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《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)明确提出了儿童在不同年龄段的学习与发展的要求,即,根据儿童身心发展规律提出儿童应当知道什么和能做什么的具体要求.作为幼儿教师,应该如何在实践中更好地实施《指南》? 1.把握《指南》和《纲要》之间的联系 《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)和《指南》可以说是幼儿教育的两个纲领性文件,两者之间既有联系,也有区别.《纲要》是纲领性文件,它对幼儿园教育提出的要求,更多是理念上的指引;《指南》以《纲要》为基础,但更具操作性和指导性.《纲要》从理念上对幼儿教育指明了前行的方向,但缺少实践性和具体操作性,也没有细化的各年龄阶段的具体目标和活动内容,教师在实践过程中缺少具体的指引.而《指南》则具体分小、中、大年龄段描述了儿童学习与发展的结果,细分健康、语言、艺术、科学、社会五大领域给教师提供了明确的儿童学习与发展的内容.  相似文献   

以新的知识观来诠释教育内容是《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称“新《纲要》”)的重大突破。新《纲要》并没有开列出一个幼儿“应该学”或教师“应该教”的知识技能的菜单,而是通过对教师提出“激发孩子学习的需要、兴趣”的要求,将教育内容与教育环境、教师与儿童的活动、儿童的发展融合在一起。新的知识观强调学习主体的自主学习。  相似文献   

学前班活动发展课程应该高度重视语言教育的基础作用和内在规律性,这不仅仅是《学前班语言活动课程》的内容,而应该贯穿到《学前班数学活动课程》《学前班艺术活动课程》《学前班社会活动课程》《学前班科学活动课程》《学前班健康活动课程》中去,成为学前“活动”学习的核心内容之一,儿童多元智能发展的核心问题是语言教育。  相似文献   

《品德与生活》这是一门以儿童的生活为基础,培养品德良好、乐于探究、热爱生活的儿童为目标的活动型课程。因此,它所涉及的课程内容应该从教科书扩展到所有  相似文献   

《课程标准》指出,《品德与生活》是一门以儿童的生活为基础,以培养品德良好、乐于探究、热爱生活的儿童为目标的活动型综合课程。我认为,小学《品德与生活》教学不能局限在课堂、课本里,而应该构建开放的教学模式,拓宽学习内容、形式和渠道,使学生在广阔的空间里学习生活、感悟生活、享受生活。  相似文献   

"学习品质"是指个体在学习中形成并在学习活动中表现出来的、影响学习效果的、稳定的心理倾向或个人特征。它不是指学习者所要获得的具体学科或发展领域的知识、技能,而是指学习者以怎样的态度、方式及效率去获得具体学科或发展领域的知识、技能。《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)明确提出要重视幼儿的学习品质,那么,"学习品质"究竟包含了哪些方面的内容?我们又应该如何在音乐学习活动中培养幼儿良好的学习品质呢?  相似文献   

正1989年国务院颁布的《幼儿园管理条例》第十六条,2001年《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》第一部分总则,均明确指出幼儿园应该以游戏为基本活动。随着学前教育的改革与发展,2012年9月,教育部颁布了《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)。《指南》从保障儿童权利出发,通过制定明确的儿童学习与发展指南,帮助家庭、幼儿园及有关方面对儿童学习与发展的  相似文献   

戴建芳 《海南教育》2014,(16):66-67
幼儿园园本课程是以《幼儿园教育指导纲要》和《儿童学习与发展指南》等法规为指导,从幼儿园的实际出发,以幼儿园办学目标与培养目标为方向,符合幼儿实际,又能满足幼儿发展的需要的课程。内容的选择上可以吸取已有教材或五大领域中适合本园的内容,还要结合自己园所特色和孩子们耳熟能详的生活内容,将其完美地融入到园本课程的设置中去,其最根本的特点是适宜性,应该适应自己的幼儿园、园所的幼儿、适应教师和家长。  相似文献   

儿童《论语》学习中的"创造性转化"是指一方面要继承和发扬其中具有当代价值的文化精神,另一方面又要清醒地认识到《论语》中的历史消极面和惰性。通过对《论语》内容的选择与重组,摒弃封建糟粕,弘扬合乎当代价值的内容,实现传统文化的创新性发展。儿童读《论语》不同于成人,成年人的知识储备和认知能力是儿童不具备的,所以儿童学习《论语》要具有儿童特性。培养学生学习《论语》的兴趣,让学生感受中国传统文化的博大精深和趣味盎然,从而提高学生的文化素养。  相似文献   

在德育课程(《品德与生活》《品德与社会》)标准的制定中,我们力求使我们所提出的课程理念、目标、内容等方面所呈现出来的课程文化是一种儿童文化,使它富有“童心”“童趣”,是儿童所喜欢、所需要的。我们力求做到的是从儿童自己的世界出发,使儿  相似文献   

This research project exemplifies how technology can facilitate scientific investigations. It also highlights how enthusiastic children can be when they are encouraged to pose their own questions and take responsibility for finding the answers. Year 5 children, working in groups, were involved in designing, making and appraising catchers and enclosures used to investigate small animals found within their school's grounds. A videotape of this project was made and should be a valuable resource for the professional development of both trainee and practising teachers. Included in the tape are children's spontaneous comments, their concern for animal welfare, and reflection on the various aspects of their investigations. Syndal South Primary School  相似文献   

听障儿童与正常儿童的自我意识对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用儿童自我意识量表对119名听障儿童与157名正常儿童进行了测试,结果发现:听障儿童在合群上存在明显的性别差异,正常儿童在行为、躯体外貌与属性、合群上存在显著的性别差异;听障儿童与正常儿童相比,自我意识偏低水平的比例明显高于正常儿童,而偏高水平的比例则明显低于正常儿童;听障儿童对自身的行为、焦虑、合群、幸福与满足等方面的意识明显地低于正常儿童,而对智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性的意识,则明显地高于正常儿童。  相似文献   

吴云霞 《中国德育》2006,1(3):62-64,72
根据著名特级教师李吉林的情境教育理论,经过多年教育实践,江苏省南通师范第二附属小学在促进儿童德育成长方面积累了丰富经验,形成了颇有特色且具实效性的“主题性大单元教育”传统。主题性大单元教育活动在实施过程中需要紧扣时代脉搏,融入儿童生活,启迪创新智慧。  相似文献   

Based on theoretically driven models, the Chicago School Readiness Project (CSRP) targeted low-income children's school readiness through the mediating mechanism of self-regulation. The CSRP is a multicomponent, cluster-randomized efficacy trial implemented in 35 Head Start-funded classrooms (N = 602 children). The analyses confirm that the CSRP improved low-income children's self-regulation skills (as indexed by attention/impulse control and executive function) from fall to spring of the Head Start year. Analyses also suggest significant benefits of CSRP for children's preacademic skills, as measured by vocabulary, letter-naming, and math skills. Partial support was found for improvement in children's self-regulation as a hypothesized mediator for children's gains in academic readiness. Implications for programs and policies that support young children's behavioral health and academic success are discussed.  相似文献   

原色教育是尊重儿童天性的教育,是给儿童最基础的教育,是引导儿童创造的教育,以原色教育为核心的幼儿教育实践与研究,对于构建学校文化系统,引领教师专业成长,促进幼儿个性发展,推进课程变革有着重要意义。本文从当代幼儿原色教育实践研究的目标、价值、内容、过程等方面进行论述,以期获取关于原色教育的理论智慧与实践策略。  相似文献   

Moving from homestead to homestead, in a horse and cart, to bring schooling to isolated children in Queensland's outback was the role of itinerant teachers at the turn of the century. Later, the horse and cart was replaced by motor cars and motor bikes, but the harsh conditions of the ‘bush’ were never really conquered. The Itinerant Teacher Service was no longer in existence by the Thirties, being replaced by the Primary Correspondence School which offered a service itinerant teachers could not. The travelling teachers, however, were significant in bringing a degree of literacy and numeracy to ‘bush’ children and in preparing the way for the smooth inception of the Primary Correspondence School.  相似文献   

本文分析了童年之于儿童的意义,认为现代童年的消逝有四个表征:(1)传统儿童游戏的消失;(2)儿童游戏的功利化;(3)儿童话语的萎缩;(4)儿童过早成人化。并找出了现代童年消逝的原因:(1)学校急功近利的应试教育;(2)家庭传统的教育价值观;(3)电子媒体的介入;(4)印刷文化的价值导向;(5)时代的变迁;(6)城镇化及家庭结构的变化。  相似文献   

Heather Moran, Educational Psychologist, Kate Smith, Head of the Learning Support Service, Julie Meads, Teacher, Foleshill Primary School, and Maria Beck, Teacher, Good Shepherd R.C. Primary School (all of whom work for Coventry LEA) report on action research conducted in two primary schools in Coventry using the Word Association Method to help children to read common sight words.  相似文献   

Forest School is a concept, or intervention to traditional educational settings, backed up by research and built upon long-standing theories that children engage with nature naturally and that learning becomes more relevant to the student when they can relate it to real life scenarios. This research documents the implementation of the Irish Primary School Visual Arts Curriculum through Forest School, specifically, the ‘Construction’ Strand. The research was a qualitative inquiry that was supported by an action research methodology. It was conducted over six weekly sessions. Key findings show the development of a sense of responsibility, resilience, independence, happiness in a sense of achievement and an awakened awareness of the child’s own surroundings. The findings advocate the benefits of implementing this approach to enhance the Primary School Visual Arts Curriculum, as well as promoting happiness and contentment in the remainder of the day at school in other curricular subjects. .  相似文献   

7-8岁数学学习困难与正常儿童加法策略比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取二、三年级数学学习正常和学习困难的儿童各 30名 ,共 12 0名被试。采用实验法、观察法和口语报告法相结合的方式 ,考察了两类儿童在加法任务中 ,策略选择和执行的差异及特点。研究表明 :小学低年级儿童的策略选择具有多样性、适应性和简约性的特点。从策略选择上看 ,出声、竖式、分解、对位和提取策略是小学 2— 3年级两类儿童的主选策略 ;数学学习困难儿童较多使用手指、数数、放弃和猜测等策略 ;数学学习正常儿童则较多使用提取、分解、凑数、换位和乘法策略。从策略执行上看 ,小学低年级数学学习困难儿童比正常儿童策略执行的正确率低 ,反应时长 ,有效性差  相似文献   

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