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师生交往是教育过程中的核心问题,是影响教育改革的重要因素。科学主义教育和人文主义教育在师生关系上存在根本的分歧。分析我国的师生关系,可以看到我国的传统师生关系是缺乏人性的师生关系,是科学主义的师生关系,是工具主义形而上学存在论的体现。重建我国的师生关系应在人文精神的昭示下,借鉴人文主义教育师生关系观,建立平等对话、理解、宽容的师生关系。  相似文献   

试论改善师生关系的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师生关系是教师与学生在教育、教学的双边互动过程中形成的交往关系,也是一种特殊的社会关系,是学校中最基本的人际关系。从师生关系的性质来说,师生关系是一种工作关系,师生关系是一种人际关系,师生关系是一种组织关系。师生关系是教育功能实现的基石,理想的师生关系是良好教育的内在要求和当然要素。良好的师生关系会起到提高教育教学效果、促进学生个体社会化发展、提高教师威信等积极作用。  相似文献   

师生关系理念是指导人们处理和评价师生关系的理性原则。师生关系理念的现代化是师生关系理念由传统向现代的根本性变化。在辩证地否定传统师生关系理念的基础上,尽快实现师生关系理念的现代化,树立起以民主、法制、平等、自由等为灵魂的现代师生关系理念,对于提高国民教育的实际绩效,促进国民素质的现代化均具有重要作用。  相似文献   

李成飞 《职教论坛》2001,(12):28-28
新的世纪已经到来,时代的变迁,社会的进步对人们的观念也产生了深刻的影响,这在教育领域表现尤为明显。与传统教育相比,现代师生关系观正在发生顺应时代发展的质的变化,并展示全新的内涵。师生关系是教育过程中教师与学生之间所建立的一种联系,现代师生关系是一个内容很复杂的概念,从高层次来看,师生关系包含在整个社会的关系体系中,从微观层次看来,师生关系是教育过程最基本的人际关系,现代师生关系主要表现为民主型、友爱型、对话型、期待型、合作型等等。民主型师生关系。传统师生关系以专制型最为典型,现代社会则以民主型、…  相似文献   

教育活动中的师生关系四川省教育学会研究员纪大海、重庆师范学院副教授杜萍在2002年第12期《教育研究》上发表的“教育研究论”一文中谈到师生关系时说,教育内部存在着各种主体关系(人际关系),如师生关系、干群关系、师师关系、生生关系等,其中师生关系是教育主体关系的核心,这不仅因为师生关系是教育主体关系中的主流关系,还因为师生关系的性质在一定程度上决定着教育的品质,或者说师生关系是教育发展程度的晴雨表(教育的其他主体关系一般不具备这种功用)。师生关系的表现形式多种多样,存在一些基本模式。1.师生关系的…  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来我国师生关系研究述评   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
刘静 《教育探索》2003,(7):52-54
对师生关系的内涵、影响师生关系的因素、师生关系未来发展趋势以及当前师生关系研究中尚存的争议等问题的探讨,是20世纪90年代以来国内学对师生关系的研究重点和热点,其目的在于使人们对师生关系有一个全面、清晰的认识。  相似文献   

杨海霞 《现代语文》2006,(11):115-115
一、我国目前的师生关系 随着教育改革的不断深化,师生关系已从陈旧的“师道尊严”的堡垒中解放出来,正朝着健康方向发展。平等、民主、和谐的师生关系是实施素质教育的根本保证。教育过程中始终贯穿着如何处理师生关系的问题。健康的师生关系是发展教育的基础。教育的本质是培养人、造就人。现代教育思想告诉我们:师生关系和谐健康,学生才会乐于接受教育,才有可能被培养成为符合社会发展需要的高素质的人才。但我国目前的师生关系仍然是应试教育背景下的主从型师生关系,突出表现为以下几方面的问题:  相似文献   

高校师生关系特点、现状及对策研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
良好的师生关系是提高高校教育教学质量的重要保证,是培养高素质人才的基础。但是,当前高校师生关系存在着诸多亟需改善的问题。高度重视、认真剖析新形势下师生关系的现状、特点、变化,掌握高校师生关系的规律,寻找到改善和优化师生关系的对策,对素质教育的全面推进和学生的成长成才具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

良好的师生关系是教师进行教育教学、管理班级、提高教学质量的重要因素。特别是新课程改期的实施,更加须要建立和谐的课堂氛围的良好的师生关系,那么怎么样才能建立起良好和谐的师生关系呢?我认为在师生关系中,教师占主导地位,教师的学识水平、业务能力和内在素养起决定性的作用。因为从古至今,在学生的心目中,教师永远都是尊者,高高在上,具有无上的权威。要想打破这种固有的师生关系格局,建立新型的、和谐的师生关系,  相似文献   

师生关系是教育教学过程中最基本、最主要的,也是学校伦理组织中最经常、最重要的人际关系。本文主要以发展为线索,回顾目前师生关系研究状况的逻辑进程,采取边述边评、评述结合的方式,从师生关系发展的纵向与横向两个纬度,从历史与现实的双重处境出发来反思师生关系及其研究中存在的问题,从而概括出师生关系局限性的具体表现。  相似文献   

This study investigated prospective secondary science teachers' understandings of and intentions to teach about scientific modelling in the context of a model‐based instructional module. Qualitative methods were used to explore the influence of instruction using dynamic computer modelling. Participants included 14 secondary science prospective teachers in the USA. Research questions included: (1) What do prospective teachers understand about models and modelling in science? (2) How do their understandings change, following building and testing dynamic computer models? and (3) What are prospective teachers' intentions to teach about scientific models? Scaffolds in the software, Model‐IT, enabled participants to easily build dynamic models. Findings related to the process, content, and epistemological aspects of modelling, including: (a) prospective teachers became more articulate with the language of modelling; and (b) the module enabled prospective teachers to think critically about aspects of modelling. Still, teachers did not appear to achieve full understanding of scientific modelling.  相似文献   

Modelling is the essence of thinking and working scientifically. But how do secondary students view science models? Usually as toys or miniatures of real-life objects with few students actually understanding why scientists use multiple models to explain concepts. A conceptual typology of models is presented and explained to help teachers select models that are appropriate to the conceptual ability of their students. The article concludes by recommending that teachers model scientific modelling to their students, encourage the use of multiple models in science lessons, progressively introduce sophisticated models, systematically present in-class models using the Focus, Action and Reflection (FAR) guide and socially negotiate all model meanings.  相似文献   

Modeling is a major topic of interest in mathematics education. However, the field’s definition of models is diverse. Less is known about what teachers identify as mathematical models, even though it is teachers who ultimately enact modeling activities in the classroom. In this study, we asked nine middle school teachers with a variety of academic backgrounds and teaching experience to collect data related to one familiar physical phenomenon, cooling liquid. We then asked each participant to construct a model of that phenomenon, describe why it was a model, and identify whether a variety of artifacts representing the phenomenon also counted as models during a semi-structured interview. We sought to identify: what do mathematics teachers attend to when describing what constitutes a model? And, how do their attentions shift as they engage in different activities related to models? Using content analysis, we documented what features and purposes teachers attended to when describing a mathematical model. When constructing their own model, they focused on the visual form of the model and what quantitative information it should include. When deciding whether particular representational artifacts constituted models, they focused on how the representations reflected the system under study, and what purposes those representations could serve in further understanding that system. These findings suggest teachers may have multiple understandings of models, which are active at different times and reflect different perspectives. This has implications for research, teacher education, and professional development.  相似文献   

Character education considers teachers to be role models, but it is unclear what this means in practice. Do teachers model admirable character traits? And do they do so effectively? In this article the relevant pedagogical and psychological literature is reviewed in order to shed light on these questions. First, the use of role modelling as a teaching method in secondary education is assessed. Second, adolescents’ role models and their moral qualities are identified. Third, the psychology of moral learners is critically examined, using Bandura’s social learning theory as point of departure. It turns out that role modelling is rarely used as an explicit teaching method and that only a very small percentage of adolescents recognises teachers as role models. If role modelling is to contribute to children’s moral education, teachers are recommended to explain why the modelled traits are morally significant and how students can acquire these qualities for themselves.  相似文献   

随着STEM教育的快速发展,STEM教师教学能力的构成及其关系亟待研究。基于此,文章首先在反思STEM教师教学能力相关研究的基础上,运用文献研究法和编码分析,整合了STEM教师的教学能力要素,形成了模型的维度及其内容,在此基础上构建了中学STEM教师教学能力的结构模型。随后,为更进一步探讨中学STEM教师教学能力要素之间的深层次关系,文章采用德尔菲法,对结构模型的内容进行了修改。最后,文章参考洋葱模型,形成了中学STEM教师教学能力的递进模型和互动模型,以分别体现教学能力的重要性程度和不同能力之间的相互关系,实现了结构模型的进一步完善。文章指出,结构模型可以被STEM教师作为教学设计框架用以提升教学能力,可以被学校管理者作为教学能力框架用以科学评价STEM教师,并且可以被教育行业作为教学培训设计的依据用以提升STEM教师水平。  相似文献   

Teacher educators modelling their teachers?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The teacher educator is always also a teacher, and as a role model may have an important impact on student teachers’ views on teaching. However, what is the impact of these teacher educator’s own role models on their teaching views and practices? Do teacher educators simply imitate the positive role models and reject the bad? It is already clear that teachers and teacher educators learn more than how to play a role from their role models. Becoming a teacher or a teacher educator is a long‐term process of developing a professional identity, with role models being just one of the contributing factors. This study of 13 teacher educators addresses the impact of schoolteacher role models as part of the socialisation process of becoming a teacher.  相似文献   

This research examines empathic dispositions of 178 pre-service teachers. We analyzed open ended responses to animated narrative vignette simulations (ANVs), which served as stimulated experimental situations depicting students in victim and perpetrator scenarios. Empathy was examined by addressing the following questions: (1) Do participants’ responses differ over vignettes? (2) What is the dimensionality of the empathy construct? (3) Is word count an indicator of empathy? (4) Is there a dispositional effect? (5) To what extent do pre-service teachers express empathy? After the text responses of pre-service teachers were coded, log-linear and log-multiplicative association models, which have graphical representations, were used to analyze the data and to develop a context dependent measure of empathy. The results suggest that a single latent variable underlies the responses, and from our measurement model, very few teachers expressed empathy toward the victim in the ANVs.  相似文献   

更新教学理念对提高高校教学质量非常重要。分析了传统教学理念的弊端, 论述了新的教学观中如何看待教学过程中教师的角色、教师与学生的关系, 以及教与学的关系; 如何看待教材与科学知识、教学过程与结果等问题.  相似文献   

Four year initial teacher education courses have recently undergone radical reform, in particular in relation to the time that students spend in schools. Through the introduction of mentorship programmes, teachers have become very much more involved in training the students whilst they are in school. How do teachers view the changes that have been introduced? Do they agree with the principles and models that guided the developments? Headteachers and class teachers who acted as mentors for students from the University of Reading have supplied some answers. They are very committed to the model of student learning upon which the mentorship programme is built, the belief that schools and the university must work in partnership to implement and further develop the mentorship programme and the view that schools need to adopt a whole school approach to their involvement in initial teacher education. These findings indicate that the teachers agree with the underlying principles that guided the development of the mentorship programme in which they are involved and they are supportive of the resulting changes to school experience.  相似文献   

This exploratory study of elementary school science examines questions central to policy, practice and research on formative assessment: What is the quality of teachers’ content-pedagogical and assessment knowledge? What is the relationship between teacher knowledge and assessment practice? What is the relationship between teacher knowledge, assessment practice and student learning? Drawing on multiple measures, hierarchical linear modelling and path analysis, results suggest that despite weaknesses in teachers’ content-pedagogical and assessment knowledge, teachers’ formative assessment practices are positively related to student learning. Relationships between teachers’ knowledge and assessment practices are mixed. Findings underscore both the potential and challenge of bringing effective formative practice to fruition as well as the need for continued research.  相似文献   

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