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社会认知视角下的自我调节学习理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前关于自我调节学习主要有维果斯基的自我调节学习观、操作主义观、现象学观点、自主意志观、认知建构观、信息加工观和社会认知观七种理论观点,在这七种理论中,以社会认知论的影响最大.本文主要介绍了社会认知自我调节学习理论的四个基础假设、理论的架构、研究和测量的主要方法以及主要的影响因素,对推进素质教育改革具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

基于探究社区理论,探讨影响在线学习认知形成的各种临场感因素,构建结构关系模型,并对各临场感的结构关系进行相关、多重中介、调节分析。采用调查问卷的方式,对利用Sakai网络虚拟教学平台进行在线学习的614名大二本科生进行调查。分析结果表明:在线学习中教学行为与学习认知具有间接显著正相关,教学通过社交临场和学习者临场间接影响学习认知,自我调节学习对学习认知具有调节作用。研究揭示了在线学习中教学活动通过学习交互和自我效能对学习认知产生影响的内在机制以及自我调节学习的调节作用对学习认知形成带来的个体差异。  相似文献   

元认知是学习者对自己学习的心理活动与调节,即人在学习中的自我意识与自我调节,个人对自己的学习认知过程的自我觉察、自我评价和自我调节,在学习机制中,元认知处于最高层,它统一协调整个学习情境、学习方法或技能的使用.从元认知理论的观点看,教会学生学会学习,最重要的是培养学生具有调控学习的能力,而非仅仅是教给学生学习方法.  相似文献   

近十几年来,国内外认知心理学派对元认知理论的研究取得了许多成果,开辟了认知心理学研究的新领域。如何把这些研究成果应用于学科教育,提高教学质量,应是学科教育学界进行研究的重要内容之一。本文试就元认知理论在物理学习过程中的作用与功能进行探讨。  一、元认知理论研究概述(一)元认知的基本含义。元认知(metacognition)是指一个人所具有的关于自己思维活动和学习活动的知识及实施的控制。简单地说,元认知就是认知的认知,是个体对自己的认知加工过程的自我觉察,自我评价和自我调节。具体地讲包括三个部分:…  相似文献   

自我调节理论是由观察学习理论中的自物强化概念衍生出来的,自我调节包括自我观察、自我判断和自我反应三个基本过程。自我调节理论是班杜拉社会学习理论的最重要转折点,表现了人的认知对行为的多种影响。  相似文献   

自我效能感和归因的自我调节之理论背景及研究现状   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
自我调节对学生的学习起着重要作用。有效的自我调节要求学生有目标并有达到目标的愿望(即动机)(Bandura, 1986; zimmerman,1989)。学生不但必须调节他们的行为,而且必须调节他们的基本动机。一、理论背景(一)自我调节的社会认知理论。社会认知理论认为自我调节由三个过程组成:自我观察、自我判断和自我反应(Bandura,1986;Kanfer&Gaeick,1986)。在学习之初学生有获得技能和知识、完成作业、取得好成绩这样的目标。在学习中学生对他们达到目标情况进行观察、判断和反…  相似文献   

从元认知理论谈学会学习   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
元认知是学习者对自己学习的心理活动与调节,即人在学习中的自我意识与自我调节,个人对自己的学习认知过程的自我觉察、自我评价和自我调节,在学习机制中,元认知处于最高层,它统一协调整个学习情境、学习方法或技能的使用.从元认知理论的观点看,教会学生学会学习,最重要的是培养学生具有调控学习的能力,而非仅仅是教给学生学习方法。  相似文献   

自我调节学习论──班杜拉学习理论的新进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
班杜拉的理论形成于七十年代中期,当时称之为“社会学习理论”。八十年代中期,班氏为突出其理论强调认知因素的特点,更名为“社会认知理论”(SociaCognitiveTheory)。近年来,这一理论集中于研究自我调节学习。关于自我调节学习,不同学派众说纷坛,但社会认知论的分析影响较大。本文拟就在简述人们对自我调节学习(Self-regulationLearning)看法之后对社会认知论的见解做一初步探讨。一、对自我调节学习的一般看法学习者是一个积极主动的主体.这似乎是一个老生常谈的论题。然而,自我调节学习的强调者把学习者含成是能够参与并控…  相似文献   

自我调节学习是一种自主性的学习,对学习过程具有主观性的控制和调节作用,是提高学生学习成绩的关键环节。自我调节学习理论主要针对学生的年龄特点进行研究和概括,不同年级学生在认知与情感等方面呈现出差异和发展性特点。自我调节学习行为不仅表现在知识和技能的学习上,也体现在行为习惯、个性品质的形成中。此外,网络媒介对自我调节学习研究的多元化方式也产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

朱明 《英语辅导》2008,(4):83-86
近年来,在心理空间理论的基础上,以Fauconnier和Turner为代表的认知语言学家们提出了合成空间理论或概念合成理论。概念合成理论的三种认知整合运作过程即组合、完善、扩展,是概念整合的核心部分,也是形成新的概念的结构。"下课"本是一教育行业的常用词,现在已经被广泛应用于很多领域而成为一个新词。概念合成理论可以用来解析这一新词的概念如何由相应的旧词转变而成。  相似文献   

The calibration and self-regulated learning literatures were reviewed. Calibration is a measure of how accurately individuals assess their confidence in their own knowledge. Self-regulated learning is a process of developing goals, using strategies, and monitoring performance in order to complete tasks. Individual characteristics, self-testing, and feedback are common components of both calibration and self-regulated learning; however, the specific aspects of these components often differ. Different levels of calibration might suggest different applications of self-regulated learning or different phases in task completion or learning. Certain types of self-regulation might impact calibration. These reciprocal effects between calibration and self-regulation are unclear and should be evaluated. Determining whether self-regulated learners can and should become well calibrated also is an important instructional design issue. Suggestions for research are presented.  相似文献   

谭敬德 《现代教育技术》2012,22(11):107-110,106
元认知包括对认知的知识、认知的体验和认知的监控及调节三个方面,其核心思想是对认知过程的自我调节。学习不仅仅是认知过程,同时也是对该认知过程进行积极监控及调节的元认知过程。元认知被认为是自主学习的关键过程,是促进学习的关键要素。虚拟学习社区(简称VLC)中的自主学习活动是其学习活动的核心内容之一,是其他学习活动(如协作学习活动)开展的基础。文章从VLC、元认知和学习的内部心理机制及规律出发,研究元认知视角下的VLC中自主学习活动和学习环境设计,提出了VLC中自主学习活动的元认知调控内部循环过程模型和基于元认知的自主学习活动过程模型以及基于元认知和自主学习活动的VLC学习环境功能模型。  相似文献   


Instructional methods in higher education are changing in response to the growing popularity for distance learning courses. Investigating methods of instruction that will assist in the manner that coursework is taught in online courses is therefore a significant enterprise to research. Specifically, examining the relation between theory and practice in programs of teacher education where application is an integral part of the curriculum as well as students’ future career is of utmost importance. Instruction using the case study method enables instructors to involve their students with the realities of teaching using scenarios built around authentic educational dilemmas, where students can problem-solve varying outcomes and generate possible solutions from multiple theoretical viewpoints. Self-regulated learning has been consistently shown to be a fundamental component in the academic success of online learners. Existing research studies on distance learners has specifically shown mastery-approach goals to be predictive of self-regulated learning. This study found significant relationships between the use of authentic case studies in online preservice teaching, self-regulation, and mastery approach goals. Additionally, the results of this study also identified that the relationship between self-regulation and mastery approach goals was strengthened when using case studies that were authentic.


Self-regulated learning has been one of the important areas in educational research. The authors adopted structural equation modeling to explore and compare the impacts of three aspects of self-regulatory climate (i.e., academic emphasis, teacher trust, and student trust) on three features of self-regulated learning (i.e., self-efficacy, intrinsic motive, and self-regulation strategy). The results revealed both direct effects of academic emphasis on students’ use of self-regulation strategy, and indirect effects mediated by self-efficacy and intrinsic motive. Teacher trust has a positive impact on self-efficacy. While student trust has a positive impact on intrinsic motive, its relationship with self-regulation strategy is negative. Significant differences in school levels and gender were identified. The findings indicate that students in different cultures may have different expectations for teachers’ support in learning, which in turn influence the relationship between student trust in teachers and the use of self-regulation strategy. Implications for cultivating self-regulated learners are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

针对网络远程教育因教学行为上的时空分离,存在师生双向交互困难及情感交流缺失,严重影响学习者的认知学习能力的发展,甚至对心理健康产生危害等难题,根据建构主义和自主学习理论以及元认知理论的基本内容,针对网络远程学习者的有效学习方法、学习环节及学习策略等三方面,设计与构建"和谐人机情感交互的网络远程教育系统"的理论依据,并从系统开发与应用实际,给出了这些理论如何科学地指导"和谐人机情感交互的网络远程教育系统"研发的具体思路。  相似文献   

Self-regulated learning (SRL) research has conventionally relied on measures, which treat SRL as an aptitude. To study self-regulation and motivation in learning contexts as an ongoing adaptive process, situation-specific methods are needed in addition to static measures. This article presents an ‘Adaptive Instrument for Regulation of Emotions’ aimed at accessing students’ experiences of individual and socially shared regulation of emotions in a socially challenging learning situation. The instrument, grounded in self-regulated and socially regulated learning theory, comprises four interrelated components: the socio-emotional challenges experienced in a collaborative learning situation; individual and group-level attempts to regulate the immediate emotions evoked by the challenges; the personal goals; and goal attainment pursued in that situation. The theoretical foundation of the instrument and its components are outlined and some reliability issues illustrated. The limitations but also educational potential of the instrument to understand regulation of emotions in socially challenging learning situations are discussed.  相似文献   


Learners face several self-regulatory challenges during multimedia learning: choosing adequate cognitive strategies (cognitive self-regulation), relying on their own learning abilities (motivational self-regulation), and investing sufficient effort (behavioral self-regulation). Implementation intentions (plans that help transform intentions into action) can support self-regulation. We expected that cognitive, motivational, or behavioral implementation intentions improved learning, compared to a control group. In a first experiment, we found weak evidence that cognitive and behavioral implementation intentions improved learning, whereas motivational implementation intentions reduced learning. However, replication failed in two follow-up experiments. Our findings contradict previous research and suggest that implementation intentions are not suitable to support multimedia learning. Future research should focus on possible boundary conditions that could account for the unexpected and unstable findings.  相似文献   

学生学习的自我监控是在学习活动的全过程中,将自己正在进行的学习活动作为意识的对象,不断地对其进行积极的计划、监察、检查、评价、反馈、控制和调节过程,具有其特殊的特征。培养学生学习的自我监控力可从激发学习动机、丰富学习策略、训练学习意志等方面进行。  相似文献   

The conception and theory of agency as self-regulation that is contained within Bandura's social cognitive theory is examined and elaborated in the context of the relevant philosophical history of ideas and through consideration of recent work in theoretical developmental psychology. Implications for self-regulated learning in classrooms are considered. In particular, it is suggested that the understanding of agency contained within social cognitive theory as elaborated herein might be developed as an alternative to conceptions of self-regulation and agency within constructivist and socioculturalist theorizing in educational psychology. However, the classroom application of such an alternative would require a much less dualistic and teacher-directed form of teaching than suggested in much past and current social cognitive work on self-regulation.  相似文献   

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