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招生工作是研究生教育工作的基础且首要环节,研究生生源是支撑研究生教育的基石。全国优秀大学生暑期学校活动作为招生宣传方式之一对研究生招生有着重大影响,尤其对推荐免试招生工作有着直接的影响。通过同济大学机械与能源工程学院近六年的暑期学校实践数据和推荐免试研究生招生数据的分析,发现暑期学校对推荐免试研究生招生尤其是研究生生源有着积极的影响。  相似文献   

我国研究生暑期学校举办特征与实施效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对暑期学校学员、举办过程、学习效果三方面展开调查,总结实施过程中的有效做法,测评其对研究生科研兴趣和专业研究能力的作用,并查找实施过程中的问题.结果显示,暑期学校总体实施效果良好,主题定位合理、教学内容前沿性强、教学形式多样,获得了师生的广泛好评;学员在拓展学术视野、增长学术见识方面成效明显,专业兴趣得到了激发,科研创新能力得到了提升;存在筛选学员时忽视学习目标、师资队伍单一化、教学形式仍有待丰富、后续沟通交流平台没有建立等问题;建议在学员筛选过程中加强学术目标、研究计划等内容的考核,加强师资队伍多元化建设,加大资源投入,丰富教学形式,建立长期的学术交流平台.  相似文献   

随着研究生招生生源竞争日趋激烈和招生政策调整,西部民族高校在目前招生现状下,如何招收优质生源并提升研究生培养质量,成为亟待解决问题。结合学校自身,分析近几年招生工作现状:第一志愿生源不足,上线率低;考生来源复杂,优质生源较少;调剂考生比例较大;推免生接收数量较少;国家下达计划较少;生源结构不平衡;复试调剂工作方式较为传统。提出相应改革建议:加大招生宣传投入,完善制度从而吸引优质生源;加大学科发展力度,优化学科结构,增大学科研究投入;加快全日制专业学位研究生的教育发展;加强研究生招生信息化建设,提升工作效率;加强师资队伍引进与管理;进一步完善复试及调剂权力下放工作。为优秀生源选拔提出更有效途径。  相似文献   

通过对辽宁省农业职业教育的经费投入、招生就业、专业设置、师资建设等方面调研,具体分析了我省农业职业教育的发展现状和存在的问题,并提出了具体的应对策略:加大投入力度,建立专项的投入资金;加强舆论宣传,出台有力的助教政策;完善职教体系,实现农业职教中高职有效衔接。  相似文献   

近年来中职学校生源锐减,生存出现危机,招生宣传倍受重视。每年暑期,学校不惜投入大量人力物力,开展宣传攻势,但却收效甚微。  相似文献   

<正>2009年7月13日,全国研究生暑期学校(教育技术学)开学典礼在华南师范大学电教厅举行。本届暑期学校为期14天,是全国教育技术学专业第一次举办此类项目。共有23个省市的79所院校的325名青年教师和研究生报名参加,经过严格选拔,共录取83名正式学员,学员总数120余名。  相似文献   

实施研究生创新教育是高等教育的核心命题之一。当前,教育制度的行政化、集权化,社会价值导向的实用主义以及研究生导师队伍结构层次不合理等内外环境因素是影响研究生创新能力培养的主要因素,而构建创新型教育环境是实施研究生创新教育的前提,个性意识培养是基本着力点,有针对性的改善招生与培养模式、建立健全创新教育管理体制、加强导师队伍与学术氛围建设以及加大经费投入是推进研究生创新教育的有效途径和措施。  相似文献   

招生宣传工作的成效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对我校近四年用于四川省的各种宣传的费用进行分类统计并计算生均值,同时比较各年度在四川省内录取的考生人数和第一志愿录取率,分析各因素之间的相关性,由此得出了生均宣传投入费与第一志愿录取率之间的显著正相关关系,说明加大宣传经费投入对于提高招生宣传工作的成效有显著意义.  相似文献   

余超  刘民忠  宾芬 《知识文库》2023,(15):155-158
<正>研究生招生宣传对提高学校的生源质量起到非常关键的作用。本文通过将日益普及的新媒介运用于研究生招生宣传工作,探索构建“点、线、面”多层次、多维度的新媒介招生宣传体系,通过扩大宣传范围、鲜活宣传内容、增进直播互动等方式提高研究生招生宣传工作效率,有效提升研究生生源质量。《教育部国家发展改革委财政部关于加快新时代研究生教育改革发展的意见》[教研[2020]9号文件]指出:研究生教育肩负着高层次人才培养和创新创造的重要使命,  相似文献   

暑期学校是教育部研究生教育创新计划的重要举措。本文对"十一五"以来国防科技大学研究生暑期学校的建设情况进行了分析,并对建设中的突出特点进行了总结;同时,从强化研究生创新思维培养、增进学术交流的角度出发,探讨了推进暑期学校建设的相关举措。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess how a comprehensive precollege intervention and developmental program among low-income high school students contributed to college enrollment outcomes measured in 2006. Our focus was on the Fifth Cohort of the Washington State Achievers (WSA) Program, which provides financial, academic, and college preparation support to 500 high school students who come from the lowest 35% of Washington state income levels. One important feature of the WSA Program is that it provided funding for complete high school curriculum reform among 16 Washington high schools that have a high prevalence of low-income students. The data set contained three groups of students from these 16 high schools: Funded Achievers who were part of the WSA Program and received funding for college; Nonfunded Achievers who were part of the WSA Program and but did not receive funding for college; and Nonrecipients who were neither part of the WSA Program nor received funding for college. Results from generalized multinomial logistic models found two trends (a) early and continuous financial support for college along with being active in the WSA Program nearly guarantees enrollment in college and increases enrollment in 4-year and highly selective colleges; and (b) even in the absence of financial support for college there are still quantifiable and positive effects on college-going for just participating in the WSA Program and receiving its abundant nonfinancial resources and support. These results persist even with strong controls for selection, background, academic, financial, aspiration, and school-level variables.  相似文献   

Most funding intended to close gaps in K-12 education targets schools, rather than students directly. We investigate whether household sorting in response to changes in K-12 school funding inhibits spending from reaching targeted students with a case study in Metro-Nashville Public Schools of the School Improvement Grant (SIG) program, which invested $7 billion in the nation’s lowest-achieving schools between 2009 and 2016. Using a boundary-discontinuity difference-in-differences design and home sales data, we estimate that households were willing to pay more than three times the average per-pupil grant award to live in SIG school zones. Neighborhoods zoned for SIG schools experienced moderate income and racial integration following funding receipt. However, evictions in these neighborhoods increased by 35%, and non-white enrollment at SIG schools declined by 15%. Our findings illustrate a major limitation of place-based public good provision: sorting may displace the initially targeted population.  相似文献   

The customary perception is that students who drop out vanish from school enrollment rosters for good. This is an incomplete picture of the complex dropout story; dropping out is not necessarily a permanent high school outcome. Following the enrollment and course history of a district cohort of first-time 9th graders, this article documents the cohort's dropout, reenrollment, and graduation outcomes. One-third of dropouts reenrolled in district high schools, and older students and students behind in course credits were less likely to reenroll than other dropouts. Interviews with district administrators, high school principals, and reenrollees examined student motivations for reenrolling and challenges districts face when dropouts reenroll. Dropouts return primarily because of limited employment opportunities and efforts of school leaders to facilitate their return. Yet reenrollment created district challenges related to funding, accountability, and getting students who had dropped out on track to graduate.  相似文献   

In line with the increasing policy emphasis on inclusive education, there is now a greater focus on how best to provide for students special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream schools. However, there is little consensus internationally as to the most equitable way in which to support these students. Despite ongoing evaluations of the existing funding structures, there has been little discussion to inform future changes and ensure an equitable distribution of resources. This paper examines the system of SEN funding in Ireland during a period of policy change. Using data from a National Survey of Schools, we examine the profile and distribution of students across different school contexts to assess the extent to which the existing funding model targets those most in need. Findings show that the current through-put funding system broadly targets students with SEN but in any new model, there is room for greater differentiation in the allocation of funding, particularly within disadvantaged school contexts. The paper highlights the need for further discussion around how we conceptualise special education in mainstream education. We argue for greater emphasis on student outcomes and school accountability where SEN funding is received to support students.  相似文献   

English Learners (ELs) represent critical mass of K-12 students in public schools across the nation. However, states have failed to improve EL student academic outcomes, including college readiness. In 2013, California altered its school funding policy, providing additional support for English learners. Drawing on Vertical Equity and a Critical Community Strength Framework, this study examines the impact of local funding on college readiness among EL students by analyzing accountability plans and secondary data of 13 districts and assessing reforms using markers of college readiness. Document analysis shows: 1) school districts’ prioritization, 2) resource allocation based on those priorities, and 3) different approaches to operationalizing the construct of equity. Secondary data analysis reveals EL students lagged behind peers in performance on state assessments and enrollment in college preparatory and Advanced Placement varied across districts. These data confirm the critical need for intervention and targeted investment to raise overall college readiness rates among EL students in California and have national implications for states with growing Latino and EL student populations.  相似文献   

Critics of Catholic and independent (nongovernment) schools in Australia contend that the higher levels of performance of students in nongovernment schools can be dismissed as simply a function of student- and especially school-level socioeconomic status (school-SES). A recent article extends this critique to school-sector differences in students’ evaluations of their teachers and schools, arguing that the observable school-sector differences are because of differences in school-SES, not because of school-sector differences in their teachers and schools. In response, this article reviews these arguments and focuses on school-sector differences in students’ evaluations of their teachers and schools using the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation’s (OECD) measures in the PISA 2009 study. On eight of the 10 attitudinal measures, students attending Catholic and independent schools have more positive evaluations and these school-sector differences survive controls for students’ SES, their overall level of achievement and school-SES, which has no substantive influence. Although the effect sizes are generally small (0.06–0.26) their combined influence means that nongovernment school students enjoy superior learning environments which is likely to contribute to their generally higher levels of academic performance in senior secondary school.  相似文献   

Summer schools serve multiple purposes for students, families, educators, and communities. The current need for summer programs is driven by changes in American families and by calls for an educational system that is competitive globally and embodies higher academic standards. A research synthesis is reported that used both meta-analytic and narrative procedures to integrate the results of 93 evaluations of summer school. Results revealed that summer programs focusing on remedial or accelerated learning or other goals have a positive impact on the knowledge and skills of participants. Although all students benefit from summer school, students from middle-class homes show larger positive effects than students from disadvantaged homes. Remedial programs have larger effects when the program is relatively small and when instruction is individualized. Remedial programs may have more positive effects on math than on reading. Requiring parent involvement also appears related to more effective programs. Students at all grade levels benefit from remedial summer school, but students in the earliest grades and in secondary school may benefit most. These and other findings are examined for their implications for future research, public policy, and the implementation of summer programs. Based on these results, our recommendations to policy makers are that summer programs (a) contain substantial components aimed at teaching math and reading and (b) include rigorous evaluations, but also (c) permit local control of curricula and delivery systems. Funds should be set aside to foster participation in summer programs, especially among disadvantaged youth. Program implementers should (a) begin summer program planning earlier in the year, (b) strive for continuity of staffing and programs across years, (c) use summer school in conjunction with summer staff development opportunities, and (d) begin integrating summer school experiences with those that occur during the regular school year.  相似文献   

There are still 10 English local educational authorities (LEAs) that are wholly selective and a further 10 with some grammar and secondary modern schools. This article examines the academic performance of pupils in secondary modern schools and the funding of these schools using national data sets matching pupils' performance at Key Stage 2 and General Certificate of Education (GCSE) as well as data on funding from Section 52 statements. Students in secondary modern schools gained one less grade on average than equivalent students in comprehensive schools while grammar school pupils obtained five grades more. After taking account of the cost factors and grant entitlements that influence funding per pupil, secondary modern schools in the years 2000/01–2002/03 were funded around £80 less per pupil while grammar school pupils received over £100 more per pupil compared to comprehensive schools. Secondary modern schools were more likely to be in financial deficit than comprehensive and particularly grammar schools. Thus, students are academically disadvantaged by attending secondary modern schools, which in most selective LEAs do not receive sufficient additional funding to offset the depressing effects on attainment of the increased social segregation arising from a selective system.  相似文献   


For many universities and their faculty, summer school in an important segment of the university school year. Yet, in recent years, summer school enrollment declines have threatened the viability of summer school programs. This study examines factors that contribute to declines in summer school enrollment, causes that influence students to enroll in summer school, factors affecting course selection, and reasons for not attending summer school. Department Heads of AACSB accredited universities and marketing students were surveyed for this study. Results indicated that approximately 50% of departments report declines in summer school. Possible causes of enrollment declines are identified in the results. Students report that reducing the number of semesters required for graduation and reducing class loads during regular semesters were the two primary reasons for attending summer school. The findings suggest potential courses of action and recommendations which are discussed.  相似文献   

Under new school-choice policies, schools feel increasing pressure to market their schools to parents and students. I examine how school leaders in New Orleans used different marketing strategies based on their positions in the market hierarchy and the ways in which they used formal and informal processes to recruit students. This study relied on qualitative interviews, observations of board meetings, and board-meeting minutes from a random sample of 30 schools in New Orleans. Findings indicate that marketing was a very common strategy. Yet even though choice policies were meant to give parents, not schools, power in selecting where their children attend school, some schools found ways to avoid enrolling disadvantaged students, often by not marketing. Faced with the pressure of accountability and charter renewal, these schools traded greater funding for potentially greater averages in student achievement. At the same time, some schools that were oversubscribed invested in marketing and recruitment anyway to draw less affluent parents to the school, who might not be aware of the open application and enrollment process. I discuss the implications of these marketing strategies.  相似文献   

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