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路光美 《成才之路》2010,(18):49-49
英语教学不仅是传授语言基础知识,培养语言交际能力,也是教师与学生之间最微妙、最细腻的情感交流过程。教师与学生之间的情感交流直接影响着教学效果。积极健康的情感可以增强学生学习英语的积极性,提高学习效率,而消极被动的情感则可能削弱学生学习英语的积极性。降低学习效率。对于学生来说,情感总是伴随着学生学习英语的全过程.影响着学习动机的强弱、学习积极性的高低、学习成绩的好坏。因此.在英语教学中.教师应注意培养和发展学生积极健康的情感,激发学生的学习动机,以提高学生的学习积极性和学习效率。那么。如何培养学生的情感呢?  相似文献   

《小学英语课程标准》要求教师在英语教学中不但要重视学生的语言知识和语言技能,更要关注学生学习情感态度的发展。教师在教学中要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力。文章旨在探索小学英语情感教学的重要性及培养学生积极情感的方法。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的逐步深入,关注学生情感态度和心理健康已经成为目前教学工作的重要内容。英语教学中如能正确把握情感教育,将会有助于学生积极参与语言学习活动,提高学习效率。那么,如何培养学生的健康情感呢?一、建立平等和谐的师生关系良好的教学过程是师生相互沟通、相互交流,从而增强师生情感交融,促进学生学习能力提高的过程。首先,教师对学生要充满爱心,教师和谐的语气、可亲的笑容、鼓励的话语都会感染学生,使他们感到教师对自己的理解、尊重和期待,从而激活英语课堂。其次,教师要对学生一视同仁,切忌讽刺挖苦学生,使他们对英语学习失去  相似文献   

新课标提出英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养创新精神。如何转化学困生,使他们走出学习的误区,消除他们的英语学习心理障碍,调动他们学习英语的兴趣,培养他们良好的英语学习习惯,从而为他们搭建一条平等的求学之路,增强他们学习英语的自信心?笔者就此问题,结合实际谈谈自己的看法。一、寓教于乐,在快乐中学习  相似文献   

正在中职英语教学中实施情感教学,教师可通过创设和谐的课堂氛围,激励学习情感和积极评价等多种方法来激发学生的学习动机。这不仅可以提高语言教学效果,也能帮助学生树立自信心,在学习上敢于正视困难,愿意加倍付出努力,乐于与他人合作,增强集体意识,拓展视野,使他们在英语学习过程中不断增强语言的综合运用能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。一、激发学习动机,创设和谐的课堂氛围情感教学是爱的艺术。教师要用满腔的爱去  相似文献   

情感教育的目的是让学生在一个爱与宽容的环境中成长,帮助他们在成长过程中学会更健康乐观地面对生活中的一切。当一个学生感到自己不被理解或没有被很好地照顾时,作为父母、教师,再好的目的、意图、课程安排都不能改变这个事实。在初中英语教学中,由于学生的英语学习处于起步阶段,是否能对英语语言文化产生兴趣,将直接影响其今后的学习。英语教师应在激发学生学习兴趣、增进学生情感体验上作出更积极的探索。教师积极主动的情感教育对学生起着潜移默化的影响,不仅能成为学生对英语产生学习动力的直接源  相似文献   

新课标要求:通过对学生学习情感态度的评价,发展学生学习英语的兴趣;通过对学生参与能力的评价,发展学生的英语交际意识和交际能力;通过对学生学习策略的评价,发展学生的英语学习能力;使学生在学习过程中,能获得成就感,增强自信心  相似文献   

英语教学不仅仅是语言技巧、语言知识的传输活动,更应该促进学生学习能力的发展和英语学习情感因素的培养,利用能影响学习效果的情感因素,培养学生的兴趣,增强学生的学习原动力,调动学生的学习主动性和积极性,把师爱落到鼓励学生树立自信心、帮助学生锻炼克服困难的意志的实处,实现教学中师生共同参与并和谐发展。  相似文献   

<正>情感教育在英语新课程标准中占有重要的地位,指出基础教育阶段的英语课程不仅要发展学生的语言知识和语言技能,而且有责任和义务培养学生积极向上的情感态度;同时强调应保持学生积极的学习态度,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践和创新能力。如何在新课程标准的要求下,注重情感教育,优化英语教学?首先,要认识情感教育和英语学习之间的关系。古人说:"人情者,礼仪之田也。"(《礼记》)情感是人际关系的调节器。教师对学生真诚的关爱、理解不仅能增进师  相似文献   

在教学过程中,常见的现象是学生在同样的教师教他们同样的英语知识的情况下,英语成绩也明显不同。这并不是因为他们的智力水平差异大,而是在很大程度上受学习者情感因素的影响。学习者的情感因素是指如动机,兴趣,学习习惯等情感特征。该文主要探讨各种情感因素对语言学习的重要性,并对此提出了相应的教学策略。它的目的是帮助我们找出情感因素与外语教学之间的内在联系。从而,教师可以选择有效的教学策略来培养他们的各项性格特征,从而能提高学生的英语学习效率。  相似文献   

Emotions are central to how students experience mathematics, yet we know little about how specific instructional practices relate to students’ emotions in mathematics learning. We examined how dialogic instruction, a socially dynamic form of instruction, was associated with four learning emotions in mathematics: enjoyment, pride, anger, and boredom. We also examined whether these associations differed by student gender and prior mathematics achievement. The sample consisted of 1307 sixth through eighth grade students (51.6% female, 59.0% White, 30.8% African American, and 10.3% other race; 42.3% receive free/reduced price lunch) from 70 mathematics classrooms. Results indicated that teachers who used more dialogic mathematics instruction had students who reported more enjoyment and pride, and less anger and boredom. Males and low-achieving students reported more positive and fewer negative emotions with greater dialogic instruction compared to their female and high-achieving counterparts.  相似文献   

Differences in Pride and Shame in Maltreated and Nonmaltreated Preschoolers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study examined the expression of shame and pride in maltreated and nonmaltreated preschool children. 84 4–5-year-old children and their mothers participated in the study: 42 had a history of child maltreatment and 42 served as matched controls. Children were presented with easy and difficult tasks and their emotional responses of shame and pride were observed. No shame was shown when subjects succeeded on the tasks and no pride was shown when they failed. Maltreating mothers offered more negative feedback, particularly to their daughters, than nonmaltreating mothers. Maltreated girls showed more shame when they failed and less pride when they succeeded than nonmaltreated girls. The relation between differential socialization practices and the self-conscious emotions is explored as it relates to observed gender differences in emotionality and self-concept.  相似文献   

网上学习小组特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网上小组学习是远程教育一种重要的协同学习形式,而网上学习小组的特性(如学习小组的组织结构、组员对小组活动促进学习的认识、情感因素,以及对教师的期待等)会影响到活动的效果。但目前国内外有关网上学习小组的实证研究较为鲜见。本研究通过教学试验、问卷调查和书面访谈后发现,成功的学习小组规模要适中,组员的水平、志趣、背景等有一定差异,对网上小组活动在学习上的促进作用认同程度高,能处理好协作与自主、认知与情感、个人成就与集体荣誉等关系,形成一个平等、互动、宽松、愉悦的虚拟学习社区。同时,教师从学习活动的设计、组织到整个过程都要“积极干预”,既解疑释惑、传授知识又培养正确的学习技巧,同时,也要体现人文关怀,肯定成绩,指出不足,营造学习氛围,鼓励大胆创新。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships of students’ incremental beliefs of math ability to their achievement emotions, classroom engagement and math achievement. A sample of 273 secondary students in Singapore were administered measures of incremental beliefs of math ability, math enjoyment, pride, boredom and anxiety, as well as math classroom attention and disruption. In addition, students’ end-of-year math achievement scores were collected from school records. The hypothesised mediation model was supported in structural equation modelling analysis. Incremental beliefs of math ability were associated positively with math enjoyment and pride, and negatively with math boredom and anxiety. Achievement emotions fully mediated the relationships of incremental beliefs of math ability to classroom engagement and math achievement. Incremental beliefs of math ability were associated positively with classroom attention through math enjoyment and pride, negatively with classroom disruption through math anxiety and positively with math achievement through the two outcome-related emotions, math pride and anxiety. The findings and implications are discussed in the academic context of Singapore.  相似文献   

This paper used cross-lagged panel models to test the longitudinal interplay between maternal cultural socialization, peer ethnic-racial discrimination, and ethnic-racial pride across 5th to 11th grade among Mexican American youth (N = 674, Mage = 10.86; 72% born in the United States; 50% girls; Wave 1 collected 2006–2008). Maternal cultural socialization predicted increases in subsequent youth ethnic-racial pride, and youth ethnic-racial pride prompted greater maternal cultural socialization. However, peer ethnic-racial discrimination was associated with subsequent decreases in ethnic-racial pride. The magnitude of these associations was consistent across 5th to 11th grades suggesting that maternal cultural socialization messages are necessary to maintain ethnic-racial pride across adolescence, thus families must continually support the development of ethnic-racial pride in their youth to counter the effects of discrimination.  相似文献   

To examine individual differences in pride and shame reactions of 3-year-olds and their temperamental and parenting antecedents, 110 boys were studied at ages 36 and 37 months in a "rigged" achievement situation. After being trained to complete explicitly stipulated "easy" and "difficult" tasks before a buzzer sounded, success and failure were manipulated by artificially "rigging" how much time the child had to work on these tasks. Children's facial, verbal, and postural reactions to success and failure were composited to create pride scores following success and shame scores following failure. As expected, pride reactions were greater following success on the difficult than on the easy task, and shame reactions were greater following failure on the easy than on the difficult task. Early temperament (at 12/13 months) proved unrelated to pride and shame. With respect to parenting, measurements composited across 15, 21, 27, and 33 months showed that mothers and fathers who were more positive in their parenting had children who displayed less pride, and that children whose parents (especially mothers) were more negative in their parenting evinced less shame. These counterintuitive findings are discussed in terms of differences between assessments of parenting obtained in this investigation of parenting antecedents and those obtained in other studies of parental responses in the achievement situation itself. Directions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

3-year-old children were presented with easy and difficult tasks and their emotional responses of shame and pride were observed. No shame was shown when subjects succeeded on the tasks and no pride was shown when they failed. Significantly more shame was shown when subjects failed easy tasks than when they failed difficult tasks, and significantly more pride was shown when subjects succeeded on difficult than on easy tasks. While there were no sex differences in task failures, girls showed more shame than boys. There were no sex differences in pride when subjects succeeded.  相似文献   

“妇见”礼始见于周代婚礼,其仪式琐细繁缛,主要由妇见舅姑、舅姑醴妇、妇馈舅姑、舅姑飨妇等环节构成。此礼经过岁月的冲刷和洗礼后,仍然存留于当下的河湟汉族婚俗中。其中新妇向公婆拜见行礼是“妇见舅姑”的遗风,新妇“斟毛头茶”、“端包子”、“下面”是“妇馈舅姑”的流俗,公婆向新妇馈金是“舅姑醴妇”、“舅姑飨妇”的余韵。  相似文献   

Recent debates about “Britishness” have drawn increasing attention to the inculcation of national values within the school history curriculum. To date, however, few studies have explored young people’s attitudes towards history or how these are related to their sources of national pride and shame. This paper draws on a survey of over 400 undergraduates’ experiences of secondary education, investigating their attitudes towards the history curriculum and how these relate to their feelings of national pride. Using principal components analysis we found that students’ attitudes towards history loaded on to two distinct factors: traditional/conservative and multicultural/liberal. Bivariate correlations then revealed that pride in national sporting and economic achievements and a sense of shame about immigration were positively associated with a traditional attitude towards history. Pride in British civil liberties and social diversity and a sense of shame about racism and UK foreign policy were associated with a multicultural attitude. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

西南地区少数民族大学生民族认同内隐维度的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族认同指在多民族国家中,各民族个体对自己既作为单一民族成员身份同时也作为国家民族成员身份双重承认的和谐统一。用一份半开放式问卷对221名西南地区的少数民族大学生进行了调查,结果如下:(1)西南地区少数民族大学生的民族认同大多处于积极状态;(2)影响西南地区少数民族大学生对中华民族认同的内隐维度主要有归属感、客观身份、自豪感、政治与政策、历史和地域等;(3)影响西南地区少数民族大学生对本民族认同的内隐维度主要有客观身份、自豪感、地域、习俗、文化、历史和归属感等;(4)西南地区少数民族大学生对双重身份的认同在某些维度上符合线性两极模型.而在其他维度上则更符合二维模型的理论假设。  相似文献   

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