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<正>加速度和速度是高中物理中两个非常重要的概念,而加速度一直是一个难点。学生对加速度的认知,有很多的误区,这些误区严重妨碍了学生的学习。本文通过对加速度与速度的类比,让学生通过对速度的理解来理解加速度。文章的第一部分给出了加速度和速度的定义,通过定义发现它们的相通点。第二部分具体对加速度和速度进行类比,并对一些常见的误解做出解释。  相似文献   

<正>一、与万有引力作用相关的“三类加速度”在高中物理“万有引力与航天”教学中,我们经常会提到加速度、自由落体加速度、重力加速度、向心加速度、切向加速度、法向加速度等概念。在人造地球卫星的发射、运行、变轨等物理情境中,这些加速度有时是相同的,有时又是不同的,如果不深刻理解它们的本质,不清楚相关规律的内涵和适用条件,学生就容易张冠李戴,盲目套用公式,出现一些似是而非的错误。  相似文献   

求解牛顿定律问题时,常规思维是分解力,但一些问题,只对力进行分解,显得繁难,我们可以转换思维角度,同时分解加速度,做起来就比较简捷。而求解加速度恒定的曲线运动问题时,常规思维是分解位移和速度,一些复杂问题,转换思维角度分解加速度,可使问题“柳暗花明”。下面几例正是这种求异思维解题的例证。  相似文献   

加速度是反应速度变化快慢的物理量,既有大小,又有方向,主要应用于经典物理学中。在高中物理运动学的学习中,加速度的内容十分重要,它对学生理解速度、位移和力的概念都有帮助。如何帮助学生理解和掌握加速度,就要从它的概念、公式、测定和影响它的主要因素入手。本文结合以上这些,谈谈对高中物理加速度的一些认识。  相似文献   

利用电磁打点计时器打出的纸带测物体做匀加速运动的加速度,是高中阶段的一个重要实验.用打点纸带计算加速度的方法有公式法、逐差法、整体二分法、图象法、直方图法,下面通过一些实例谈谈如何利用这些方法求物体的加速度.  相似文献   

速度与加速度是高中物理中运动学知识的重点和难点内容之一。初学的大多数同学就速度v和加速度α的关系的理解上常有一些错误的认识,具体来讲主要有以下几个方面:  相似文献   

正"牛顿运动定律"是高中物理的主干知识,也是学习的难点之一,探究加速度跟合外力、质量的关系的实验更是几乎每年高考必考的知识点。围绕加速度和合外力的测量以及相互关系的处理,各种变化是层出不穷。现对一些常见的探究方法作一点评析,以便我们能更好地理解相关实验原理,进一步把握命题的趋势。首先还是来说一下实验的基本原理。要探究加速度跟合外力、质量的关系,就必须测出加速度、合外力和物体的质量。物体的质量可以利用天平准确地测出;加速度则大多数是  相似文献   

速度与加速度是高中物理中两个重要的概念,初学者由于对它们关系的理解不够,往往存在一些错误的认识,主要有如下方面:一、误认为物体有加速度,则物体的速度一定增大  相似文献   

速度与加速度是高中物理运动学知识的重点和难点内容之一 .初学的大多数学生对速度 v与加速度 a的关系的理解存有一些错误的认识 ,具体来讲主要有以下几个方面 :一、误认为“物体有加速度 ,则物体的速度一定增大”初学加速度 ,有的学生“望之生义”,认为加速度就是“增加的速度”,因此 ,物体有加速度 ,则其速度一定增加 ,其实这是没有理解加速度的本质涵义 .加速度 a= vt- v0t =Δvt,当 Δv大于零时 ,a为正 ,表明 a的方向与 v的变化方向相同 ,物体做加速运动 ;当 Δv小于零时 ,a为负 ,表明 a的方向与 v的变化方向相反 ,物体做减速运动 .因此…  相似文献   

物理是一门实验科学,要想学习好物理知识,需要教师和学生一起通过一些实践去探知,进而完成教学目标.当然,在教学实践中,必须坚持其中的原则性,才能保障教学的有序开展.1探究加速度的意义在高考物理科目中,加速度是一个重要的考点,掌握加速度的相关知识是每个学生的学习重点之一.对加速度进行研究分析,得出其中的结果,再将结果与教学实践相结合,是目前许多高中物理教师采用的教学手段.  相似文献   

用单摆法测量重力加速度是普通物理实验中常用的方法,但在实验中,摆角、摆长和周期数常常对重力加速度的测量误差产生一定的影响.文章主要分析不同摆角、摆长及周期数三个条件对测重力加速度的影响,最终由处理分析结果可知,在普通物理实验室里,取摆角、摆长=47或55cm、周期数次,处理得到的重力加速度与本地的理论计算值很接近.  相似文献   


The aim of1 this article is to illuminate and discuss evaluation and evaluation systems in relation to the pace of change. It is argued that evaluation promotes and accelerates change. The article will thus contribute to a critical scrutiny of evaluation as a societal phenomenon and as a widespread practice in education. To accomplish this aim, the inherent purpose of evaluation and evaluation systems is brought forward. National evaluation systems for Swedish higher education are used as an empirical example. An analysis using Rosa’s three aspects of social acceleration (technical acceleration, acceleration of social change, and acceleration of the pace of life) is offered to demonstrate how the evaluation systems are related to, sustain, and promote an increase of the pace of change (acceleration) in educational practice in higher education.  相似文献   


The word “acceleration” continues to generate controversy. Although the literature makes it clear that acceleration in its various guises is a positive intervention for many gifted students, educational practitioners in Australia continue to resist the evidence and campaign actively against allowing students to take this option. This article synthesizes 3 research projects conducted in New South Wales, Australia, exploring different forms of acceleration. The first project involved an investigation of the Early Entry policy for gifted children in one region of the state; the second reports on the experiences of students who skipped at least 1 grade; and the third examines a vertical programming system that allows students to accelerate within subjects at an academically selective high school. Based on these research studies, this article explores the issues that are at the center of the acceleration debate.  相似文献   

介绍一种新型电容式加速度微传感器的结构和原理,并进行受力分析。利用ANSYS进行有限元分析,得出加速度和电容之间的非线性关系,证明了该传感器在工艺设计上的可行性。设计合适的传感器结构参数和MEMS工艺流程,制作出满足不同测量要求、有较高精度的加速度传感器。  相似文献   


Modern societies are characterised by forms of acceleration, which influence social processes. Sociologist Hartmut Rosa has systematised temporal structures by focusing on three categories of social acceleration: technical acceleration, acceleration of social change, and acceleration of the pace of life. All three processes of acceleration are closely linked to processes of internationalisation and globalisation. Given this background, developments in the context of school education are analysed in this article, paying special attention to the question of which areas of academic learning the categories of social acceleration affect and whether internationalisation and globalisation speed up these processes. The analyses show that effects of globalisation in the fields of management, market, and performance on education are closely linked to social acceleration.  相似文献   

Intensification, speed of change and faster pace of life have recently emerged as significant issues in studies analysing the current academic climate. This article takes up the ‘social acceleration thesis’ as a conceptual resource for capturing the relationship between the individual experience of time and the changing structure and operations of contemporary academia. Using qualitative data from the UK, it analyses the texture and implications of the accelerating pace of academic work-life. It argues that such pace is both resented, as well as strategically managed by academics. In this way, the analysis opens up more agentic approach to the overall dynamisation in academic work-life and argues that it is possible to conceive acceleration as practical and even thrilling. Against the background of such an approach, the article concludes by stating that acceleration in academic work-life is an ambivalent experience and by questioning recent propositions under the label of slow academia.  相似文献   

Following training on a variable-interval food reinforcement schedule, rats were exposed to Pavlovian procedures which produced reliable conditioned suppression and conditioned acceleration of the leverpressing (instrumental) baseline. When free food was simultaneously made available in the test cage, all subjects spent the majority of each session “freeloading,” that is, eating food from a dish rather than leverpressing for it. When superimposed upon the freeloading baseline, the conditioned suppression and conditioned acceleration procedures affected the rate of pellet consumption identically in magnitude and direction to their previous effects on leverpressing. These results suggest a motivational mechanism for conditioned suppression and acceleration, rather than one which depends upon spurious punishment of specific response sequences.  相似文献   

利用加速度瞬心的概念,推导了加速度瞬心相对静系、动系的坐标公式及任一点相对加速度瞬心的加速度表达式。  相似文献   

基于提供一种使用加速度传感器输出的信号进行倾角检测的目的,采用理论和实验相结合的方法,使用Matlab对加速度信号处理算法进行仿真分析的方法,从数学模型入手,分析了利用加速度传感器进行倾角测量的原理,并借助Matlab进行了仿真分析,进而得出了一个适合使用单片机对加速度信号进行数据处理的参数,同时还讨论了加速度传感器分辨率与倾角检测精度之间的关系.  相似文献   

研究了怎样对于服从正态分布的平面点集进行的凸包算法加速,理论上计算了最适合的加速因子,同时通过相应的加速因子得到正态点集分布的凸包算法最优复杂度O(n)。  相似文献   

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