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学习环境的未来发展趋向是:以学习为中心,鼓励学生积极参与,使其具有自我管理意识;社会性的合作学习;与学习者的动机和情感具有高度的契合性;关注学习个体间的差异;学习者在这种学习环境中没有过多的学习负荷;使用与目标相一致的评估标准,强调形成性评价的反馈;能促进学校内外以及跨学科活动间的横向连接。为适应学习环境的发展趋向,要将教师放在变革的第一线并改变教师的教育信念,提倡创新形式的教育,提高学校知识管理所发挥的作用,并关注专业化的合作和实践社区。  相似文献   

合作学习作为现代教育的新理念,既作为教学形式又作为学习方法而进入课堂。主体间性理论是合作学习的哲学理论基础。合作学习的实质在于,每一个学生应该具有两种品质:第一,表达与倾听;第二,贡献与分享。但是合作学习在我国课堂实践过程中出现了诸多问题,究其原因是人们缺乏对合作学习本质的认识,合作学习是一种主体间性的体现,它需要人与人之间建立一种平等的对话关系,倡导学习者与物对话、与他人(同学和教师)对话、与自己对话。因此,解决我国合作学习过程中诸多问题的有效途径之一,便是创建学习共同体,从而使得学校、社会、家庭各种成员在学习共同体之间培育一种相互学习,共同成长的关系。  相似文献   

利用Citespace软件进行引文共现分析发现,近年来欧美教师教育研究从引证文献上主要关注早期教师专业成长、教师科研中的定性研究方法和教师作为反思性的实践者;主题词上相关研究集中关注教学知识、职业信念等教师教育理论与实践间的转化机制方面;作者机构方面以范德堡大学为典型代表的科研机构展现出提供学习者中心的教师教育服务、面向教师实践进行科研合作等辐射性特征。以学习为中心,将教师专业发展融于学校改进之中是欧美教师教育研究的前沿趋势,可为我国教师教育研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

分析信息化环境下有效学习的内涵。阐述信息化学习的特征:学习资源的多样性、学习者的自主性、学习过程的协同性。论述信息化环境下有效学习应关注的问题:提高学习者的信息技术技能与素养;注重对学习者信息化学习方式的指导;促进有效学习,要求教师与学习者转变传统的角色。  相似文献   

广义的合作学习.包括学习者与学习者、学习者与教师、学习者与家庭成员、学习者与社会人士等诸方面之间的合作学习,因而合作学习的形式具有多样化的特点。但是,从学校教育的视角看,合作学习的主要参与者是学生,合作学习的最重要最基本的运作形式是学生小组合作学习。所以,人们常将合作学习称为小组合作学习。由此而来,小组的组建便成为合作学习的起点。作为学习方式,合作学习首先是学习的组建方式。  相似文献   

开放教育与微学习具有很强的耦合性,开放教育引入微学习是应然选择.开放教育应用微学习必须从学校、教师和学习者三方面入手:学校方面要通过软件、硬件和资源的建设,创设微学习环境;教师方面要通过转变自身角色、改革教学模式和提供学习支持,探索构建基于微学习的教学模式;学习者要通过树立理念、培养能力和加强自我监控,养成微学习习惯.  相似文献   

远程开放教育中合作学习策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习是目前世界上许多国家普遍采用的一种富有创意和实效的教学理论与策略。远程开放教育中合作学习变传统的教师讲授为教师搭台、学习者唱戏,小组成员团结协作,彼此相师,互相学习。远程开放教育中合作学习的策略是:课内合作、课外合作和利用网络平台实施合作。合作学习能提高学习者学习的主动性,促进学习者之间良好人际关系的形成,促进学习者心理品质的发展。  相似文献   

生态学视角下的泛在学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
泛在学习是泛在计算支持下的一种学习方式,具有永久性、可获取性、即时性、交互性及教学行为的场景性等特点.从生态学的角度审视与思考泛在学习,可以看到,泛在学习为学习者提供了一种整合的学习环境,打破了学习环境的花盆效应,体现了学习与真实情境的相互作用和影响,促成了学习从"人工"情境到"生态"的回归;为学习者的个性化发展提供了良好的条件,使得学习者的主体性和个性得到充分发挥,避免了个性发展的超耐失衡;关注学习过程,关注学习者专业发展的生态位分化,利于学习者在专业发展上的自主进步;使学习者能够透过资源与学习该资源的其它人建立联系,组建无限扩展的社会认知网络.实现了学习者知识流生态困限的主动超越;聚焦社会发展的整体效应,为学习者提供了更加广阔的学习环境和学习选择权,越来越贴近学习者的终身学习需求.  相似文献   

<正>1.诊断学生的数学情感。一方面,教师可以运用理论来诊断学生数学学习情感,揭示学习困难产生的情感原因,协调学科认知与学科情感发展的不一致,以此来帮助学生养成积极的数学价值观;另一方面,由于幸福感发展的情境性,教师也可以运用分类来评价和改进特定情境中的教学活动,如教师不仅要关注学习者在小组合作中的表现,还要观察学习者是否有合作的意愿,以及合作过程中的情绪反应  相似文献   

合作学习是学习者群体通过群体间的,即通过教师与学生、学生与学生或是教师与教师之间围绕共同的学习目标和学习内容,在分组的环境中开展交流式的学习的一种学习活动.合作学习与传统的教学方法相比有其明显的优势,是对传统教学方式的变革.运用合作学习策略,应划分学习小组并进行组内分工,应调整教师的作用与角色定位,应建立合作学习的学习与教学评价机制.  相似文献   


This article reports on a study that examined teaching and learning in multi-grade classrooms using the Learning Environment, Learning Processes and Learning Outcomes (LEPO) conceptual framework. The study sought to investigate how the learning environment is created; how the processes of teaching and learning take place; and how assessment is used to determine the achievement of learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. A qualitative research design was used, where interviews were conducted with nine teachers from schools with multi-grade classrooms. The data was analysed thematically and revealed the following: the learning environment can be created by grouping learners appropriately in classrooms, creating learning stations and reading stations, proper use of time-tables, and adaptation of teaching plans; the learning processes should take place through the differentiated curricular approach or quasi mono-grade, that is, learners should be afforded the opportunity to learn from their family members, teaching and learning should take place through self-directed learning, peer tutoring and cooperative learning, and lessons should cater for different learning styles; to determine the realisation of learning outcomes teachers should assess learners in different grades informally with either the same or grade-specific assessment activities and formally with grade-specific assessment tasks. The article also addresses the main criticisms against the LEPO framework by explaining how teachers and learners should interact with the learning environment, learning processes and learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. The article concludes that if the LEPO framework can be implemented in multi-grade classrooms, teaching and learning can be strengthened in such classrooms.  相似文献   

A teaching method may not work for all students. Therefore, attention should be paid to the type of students entering the learning environment in order to explain how they perceive the learning environment and achieve. This study investigates students’ perceptions and achievement in four learning environments that differed in the degree to which case-based and lecture-based learning were implemented (either separately or combined), hereby making use of students’ motivational and learning profiles. Participants were 1098 first-year student teachers who took a course on child development. Results showed that autonomously motivated deep-strategic learners were significantly more positive about each type of learning environment than little motivated and less pronounced deep-strategic learners. However, with regard to achievement, student profiles did not differ. Instead, the learning environment proved to be of significant influence: students in a gradually implemented case-based setting and a completely lecture-based setting scored significantly higher than students in a completely case-based setting.  相似文献   

在网络环境下,学习者由于高度自由同时又缺乏有效的监管,学习很容易受到外界事件的干扰,并不能完全保证学习者的学习行为是有效的。为保证网络环境下学习的质量与绩效,有必要对网络环境下的有效学习行为进行深入研究。文章在“有效学习”定义基础上,提出网络环境下有效学习行为的概念及其特征,并详细讨论了网络环境下有效学习行为的主要影响因素,最后从中得到提高网络环境下学习行为有效性的启示:在课前,教师要做好学前分析,检查学习者是否已有本次学习必要的基础知识储备,并帮助学习者明确自己的学习目标,给学习者提供必要的学习环境;在课中,教师要注重学习者信息技术应用能力的培养,同时给学习者施加一定的外部动机,并结合具体情况,给予学习者有效的引导;在课后,教师需要及时对这节课进行反思总结。  相似文献   

开放大学有效学习资源建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放大学学习资源建设,必须根据其特定的学习环境和其特定的学习对象,设计有效的学习资源。有效学习资源是教师基于对学习者的学习条件和学习需求、对课程学科体系和内容以及学习媒体进行相应的分析后,通过教学设计,运用现代教育信息技术提供给学习者的符合教育、教学原理,能够满足课程教学要求,有助于学习者学到更多、更牢固、更核心课程内容的学习资源。  相似文献   

This paper draws on data collected during a longitudinal collaborative project with teachers in England from schools and further education colleges. The project investigated ‘Learning to Learn’ in partnership with teacher–researchers with a focus on how metacognitive awareness can be improved by enquiring into creative combinations of pedagogy, environment and learners’ dispositions. The paper is an attempt to make clear the theoretical underpinnings of our belief that the project teachers were enacting something different, something metacognitive. We present a pragmatic model of metacognition development based on ideas collaboratively produced across the project. The five cycles of development are exemplified from the pedagogic and the professional learning perspective with quotes, vignettes and case study excerpts. We show a catalytic relationship between the pedagogies used by the teachers to develop their students’ metacognition and the teachers’ own learning and metacognitive knowledge and skilfulness.  相似文献   

多媒体网络环境下的英语教学是大学英语教学改革的趋势。多媒体网络环境下的英语教学给英语教师和英语学习者都提出了新的要求。英语教师对多媒体及网络的利用要适度、恰当。英语学习者要充分利用网络英语学习资源。多媒体网络环境下的英语教学有利于学习者和教师之间建立良好的协作关系。  相似文献   

This study examined teachers’ learning situated in a school to reveal factors that support and hinder learning in the workplace. The investigation analyzed teachers’ orientation to learning, examining beliefs, practices, and experiences about teachers’ learning in relation to change in the workplace. A hypothesis is that teacher learning and change is complex and unable to be fully understood outside of practice. Evidence is provided on the factors and forms of learning activities that appear to strengthen an expansive learning environment and those which contribute to a more restrictive learning environment. A distinctive finding was that teachers’ orientation to learning is related to self-reported change. Another promising finding with the potential of better understanding the interrelated combination of how teachers’ beliefs, practices, and workplace factors influence change was related to dissonance for learning. The implications for practice involved determining how to continue to support and strengthen an expansive workplace learning environment.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Naturalistic instruction is the intentional use of strategies embedded within typical activities of the environment to create learning opportunities for children. We used multilevel modeling to analyze data from this single-case design study that focused on improving teachers’ use of naturalistic language strategies and children’s communication through professional development with bug-in-ear coaching. Our results showed that professional development was positively associated with children’s communication during and after professional development. During generalization sessions in different types of activities, teachers’ use of the naturalistic language strategies was positively associated with children’s functional communication. We also found that children were more likely to communicate during child-led activities. Practice or Policy: Associations among professional development, teachers’ use of evidence-based strategies, and children’s outcomes have yet to be fully understood. Administrators and professional development providers should support teachers’ use of naturalistic language strategies to create equitable exposure to language-learning opportunities for all children. Moreover, professional development efforts should support teachers’ intentional use of child-led activities to embed language-learning opportunities based on children’s interests. Finally, to strengthen children’s generalization of skills across routines, professional development providers should identify methods to support teachers’ generalized use of strategies within the typical activities of the setting.  相似文献   

社会建构主义教学理论强调外语教学过程以学生为中心,突出认知主体;教师转变角色,由"主讲"变为"主导";注重开展交互性学习,重视创设语言环境,加大英文输入;培养学生自主学习能力和注重知识重现的原则。高职院校英语教学要以社会建构主义理论为指导,改革教学方式方法,以提高学生语言应用技能。  相似文献   

South African teachers encounter numerous challenges in the creation of differentiated activities to include diverse learner needs in effective teaching and learning. These challenges include the inability to identify learning barriers and adapt the curriculum, teaching and assessment methods according to the learning styles and readiness levels of learners. The study aimed to explore secondary school teachers’ (n = 262) perspectives on the implementation of differentiated instruction in public secondary schools (n = 27), using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results indicated that teachers cannot always assist their learners when they need them; show them how to solve problems; or allow learners to work on their own. In addition, various limitations, such as inadequate teacher training, large class sizes, workload, undisciplined learners, lack of resources and parental involvement, second language instruction, inadequate support services and socio-economic barriers contribute to the use of teacher-centred methods. The study recommends that intervention programmes in the form of workshops on how to create differentiated activities should be prioritised in the professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

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