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《西厢记》是王实甫写的张生和崔莺莺的爱情故事。《长亭送别》为《西厢记》的第四本第三折,描写张生赴京赶考,莺莺送别的情景,刻画了莺莺离别时的痛苦心情和怨恨情绪。  相似文献   

张广银 《语文天地》2011,(13):37-38
《西厢记》是王实甫写的张生和崔莺莺的爱情故事。《长亭送别》为《西厢记》的第四本第三折,描写张生赴京赶考,莺莺送别的情景,刻画了莺莺离别时的痛苦心情和怨恨情绪。传统的解说为:该文表现了张生和莺莺之间的真挚爱情,  相似文献   

明代曲论家朱权曾在《太和正音谱》中评《西厢记》云:“王实甫之词,如花间美人,铺叙委婉,深得骚人之趣,极有佳句,若玉环出浴华清,绿珠之采莲洛甫。”这是赞赏其语言风格之美。如果我们用“花间”比喻《西厢记》所描写的景物之美,以“美人”形容《西厢记》刻画的主要人物莺莺,张生和红娘的心灵之美,是更符合实际的。  相似文献   

金代董解元创作的《西厢记诸宫调》在崔张爱情故事流变过程中起到了承上启下的作用.在《西厢记诸宫调》中,董解元通过对红娘身份设定及言行表现的具体描写,着重刻画了她心思单纯、热情善良、智慧聪明、爱憎分明、富于正义以及谨慎细致的性格特点,并让她在促进崔张姻缘的过程中展现出一定的斗争力量与反抗精神.董解元在《西厢记诸宫调》中对红...  相似文献   

《长亭送别》是《西厢记》里的一支奇葩,有人说在这一折戏里突出刻画了崔莺莺的叛逆性格,描写了她对功名利禄视如粪土和对爱情的大胆执著的追求。其实,崔莺  相似文献   

《西厢记》中所表现的崔张爱情具有雅的意境和情调,体现了一种“雅”趣尚。而与此同时,作者也自觉不自觉地接纳了世俗心态,使这一爱情具有“俗”的品质。崔张爱情的雅趣尚与俗心态体现在《西厢记》的情景设置、人物性格心态刻画、情节选择等方面。  相似文献   

王薇 《考试周刊》2009,(19):12-13
金圣叹评点《西厢记》,不仅将其视为“天地妙文”,充分肯定了《西厢记》的文学价值,同时对西厢的删改也堪称是对王实甫《西厢记》的一次再创造。  相似文献   

明代一些文人在论及《西厢记》时常常把它称为南戏之祖、传奇之冠,《西厢记》明刊本也有不少在体例上被予以程度不同的传奇化改易,此外,杂剧选本不选《西厢记》,而另有许多戏文、传奇选本却都选了它。文章认为,由于《西厢记》在篇幅上较为接近戏文、传奇,加上明代的主导戏曲环境是以戏文、传奇演唱为主,因此明代人有意无意把它以南戏文对待,其实,《西厢记》明刊本的校刊者和选本的选校者多数都明了《西厢记》的北杂剧体性,他们内心并没有把《西厢记》误当成戏文。  相似文献   

<正>《西厢记》"教育部统编《语文》推荐阅读丛书"包含了《西厢记》《牡丹亭》和《卖娥冤》三个剧作。王实甫的《西厢记》在董解元《西厢记诸宫调》的基础上做了优化,虽说是张生与崔莺莺的爱情故事,老夫人出尔反尔棒打鸳鸯,但让人印象深刻的却是机智聪慧促成姻缘的红娘。  相似文献   

《西厢记》是元代著名的杂剧家王实甫的代表作,其中《长亭送别》一折已选入高中教材。《西厢记》全名《崔莺莺待月西厢记》,五本二十一折,它是以爱情为题材的杂剧高峰之作,是我国古典戏曲中一颗光辉灿烂的明星。明代贾仲明为王实甫写的吊词《凌波仙》中高度评价《西厢记》:“新杂剧,旧传奇,《西厢记》天下夺魁。”  相似文献   

《宋朝事实》是两宋之际承议郎李攸所撰史书,在宋代流传颇广,然至后代逐渐亡佚。至清乾隆时,四库馆臣才从《永乐大典》中将该书辑出,釐定成二十卷本,并刊行于世,遂成后世通行本《宋朝事实》之祖本。因曾亡佚,历来书目对其卷次、作者等著录多有歧异。本文系统钩稽,对其作者、卷次、流传等问题逐一辨析梳理,以并略述其价值。  相似文献   

以乙酸酐、乙基苯和无水三氯化铝为原料合成对乙基苯乙酮,并利用碘仿反应氧化对乙基苯乙酮制备对乙基苯甲酸.考察了制备对乙基苯乙酮时催化剂用量、反应温度、反应时间对对乙基苯乙酮收率的影响和碘仿反应的反应温度、反应时间对产物对乙基苯甲酸的收率的影响.结果表明:制备对乙基苯乙酮的过程中,催化剂用量2.0:1.0,反应温度70℃,反应时间5h,为最为合适的反应条件;制备对乙基苯甲酸的过程中,反应温度70℃,反应时间4h,为最为合适的反应条件.  相似文献   

An examination of the literature suggests that universities play a part in developing generic capabilities needed nowadays for societies, through immersing students in a stimulating campus environment. Part time students, though, spend less time on campus than their full time counterparts, and far less time than on‐campus residents, so could be expected to experience a less rich study environment. It might, therefore, be questioned whether there is a mechanism by which universities can influence to any great extent the development of these capabilities in part time students. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism by which the study environment influences the development of eight qualities for part time students. An instrument was developed to seek the perceptions of the development of the eight capabilities and of eight variables identified as important elements in the part time study environment. The sample consisted of 1149 graduates from part time programmes of one university in Hong Kong. The inter‐relationship of the 16 scales was then examined through a three‐step procedure by utilizing structural equation modeling. The result showed that there were a number of significant paths between factors on the study environment side of the model and latent factors linking the eight capabilities. The resulting model showed that there were viable mechanisms by which the part time study environment can influence the development of these generic capabilities through the establishment of relationships between staff and students and between student peers, and through producing an atmosphere conducive to interaction in part time study.  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the relationship between differences in educational training at the time of entry into part-time undergraduate studies and persistence with such a program. The sample consisted of 612 students who enrolled for the first time in a part-time evening undergraduate program. A specially designed questionnaire was used as the chief measuring instrument. Possession of a high school diploma, having not repeated a year in high school, undertaking certain types of training, and delaying university entry by a year or more were found to be conducive to persistence. High school matriculation average, type of high school attended, amount of delay, and reasons for delaying entry to university were not found to be related to drop-out. The findings of the study stand in sharp contrast to previously reported research.  相似文献   

蒙元时代的斡耳朵本是后妃居住之所,自元太宗时始设机构,至世祖时趋于完善.斡耳朵的主要职能是召集忽里勒台大会、进行宗教及丧葬活动,它在蒙元政治生活中发挥过重要作用,了解和研究斡耳朵有助于深入认识蒙元的历史.  相似文献   

Three methods (mail survey, telephone survey, and keeping time) for measuring teaching time were compared. Sixth-grade teachers from 74 schools assessed time spent on teaching native language in an average school week. They used each of the three methods with a time lag of a few weeks. Total teaching time and the teaching time spent on language categories were measured; the main language categories were communication, reading, grammar, spelling, and writing. The analysis of the data showed that the means of the total score and of the main category scores for spelling and writing were about equal for each of the methods. Moreover, the rank order of the mean main category scores was identical for each of the methods. The correlations of the scores showed that the individual scores of the three methods did not sufficiently converge.  相似文献   

叶向高生活的时代,正是明代中国东南沿海地区社会经济发生重大变革的时期,“嘉靖倭乱”之后,东南沿海地区经过多年的休养生息,社会经济得到了恢复并逐渐走向繁荣,海洋社会经济也被整合到以东南亚为中心的环中国海贸易圈中去。叶向高作为一名政治家,一方面与陆地商人保持着密切的关系,另一方面,又坚决支持明朝廷的海禁政策,主张严禁通倭走私贸易,打击走私海商。叶向高对商人认识的两重性,是由当时的社会政治经济发展状况所决定的,也是当时社会政治经济发展的必然。  相似文献   

一个人泛舟河上时,时间宛若白驹过隙,转眼间月亮就如同一个绚丽的黄灯笼,挂在了头顶灰紫色的夜空中。  相似文献   

《莎菲女士的日记》于1928年2月在《小说月报》上发表后,一直被启蒙/男性话语场以固定的话语模式加以解读。作品能够被启蒙/权力话语场接纳,但同时又被僵化解读的原因在于叙事者发出的叙事声音较为复杂。通过对文本叙事声音的女性主义解读,发现现代女性在主体建立过程中发出的声音,它包括对男权话语的批判和对女性主体地位的思考。  相似文献   

哲学形态学是近年来学界讨论的一个热点问题。自哲学产生之日起到17世纪,哲学之所以主要是本体论形态,以及人们之所以主要运用的是单纯客体性思维,归根结底是由他们的生存、实践状况决定的,在此基础上,形成了直接性,自信性,终极性,还原性,以及整体性、具体性,群体性等一系列基本特征。  相似文献   

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