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美国在博士生资助方面有其特点,即强化科研资助,凸显博士生资助的国家战略;奖优和助困资助类型多样,助学贷款的政策力度逐步加强;实施多类型报酬型资助,多举措激励博士生自助和广泛的社会参与;实施差别资助、定向资助和分段资助,重视博士生资助的针对性和实效性。结合中国博士生资助的现状,美国有很多值得借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

从博士生资助理论、博士生资助方式与模式、博士生资助与博士生培养的关系以及博士生资助政策改革四个方面,综述了国内外博士生资助研究成果.认为关于博士生资助问题的后续研究应把国外经验与中国国情有机结合起来,加强调查与实证研究以推动理论的发展,基于博士生教育特征建立博士生资助体系.  相似文献   

基于美国教育统计中心高校学生资助调查(NPSAS)的结果,对美国各类博士生所获资助的比例、额度、类型、来源等方面的特点和发展趋势进行了全面分析,在此基础上提出了对我国博士生资助体系改革的建议:建立博士生资助需求的动态监控机制;优化博士生资助结构,建立奖励与资助相结合的资助体系;进一步发挥国家助学贷款在博士生资助中的作用。  相似文献   

大学博士生资助现状的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博士生资助状况直接影响博士生的生活状况、科研环境,间接关系整个国家的人才安全和科研创新,是教育财政政策改革必须考虑的重要方面。通过对913名大学博士生的问卷调查并结合实地访谈发现,中国大学博士生资助有以下特点:生活性资助额低,博士生生活窘困;资助方式较单一,固定生活补助最常用;资助结构不合理,公平与效率失衡;资助学科差异大,文科博士生资助水平更低。研究结论对于进一步完善研究生培养机制和博士生资助政策具有参考价值。  相似文献   

博士生资助状况直接影响博士生的生活状况、科研环境,间接关系整个国家的人才安全和科研创新,是教育财政政策改革必须考虑的重要方面。通过对913名大学博士生的问卷调查并结合实地访谈发现,中国大学博士生资助有以下特点:生活性资助额低,博士生生活窘困;资助方式较单一,固定生活补助最常用;资助结构不合理,公平与效率失衡;资助学科差异大,文科博士生资助水平更低。研究结论对于进一步完善研究生培养机制和博士生资助政策具有参考价值。  相似文献   

近30年来,美国博士生教育经常被视为"金标准",成为世界各国仿效的对象,人们把它的成功归因于对博士生的科研训练。美国博士生的科研训练以研讨班为主,通过实验室轮转实现博士生、导师、学术兴趣的互动,以科研项目研究为训练平台,积极开展学术交流与合作。相应地,我国的博士生教育应当充分发挥研讨班在博士生培养过程中的作用,积极为博士生提供科研实践机会,鼓励和资助博士生参加学术交流。  相似文献   

在定性分析博士生资助的影响因素基础上,利用2008年全国12所大学913份博士生资助问卷调查数据,实证检验了博士生资助数额的影响因素,并着重讨论了家庭背景、学习阶段、学科差异、大学层次、导师资助制与资助数额的相关关系,最后针对未来我国博士生资助政策的调整提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

学生资助是各国政府为了保证各类学生,尤其是接受高等教育的学生顺利接受教育而实施的一系列财政资助。①联邦学生资助是美国学生资助体系中的重要组成部分,其重要性主要体现在它是联邦政策规定的适用于全美国学生的资助政策,同时它还对州、慈善机构和其他机构组织的学生资助行为产生影响。本文对美国联邦学生资助及其实施情况作初步探讨。  相似文献   

本研究基于美国基于调研评估‘研究-博士’项目(ARDP)调查中关于美国研究型大学与博士生培养质量相关的调查数据,对美国研究型大学博士生培养现状以及培养质量的影响因素进行了分析,研究结论是,美国研究型大学博士生源优秀,具有多样性和国际化程度高的特点;博士生完成学业年限较长且具有学科差异性;博士筛选及选拔机制严格,淘汰率高;博士生导师科研能力突出,学术能力和科研项目是选拔;博士生培养规模一般都比较小;博士生资助面广,资助力度较大。  相似文献   

美国博士生教育高损耗分析及治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对美国博士生教育高损耗现象进行了描述和分析,指出美国博士生教育高损耗主要表现为博士生修业时间长、流失率高两个方面.认为专业类别、资助方式、导师指导、博士生的思维方式是影响博士生学业进展的主要因素,介绍了美国政府、社会、学校各方面针对这一问题所采取的措施.  相似文献   

美国已建立起较为完善的研究生贷款体系,贷款已成为研究生最主要资助方式之一。研究生贷款具有资助对象范围广、资助额度高、资助重点向女性和少数民族弱势群体倾斜、资助力度与学科专业相适应等特点。研究生贷款政策面临的主要风险包括研究生债务负担剧增,学习方式和学位完成率受到影响以及还款拖欠率上升等。美国的经验表明,制定专门的贷款政策、合理运用贷款工具以及完善贷款回收保障措施有助于这一政策的良性发展。  相似文献   

This study employs the 2007–2008 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study and the National Research Center’s survey data, “A Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States,” to investigate the (1) the effects of debt in relation to tuition and fees paid and (2) the effects of teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships on within year retention among Ph.D. students. We created an innovative conceptual model for this study by merging a socioeconomic model for graduate students and a graduate student socialization model. We used propensity score weights for estimating average treatment effects and average treatment effect on the treated as well as a series of control and balancing variables. This study provides timely insights into which of these financial strategies are likely to improve the already low doctoral retention rates nationwide. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that includes proxies of socialization variables in examining the role of various funding mechanisms in doctoral retention using a national representative dataset.  相似文献   

Sixty doctoral students and 34 faculty members were interviewed in departments identified as having high and low doctoral student completion rates at one institution in the United States in order to examine the cultural contexts and structures that facilitate or hinder doctoral student completion. This paper outlines the differences in understandings of doctoral student attrition by role and by department using attribution theory. Implications for policy, practice, and further research are included.  相似文献   

The international literature contains few formal analyses of the state of Colombian higher education and its most critical issues. This article systematically and comparatively analyzes the emergence of Colombian doctoral programmes within a national and international context. It shows that, while Colombia has experienced a significant growth in the number of Ph.D. graduates per million people over the last decade, it continues to lag behind other Latin American countries. Further, it is critical for Colombia to increase funding for doctoral training, both by increasing the number of scholarships for graduate studies and by improving the mobility of researchers and strengthening the infrastructure of doctoral programmes. Increasing its numbers of Ph.D. holders is vital if Colombia is to succeed in entering the knowledge-based economy.  相似文献   

Transformative graduate education programs (TGP) are programs that are national in scope and are intended to impact the reformation of graduate education in the United States. We employ data from national sources and shift the unit of analysis from the individual doctoral student to the doctoral institution as whole in order to begin to assess the impact of TGPs on the number of doctoral degrees awarded, a critical outcome for such programs, and an educational priority in many countries. In addition, we examine the critical issue of whether TGPs enhance Ph.D. degree conferral for women and minorities, and if they do so at STEM-oriented institutions, typically the least hospitable of all environments for these groups.  相似文献   

二战后,美国联邦政府的国际学生教育政策在美国例外论、多元文化主义和实用主义价值观影响下,呈现出注重文化输出与国防安全、倡导技术移民、坚持国家利益至上的价值取向。后“9·11”时代,美国又确立了将国际学生教育作为保护国家安全和知识产权的重要屏障、吸纳海外科技创新人才的主要手段和提高经济效益的关键途径的政策理念。美国经验表明,国际学生教育政策可以与国家安全、经济贸易、文化外交、全球竞争力等多方面利益相融合,有效支撑国家发展战略。在全球学生流动受阻与大国博弈的背景下,美国的国际学生教育政策也暴露出深受外部环境牵制、吸引高科技人才政策缺乏稳定性、难以抵御高等教育财政风险的弊端。  相似文献   

Governments in the UK and many other countries have long sought to promote the diversity of their higher education institutions. However, diversity is hard to define, harder to measure and even more difficult to compare between countries. Most empirical analyses of the diversity of higher education systems use categorical variables, which shape the extent of diversity found. This study examines continuous variables of institutions’ enrolment size and proportions of postgraduate, fulltime and international students to find the extent of variation amongst doctoral granting and all higher education institutions in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia. The study finds that there is less variety amongst all higher education institutions in the United Kingdom than in Australia, which in turn has much less variety than the United States. The paper argues that the extent of government involvement in higher education is not so important for institutional variety as the form that it takes. More tentatively, the paper suggests that the more limited the range of institutions for which government funding is available the stronger government involvement is needed to have variety among the limited range of institutions for which government financial support is available.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the recent evolutions of science and engineering doctoral and postdoctoral education in Europe. Indeed, Ph.Ds are crucial to the conduct of research and innovation in the national innovation systems, as they provide a large amount of input into creating the competitive advantage, notably through basic research. First, we show that Asia, and notably China, is producing more Ph.Ds than the United States and Europe. In many EU countries, the number of Ph.Ds has levelled off or even declined recently in many natural sciences and engineering fields. Second, we discuss the European situation in the international competition for talents. We study the European brain drain question, mainly at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. We find that there is an asymmetry in the flows of Ph.D students and postdoctorates between Europe and the United States, at the advantage of this latter country. These two points — production of Ph.Ds, international flows of doctorates and postdoctorates — lead us to be concerned about the future growth and innovation in Europe. In conclusion, we outline some European policy responses in the perspective of building the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area.  相似文献   

博士研究生教育的集聚效应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对中美两国高等教育总规模、R & D经费支出和各省/州的博士学位授予数量的相关性分析,研究博士生教育的集聚效应,并提出我国发展博士生教育的政策建议.  相似文献   

巴黎和会上,美国为了实现其国联梦想,以"山东问题"为条件换取日本的支持,致使中美关系迅速滑坡。华盛顿会议上,为了压制日本独占中国,美国采取了援华抑日的政策,中美关系升温。国家利益是美国立场发生转变的根本原因,也是国际关系变化的决定因素。  相似文献   

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