儿绘画有颇多相似之处。人们在惊讶之余不禁会问:现代绘画与幼儿绘画怎么会有这么多的相似之处?现代绘画大师亨利&;#183;马蒂斯曾经说过,画家  相似文献   

高洪 《广西教育》2012,(37):88-88
幼儿的绘画是一种艺术,孩子是天生的艺术家;幼儿绘画的主要特征是表达自己内心的情感,是儿童心灵之窗,是一种与他人交流的形象语言,更是对幼儿进行创造教育的载体。那么,如何激发幼儿的绘画兴趣,培养他们的绘画能力呢?一、选择幼儿熟悉的几何图形为素材,激发绘画创作的兴趣随着年龄的增长,幼儿对事物的认识日渐丰富,但表达的方式仍有些欠缺,绘  相似文献   

儿童绘画,是儿童依据自己的思维,应用自己的绘画方式来表现自我愿望的过程,也是不断拓展幼儿创造性思维的过程.在幼儿绘画教学中,由于幼儿动手能力差,往往用绘画的形式表现自己的愿望,表现得不到位,甚至画出的作品与儿童的心愿不相符,这样就会导致幼儿失去绘画的兴趣.  相似文献   

幼儿绘画构图能力的发展及指导   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在形象分布方面。幼儿绘画构图的水平由低到高分为零乱式、并列式、散点式、遮挡式;在处理形象主次关系方面。幼儿绘画构图的水平由低到高分为罗列形象、以空间关系安排形象、形成主题与背景。依据幼儿绘画构图能力的发展。对小班幼儿绘画的指导应侧重于鼓励幼儿大胆地作画、有意识地引导幼儿观察;对中班幼儿绘画的指导应重点强调通过多种形式观察物体、进行简单的构图练习、通过情感体验来表现空间关系;对大班幼儿绘画的指导应重点强调进行情节画的创作、开展多种形式的构图练习、通过欣赏感受大师作品中的构图形式。  相似文献   

幼儿绘画是一种表达的方式,幼儿美术教育是探索和研究儿童性格和心理特征的重要线索,对于幼儿绘画作品的解读与分析能够加深与儿童的沟通交流,从而促进幼儿认知和意识形态的正向发展。基于幼儿绘画作品的评价与分析,探讨对应的教学原则,提出几点意见和建议。  相似文献   

何飚 《山东教育》2003,(18):24-25
幼儿绘画活动是其内外相互作用的完整过程,幼儿通过感知外界事物,产生相应的情感和创造动机,生成意象,最后外化成可视的形象在画纸上表现出来。在这个过程中,幼儿运用并发挥了它的全部心理能力,将自身与现实都超越到一个新的领域。由此可见,幼儿绘画是一种创造性活动,它能发展幼儿的全部心理能力,使幼儿获得情感表达的满足。一、语言伴随幼儿的绘画过程幼儿绘画的发展与幼儿生理和心理的发展密切联系,幼儿绘画发展经过了涂鸦期、象征期和形象期,不管是那个阶段,语言始终伴随着幼儿的绘画活动。(一)幼儿绘画特点与心理发展特点之间的关系决定…  相似文献   

正绘画是人们表达自己情感的一种语言,在幼儿的世界中更是如此。绘画是幼儿反映对客观世界的认识和体验,表达内心世界的一种重要方式。同时,绘画活动还是培养人的形象思维能力,培养人的想象力的重要途径,重视绘画的教育有利于锻炼孩子们的右脑,开发智力。在绘画活动中,需要孩子保持较长时间的精力集中,还能培养孩子的耐性、毅力。因此,在《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中,绘画艺术是重要的教育内容之一。在教学实践中,笔者认为培养孩子们的绘画能力可以实行以下三策略。一、优选内容———激发幼儿的绘画兴趣兴趣是学习的前提条件,只有抓住幼儿的兴趣特点,才能激发他们的学习动力,提高绘画教学的效率。幼儿有非常  相似文献   

高等师范院校学前教育专业儿童画教学要全面提高学生综合素养,紧密联系我国学前教育发展状况,奠定美术教育基础,加强学前美术教育的综合性和多样性,促进儿童画教学能力培养。在具体教学内容的选择上可着重在生活和自然中发现美、表现美,增强民族性、地域性美术要素,充实儿童画教学内涵。  相似文献   

Early understanding and production of graphic symbols   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Young children's ability to understand and produce graphic symbols within an environment of social communication was investigated in two experiments. Children aged 2, 3, and 4 years produced graphic symbols of simple objects on their own, used them in a social communicative game, and responded to experimenter's symbols. In Experiment 1 (N = 48), 2-year-olds did not effectively produce symbols or use the experimenter's symbols in the choice task, whereas 3- and 4-year-olds improved their drawings following the game and performed above chance with the experimenter's symbols. Ability to produce an effective graphic symbol was correlated with success on a task that measured understanding of the experimenter's symbols, supporting the claim that children's ability to produce a graphic symbol rests on the understanding of the symbolic function of pictures. In Experiment 2, 32 children aged 3 and 4 years improved their third set of drawings when they received feedback that their drawings were not effective communications. The results suggest that production and understanding of graphic symbols can be facilitated by the same social factors that improve verbal symbolic abilities, thereby raising the question of domain specificity in symbolic development.  相似文献   

Children's choice of drawings to communicate their ideas about technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines children's choice of drawing to communicate their understanding of the concept “technology”. The study explored whether the children's drawings accurately reflected the depth and range of their understanding of technology in a way that was interpretable by others. Data were collected from 314 primary school children in England and 745 children in Western Australia. Children were invited to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding about technology by responding to a writing/drawing activity and a representative subsample were then interviewed about their responses. About two-thirds of children's responses to the activity included drawings. Children held a wide range of ideas about technology and only rarely was a drawing difficult to interpret. Although overall the drawings reflected the range of children's ideas, sometimes they did not reveal the depth or breadth of an individual child's understanding. Consistent with the ideas represented in the drawings, the interviews found that younger children held simpler ideas about technology, while older children held more complex, and sometimes quite abstract concepts of technology. A notable difference between the two countries was the emphasis on “design and make” and a smaller proportion of no response in the English sample, reflecting the greater length of time technology education has been implemented in England compared to Western Australia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to replicate Manning's (1987) research that looked at "Favorite Kind of Day" drawings produced by children who had been maltreated in comparison to non-maltreated children. The hypothesis of the study was that the maltreated children's drawings would consistently differ from drawings produced by non-maltreated children over time. METHOD: Eighteen children aged between 4 and 8 years old were individually asked to draw their "Favorite Kind of Day" (FKD). The drawings from six physically maltreated participants were compared to 12 non-maltreated children matched for age, sex, socio-economic and educational background. The drawings were compared on three criteria: inclement weather, size, and movement of weather. RESULTS: The results showed that over a period of 18 months, maltreated and non-maltreated children consistently drew similar drawings, and no significant differences were found between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: The implications of these findings cannot be underestimated, as clinical use of the FKD technique suggested by Manning's findings, for English children at least, would lead to incorrect identification of children as having suffered maltreatment when they may in fact not have.  相似文献   

Human figure drawings were collected from 287 schooled and unschooled children, aged between 10 and 15 years, living in a remote region of the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, an area with no tradition of graphic art. A classification and ordinal scoring system was devised which encompassed graphic productions ranging from scribbles to conventional competent human figure drawings. The effects of school experience on drawing, even brief and indirect experience, were found to be significant. All the children attending school drew only conventional human figures, but the whole range of drawings, scribbles, transitional forms, and conventional human figure drawings were found in the unschooled children's attempts. Nonrepresentational scribbles and shapes were largely produced by unschooled children living in remote villages without a school, trade store, or mission. Some children appeared to be able to draw representations of the human figure without going through a scribbling stage. The material is considered in relation to other reports on drawings produced by children from societies with little or no indigenous graphic art. The results are discussed in relation to various theories on the development of drawing and representational abilities.  相似文献   

权威认知主要是指对权威关系的认知,是社会认知的重要方面。目前对权威认知的研究主要集中于儿童对权威关系的认知及权威认知的影响因素等方面。对权威关系的认知研究集中于不同年龄阶段儿童的发展上;影响儿童权威认知的因素主要有权威特征认知、命令类型、社会情境、问题发生领域、文化因素和儿童的人格特点等。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There were two main aims: first, to illuminate the difference between abused children's general popularity with classmates and success in close friendships; second, to examine the specific interactional qualities of abused children's friendships and their links to loneliness. METHOD: Thirty-five severely abused children and 43 matched, nonabused children were compared on peer-rated sociometric status, self-reported loneliness, and observed and self-reported friendship quality. RESULTS: Abused children were not rated significantly lower sociometrically, nor did they differ significantly from control children on several measures of friendship quality, such as resolving conflicts and helping each other. However, abused children were observed to be more negative and less proactive in their interactions. They also reported their friendships as being more conflictual, and as higher on betrayal and lower on caring. Only observational friendship variables predicted loneliness. CONCLUSIONS: The results challenge the assumption that abused children's peer relationships are uniformly more maladaptive than nonabused children's, and point to the possible benefits of structured interventions for "normalizing" their friendship interactions. The pattern of difficulties exhibited by abused children (e.g., conflict) provides foci for more specific interventions. Multi-method assessments are necessary and the multi-dimensional nature of children's social adjustment is important to understand.  相似文献   

目前有关幼儿合作行为的研究主要集中在其发展阶段与影响因素方面。研究者对幼儿出现合作行为的时间与发展趋势尚未取得一致看法,对影响合作因素的分析则开始从强调外部因素转为关注内部因素,越来越多的研究者开始探讨个体人格与认知对合作的影响。未来有关幼儿合作的研究应在研究方法与内容上进行拓展或创新,应更多关注幼儿在真实生活情境中的合作行为,运用更为成熟的脑成像技术与微观发生法深入地探究幼儿合作的内部认知神经机制与心理发展过程。  相似文献   

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