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高校青年教师是高校教师队伍的中坚力量,对高等教育的发展起着至关重要的作用。但是,高校青年教师普遍存在着对工作满意度低、压力大以及积极性不高等问题,严重影响了高等教育的发展。通过对湖州师范学院青年教师工作的满意度的调查,分析了目前湖州师范学院青年教师的工作现状,对其存在的问题进行分析,结合当前湖州师范学院青年教师工作需求的实际特点,提出应采取提高健全管理体制、福利待遇、营造良好人文环境及加强培训等对策措施,以提高青年教师工作满意度,更好地发挥他们的作用。  相似文献   

高校青年教师队伍是高校长远发展的中坚力量,心理契约理论为解决高校青年教师管理问题提供了一个新的视角,运用心理契约理论,在实际中高校管理者应通过努力革新管理理念,改善管理方式,为青年教师营造良好环境与发展空间,健全沟通机制等方式来为高校与青年教师履行心理契约,促进高校与青年教师个体发展创设良好条件。  相似文献   

高校青年教师队伍是高校长远发展的中坚力量,心理契约理论为解决高校青年教师管理问题提供了一个新的视角,运用心理契约理论,在实际中高校管理者应通过努力革新管理理念,改善管理方式,为青年教师营造良好环境与发展空间,健全沟通机制等方式来为高校与青年教师履行心理契约,促进高校与青年教师个体发展创设良好条件。  相似文献   

论高等学校青年教师的师德建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙体楠 《教育探索》2008,(10):113-114
师德是教师在长期教育教学实践活动中形成的、比较稳定的思想观念、行为规范和品质的总和。新时期高校青年教师素质的高低,决定着高校的教育教学质量。加强高校青年教师师德建设应采取的具体措施是:完善青年教师师德培养领导体制和工作机制;加强青年教师的政治理论学习和师德教育;落实科学发展观,健全和完善各项规章制度;落实青年教师的岗前培训制度;加大对青年教师师德教育宣传的力度;发挥党组织在加强青年教师师德培养中的作用。  相似文献   

高校青年教师岗前培训制度分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校青年教师岗前培训是高校人力资源管理的重要内容之一,既关系到教师的成长,也关系到高校高素质教师队伍的建设。我国高校青年教师岗前培训在培训观念、培训内容、培训形式和考核方式上都存在许多缺陷,直接影响了岗前培训的效果,对提高高等教育质量构成了潜在的威胁。本文从树立正确培训观念、严格选拔培训师资、充实培训内容、拓宽培训形式、建立有效考核体系等方面提出了完善高校青年教师岗前培训制度的对策。  相似文献   

如何激励高校青年教师成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴晓华 《文教资料》2008,(21):188-190
青年教师是高校教育骨干的后备军,是高校能否持续发展的决定性因素.本文从构建高校青年教师的激励机制、建立科学的教学督导机制、加强青年教师培训学习和敢于向青年教师压担子等四个方面阐述了激励青年教师成长的措施,意在有效地调动他们的积极性,提高青年教师的整体素质.  相似文献   

目前我国高校教师队伍呈现年轻化的趋势,青年教师已成为学校发展的主力军,青年教师队伍建设直接关系到高校师资水平和高校的发展前途。针对目前高校中青年教师中存在的问题,需加强师德建设,提高青年教师师德修养,强化高校教师的职业荣誉感;提高青年教师教学水平,建立完善的教学监督体系;提高青年教师科研水平;考虑青年教师的实际问题,为教师的工作、学习、生活提供保障。从而加强高校青年教师水平的提高和人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

教学是高校教师最主要的职责之一,而青年教师的教学能力直接影响着高校教学质量的高低。目前,我国高校青年教师教学工作面临着科研与教学之间的失衡、教学专业知识的缺失、社会压力大等诸多挑战。本文从以上问题出发,提出从工作评价体系、研究性教学发展、教学培训体系、工作收入等多方面进行改革,从根本上促进高校青年教师教学能力的提高。  相似文献   

青年教师作为高校教师队伍的主力军,对高校的发展起着至关重要的作用。高校青年教师的发展,关系着未来人才的培养,关系着高校未来的发展,更关系着未来教育事业的振兴。本文从分析我国高校青年教师特点入手,提出青年教师要提高教学能力,加强师德修养,全面权衡教学、科研任务,高校要完善薪酬制度,实施岗前培训和导师帮扶制度等有效策略,解决高校青年教师发展问题。  相似文献   

高校青年教师师德建设的现状、目标及途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对当前高校青年教师师德状况及存在的主要问题,提出了新时期高校加强青年教师师德建设的目标。为实现目标,其具体策略是:营造舆论氛围,提升教师职业社会地位;领导重视,形成齐抓共管师德建设的格局;加强正面教育,提高青年教师师德水平;加强培训,全面提高青年教师的素质;提高认识,自觉加强师德修养;健全规章制度,规范青年教师师德行为;创造宽松、和谐、温馨的环境,促使青年教师健康成长。  相似文献   

The training of effective teachers has been one of the main aims of educational systems, in so far as it could be an important tool to improve the education performance of children and, consequently, contribute to their career progression and foster social mobility towards a more meritocratic society. The present study intends to identify these teachers by their ability to engage young students in lessons, which may reflect the capacity of their teaching practices and efficient use of available resources to increase students’ learning. We focus on 4th-grade reading and mathematics teachers in Spain – using TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 data – and we propose a 2-step procedure for this analysis: the 1st step obtains teachers’ efficiency scores, which are later employed in a 2nd step – together with teachers’ practices – to explain children’s engagement in lessons.  相似文献   

In this study, young people, described by teachers as being disaffected, were encouraged to become involved in a public forum to discuss issues regarding participation, learning and training at their school as well as their aspirations about the future. The young people discussed their learning and social experiences, and reflected on existing models of participation and student voices as they operated in their school. Through focus group discussions and interviews, the young people expressed concerns about participation in school matters and critiqued the curriculum as irrelevant to their aspirations and employment needs. The young people favoured a form of participation that involves and sustains informal ways of having a voice and creates possibilities for being genuinely listened to. The findings suggested that to enable young people’s participation in learning and other aspects of school life, the curriculum, learning and pastoral support and the school‐to‐training transition require re‐thinking. Finally, the results reinforced the view that inclusion and participation are not unproblematic, requiring a nuanced approach.  相似文献   

信念执着、品德优良、知识丰富、本领过硬是新建本科院校青年教师成长的目标定位。新建本科院校青年教师成长面临诸多现实困境:培养模式需要改革、成长环境有待优化、境界能力亟待提升。基本对策是构建青年教师成长支持系统,主要包括:(1)凝聚共识,创建青年教师成长的新型模式;(2)完善机制,优化青年教师成长的文化环境;(3)导师引领,构建校本青年教师学习共同体。  相似文献   

科学的校本培训管理机制是学校培训工作取得实效的前提 ;它包括健全的管理组织和有序的管理流程 ,最关键的是要有一系列使前者协调运转、使后者顺利开展的高效灵活的管理运行机制。学校层面的校本培训管理机制主要有决策机制、保障机制、激励机制和调控机制。校长作为主要管理者的正确理念是科学决策的前提 ;激发教师作为培训对象的积极性和主动学习精神是激励的关键  相似文献   

青年教师培养与教育已成为高校师资队伍建设的重大课题。当前不少高校既借鉴了硕博研究生培养模式,又仿效师父带徒弟式"传、帮、带"模式,对青年教师培养实行导师制。基于对Z学院的调研,该制度能帮助青年教师成长成才,也暴露了一些亟需改进的问题,为此建议拓宽培养领域,延长导师指导期限,健全校级和学科两个层面的制度,加强对导师和青年教师考核,根据考核结果进行奖惩。  相似文献   

提升高校青年教师教学能力的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校教师高级职务高龄化的问题已日益突出,加大对青年教师的培养力度,提升他们的教学能力已显得刻不容缓。为此要在认识到提升高校青年教师教学能力重要性的基础上,构建岗前培训体系,开展多元化的教育与培训,加强教学检查和完善教学评价制度,注重教学科研相结合,形成有利于青年教师成长的教学管理制度环境,尽快使青年教师成为教学能手。  相似文献   

随着教师教育研训一体机制的深化,研训教师实践智慧和技能培养与提高已经成为各级各类教育学院面临的重要课题。研训教师培养应包括五个策略,即遵循教师成长规律、确定专业发展规划、创建实践学习平台、组建青年教师学习团队、明确培养期的目标和任务,促进青年教师从普通教师向研训教师的转变。  相似文献   

如何提高高校教师的思想道德素质,对于高校师资队伍建设有着特殊意义。高校要从青年教师实际出发,以提高其理论水平,帮助其以树立正确的世界观和确立崇高师德为重点,通过政治理论学习,严格管理,做好青年教师党建工作,解决他们的实际问题等措施不断提高青年教师的思想道德素质,为他们尽快成为合格的高校教师奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This article analyses the link between learning and well-being from the perspective that it is important to take into account the individual patterns of how young people learn and to encourage ways in which they can learn how they learn. Consideration is first given to recent insights and research in education and the cognitive and natural sciences that offer possibilities for new ways of thinking about learning and 'learning how to learn'. Using these trends as a background to her own 30 years of action research, the author offers a simple proposal: even very young children can explore their own unique learning processes. Building this capacity for exploration and encouraging the ongoing engagement in this activity are presented as vital to how well-being, and well-becoming are perceived by the learner. An approach that focuses on exploring individual processes of learning is introduced and the conditions for using it are discussed, including the role of teachers and parents in helping children bring forth their needs for learning in specific ways. Implications of this approach for classroom management and teacher training are also considered.  相似文献   

Even though behavior management is a very high priority of teachers of young children, systems of behavior management receive less attention than do methods of teaching academic content. Even when there are well developed sytems of behavior management, they do not necessarily reflect the same philosophy and methods of teaching that are used to teach content. The authors report on “cognitive-mediational behavior management”, a system designed to be consistent with a cognitive early education program, the Cognitive Curriculum for Young Children. In both behavior management and all their other teaching, teachers use in this program a mediational teaching style. Teachers emphasize thinking processes rather than correct answers, take a problem-solving approach to learning, help children to acquire generalizable strategies of thinking and problem-solving rather than using trial-and-error learning, are optimistic about children’s abilities to learn, and facilitate children’s acquisition of fundamental thinking modes. This system is seen as basically incompatible with a behaviorist, contingent reinforcement system. Behavior sequences are suggested for working with unacceptable behavior so as to produce both behavior change and cognitive change.  相似文献   

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