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主持人:孩子的发展是一种自主行为,尊重孩子的自主权,让孩子学会选择,是使孩子形成良好人格,构建道德的重要前提。为此,我校组织了一次题为“我的自主权”讨论会。孩子们有感而发,气氛热烈,甚至还出现了几次现场辩论的小高潮,在惊讶于当今孩子们个性鲜明与思想走向成熟的同时,我们更认识到在家庭教育中,父母应当更多地尊重孩子的自主权,引导孩子健康发展。在这里,让我们和孩子的父母共同倾听孩子们的心声吧。我在家的作息时间,父母从不作硬性规定,对于什么时间学习、休息,全靠我自己安排。春游时,父母还会给我一些钱,让我自由支配;报特长班…  相似文献   

我们一些年轻的父母,总爱打扮自己的女孩:从头发的梳理到发结,从项颈上的项链到脚上穿的鞋袜,不断给她花样翻新;身上的服装,更是一套又一套。这样打扮以后,还要夸孩子漂亮。殊不知,这种做法会引起不良的后果。久而久之,孩子会从被动地被打扮到自觉要求打扮,要求买这买那,如果父母不依,她就会吵嚷不休,弄得做父母的手足无措。那么,怎样对这样的孩子进行教育呢?  相似文献   

要让孩子得到健康的成长,父母们必须尊重孩子的自主选择。过度地替孩子拿主意,实际上是不利于孩子成长的。如果你的选择是成功的,那么孩子只是坐享其成,不会有一种因自我实现所带来的喜悦和自豪:而一旦失败,孩子的心里可能会留下无奈和怨恨。让孩子自己选择,并非是推卸父母  相似文献   

孩子是父母的镜子,孩子是父母的"作品"。父母对孩子性格的形成起决定性作用。家庭是成功孩子的港湾和出发地,家长是孩子走向成功的导师和助手,既要负责孩子的身体发育,又要负责孩子的心理发育。既要重视孩子的智力发育,又要重视孩子各方面能力的培养;既要教会孩子学习知识,又要教会孩子学会做人。在孩子成长的道路上,性格、行为习惯起着决定性的作用,而孩子的性格和行为习惯的形成与家庭有着密切的联系,随着年龄的增长,很多情况下我们会发现孩子越来越像自己的父母,但是没有哪些孩子会越来越像自己的老师。美国人泰曼·约翰逊认为"成功的家教造就成功的孩子,失败的家教造就失败的孩子",从这个意义上讲,家庭教育是其他一切教育的基础,父母对于孩子的成长起着决定性的作用,怎么评价家长在儿童教育中的重要性都不过分。  相似文献   

选择什么样的方式教育孩子至关重要,研究表明,这几种教育方式会导致孩子不良个性品质的形成。冷漠式父母重视自己的追求,对孩子缺乏爱心,缺乏理解与支持。在这样的家庭环境中成长起来的孩子,不能体  相似文献   

美国家庭教育给人印象最深的一点是:从小尊重孩子,重视孩子的个人自主权,让孩子学会独立生活,学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立地解决所遇到的各种问题。培养独立能力孩子从襁褓时期就跟妈妈分床睡觉,二三岁的幼儿就住自己的房间。父母只管孩子的安全,其他生活上的事以及游玩、学习,都由孩子自理自主、自我选择。父母决不替孩子多做什么事,最多从旁提醒、参谋。参与家事决策美国孩子在家里的确是小主人。不但参与家庭的各种活动,还参与家庭大事的决策。给孩子发表意见的权利和机会很重要,等他长大了会越来越多地参与公众事务乃至国家…  相似文献   

培养独立能力孩子从襁褓时期就跟妈妈分床睡觉,二三岁的幼儿就住自己的房间。父母只管孩子的安全,其他生活上的事、游玩、学习,都由孩子自理、自主、自我选择。父母决不替孩子多做什么事,最多从旁提醒、参谋。参与家事决策美国孩子在家里的确是小主人,不但参与家庭的各种活动,还参与家庭大事的决策。一个孩子的父亲说:“给孩子发表意见的权利和机会很重  相似文献   

有了孩子后,父母会尽可能在自己的能力范围内为他提供最好的食物、衣服、玩具等,也会尽可能为他创造最佳的教育环境。但是,父母的一厢情愿能否得到孩子的配合呢?许多父母的答案是否定的,他们甚至觉得:为什么我付出这么多后孩子并不满意?为什么孩子动不动就哭闹不止?为什么孩子如此娇气、任性?关键就在于父母并不了解孩子的气质类型,也没有选择适合孩子的教育方法。  相似文献   

年轻父母给孩子选择服装时考虑服装的款式、花色等外观因素较多.而对处于生长发育期的孩子着装的健康因素考虑较少。忽视了服装的作用及幼儿皮肤的特点。  相似文献   

幼儿园时期是启蒙孩子运动、艺术才能的好阶段。于是,孩子一上幼儿园,很多父母便开始为孩子寻找各类兴趣班.面对五花八门的兴趣班,究竟该选择哪一个?自己的孩子究竟在哪方面有潜质?究竟是应该遵照父母对孩子的未来期望来选择.还是依照孩子自己的喜好来选择?这些问题困扰着很多家长.在竞争日益激烈的现代社会,家长可能都恨不得让自己的孩子文武双全.来面对时代的挑战。  相似文献   

While economic capital is not synonymous with cultural, social or symbolic capital in either its constitutional or organizational form, it nevertheless remains the more flexible and convertible form of capital. The convertibility of economic capital has particular resonance within ‘Celtic Tiger’ Ireland. The state’s reluctance to fully endorse an internal market between schools has resulted in middle‐class parents using their private wealth to create an educational market in the private sector to help secure the class futures of their children. Using data from recent studies of second‐level education in Ireland, and data compiled on the newly emerging ‘grind’ schools (private tuition centres), we outline how the availability of economic capital allows middle‐class parents to choose fee‐paying schooling or to opt out of the formal school sector entirely to employ market solutions to their class ambitions. The data also show that schools actively collude in the class project to their own survival advantage.  相似文献   

Group Identity,Individual Autonomy and Education for Human Rights   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The United Nations Declarations of Human Rights (1948) express an ideal for the protection of cultural rights of everyone. They propose an education that is multicultural and non‐discriminatory and recognise that parents have the right to choose their children's education. Article 13.3 of the International covenant on Economic and Social and Cultural Rights gave parents the right to choose for their children “schools other than those established by public authorities to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions”. The paper feels uneasy with this principle that grants parents the right to educate their children in conformity with their own convictions. Such rights could result in restricting the education of children to the narrow framework of parental beliefs and values that could be antithetical to social harmony, individual autonomy and equal opportunity. The question is, should such a right be extended to all parents including those who believe in racial superiority, in apartheid, Nazism or Fascism or in the inherent intellectual differences between boys and girls? The paper discusses some of these issues and asks how can the best interests of the child be served in a pluralist, multicultural, multiracial society. The paper acknowledges that in a pluralistic democratic society there will always be tensions between the public interests, the interests of the group and the interests or autonomy of the individual. These interests are discussed within the framework of fundamental human rights, common or separate schooling and multicultural education. The paper sees these as interrelated issues which are connected with group identity and equal opportunity. Where these interrelated issues conflict, the paper takes the stance that the rights and the autonomy of the individual should take precedence over the others, especially if the notion of human rights and human dignity is to be preserved in practice. This is obviously a controversial issue and the hope is that the paper will open up these issues for further discussion and debate.  相似文献   

The benefits for children at the Pittsburgh site of the federal Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP) were examined as a function of family welfare status (Aid to Families with Dependent Children; AFDC) and SES. The CCDP was the largest attempt by the federal government to provide two-generation, case-managed, comprehensive services to low-income families. Participating families could set their own goals and choose services to achieve them, but relatively few services were directed specifically at children. Results showed that more Pittsburgh families in the CCDP treatment group (N = 120) left AFDC than in the control group (N = 120), consistent with results from a national evaluation of the CCDP. Children whose families were on AFDC regardless of treatment group had lower mental test scores, even after controlling for family SES, a result suggesting that AFDC receipt over and above income level was associated with poorer child mental performance. The CCDP was associated with higher children's mental scores plus improvements over time in achievement scores only for children in families who were not on AFDC, even after controlling for SES. Such parents were more likely to choose parenting and child goals and services, which in turn were associated with higher child mental scores. In contrast, parents who were on AFDC tended to choose adult-centered goals and services, which did not benefit children. Therefore, in contrast to the national evaluation, which found no benefits of the CCDP for children, these analyses showed that the CCDP did produce benefits for children whose parents were not on AFDC, who tended to choose parenting and child services.  相似文献   

孤独症儿童及其矫治方法的调查研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过对孤独症儿童的家长和孤独症治疗机构的调查,初步了解了孤独症儿童的基本情况以及各种矫治方法的应用。得出的结论如下:(1)被调查的21名孤独症儿童一般都在发现异常后及时诊断,都能够在家庭或治疗训练机构进行训练。(2)越是晚出生的孤独症孩子,其得到治疗的机会就越多,其预后状况越是乐观。(3)家长一般根据朋友推荐、医生或权威人士推荐、网上获悉来选择治疗训练机构。(4)治疗机构最常用的方法是感觉统合训练,而家庭最常用的方法是游戏疗法;治疗机构中最有效的方法被认为是行为治疗,而家庭中最有效的方法被认为是游戏疗法;治疗机构中最无效的方法被认为是药物治疗,家庭中最无效的方法被认为是感觉统合治疗。(5)每个治疗机构都有自己的训练方法、治疗机构都比较认可自己机构的训练方法。但是关键在于能否真正针对每个孩子的特殊情况来做,对孤独症儿童的训练将是终身性的。  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study explored the relationship between play and child development at the Grade 1 level. As previous research has noted a sudden curtailment of classroom play during this period, the relationship between play at home and children's school grades, behavior, and creativity scores was examined using correlational and regression analyses. In particular, this study sought to assess whether particular types of play (pretend play, active physical play, construction play, etc.) and social arrangements during play (play with siblings, with parents, alone, with friends) predicted any of the outcome measures. A total of 56 children ages 6 and 7 from suburban areas outside of Montreal, as well as their parents and teachers, participated in the study. Practice or Policy: Findings indicated that children spent between 1 and 2 hr playing after school each day and that the most common form of play was active physical play. The most common social arrangement during play was play with siblings. Children's free time in the morning and freedom to choose their play activities in the afternoon were predictive of children's academic progress. Watching others play and the ability to choose their own activities in the afternoon predicted positive adaptive behaviors at school. Play with commercial toys and playing alone were predictive of creativity scores.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that research into children's drawings should consider the context in which drawing occurs and that it is crucial to investigate the attitudes and practices of teachers, parents and children themselves that shape children's drawing experience and the drawings which they produce. We review the findings of seven empirical studies reporting data collected through direct observations, interviews and questionnaires from the three main players (teachers, parents and children) on the attitudes and practices shaping children's drawing. Issues covered include teachers' perceptions of the purposes and importance of drawing, support offered by teachers, parents and children for children's drawing endeavours, and possible factors that may lead to an age‐related decline in the amount of drawing children choose to do. We end the review by reporting some preliminary findings from our own large‐scale interview and survey study of 270 5–14 year old children, their parents and teachers, that provides a comprehensive assessment of attitudes and practices influencing children's drawing experience at home and at school. The findings provide further insight into the aforementioned issues, particularly children's, teachers' and parent's explanations of why children's drawing behaviour might decline with age. It is hoped that by reporting these preliminary findings some additional understanding of the context in which children produce their drawings can be gained and new areas for debate opened up.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings and implications of a qualitative study conducted in Guatemala, which focused on rural, indigenous parents’ perceptions of their children’s schooling and educational quality. For these parents, the simple fact that their children had improved access to school signifies a satisfactory educational accomplishment; this conceptualization is shaped in large part by their own limited experiences with formal education. Although these parents recognized the importance of education, they held low expectations of and aspirations for their children’s academic performance, likely reflecting their own low educational levels. They identified homework as a key indicator for learning, and parental involvement in homework should be a point of departure in fostering learning environments that help improve student outcomes. The social organization and corresponding family responsibilities of children and youth dictate much of the parents’ thinking with respect to schooling and the children’s future.  相似文献   

目前学前儿童玩电子游戏逐渐趋于普遍化,学前儿童玩电子游戏的大部分原因是为了娱乐放松,玩时很少有家长陪同。针对上述情形,电子游戏设计者应依据儿童的身心特点和年龄特征设计电子游戏,家长应尽量参与儿童玩电子游戏过程以帮助儿童选择游戏类型、控制游戏时间并享受亲子过程。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查与故事情景测查,对114名47.85~71.09个月的儿童在同伴冲突场景中使用的解决策略及其心理理论水平进行了研究.通过分析和对比,本研究发现使用协商、猜拳等策略的儿童心理理论水平较高,而使用控制和求助第三者策略的儿童心理理论水平较低.儿童对谦让策略的使用与其心理理论水平不相一致;无论是从同伴冲突解决策略家长问卷还是从对儿童的实际冲突解决策略测查来看,在解决冲突时,家长和儿童都倾向于选择"谦让""协商"策略;在儿童同伴冲突解决策略研究中,使用家长问卷调查的方法和通过故事场景对儿童进行实际测查的方法会得到不同的结果.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the reasons that parents choose to teach their children at home. From data collected over 18 months of qualitative research in a state in the southeast, three broad explanations for choosing home schooling emerged. First, the parents believe that home education will strengthen their families. Second, many home-schooling parents (particularly those who are fundamentalist Christians) believe that schools teach values and beliefs that directly contradict those they want their children to learn. Third, many of the parents believe that only they, as parents, understand their children's unique educational needs well enough to effectively teach them. The failure of educational policy makers to consider the extraeducational issues raised by home-schooling parents is then discussed.  相似文献   

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