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Sleeping PillsBob was having trouble getting to sleep at night. He went to see his doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills.Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm. He took his time getting to the…  相似文献   

Go to Hospital     
Mr Black kept doing morning exercises.He alwayswalked to his shop in the morning and ate the simple(普通的)food though he had a lot of money.So he was strongand never went to see a doctor. One evening,on his way home,he was caught inheavy rain.He kept on running home though a bus couldtake there.He didn't feel well that night.The next morn-ing his wife asked him to go to hospital.The old miserly  相似文献   

Time and tide wait for no man.It is not long before the school started and it is sad for me to think of leaving the school and the teachers soon.In the past three years,I have had a very great time.I won’t forget his loud voice in class.He was the first one to arrive at the classroom.He always spent his free time finishing his task and teaching us knowledge.He gave us suitable homework every weekday.He was never late for class.He was very responsible to us.And he never gave up on  相似文献   

Jim went to the doctor‘s this morning. He likesapples very much and yesterday he ate too manygreen ones, so this morning he had a stomach-ache(胃疼), When he came to breakfast he was crying.  相似文献   

A Mr Leonard was twenty-three years old and very rich.He was not married and he lived in two rooms in a small house in a city.Every summer he went down to the sea for a holiday.He stayed in small,cheap hotels,but he always wanted to have a clean,tidy room.He hated dirty places. One summer a friend of his said,"Go to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.I went there last year,and it was very nice and clean." So Mr Leonard went to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.But there was a different manager that year.  相似文献   

AOne day a lawyer's wife fell i1and he went to get a doctor. The doctor went to see the woman, but before he went into the house he stopped. He knew that the lawyer never paid his b2. So he said to the lawyer, "But if I c3 your wife, I'm afraid you may not pay me."Sir," replied the lawyer," Here!have 500 dollars. Whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her,I will give you all t 4"The doctor was s5of the payment and went into the house. When he reached the woman's bedside,he knew at …  相似文献   

Mr Jones moved to another town, and soon he needed a new doctor, so he went to see one. He sat down in the waiting room and looked around, seeing the doctor's degree certificate on the wall. Suddenly Mr Jones remembered: there had been a classmate of his with the same name in his class at school, and he had become a doctor!  相似文献   

Long,long ago,there lived a rich man who loved wine(酒)and good foodmore than anything else.And so did his servant. Each time the rich man went out,he had to 1 his wine and foodaway.But each time the servant could always find them and helped 2 tothem.Of course the rich man knew 3 did it and was 4.But he coulddo 5 about it because he had never caught 6 drinking his wine oreating his food.  相似文献   

There was once a young man who liked 1)puppets so much,he became an 2)apprentice to a master puppet-maker.Sadly,the young man was very 3)clumsy,and his teacher and the other apprentices were always telling him he had no ability to make puppets,he would never succeed.  相似文献   

Ted worked in a factory in a big town.He worked hard from Monday toFriday,and on weekends he usually went fishing.He liked fishing and wasvery good at it.Very often he went down to the small river behind the factoryand tried his luck.But there were very few fish in the river,and he had  相似文献   

A Drinker's SuccessA heavy drinker realized the harm done to him by wine and made up his mind to give up drinking. One day he went shopping in the town near his home. He was determined to come back home without even sipping(呷)a drop of wine. Shopping over, he passed by a wine shop. "Here is a place to test myself," he thought, and went away. He felt encouraged with this first success . He came to another wine shop, and did the same, bravely. He was very glad. Finally he came to his favorite wine shop near his house. He went into it and drank happily to celebrate his success in abstinence from wine(戒酒)all day.  相似文献   

一 A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom they had to train. He had never seen them ago, so he began," My name is Stone,and I' m even hard than stone,so do what I tell you, and there will be trouble. Don' t try any tricks with me,and then we' Il get on well together." Then he went to each soldier one after other and asked him his name.  相似文献   

Pets are wonderful creatures! I had my first when I was just a little boy;a hamster called Cloudy. He was a very talented escape artist, and figured out how to open the door of his cage. Fortunately, whenever he escaped he'd hide in the same place, and so he was always easy to retrieve. After him we got a cat, a black and white tom called Oscar. A grumpy animal, he was also very smart - he had a catflap, and a magnetic collar that opened it, and he used to use it to let his other cat friends into the house, so that we'd come downstairs in the morning and find two or three of them scattered around the laundry.  相似文献   

1.One day a very fat man went to see a doctor and asked the doctor to help him to lose weight.The doctor looked him over and said,"Oh,you will die in forty days."2.The fat man was very sad.After he re-turned home,he lay in bed all day long.He didn’t do anything and waited for hisdeath.With each passing day,he ate lessand less and was becoming thinner andthinner.3.Forty days passed,but he did not die.Hewaited for another day.Then he went tothe doctor and asked him,“Forty dayshave passed,bu…  相似文献   

Merry Widows     
Mr Brown was at the theatre.He had got his ticket at the lastmoment,so he had not been able to choose his seat.He now foundthat he was in the middle of a group of American ladies,some of themmiddle-aged and some quite old.They obviously all knew each otherwell,as before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see,  相似文献   

Ted worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was very good at it.Whenever he was free. he wouht go down to the small river behind the factory, and tried to catchsome fish, but there were very few there, because the water was dirty. Last summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel.  相似文献   

There was a man who loved fine art. He loved it so much that he lived for it. It had become his whole life, and had literally engulfed him. He would work really hard to save up some money, just so he could buy another piece of fine art. He would buy Rembrandt's, Picasso's and many others' works of fine art.The man had been widowed some years before but he had a son. As he raised his son, he included him in his hobby of collecting art. As his son grew, he also became a great art collector. His dad was very proud of him.Collecting fine art was something that they both loved to do and it brought them very close together.Some years passed by and their country suddenly engulfed in a war. The son, like so many other young men, enlisted and went off to serve his country. He had been gone for some time, and then it happened.  相似文献   

A young man couldn’t sleep well every night. He was always worried. So he went to see the doctor. The doctolooked over him carefully, but there was nothing wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from one to ten againand again.“Keep doing it till you fall asleep.”the doctor said.A few days later, the young man came to the doctor again. But to his surprise, the doctor found the young man waeven worse than before.“Didn’t you do as what I told you?”the doctor asked.“Yes, I did,”he…  相似文献   

A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a bar for a drink. Unfortunately (不幸得很), the locals(当地人) always had a habit of picking on strangers(欺生), which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, flipped (抛) his gun into the air, caught it above his head without even looking  相似文献   

Have a Contest     
【争当翻译家】竞赛题Ⅰ.改正下面文章中的错误When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learn to fly it. He soon became very well and made his plane to do all kinds of tricks.George had a friend. His name was Mark. Some day George offered taking Mark above in his plane. Mark thought,“I had travelled in a big plane several times,and I蒺ve never been in a little one, so I蒺ll go.”They went down, and George fly around it for half an hour and doing all kinds of tricks in the air.…  相似文献   

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