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This article assesses the impact in the US of adopting a patent post-grant review (PGR) procedure similar to one provided in the America Invents Act (AIA) of 2011. We employ novel methods for matching US patents to their European counterparts to find that opposition rates are about three times higher among European Patent Office (EPO) equivalents of US litigated patents as against control-group (unlitigated) patents. Contingent on reaching a final judgment in EPO post-grant opposition, we find that about 70% of these equivalents have challenged claims that are either completely revoked or amended. Using our empirical findings to inform a series of welfare estimates, we calculate benefit-to-cost ratios that the US may expect from implementing PGR in the range of 4:1–10:1. We also discover that these large social benefits result primarily from eliminating unwarranted market power in the current stock of granted patents, and much less so from litigation cost savings per se. Our results provide evidence that the US may benefit substantially from adopting the AIA post-grant review, but only provided that costs are controlled and that administration and appeals are not allowed to become too costly.  相似文献   

周克放  乔永忠 《科研管理》2021,42(10):148-155
专利无效程序对于控制专利质量具有重要作用。以2008-2017年期间信息通信技术(ICT)领域被提起无效宣告请求的专利为样本,在根据专利有效性进行分组的基础上,分析“维持有效”和“宣告无效”两组专利在6项指标及在无效程序中援引法条的差异。结果显示:技术覆盖范围和引证专利数与专利质量显著负相关,非专利文献引用数与专利质量正相关;专利质量还与技术可专利性及专利文件的撰写和修改具有重要关系,专利可能会因为专利申请和修改过程中的程序和实体等基本问题被宣告无效。因此,评价专利质量时不仅应当重视技术和经济指标,还应对专利申请、授权、无效审查过程中可能涉及的相关因素进行综合考察,特别是专利无效审查时可能涉及到的专利文献内容等。  相似文献   

Citations, family size, opposition and the value of patent rights   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We combine estimates of the value of patent rights from a survey of patent-holders with a set of indicator variables in order to model the value of patents. Our results suggest that the number of references to the patent literature as well as the citations a patent receives are positively related to its value. References to the non-patent literature are informative about the value of pharmaceutical and chemical patents, but not in other technical fields. Patents which are upheld in opposition and annulment procedures and patents representing large international patent families are particularly valuable.  相似文献   

The value of U.S. patents by owner and patent characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses renewal data to estimate the value of U.S. patents, controlling for patent and owner characteristics. Estimates of U.S. patent value are substantially larger than estimates for European patents, however, the ratio of U.S. patent value to R&D for firms is only about 3%. Contrary to a common assertion, patents issued to small patentees are much less valuable than those issued to large corporations. Litigated patents are more valuable, as are highly cited patents. However, patent citations explain little variance in value, suggesting limits to their use as a measure of patent quality.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103810
We analyze the impact of accession to the regional patent system established by the European Patent Convention (EPC) on 14 countries that acceded between 2000 and 2008. We look at changes in patenting behavior by domestic and foreign applicants at the national patent offices and the European Patent Office (EPO). We find a strong change in patent filing behavior among foreigners seeking patent protection in the accession states, substituting EPO patents for domestic patents immediately. However, there is no discernible reaction among domestic entities in terms of domestic filings, although we do find some evidence that applicants in accession states increased their propensity to file patents with the EPO post-accession. Inventors in accession countries also increase their patent filings slightly post-accession, both at the EPO and at the national offices.  相似文献   

This paper explores the complex relationship between scientific novelty and technological impact. We measure novel science as publications which make new combinations of prior knowledge, as reflected in new combinations of journals in their references, and trace links between science and technology by scientific references in patent applications. We draw on all the Web of Science SCIE journal articles published in 2001 and all the patents in PATSTAT (October 2013 edition). We find that the small proportion of scientific publications which score on novelty, particularly the 1% highly novel scientific publications in their field, are significantly and sizably more likely to have direct technological impact than comparable non-novel publications. In addition to this superior likelihood of direct impact, novel science also has a higher probability for indirect technological impact, being more likely to be cited by other scientific publications which have technological impact. Among the set of scientific publications cited at least once by patents, there are no additional significant differences in the speed or the intensity of the technological impact between novel and non-novel scientific prior art, but the technological impact from novel science is significantly broader and reaching new technology fields previously not impacted by its scientific discipline. Novel science is also more likely to lead to patents which are themselves novel.  相似文献   

孙震 《科研管理》2019,40(3):179-187
专利市场是经济活动中效率最为低下的市场之一。一方面,专利属于无形资产,很难评判其价值。另一方面,由于信息不对称,市场参与双方(发明人和使用者)均面临很大的搜寻和交易成本。然而较少有文献实证记录这些市场摩擦所带来的后果。本文记录中国个人专利申请的一个特别现象:与企业专利相比,个人专利被广泛认为质量较差;然而另一方面,个人专利在授权后的维持时间却长于企业专利。本文认为专利市场摩擦可以一定程度上解释该现象:由于搜索成本和信息不对称,相对于企业来说,个人发明人需要更长时间才能将其专利许可或转让给可以商业化的公司。个人发明人往往需要这些转让收益来收回发明的投资成本,为此他们会努力寻求潜在的授予方,而不得不维持专利到更长的时间。 本文提供一些实证证据来支持这个假说。在专利质量比较过程中,本文基于中国国家知识产权局的数据库,整理并建立了中国专利申请的详细数据并构建了若干质量指标。同时,作者利用谷歌专利数据库补充了专利权利要求项数量和专利引证这两个指标,为中国专利质量分析、知识传递与溢出提供了重要的数据来源。  相似文献   

This paper presents data from Brazilian Patent Office (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial, INPI) and compares them with data from the United States Patent Office (USPTO). Developing countries have technological activities that are important locally but not significant at international level (imitation, local learning, adaptation of foreign innovations). These activities might be patentable only at national level. Therefore, the study of domestic patents of developing countries provides a broader picture than USPTO patents. This paper compares 8309 INPI patents with 475 USPTO patents (between 1980 and 1995). Domestic patent data show peculiarities in the Brazilian case, possibly shared with other countries in similar technological level: (a) high share of individual patents; (b) foreign-owned firms with important activities; (c) low firm involvement in R&D activities. Some characteristics are shared with developed countries: (a) domestic firms as the major patentees; (b) according to firm size, there is a U-shaped distribution of patents; (c) evidences of multi-technology large firms; (d) a relatively small share of firms have more than one patent in the whole period. The contrast between USPTO and national patenting statistics shows different rankings according to ownership structure, leading firms, industrial sectors, and international patent classification. These differences highlight sources of international competitiveness and point to weaknesses in Brazilian innovative activities. This paper concludes evaluating the contributions (and weaknesses) of this database for the evaluation of the Brazilian National System of Innovation.  相似文献   

[研究目的]美国临时专利申请制度类似于本国优先权制度,已经实施了二十余年,它的存在是否有助于促进发明创造,提高专利质量?若是,则对我国完善知识产权保护,提高专利申请质量,建设知识产权强国具有重要借鉴意义。[研究方法]使用美国USPTO专利数据库,首先考察美国临时专利申请案的特性,然后使用6个与专利质量相关的指标比较了主张临时专利申请案优先权的专利(PA)和未主张临时专利申请案优先权的专利(NPA)的质量差异,并运用Logistics模型分析哪一专利指标与PA的关联性最强。[研究结论]研究表明,2004-2018年间,美国临时专利申请案不但存在国别(地区)差异,而且技术领域也存在显著差异。PA和NPA在平均前引和后引次数、专利权利要求数量、专利家族规模以及审查持续时间方面存在显著差异,主张临时专利申请案优先权的专利确实具有更高的专利质量,且专利请求项数与PA的关联性最强。  相似文献   

张亚峰  李成龙  肖利 《科研管理》2021,42(5):133-142
国际科技合作是促进国内技术创新的重要路径,而国际专利合作申请是国 际科技合作的重要体现。本文选择瑞典的优势产业技术领域,基于 1988年至2017 年瑞典、中国申请及合作申请的 PCT 专利和 EPO 专利,对专利申请及合作趋势 进行分析。剖析了我国企业与瑞典在专利技术创新方面的差距及在专利合作中存 在的问题,以期为我国企业更好地开展对瑞典科技与经济合作提供参考。尤其是 在中美经贸关系紧张背景下,探讨与关键性小国的合作对我国深化对外科技合作 战略、推动企业技术创新具有重要意义。  相似文献   

从全球5G技术的研发背景入手,梳理美国、欧盟、韩国等主要国家在5G相关技术领域出台的政策规划和研究计划,通过分析5G技术专利数据,揭示了5G技术研究的发展历程和创新趋势及专利活动特点和创新趋势,为制定行业发展政策提供重要的科学参考。利用PatSnap专利信息检索工具,对全球5G专利的年申请趋势、专利权人竞争力、IPC分类和核心专利进行统计分析,获得该技术研发现状、技术分布、专利布局等重要信息。由上述分析可知,全球5G技术研发正处于快速发展时期,中国近年来异军突起,拥有该领域大量专利,但绝大多数核心专利掌握在美日研发人员手中。国内企业与科研院所应加大5G核心技术研发和专利申请与保护。  相似文献   

基于Innography平台的青蒿素类药物专利情报分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘小平  李向阳 《现代情报》2016,36(2):157-166
青蒿素类药物对全球防治疟疾等传染性疾病,保护世界人民的生命健康安全具有重要作用。基于Innography专利分析平台,从专利申请、专利布局、专利技术来源、竞争态势、IPC技术类别等角度对全球和中国青蒿素类药物研发的发展态势进行探讨,并在挖掘该领域核心专利的基础上,进一步分析核心专利的来源国家、专利权人及技术主题状况。研究表明,全球青蒿素类药物研发正处于快速发展时期,中国拥有该领域大量专利,但绝大多数核心专利均掌握在美国等西方国家手中。研究可为全面了解青蒿素类药物研发的发展状况,制定科学的产业发展政策提供重要参考。  相似文献   

One feature of the European patent system that is heavily criticized nowadays is related to its fragmentation and the induced cost burden for applicants. Once a patent is granted by the EPO, the assignee must validate (and often translate) it and pay the renewal fees to keep it in force in each country in which protection is sought. The objective of this paper is to assess to what extent validation and renewal fees as well as translation costs affect the validation behavior of applicants. We rely on a gravity model that aims at explaining patent flows between inventor and target countries within the European patent system. The results show that the size of countries, their wealth and the distance between their capital cities are significant determinants of patent flows. Validation fees and renewal fees further affect the validation behavior of applicants. Translation costs seem to have an impact as well. The implementation of cost-reducing policy interventions like the London Protocol will, therefore, induce a significant increase in the number of patents validated in each European country.  相似文献   

刘夏  黄灿 《科学学研究》2019,37(7):1183-1192
基于Hausman et al.,(1998) 错分模型,文章对2010年-2015年期间国家知识产权局受理的G大类发明专利申请的授权决定进行了误差检测。这里的授权误差的定义为,优先权在国外进行专利申请并获得较多后续专利引用的专利,其中国同族专利的申请未能获得授权,即“过度驳回”;亦或优先权在国外进行专利申请但未获得任何后续专利引用,其中国同族专利的申请却获得授权,即“过度授权”。基于此样本的实证结果显示,中国专利审查并未显示出显著的“过度授权”现象。但是,有大约4.4%的专利,其外国同族专利获得了高频次后续专利引用,并被中国的专利审查“过度驳回”。“过度驳回”的比例在软件相关专利样本中上升至5.8%。基于错分模型对过度驳回审查决定的识别,文章进一步检测了权利要求数量,技术应用广度,审查经验等因素对于中国专利审查过度驳回概率产生的影响,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Timo Fischer 《Research Policy》2012,41(9):1519-1533
Patent trolls, or NPEs, appropriate profits from innovation solely by enforcing patents against infringers. They are often characterized as relying on low-quality patents, an assessment that, if correct, would imply that eradicating such patents would effectively terminate the NPE business. In this paper, we shed light on this issue by empirically analyzing NPEs’ patent acquisitions. We draw on a unique dataset of 392 U.S. patents acquired by known NPEs between 1997 and 2006, which we compare to three control groups of 784 U.S. patents each acquired by practicing firms. We find that the probability that a traded patent is acquired by an NPE rather than a practicing entity increases in the scope of the patent, in the patent density of its technology field and, contrary to common belief, in the patent's technological quality. Our findings thus support recent theoretical propositions about the NPE business model, showing that NPEs procure patents that are more likely to be infringed, harder to substitute for, and robust to legal challenges. The fact that NPE-acquired patents are of significantly higher quality than those in the control group implies that elevating minimum patent quality will not put an end to the NPE business, and suggests that this business is sustainable in the long run. We furthermore discuss the fact that NPEs are peculiar players on markets for technology insofar as they are solely interested in the exclusion right, not in the underlying knowledge. We posit that transactions involving NPEs may only be the tip of the iceberg of “patent-only” transactions, a conjecture with strong implications for the efficiency and the study of markets for technologies. Managerial and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Deli Yang   《Research Policy》2008,37(6-7):1035-1046
This paper compares and contrasts the invention patents of the US and China focusing on the application and granting practices. The findings show that both countries appear to make efforts to provide equal treatment to domestic and foreign applicants for patents in terms of pendency, but domestic applicants seem to enjoy more certainty of the patent being granted within the pendency period than foreign applicants in both countries. As regards grants, the US is equal in granting patents to domestic and foreign applications; China appears to give preferential treatment to domestic applications. Such practices have implications for both patenting policy and activities.  相似文献   

Using a unique database on Swedish patents owned by small firms and individuals, survival models estimate how different factors influence the decision to commercialize the patents. Such an analysis has seemingly never previously been undertaken. Since the owners know more about the patents than potential external financiers, problems related to asymmetrical information are present. To overcome these problems when inventors and small technology-based firms need financing, Sweden has for a long time relied on government support rather than private venture capital firms. The empirical results show that the larger is the share of patent-owners’ costs covered by government financial support during the R&D phase, the lower is the probability of patents being commercialized. This lower degree of commercialization is likely to depend on (1) the soft terms of the government loans, where the patent owner can avoid paying back the loan if the patent is never commercialized and/or (2) that the government is not able to select promising projects. The first explanation is related to moral hazard and the second one to adverse selection. The policy suggestion is for government to change the design of the loans, to base them on firms rather than projects.  相似文献   

贸易摩擦的最终目的是争夺技术创新的制高点。研究借助SPSS统计软件,以金砖国家2000-2018年在华获授权的3696项专利为依据,对外国在华专利技术的时序变化、专利权人、优势技术领域、优先权和PCT专利、有效专利、专利权利转移和被引用等特征进行了分析。研究得出以下结论:①大型企业专利权人是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的主导力量,个人专利权人是重要力量。②根据科技发展需求,技术保护是外国在华进行专利技术创新战略的主要目的。③经济发展水平和主导产业优势是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的推动要素。④应该以“一带一路”战略为契机,加强自主创新和技术创新合作,吸引更多核心创新技术首次在华申请专利和进行技术转移,推动中国国际科技创新中心建设,争取更为有利的国际竞争环境。  相似文献   

刘立春  漆苏 《科研管理》2015,36(6):119-127
跨国制药公司持有的中国药品专利并非全部符合中国专利法的授权标准。以2001-2012年跨国制药公司在华遭受的无效请求的专利为样本,结合制药行业特点从理论上探讨了可能会显著影响药品专利法律质量的专利特征。通过实证分析涉案专利的特征信息对法律质量的表达,并使用专利特征和专利最终被无效概率构建评估药品专利法律质量的回归模型。实证结果显示专利特征对制药行业专利法律质量的表达有别于其它行业,权利要求数、实施例数等5个专利特征对药品专利法律质量具有显著性影响;相同的专利特征对药品专利法律质量和经济质量的解释方向和程度具有差异。  相似文献   

朱雪忠  李艳 《科研管理》2021,42(7):22-30
我国正由仿制药大国向创新药大国加速转型,越来越多的企业由仿制药企业向创新药企业转变。新角色下被提专利权无效宣告请求的风险日益升高,对企业专利管理实践提出新挑战。首次将我国原国家食品药品监督管理总局药品审评中心发布的《中国上市药品目录集》中创新药企业信息,与国家知识产权局专利局复审和无效审理部公布的专利权无效宣告请求案件信息链接。基于法律纠纷理论模型框架,实证分析药品发明专利无效请求发生概率的影响因素。研究表明:专利价值越高、专利法律质量越低、信息不对称程度(或当事人对无效结果的期望分歧)越大,被提无效请求的风险越高。与理论分析不一致的是,与制剂/组合物专利相比,药用化合物和药用生物分子专利被提无效请求的概率更低。研究结论为企业有效开展药品发明专利被提无效请求的风险预警提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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