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Based on the data from survey responses and publications of 1583 academic scientists in Spain, this paper examines the relationship between scientific performance and reward, considering tenure and permanent positions as key academic rewards in early phases of academic career and focusing especially on the mediating effect of mobile versus stable career paths. Although widely practiced, inbreeding has often been considered to be at odds with universalism and merit in science. Our findings indicate that inbred faculty does not get tenure with less scientific merits than PhDs from other institutions; we also find that non-mobile careers are a strong predictor of the timing of rewards in the form of early permanent positions. Our results question the assumption mainly based on US evidence that mobility enhances career. These findings must be interpreted in the context of organizational and institutional features of the Spanish academic system that promote the development of internal academic research job markets.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of social capital in academic careers. We distinguish between ties with reputed scientists and laboratories (scientific and technical human capital) and ties with influential actors with respect to recruitment/promotion decisions (political capital). We use institution-wise bibliometric indicators to measure separately the two types of capital for a large sample of French and Italian academic physicists between 2000 and 2003/2005. Controlling for scientific productivity, seniority and gender issues, career progress is explained by: the scientist's affiliation to important public research organizations (scientific and technical human capital - France); his/her social ties with senior members of the discipline, who exercise control over careers (political capital - Italy), and the commitment to work with senior colleagues in his/her own university (political capital - Italy). Significant differences exist between the two countries also with respect to the importance of productivity, seniority, and gender.  相似文献   

周建中  闫昊  孙粒 《科研管理》2019,40(10):126-141
本文对我国科研人员职业生涯的成长轨迹与影响因素开展定量研究,以科研人员获得博士学位的时间为基点,采用事件史分析方法分析科研人员职业生涯中的若干重要节点和事件,包括职称晋升、第一次重要学术产出、第一次获得荣誉奖励以及第一次担任行政或学术职务等关键事件。在此基础上,进一步分析个人家庭因素(性别、孩子状况和配偶文化)、教育背景因素(毕业院校、导师身份和博士后经历)以及社会环境因素(工作单位、流动状况和学科领域)等对科研人员职业生涯成长的影响状况。结果发现,科研人员职业生涯成长过程中的“累积效应”依然明显,如毕业院校、博士后经历等教育背景都会对科研人员职业生涯的成长产生正向影响;师承效应在科研人员职业生涯发展中发挥重要作用;流动经历增加了科研人员进入到职业生涯中的关键事件比例等。基于研究结果,文章最后提出如何更好的促进科研人员成长的政策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104844
Compared to senior scientists, early-career scientists have largely been neglected in the literature on academic success. This study aims to identify the effects of local peer communities of Ph.D. candidates on their future careers. We argue that local communities of Ph.D. candidates may offer both supportive and competitive environments depending on the nature of the relationships between its members. While Ph.D. candidates generally learn from and support each other in their local peer communities, they may also compete for their mentor's attention and future academic positions. We analyse such complex peer effects for 90,264 Ph.D. candidates in the field of mathematics in a genealogical way, by measuring a candidate's academic career success by the number of next-generation Ph.D. candidates supervised later on. To capture both the supportive and competitive peer effects, we distinguish between local peers who share mentors (co-mentees) and other local peers. Our result suggests that competition exists primarily among peers who share mentors, and only at the start of one's career. We also find supportive effects among peers who do not share mentors, particularly those from the same cohort. Our results highlight the importance of universities supporting informal interactions among Ph.D. candidates.  相似文献   

The project-grant mechanism is a major determinant of research styles and the direction and degree of scientific progress. Insofar as such research increasingly serves as the source of technology, and thus of economic, social and political change, the mechanism also influences, if only indirectly, the societal condition. In its current form the mechanism permits the support of significant amounts of research to be determined on the basis of scientific merit. The result has been the substitution of scientific progress for the achievement of tangible technical ends as the measure of public accountability. Given the increased appearance of undesirable social consequences based, in part, on scientific accomplishments this substitution is now seriously questioned. It has given rise to several attempts to make academic research more responsive to public needs while attempting to preserve the essentials of academic freedom.  相似文献   

We examine career patterns within the industrial, academic, and governmental sectors and their relation to the publication and patent productivity of scientists and engineers working at university-based research centers in the United States. We hypothesize that among university scientists, intersectoral changes in jobs throughout the career provide access to new social networks and scientific and technical human capital, which will result in higher productivity. For this study, the curriculum vitae of 1200 research scientists and engineers were collected and coded. In addition, patent data were collected from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The overarching conclusion from our analysis is that the academic scientists’ and engineers’ research careers we studied are quite different than characterized in the research productivity literature that is a decade or more old. The wave of center creation activity that began in the early 1980s and continues today has resulted not only in greater ties between universities and industry, but also markedly different academic careers.  相似文献   

“Scientific and technical human capital” (S&T human capital) has been defined as the sum of researchers’ professional network ties and their technical skills and resources [Int. J. Technol. Manage. 22 (7-8) (2001) 636]. Our study focuses on one particular means by which scientists acquire and deploy S&T human capital, research collaboration. We examine data from 451 scientists and engineers at academic research centers in the United States. The chief focus is on scientists’ collaboration choices and strategies. Since we are particularly interested in S&T human capital, we pay special attention to strategies that involve mentoring graduate students and junior faculty and to collaborating with women. We also examine collaboration “cosmopolitanism,” the extent to which scientists collaborate with those around them (one’s research group, one’s university) as opposed to those more distant in geography or institutional setting (other universities, researchers in industry, researchers in other nations). Our findings indicate that those who pursue a “mentor” collaboration strategy are likely to be tenured; to collaborate with women; and to have a favorable view about industry and research on industrial applications. Regarding the number of reported collaborators, those who have larger grants have more collaborators. With respect to the percentage of female collaborators, we found, not surprisingly, that female scientists have a somewhat higher percentage (36%) of female collaborators, than males have (24%). There are great differences, however, according to rank, with non-tenure track females having 84% of their collaborations with females. Regarding collaboration cosmopolitanism, we find that most researchers are not particularly cosmopolitan in their selection of collaborators—they tend to work with the people in their own work group. More cosmopolitan collaborators tend have large grants. A major policy implication is that there is great variance in the extent to which collaborations seem to enhance or generate S&T human capital. Not all collaborations are equal with respect to their “public goods” implications.  相似文献   

该文作者结合培养研究生的心得,从营造科研氛围、优化教学模式、调整培养模式、注重思想教育、加强实践能力五个方面,指出了"双一流"建设背景下研究生教育过程中的几点问题,并提出了相应的解决策略,包括:打造具有凝聚力的科研团队,学术带头人潜心钻研,使团队氛围充满正能量;实施张弛有度的多元化教学模式,提高研究生的理论水平;重视研究生思想教育工作,努力做到个性化教育;邀请国外资深学者,传递权威学术影响力,实施"请进来"与"走出去"相结合的培养模式,提高研究生的国际竞争力;细化"双导师制"功能和职责,促进学生实践能力的提高。  相似文献   

While postdoctoral fellowships are viewed as positions that prepare PhD students for academic careers, studies show that most postdocs will not find tenure-track employment within universities. Postdocs consequently pursue non-academic jobs that differ in the degree to which they utilize a postdoc’s scientific training, yet we know little about how this occurs. To help address this gap, this study inductively investigates factors that may influence a postdoc’s transition to a non-academic career. The study uncovers multiple individual, PI, as well as organizational and policy factors, including the lack of relevant skills, absence of support—and in some cases opposition—from their principal investigators, and poor availability of non-academic career preparation opportunities, among others. Viewed collectively, these elements likely hinder a move to non-academic scientific positions and thus have consequences for postdoc career trajectories and, by extension, the utilization of new knowledge. The paper opens the door for future research, theorization, and policy action that might smooth the transition of postdocs into non-academic careers and potentially improve the impact of publicly-funded research.  相似文献   

This paper examines how funding patterns, career pathways and collaboration networks influence scientific recognition. We analyze these institutional factors in the early and middle phases of academic careers through comparison of a group of researchers recognized as creative by their peers with a matched group of researchers. Measurement of scientific recognition is based on survey nominations and research prizes in two growing, laboratory-intensive research domains: nanotechnology and human genetics. Curriculum vitae data is used to compare researchers based in the United States and Europe. In the early career model for the United States, we find that scientific recognition is associated with broad academic education, fast completion of PhD, and a record of independent postdoctoral research, while in Europe these factors are much less prominent. The mid-career model suggests that both in the United States and Europe fast job promotion within academia is a strong predictor of future recognition. However, there is a clear divide across the Atlantic regarding other mid-career factors: work experience inside and outside academia, research leadership, external grant income, and prizes from professional associations are connected to scientific recognition in the United States, but are less influential in Europe.  相似文献   

“现代电机驱控技术”是电力电子与电力传动专业硕士教学中的一门重要基础课。新工科培养模式的培养目标是教授当代先进的电机驱动与控制技术,培养学生思维能力、科研能力、创新能力。教师的授课方法要与时俱进,探索新形势下的专业技术人才培养模式。  相似文献   

区域科技创新是国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,是区域经济增长的源泉和动力。本文分析了当前区域科技创新的现状,提出了科技情报信息机构提升区域科技创新能力的思路和途径。  相似文献   

科学研究与人才培养有着相互制约的关系,但两者之问存在着体制性障碍。文章以提高高校研究生培养质量为目的,总结了我国的科研类型及其性质和特点,分析了我国科研体制的运行机制;借鉴美国等发达国家研究生培养与科研一体化经验,探讨了我国工科院校研究生教育培养模式,提出了适合研究生培养要求的科研体制改革的一些建议和方法。  相似文献   

This paper uses data from a national survey of academic researchers in the US to detect how different types of university research centers affect individual-level university–industry interactions. The results suggest that while affiliation with an industry-related center correlates positively with the likelihood of an academic researcher having had any research-related interactions with private companies, affiliation with centers sponsored by government centers programs correlates positively with the level of industry involvement, no matter whether these centers additionally have ties to private companies. The analysis takes the “scientific and technical human capital” approach, which draws from theories of social capital and human capital and proves useful for framing the institutional and resource-based perspectives that characterize much of the literature on university–industry interactions. The scientific and technical human capital approach is taken because its emphasis on the research capacities of individual academic researchers provides a more direct explanation of government centrality to academic researchers’ industry involvement than provide either the resource-based or institutional views. Implications for policy and management as well as for future applications of the scientific and technical human capital approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent highly publicized cases of scientific misconduct have raised concerns about its consequences for academic careers. Previous and anecdotal evidence suggests that these reach far beyond the fraudulent scientist and (his or) her career, affecting coauthors and institutions. Here we show that the negative effects of scientific misconduct spill over to uninvolved prior collaborators: compared to a control group, prior collaborators of misconducting scientists, who have no connection to the misconduct case, are cited 8–9% less often afterwards. We suggest that the mechanism underlying this phenomenon is stigmatization by mere association. The result suggests that scientific misconduct generates large indirect costs in the form of mistrust towards a wider range of research findings than was previously assumed. The far-reaching fallout of misconduct implies that potential whistleblowers might be disinclined to make their concerns public in order to protect their own reputation and career.  相似文献   

李烁 《情报科学》2022,40(7):161-168
【目的/意义】随着数据资源的广泛应用,智慧服务逐渐在高校研究生教育和人才培养中扮演重要角色,利 用数据资源开展研究生群体智慧服务有助于提升研究生教育和服务水平。【方法/过程】本文主要探讨了数据资源 下高校研究生的服务模式。首先,从文献检索的角度论述了数据资源的现状,探究了数据资源的运行机制,提出了 一种基于数据资源的高校研究生群体的智慧服务方案:建立图书馆数字学术空间和数字化平台,利用数据资源技 术提升研究生学术和育人服务。【结果/结论】本文通过智慧服务方案建设,提出了目前研究生群体智慧服务方案的 不足和努力方向,提高服务水平刻不容缓。【创新/局限】本文通过提出基于研究生学术素养培养服务工作的智慧服 务方案,为更加关注学术研究而非教学课程的研究生工作提供了发展方向,但是鉴于图书馆本身的学术功能,还需 要在研究生素质方面持续加强。  相似文献   

文章以某大学林业工程学科硕士研究生为调查样本,对研究生创新能力影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明:创新意识、创新成果、创新环境、创新交流均对研究生创新能力产生正向影响。同时根据实证结果,提出提高研究生创新能力的对策建议:完善研究生培养机制、加大科研经费投入、改善软件硬件条件、创新学术交流方式。  相似文献   

Difficulties with distribution of scientific and technical information (STI) in the People's Republic of Bulgaria are described. The rapid increase in STI data bases has produced files of varying quality and completeness. Difficulty in obtaining copies of documents listed in these data bases, lack of information, notably nonbibliographic data bases, for industrial production rather than scientific specialists, and absence of abstracts reduce the usefulness of STI data bases. STI as a commercial product is expensive for a developing country, which is thus made information dependent, and participation in information systems may require duplicate entry of documents. The language barrier also decreases the use of STI. In spite of these problems CISTI is working to speed and expand its users' access to scientific and technical information.  相似文献   

While science-based entrepreneurial firms are a key feature of the modern economy, our insights into their organization and productivity remain limited. In particular, our understanding of the mechanisms through which academic inventors shape entrepreneurial firms established to commercialize their scientific ideas is based upon a traditional perspective that highlights the importance of human capital. Based on a study of biotechnology firms and their academic inventors, this paper examines the extent and mechanisms through which academic scientists contribute not only human capital but also social capital to entrepreneurial firms. The paper makes two contributions to our understanding of the academic-firm interface: First, it establishes that the social capital of academic scientists is critical to firms because it can be transformed into scientific networks that embed the firm in the scientific community through a variety of mechanisms. Second, the paper argues that an academic inventor’s career plays a critical role in shaping his social capital, thus scientific careers mediate the networks and potential for embeddedness that an academic inventor brings to a firm. Specifically, the foundations of an academic’s social capital can be traced to two sources: The first element that the firm may leverage is the academic’s local laboratory network—a network to current and former students and advisors established by the inventor through his laboratory life. The second form of social capital is a wider, cosmopolitan network of colleagues and co-authors established through the social patterns of collaboration, collegiality and competition that exemplify scientific careers. These findings suggest that scientific careers are central in shaping an academic’s social capital which can be translated into critical scientific networks in which entrepreneurial firms become embedded.  相似文献   

University research centers have been institutionalized as a part of the science policy repertoire committed to strategic use of science and technology. Based on a representative sample of academic scientists and engineers in American research universities, this study investigates the selection dynamics, attempting to unfold the determinants of department-affiliated faculty members to be center affiliates. The findings suggest that university research centers select their affiliates on the basis of individual scientific and technical human capital. Scientists from prestigious departments are more likely to be center affiliates, so are prolific scientists, former postdoctoral scholars and the elder cohorts. In the meantime, university research centers are able to overcome the incentive incongruity with academic departments, as is evidenced by a higher likelihood among junior scientists to secure center connections. Dedicated to diversity and equity, university research centers provide a level playing field for women, minority and foreign-born scientists. The study concludes with a discussion of the scientific and technical human capital theory and policy implications in the science enterprise.  相似文献   

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