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Writing performance for a large number of adolescents, with and without learning disabilities (LD), in the United States is below the level required for success in college and in the world of work. Despite the importance of writing and students' with LD documented difficulties in this academic domain, writing intervention research for adolescents with LD is not as well established as research in other domains, such as reading. Programs of research in writing interventions for adolescents with LD, nevertheless, have provided frameworks for effective instruction for these students. Adapting criteria from Graham and Perin's (2007c) Writing Next report, 40 studies across six programs of research were located for our literature review in writing instruction for adolescents with LD. Based on the findings of these studies, instruction within two levels of support for adolescents with LD are recommended.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of students with autism are being educated in mainstream schools. However, outcomes for students with autism are poor when compared to typical students and students with other developmental disabilities. In order to better understand facilitators and barriers to success at school for students with autism, research into the attitudes of key stakeholders, educators, parents, people with autism, to inclusion in mainstream schools for students with autism, was reviewed. Key themes emerging included attitudes to inclusion, the characteristics of autism and social communication in particular and interaction with the school environment, and consequent student problem behaviour. Level of knowledge and understanding of school staff emerged as the primary issue with all stakeholders identifying the need for more training. Other support needs identified included the need for structural support, resources and funding. Parents, in particular, identified the need for a collaborative approach to the education process. The findings highlight the need to translate theory into practice to increase capacity in schools to provide effective educational programmes for students with autism.  相似文献   

Adjustments are considered necessary for students with disabilities to be fully included in classroom instruction, classroom assessment and external accountability tests. The 67 item Checklist of Learning and Assessment Adjustments for Students (CLAAS), translated for the Chinese community, was used by 74 teachers from Macau and Mainland China to document their application of adjustments for 319 students with special educational needs across these three settings. Results indicated consistently large gaps between adjustment use in classrooms compared with national tests, with the allowable adjustments for public testing reportedly used very little. Findings also provided evidence for the content validity of the checklist for teachers of students with disabilities in China and its utility in documenting applied adjustments. This study also indicates the potential for CLAAS to provide teachers across China with a comprehensive list of adjustments, to reflect on and review adjustment decision-making and assessment protocols for all students.  相似文献   

Relationships between pretend play and word production were investigated in 10 hearing (H) and 10 toddlers with hearing loss (D) who attended an auditory/oral early intervention program. All children were videotaped interacting in free play with their hearing primary caregiver at 28, 29, and 30 months of age. Group comparisons were made for the scores for highest and mean levels of pretend play and for the underlying structures of decontextualization, decentration, sequencing, and planning. Relationships with word production were then explored for the two groups separately. Results showed significantly higher levels of pretend play for all dimensions for the hearing children and an association between level of pretend play and word production for the children with hearing loss. Associations between word production and sequencing and planning were found for both groups of children. Word production was associated with decontextualization for the hearing children and with decentration for the children with hearing loss. We discuss theoretical implications of the findings together with implications for intervention with toddlers who have hearing loss.  相似文献   

伴随着汽车服务企业飞速发展,企业对人才的需求也在不断发生变化,由原来的初级向中级、高级发展。高职院校汽车技术服务于营销专业原有的人才培养模式、课程体系,已不能适应汽车行业对人才的需求。通过对汽车4S店的调研,根据不断变化的岗位进行分析,对旧的课程体系进行改革,建立适应企业需要新的人才培养模式、课程体系,为高职院校培养汽车营销人才提供参考。  相似文献   

Summer undergraduate research programs in science and engineering facilitate research progress for faculty and provide a close-ended research experience for students, which can prepare them for careers in industry, medicine, and academia. However, ensuring these outcomes is a challenge when the students arrive ill-prepared for substantive research or if projects are ill-defined or impractical for a typical 10-wk summer. We describe how the new Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institutes (BBSI), developed in response to a call for proposals by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), provide an impetus for the enhancement of traditional undergraduate research experiences with intense didactic training in particular skills and technologies. Such didactic components provide highly focused and qualified students for summer research with the goal of ensuring increased student satisfaction with research and mentor satisfaction with student productivity. As an example, we focus on our experiences with the Penn State Biomaterials and Bionanotechnology Summer Institute (PSU-BBSI), which trains undergraduates in core technologies in surface characterization, computational modeling, cell biology, and fabrication to prepare them for student-centered research projects in the role of materials in guiding cell biology.  相似文献   

In this qualitative study, we examined the lived experiences of three typically developing children participating in inclusive preschool programs for children with special needs. Inclusion has been considered a best practice in early childhood programs for many years; however, some may still argue that the benefits for children with disabilities are greater than for those without. Prior research has explored the benefits of inclusion for young children with special needs but has not focused as intentionally on the benefits for young children with typical abilities. In this study, we followed three preschool children with typical development for one school year. Employing an hermeneutical framework, we used observations, interviews with teachers and parents, and artifact reviews to examine how these three children made meaning of their experiences. Findings indicated that all three children made social gains and demonstrated improved perceptions of peer with disabilities after participating in their respective programs. The results suggest that inclusive preschool programs may be viewed as beneficial for all children.  相似文献   

目前,我国在国际服务贸易立法与GATS存在着一致之处,但更多的是不相一致,面临入世,促使其与GATS尽快接轨乃势在必然。我国国际服务贸易立法的应对之策应是:积极参与国际服务贸易规则的制订;充分利用GATS规则,制订国际服务贸易保护法律;依据GATS规则,为完善国际服务贸易自身发展而立法。这是我国迎接入世带来的挑战的基本立法思路。  相似文献   

我国特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育诊断评估是特殊需要儿童教育的起点,也是特殊需要儿童教育质量的保障。本文对近十年(1997-2006)国内关于特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究成果进行分析、梳理、总结、概括,探讨国内特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究现状及发展趋势,从而为我国特殊需要儿童的诊断评估的发展、完善提供借鉴。目前我国特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估研究反映出四个特征、六个问题与六个发展趋势。  相似文献   

高职院校人才培养的方向及相应的教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据市场经济发展的要求,分析国内人士市场对高职人才的需求状况及影响高职人才培养的因素,提出高职院校人才培养应注重的方向,借鉴国外经验,阐明国内培养高级技能型人才应采取的教学改革措施,对高职人才的培养,成长及高职院校的办学具有指导性作用。  相似文献   

According to the Simple View of Reading, reading ability can be divided into decoding and language comprehension. In the present study, decoding and comprehension's contribution to reading ability was studied both in children with reading difficulties and in children with typical reading ability. Decoding and comprehension was further divided into sub-components, and the contribution from non-verbal ability and general processing speed was also studied. The results demonstrated that decoding made the largest contribution to reading ability for children with reading difficulties, while language comprehension contributed the most for children with typical reading ability. The contribution of non-verbal ability was not significant, and general processing speed only made a significant contribution to decoding for typical children. The two factors in the Simple View of Reading, decoding and comprehension, together explained less of the variance in reading ability for children with reading difficulties than for children with typical reading ability.  相似文献   

字词是弱智儿童语文学习的基础,也是弱智儿童教育的一项重要且困难的任务。通过从语音、词汇、字词结构的角度分析某省编1-3年级语文教材的字词,教材字词内容的安排与弱智儿童语音、词汇发展规律基本符合,字词结构与弱智儿童字词结构学习规律有出入。应根据弱智儿童本身的言语习得规律安排培智学校语文教材的内容。  相似文献   

考场作文是对一个人语文能力的综合考查,它与平时作文的最大区别在于时间上受到了严格限制。如何在有限的时间内,充分发挥一个人的写作潜能写好考场作文,这是许多专家十分关注并为之艰苦探索的问题:写好考场作文关键在于:认真审题,切中题旨;仔细琢磨,把握文体;反复推敲,突出立意;精细构思,完美结构;精心选材,丰富内容;字斟句酌,精确表达。  相似文献   

酵母菌经过不同浓度的盐溶液、低温等不同方式的逆境处理,不同时间内取样,对海藻糖的含量进行测量,得出酵母菌海藻糖含量积累的最佳单一胁迫条件是:1.2mol/LNaCl溶液处理酵母菌30min;0.9mol/L KCl溶液处理酵母菌60min;0.6mol/LMgS04溶液处理酵母菌90min;1.2mol/LCaCl2溶液处理酵母菌90min;0.8mol/LAICl3溶液处理酵母菌6h;0.4mol/LFeCl3溶液处理酵母菌3h;0℃处理酵母菌15s.  相似文献   

全纳教育通过为有障碍和无障碍学生建立学习型社区,使所有学生在适龄的普通教育场景接受相同的教育。全纳教育代表所有学生的利益,提倡教师要为差异而教。学习障碍学生是美国中小学接受特殊教育的最大群体。全纳教育对美国学习障碍学生的教育安置、学业进步和社会性发展均产生一定影响。研究全纳教育对学习障碍学生的教育影响有助于提高全纳教育的效能并对评估和推进全纳教育起到指导作用。  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards for literacy in history and social studies present opportunities and challenges for teachers of and adolescents with learning disabilities (LD). In addition to reading challenges, students must engage in higher order thinking and reasoning. To provide opportunities for students to successfully respond to such challenges, teachers must have an understanding of the expectations in the Standards, and of the learning needs of students with LD. Teachers can assure success for adolescents with LD by selecting proven instructional procedures and engaging in collaboration to provide students with the supports they need. Examples of one evidence‐based practice, Content Enhancement, are provided to illustrate instructional protocols for teachers of diverse classes that include adolescents with LD.  相似文献   

This study examined the degree to which multiple personal (age, gender, disability, and need for educational support) and school environment characteristics (hours in academic classes with general education peers, hours in nonacademic classes with age-peers, attendance at the most recent individualized education plan [IEP] meeting, transition goal for the future on the IEP, and experience with setting goals for the future) predicted student's relative level of self-determination. Age, disability label, hours in academic classes with general education peers, and goal setting experience were significant predictors, accounting for 22% of the variance in self-determination scores. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

We use three data sources to build a rationale for why intensive interventions are necessary for students with pervasive reading disabilities: current data on the performance of students with disabilities on reading achievement measures over time, observation studies on students with reading disabilities in general and special education classrooms, and findings from intensive intervention studies for students with reading disabilities. Results of these data sources indicate that students with disabilities are not making progress in reading at the same rate as students without disabilities, reading instruction for students with reading disabilities is comprised of excessive amounts of low level tasks, and findings from intensive intervention studies suggest positive impacts for students with reading disabilities. We argue that students with reading disabilities require ongoing intensive interventions that are likely to require schools to change the contexts and practices for these students.  相似文献   

The acquisition of numerical competency is regarded as imperative for quality of life and economic well-being. Many children have significant mathematical learning difficulties known as dyscalculia. The aim of this research was to systematically review the available literature for interventions with children presenting with dyscalculia in primary schools, in order to provide an evidence base of filtered information assessed for methodological rigour and coherence. The study evaluated literature from 2004 to 2014 that reported on interventions for primary school children presenting with dyscalculia. Specific databases were accessed to highlight literature for inclusion in the study. The studies were assessed at title, abstract and full text levels for quality based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The findings provide a base of effective interventions that can be used in the school setting for individual development with a holistic focus and present various methods of instruction for children presenting with dyscalculia.  相似文献   

The prevalence OF mental health problems among youth with hearing loss was assessed with an adjusted version of the Dutch rendition of the Youth Self Report, or YSR (Achenbach, 1991). The sample totaled 202 youth, aged 11-18 years, with auditory disabilities. The prevalence rates of externalizing problems, internalizing problems, and moderate to severe overall mental health problems were found to be 2-3 times higher than in a normative sample. Deaf participants scored significantly higher than hard of hearing participants in these areas. Main-streamed participants scored significantly lower than peers in schools for the deaf or for the hard of hearing. Participants with low IQ scores showed significantly more internalizing and social problems than those with moderate to high scores. The adjusted YSR is recommended for screening in schools and in mental health services for youth with hearing loss for prevention and early intervention.  相似文献   

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