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2008年起,深圳职业技术学院依托广东省职业技术教育综合改革推进计划项目重大课题《体现职业教育特色的素质教育研究》,深入开展素质教育和文化育人的理论研究与实践探索,取得丰硕的理论研究成果,形成比较系统的理论体系;先后颁布《全面推进素质教育实施方案》、  相似文献   

三十多年来,我国经济体制改革取得了巨大成就.文化体制改革也稳步推进,但在我国起步较晚的高等职业教育,尤其是伴随一个人成长终生的素质教育,在我国逐渐由独生子女占据主体的时代,向每一位从事职业教育的教育者们提出了十分严肃的问题,我们该怎么办?文章从山西交通职业技术学院文明和谐宿舍创建内涵解读入手,为我国高等职业院校素质教育模式开了先河.旨在为全面推进高职院校素质教育抛砖引玉.  相似文献   

高职院校将辅导员编入教学团队是推进学风建设,促进教学融通的有效路径.文章结合常州机电职业技术学院现状提出以素质教育为中心进行班级建设,并对具体实施过程、取得的成效和有待解决的问题进行系统分析.  相似文献   

高职院校职业素质教育实践与探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文阐述了职业素质与职业素质教育的内涵,介绍了四川工商职业技术学院实施职业素质教育的实践经验。  相似文献   

成都航空职业技术学院始建于1965年。1994年开始举办高等职业技术教育,1998年经教育部批准在原成都航空工业学校基础上建立成都航空职业技术学院,是一所培养应用性高等技术专门人才的综合性职业技术学院。学院坚持“以人为本,争创一流,打造品牌,办出特色”的办学理念,不断转变教育思想,更新教育观念,积极开展高等职业教育教学改革,全面推进素质教育。经过全院师生员工多年的不懈努力,学院高职教育办出了特色,为国家职业教育事业、四川区域经济建设和航空工业发展作出了突出贡献,取得了显著成绩:  相似文献   

文章通过对江西工业贸易职业技术学院部分教师和学生的人文素质教育现状进行抽样调查和个别访谈,掌握了学院人文素质教育的基本情况.经过分析统计调查数据,找出了当前高职院校人文素质教育存在的问题和原因,并在此基础上,对高职院校的人文素质教育的进一步发展提出了合理的对策建议.  相似文献   

温州职业技术学院把"敢为人先、特别能创业"的温州人精神融入学生职业素质教育中,积极构建以创业教育为特色的职业素质教育体系,其中包括创业课程体系、创业文化体系和创业实践体系.  相似文献   

近年来,上海思博职业技术学院围绕促进学生职业人文素质发展的宗旨,积极推进“职业人文素质课程体系建设”和“职业人文素质教育活动体系建设”,并和“人文化校园环境体验中心建设项目”及“信息化学生自主学习和发展中心建设项目”呼应和协动,全面营造有利于学生“职业人文素质发展”的教育环境,全面提高学生职业价值观、职业道德、职业理想和职业人文精神,大大提升了学生的综合素养.  相似文献   

宋岩 《职教通讯》2012,(11):22-23
广东女子职业技术学院在办学过程中积极贯彻全面素质教育理念,着眼于面向全体学生,全面推进德、智、体、美、劳等方面的素质教育,认识到课堂教学、课外活动以及寒暑假学生的社会实践活动都体现着素质教育的功能,均应纳入素质教育工作范围,同时,注重全院教职员工人文素质的培养,使之成为学生提升素质教育的学习榜样。  相似文献   

学院借鉴发达国家和地区高职教育的经验,大力推进运城市委、市政府"人才强市、教育富民"战略,根据社会经济发展和产业结构调整升级对高素质应用技术与管理人才的需求,树立以人为本、以职业素质培养为核心的教育理念,加强专业建设,全面推进素质教育,创新教育模式和人才培养模式.开展产学研合  相似文献   

The effective exploitation of the applicable resources in the Higher Education (H.E.) Sector of the European Community has been accepted as a major factor for future economic prosperity. Member States have, however, to‐date, not obtained the optimal benefit from these resources, as, inter alia, their commercialization and marketing have not been effectively implemented. It has also been recognized that strong and efficient transnational linkages, bringing together research expertise throughout the Community, are essential if the challenges from Japan and the United States are to be met on world markets. The identification and removal of the impediments inhibiting beneficial academic technology transfer are therefore fundamental pre‐requisites for successful utilization and exploitation. Some of the perceived impediments can be categorized as: Basic ‐‐ impediments common to Member States, including the mental/attitudinal gap between the H.E. and the Industrial Sectors; Institutional ‐‐ basic impediments in academic institutions, in particular, the absence of factors needed to generate the required environment for beneficial technology transfer; Industrial ‐‐ impediments, such as the inability to identify the actual needs of Industry; Governmental ‐‐ impediments arising from a lack of assessment of governmental policies, i.e. the ownership of publicly funded research results. The removal of impediments will require empirical studies on their causes, a task which will entail the services of staff trained and experienced in all aspects of academic technology transfer. It will also necessitate cultural and organizational changes both in the H.E. and the Industrial Sectors.  相似文献   

A series of interviews and classroom observations were conducted with a group of in-service science teachers, students, school principal, and computer lab supervisors, from a “Discovery” female school in Jordan to assess their utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching science. The study also intended to determine how these participants were using ICT and if they had any internal and external impediments in the way of the effective integration of ICT in the teaching of science. Results showed that some participants were using ICT creatively in their science teaching. However, despite considerable political pressure to increase ICT use in the classroom, most expressed frustration at the lack of ICT tools, support from the school, from the Ministry of Education, and from the surrounding community. The article proposes possible resolutions to help these participants overcome their impediments. Some of the suggested resolutions for the internal impediments include involving teachers in preparing the school’s time-table, equipping the school with more ICT tools and offering more training courses for teachers. However, the suggested resolutions for the external impediments involve (1) The Ministry of Education to rethink the administration of board examinations, (2) The school to sacrifice scoring higher in board examinations for preparing more creative and more versatile students’ perspectives.  相似文献   

生活在特殊家庭中的学生,往往存在着不同程度的心理问题和心理障碍。促进特殊家庭学生的心理健康发展,学校、家庭、社会应互相配合才能收到良好效果。  相似文献   

Contexts of violent, intractable conflict such as those present in Israel, Nigeria, or Iraq represent times of severe crisis. Reducing the high indices of violence is very urgent, but the attempts of establishing peaceful arrangements in the short- or medium-term usually fail. Peace education, by contrast, is a long-term endeavor to resolve violent, intractable conflicts that aims at affecting moral stances that the conflicting parties take vis-à-vis each other. Unfortunately, however, peace education in times of severe crisis also faces many impediments. These impediments concern the agential, cultural, financial, and legal aspects of educative institutions within context of violent and intractable conflicts. Although these impediments strongly put into question the practice of peace education, this article shows that four reasons nevertheless strongly support this practice. These reasons refer to (1) humanity’s natural goodness, (2) the symbolic importance of peace education, (3) the peace-promoting experiences facilitated through peace education, and (4) peace education’s contribution to overcoming prejudices.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Purpose: Many farmers remain hesitant to implement structured management plans and strategies tailored to address soil health, irrespective of mounting scientific evidence for the credibility of certain soil health indicators, an increase in the reporting of program benefits and progress in communicating these benefits. Hence, the purpose of this research is to better understand the impediments associated with the adoption of such programs.

Design: Non-parametric analysis of a mail-based survey supported with content analysis of landholder comments was used.

Findings: This research highlights that impediments to the adoption of soil health programs are affected by region and that this is likely influenced by the availability, enthusiasm and motivation of surrounding environmental service providers. While the initial investment in soil health management is perceived as an impediment, landholders indicate that production longevity and long-term financial gain are achievable. Education is not viewed as an impediment by landholders, but cannot be ruled out as an impediment due to the increasing complexities of farming and the displayed knowledge of landholders.

Practical implications: Impediments and incentives to the adoption of soil health management plans have been identified. This provides for strategic planning in promotion and adoption of such plans, as well as identifying priority issues of concern.

Originality/Value: In investigating the impediments and incentives associated with adoption of soil health management plans, strategies for adoption can be formulated and pressing areas of concern are identified.  相似文献   

This article reports research conducted on leadership succession in New South Wales Catholic schools. Using a specially developed instrument, the Impediments to Leadership Succession Inventory (ILSI), hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted using data collected from 943 middle management and senior management staff located in Catholic schools throughout New South Wales. A four cluster solution was accepted. One cluster consisted of 182 respondents who did not see major impediments to becoming a principal in the future. While short-term targeting of this subpopulation could be an effective strategy in the recruitment of principals, it is necessary to address the underlying impediments to leadership succession in New South Wales Catholic schools.  相似文献   

分析了生物实验教学中学生心理障碍产生的原因及表现 ,提出了针对性的疏导方式  相似文献   

Although many institutions are expending considerable effort in attempts to assess institutional performance and to utilize the results in improving performance, there are many impediments to the success of these endeavours. These include conceptual problems with the notion of institutional performance, inadequacies in the current measurement techniques and judgement procedures, and the mis-match between the results produced and management's information requirements. Institutional management in higher education has unique characteristics which give rise to particular information needs. The existing approaches to institutional evaluation vary in their ability to provide information meeting management's requirements.  相似文献   

This article explores the organizational impediments and facilitators that influence the implementation of student learning outcomes assessment (SLOA). This review points to the importance of culture, leadership, and organizational policies to the implementation of SLOA. However, we need to approach research differently, both conceptually and methodologically, if we want to understand these key factors better. I argue that our understanding of implementation conditions is superficial due to systemic weaknesses in the research. The article provides a framework for defining these terms clearly, suggests theories that can be applied, and reviews key methodological changes that can improve the quality of research.  相似文献   

在社会发展日新月异的今天,女性尤其是知识女性在政治、经济、文化生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,然而,由于历史、社会以及女性自身的原因,她们的成才面临着重重障碍。本文试图从这三个方面对其成因进行深层次的透析,同时就思想、观念改变,国家对女性素质教育投资,社会就业制度、用人机制,以及知识女性完善、充实自我等方面提出若干建设性的对策和措施。  相似文献   

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