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360度考核法对高职教师绩效评价效用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
360度考核法是一种全视觉、全方位的绩效考核方法,被很多知名企业运用于员工绩效考核.目前,有很多高职院校对教师进行业绩考核也采用此法.但由于种种原因,这些高职院校在具体运用此考核法的过程中却出现了很多问题.文章从分析这些问题入手,提出各高职院校应该从考核指标和标准的重建、考核主体的选择、考核过程的严格实施、考核结果的统计分析和及时反馈出发,对360度考核法进行改进.  相似文献   

高校教师年度绩效全面考核问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章针对目前国内高校教师年度绩效考核工作在考核目的、考核指标、考核主体架构、考核方法选择和考核流程设计等方面存在的问题,提出了明确考核目的、全面设计考核指标、合理架构考核主体、灵活选择考核方法及实施绩效全程考核等应对策略,并在考核指标体系的设置上提出了从工作业绩、工作能力和工作态度三个维度进行全面考核评价的建设性构想.  相似文献   

基于实验教师与理论教师教学内容和形式的不同,通过研究发现目前实验教师绩效考核中存在考核主体单一、考核指标抽象、考核结果应用面窄等问题。本文将360°绩效考核法应用到实验教师的绩效考核当中,选取了实验教师的直接领导、同事、学生、实验室技术人员以及教师本人作为考核主体,针对不同考核主体设计了考核指标,并从考核周期、考核数据表的设计、考核的具体实施、考核数据的计算、绩效面谈等环节提出了完整的实施方案,能更全面、客观的对应用型财经类院校实验教师的绩效进行评价,起到更好的激励作用。  相似文献   

组织针对管理人员实施绩效考核时,常出现考核指标缺乏针对性和系统性、以定性主观评价为主、考核等级差异不明显以及缺乏有效反馈和改进机制等诸多问题。依据绩效考核指标设计的原则和思路,采用KPI关键绩效指标法和360°绩效考核法,以工作态度、工作能力和工作业绩为关键指标要素,设计科研机关管理人员绩效考核方案。该方案由主管领导、同事、服务对象和员工本人共同担任考核主体,其中主管领导和同事考核以量化指标考核为主,服务对象和员工本人的考核以主观定性评价为主。该考核方案有助于员工及时发现和改进现有工作不足、提高工作效率,也为组织开展员工奖惩提供更为准确客观的参考依据。  相似文献   

高校教师绩效管理体系的构建   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
当前高校教师绩效考核存在的问题主要表现在:考核定位模糊并存在偏差,重考核、轻管理,重结果、轻过程,考核主体单一,专业学院(系)的管理者没有承担起绩效管理的责任,绩效考核指标不全、标准不明。高校的教师绩效考核要明确考核的目标,突出教师在考核中的主体地位,构建一体化教师绩效管理体系。  相似文献   

绩效考核最初是应用于企业中的一种管理方式,随着社会的发展,绩效考核也被普遍地引入到公共部门管理中来.但由于起步较晚,我国公共部门绩效考核还处于初级阶段.本文通过对我国公共部门人力资源绩效考核的现状进行分析,得出考核标准不合理、指标设置不科学,考核主体与被考核者之间的信息不对称,考核方法简单、形式单一,考核结果难以反映实际情况等诸多问题,并有针对性地提出了建立标准化的考核指标体系,实行公开考核,促进考核主体与被考核者之间的信息交流,积极开发和引进新的方法等措施,以达到改善工作作风、提高管理效率的目的.  相似文献   

绩效考核是一种正式的员工评估制度,是当前石化企业普遍采用的一种高效管理方式。绩效考核能监控战略目标的落实、促进工作目标的实施、评价管理人员并创造价值。但在绩效考核的过程中,还存在没有明确战略目标、标准设计不合理、多头考评、敷衍评价等诸多误区。企业要消除模糊认识,通过制定可行考核标准、选择考核方法和信息、进行沟通与反馈等措施形成有效考核体系,走出误区,充分发挥绩效考核的作用。  相似文献   

绩效考核是一种正式的员工评估制度,是当前石化企业普遍采用的一种高效管理方式。绩效考核能监控战略目标的落实、促进工作目标的实施、评价管理人员并创造价值。但在绩效考核的过程中,还存在没有明确战略目标、标准设计不合理、多头考评、敷衍评价等诸多误区。企业要消除模糊认识,通过制定可行考核标准、选择考核方法和信息、进行沟通与反馈等措施形成有效考核体系,走出误区,充分发挥绩效考核的作用。  相似文献   

科学构建高校中层干部绩效考核机制的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中层干部是高校管理创新和制度创新的中坚力量,目前高校中层干部绩效考核面临考核定位相对模糊、考核指标较为笼统,考评方法不够科学,考核激励机制缺失等困境。要明确目标、突出重点,严格程序、规范操作,奖优罚劣、注重实效,建立科学合理的考核指标体系,创新绩效考核形式方法,健全绩效考核结果运用机制。  相似文献   

绩效考核已经成为企业人才管理“木桶”中的“短板”.只有解决好绩效考核的考核指标的确定、考核方法等问题,才有可能将绩效考核工作落到实处,才能达到奖勤罚懒、提高两个积极性、提高企业经济效益的目的.  相似文献   

Examinees who take high-stakes assessments are usually given an opportunity to repeat the test if they are unsuccessful on their initial attempt. To prevent examinees from obtaining unfair score increases by memorizing the content of specific test items, testing agencies usually assign a different test form to repeat examinees. The use of multiple forms is expensive and can present psychometric challenges, particularly for low-volume credentialing programs; thus, it is important to determine if unwarranted score gains actually occur. Prior studies provide strong evidence that the same-form advantage is pronounced for aptitude tests. However, the sparse research within the context of achievement and credentialing testing suggests that the same-form advantage is minimal. For the present experiment, 541 examinees who failed a national certification test were randomly assigned to receive either the same test or a different (parallel) test on their second attempt. Although the same-form group had shorter response times on the second administration, score gains for the two groups were indistinguishable. We discuss factors that may limit the generalizability of these findings to other assessment contexts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to apply the attribute hierarchy method (AHM) to a subset of SAT critical reading items and illustrate how the method can be used to promote cognitive diagnostic inferences. The AHM is a psychometric procedure for classifying examinees’ test item responses into a set of attribute mastery patterns associated with different components from a cognitive model. The study was conducted in two steps. In step 1, three cognitive models were developed by reviewing selected literature in reading comprehension as well as research related to SAT Critical Reading. Then, the cognitive models were validated by having a sample of students think aloud as they solved each item. In step 2, psychometric analyses were conducted on the SAT critical reading cognitive models by evaluating the model‐data fit between the expected and observed response patterns produced from two random samples of 2,000 examinees who wrote the items. The model that provided best data‐model fit was then used to calculate attribute probabilities for 15 examinees to illustrate our diagnostic testing procedure.  相似文献   

The impact of the Subset Selection Technique (SST) for administering and scoring multiple-choice items on certain properties of a test was compared with that of the two other commonly used methods, the Number Right (NR) and the Correction for Guessing Formula (CFG). Under SST, examinees are instructed to select any number of response alternatives, the objective being to include the correct answer in the chosen set. The effects of each scoring method on the psychometric properties of a test and on the performance of examinees with different achievement levels and/or risk-taking propensities were investigated. Results indicated that SST outperformed the other two methods, producing not only higher reliability and validity coefficients for the test, but doing so without favoring high risk takers. The superiority of SST may be attributed to two interrelated factors: the efficiency of the technique in controlling for guessing and the encouragement provided examinees to use their partial knowledge in responding.  相似文献   

Standardizing aspects of assessments has long been recognized as a tactic to help make evaluations of examinees fair. It reduces variation in irrelevant aspects of testing procedures that could advantage some examinees and disadvantage others. However, recent attention to making assessment accessible to a more diverse population of students highlights situations in which making tests identical for all examinees can make a testing procedure less fair: Equivalent surface conditions may not provide equivalent evidence about examinees. Although testing accommodations are by now standard practice in most large-scale testing programmes, for the most part these practices lie outside formal educational measurement theory. This article builds on recent research in universal design for learning (UDL), assessment design, and psychometrics to lay out the rationale for inference that is conditional on matching examinees with principled variations of an assessment so as to reduce construct-irrelevant demands. The present focus is assessment for special populations, but it is argued that the principles apply more broadly.  相似文献   

The development of statistical methods for detecting test collusion is a new research direction in the area of test security. Test collusion may be described as large‐scale sharing of test materials, including answers to test items. Current methods of detecting test collusion are based on statistics also used in answer‐copying detection. Therefore, in computerized adaptive testing (CAT) these methods lose power because the actual test varies across examinees. This article addresses that problem by introducing a new approach that works in two stages: in Stage 1, test centers with an unusual distribution of a person‐fit statistic are identified via Kullback–Leibler divergence; in Stage 2, examinees from identified test centers are analyzed further using the person‐fit statistic, where the critical value is computed without data from the identified test centers. The approach is extremely flexible. One can employ any existing person‐fit statistic. The approach can be applied to all major testing programs: paper‐and‐pencil testing (P&P), computer‐based testing (CBT), multiple‐stage testing (MST), and CAT. Also, the definition of test center is not limited by the geographic location (room, class, college) and can be extended to support various relations between examinees (from the same undergraduate college, from the same test‐prep center, from the same group at a social network). The suggested approach was found to be effective in CAT for detecting groups of examinees with item pre‐knowledge, meaning those with access (possibly unknown to us) to one or more subsets of items prior to the exam.  相似文献   

新疆高校招生中对少数民族考生的优惠政策的目的是真正实现各民族在教育上的平等。经过多年的发展虽然取得了一定的成绩,但也存在许多问题,如民族生忽视理科课程的学习,少数民族毕业生就业困难等问题,对此需要做一些深刻的反思。  相似文献   

司法考试的命题方式与内容应该体现司法考试的两个目的,一是考查考生是否具有必需的法律专业知识,二是考查考生是否具备从事特定法律职业的能力.在过去九年的国家统一司法考试中,命题的重点在于考查考生对相关法律条文的记忆和掌握,这显然达不到司法考试的目的.为此,必须改变现行司法考试的命题方式与内容,一方面,要重点考查考生的法学基...  相似文献   

This Monte Carlo study examined the effect of complex sampling of items on the measurement of differential item functioning (DIF) using the Mantel-Haenszel procedure. Data were generated using a 3-parameter logistic item response theory model according to the balanced incomplete block (BIB) design used in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The length of each block of items and the number of DIF items in the matching variable were varied, as was the difficulty, discrimination, and presence of DIF in the studied item. Block, booklet, pooled booklet, and extra-information analyses were compared to a complete data analysis using the transformed log-odds on the delta scale. The pooled booklet approach is recommended for use when items are selected for examinees according to a BIB design. This study has implications for DIF analyses of other complex samples of items, such as computer administered testing or another complex assessment design.  相似文献   

The continuous testing framework, where both successful and unsuccessful examinees have to demonstrate continued proficiency at frequent prespecified intervals, is a framework that is used in noncognitive assessment and is gaining in popularity in cognitive assessment. Despite the rigorous advantages of this framework, this paper demonstrates that there is significant inflation in false negatives as both passers and failers continually take a test, especially for examinees closer to the passing score. Several passing policies are investigated to control the inflation of false negatives while maintaining low false‐positive rates for fixed‐length tests. Lastly, recommendations are made for testing professionals who wish to utilize the rigorous nature of the continuous testing framework while also avoiding the inflation of qualified examinees failing.  相似文献   

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