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The museum in the contemporary era imports from the nineteenth century a venerable idea: that the first responsibility of a public art museum is to enlighten and improve its visitors, morally, socially, and politically. Yet visitors often seem to have arrived from another planet, bringing with them their own cultural meanings and agendas. A series of two articles presents ethnographic data, anthropological analysis, and a marketing perspective to suggest why the visitors' points of view may seem vertiginously strange to museum personnel. This article, Part One, characterizes the conflict between host and guest as the outcome of two competing models of culture: “preferment” and “transformation.” In a subsequent issue of Curator, Part Two will examine the influence of consumer culture on these models, and offer strategies for rapprochement.  相似文献   

Dimensions is a partly free scholarly database launched by Digital Science in January 2018. Dimensions includes journal articles and citation counts, making it a potential new source of impact data. This article explores the value of Dimensions from an impact assessment perspective with an examination of Food Science research 2008–2018 and a random sample of 10,000 Scopus articles from 2012. The results include high correlations between citation counts from Scopus and Dimensions (0.96 by narrow field in 2012) as well as similar average counts. Almost all Scopus articles with DOIs were found in Dimensions (97% in 2012). Thus, the scholarly database component of Dimensions seems to be a plausible alternative to Scopus and the Web of Science for general citation analyses and for citation data in support of some types of research evaluations.  相似文献   

文敏 《编辑学报》2020,32(3):278-281
统计发现2017年1月—2019年12月3大中文数据库共撤销54篇论文。撤销声明中撤销主体还算明确,但存在撤销原因不清晰问题;数据库存在撤销发布形式不统一,一个数据库撤销而另一数据库未撤销现象,易导致继续引用从而使错误信息继续传播。建议国家有关部门尽快对论文撤销声明的要求和格式制订规范,期刊和数据库按照规范提交和处理撤销论文。  相似文献   

《Journal of Informetrics》2019,13(3):817-829
The number of publications and the number of citations received have become the most common indicators of scholarly success. In this context, scientific writing increasingly plays an important role in scholars’ scientific careers. To understand the relationship between scientific writing and scientific impact, this paper selected 12 variables of linguistic complexity as a proxy for depicting scientific writing. We then analyzed these features from 36,400 full-text Biology articles and 1,797 full-text Psychology articles. These features were compared to the scientific impact of articles, grouped into high, medium, and low categories. The results suggested no practical significant relationship between linguistic complexity and citation strata in either discipline. This suggests that textual complexity plays little role in scientific impact in our data sets.  相似文献   

This study examines how the social sciences' debate between qualitative and quantitative methods is reflected in the citation patterns of sociology journal articles. Citation analysis revealed that quantitative articles were more likely to cite journal articles than monographs, while qualitative articles were more likely to cite monographs than journals. Quantitative articles cited other articles from their own quantitative-dominated journals but virtually excluded citations to articles from qualitative journals, while qualitative articles cited articles from the quantitative-dominated journals as well as their own qualitative-specialized journals. Discussion and conclusions include this study's implications for library collection development.  相似文献   

丁文姚  李健  韩毅 《图书情报工作》2019,63(22):118-128
[目的/意义] 探索期刊论文科学数据引用特征与规律不仅有助于描述学科领域对科学数据的利用情况,还能够揭示学术成果表达中的数据引用模式。[方法/过程] 以我国图书情报领域6种期刊2017年与2018年第一期刊载论文为样本,结合国家标准《信息技术科学数据引用》的引用元素,采用内容分析法从9个维度对样本论文的科学数据引用行为进行数据编码,应用统计学方法描述图书情报领域期刊论文科学数据引用特征并探索不同维度特征间的关联关系。[结果/结论] 图书情报领域期刊论文广泛引用来自国内外的统计整理类科学数据,对期刊论文中个人研究科学数据的引用量较大;科学数据引用标注方式与科学数据类型存在一定对应关系,但多样化的标注方式缺乏统一性;二手引用现象较为突出,二手引用程度与科学数据创建者类型相关。  相似文献   

Using data from Web of Science, this research investigates how physical science researchers funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research complied with its open access policy, and compares the citation counts of articles published through gold and green models.It was found that, for articles published between 2008 and 2015, 9% were available through gold open access routes and 13% were available through green routes; most were not openly accessible. Citation rates were comparable for green open access and non-open access articles, but citation rates for gold open access articles were lower. After controlling for publication year, citation rates of gold, green, and non-open access articles were comparable. Among gold open access articles, citation rates were highest for open access journals with article processing charges, but after controlling for publication year, articles published in hybrid journals, followed by those in open access journals with article processing charges, achieved the highest citation rates. Articles published in free open access journals had the lowest citation rates. The results suggest that green open access is the most economical approach to comply with open access policies, and that it provides researchers with at least as much research impact as gold open access.  相似文献   

As an important application in text mining and social media, sentiment detection has aroused more and more research interests, due to the expanding volume of available online information such as microblogging messages and review comments. Many machine learning methods have been proposed for sentiment detection. As a branch of machine learning, transfer learning is an important technique that tries to transfer knowledge from one domain to another one. When applied to sentiment detection, existing transfer learning methods employ articles with human labeled sentiments from other domains to help the sentiment detection on a target domain. Although most existing transfer learning methods are devoted to handle the data distribution difference between different domains, they only resort to some approximation methods, which may introduce some unnecessary biases. Furthermore, the popular assumption of existing transfer learning techniques on conditional probability is often too strong for practical applications. In this paper, we propose a novel method to model the distribution difference between different domains in sentiment detection by directly modeling the underlying joint distributions for different domains. Some of the important properties of the proposed method, such as the convergence rate and time complexity, are analyzed. The experimental results on the product review dataset and the twitter dataset demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

以CNKI的中国引文数据库(CCD)为数据源,考察三个学科在不同载体环境下的文献被引情况,发现不论是纸质-网络混合载体环境还是纸质载体环境,文献的被引曲线变化趋势都较为相似,但混合载体环境下文献的被引程度明显大于纯纸质载体时期,而文献被引峰值的出现时间则稍晚于纯纸质载体时期.回归分析的结果表明不同载体环境、不同学科间文献被引的历时分布数据需要用不同的数学模型来描述.  相似文献   

PurposeThis paper aims to examine whether Altmetric data can be used as an indicator for identifying predatory journals.Design/methodology/approachThis is an applied study which uses citation and Altmetrics methods. The study selected 21 predatory journals from the Beall's list and Kscien's list, as well as 18 non-predatory open access journals from the DOAJ's list, in the field of Library and Information Science. The Altmetric score for articles published in these journals was obtained from the Altmetric Explorer, a service provided by Altmetric.com. Web of Science was used to search for citation data of articles published in these journals.FindingsThe predatory journals almost have no presence in social media, with poor Altmetric score. In contrast, non-predatory open access journals have a high presence rate and Altmetric score. There is a significant positive correlation between the number of articles cited and the number of articles having Altmetric score among non-predatory open-access journals, but not among predatory journals. Poor Altmetric score may be viewed as a potential characteristic of predatory journals, but other indicators would also need to be considered to determine whether a journal is predatory.Originality/valueDistinct from the traditional research methods, this study combined citation analysis and Altmetrics analysis. By comparing the characteristics of predatory journals and non-predatory open access journals, the findings contribute to the identification of predatory journals.  相似文献   

This study investigated how Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) data from the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) was cited in the scholarly literature. It addressed the following research questions: (1) What patterns of citations exist among authors of research articles using HINTS data? and (2) How is the citation format of HINTS data characterized? We collected scholarly articles that used HINTS data as primary or secondary data for analysis from Web of Science databases and HINTS publications on the NCI website. Among the resulting 250 articles, we identified citations to HINTS data themselves (data citations) and those to HINTS‐related documents (data‐related citations). Among the 250 articles, 156 articles (62.4%) cited HINTS data or HINTS‐related documents; only 29 articles (11.6%) cited HINTS data, while 127 (50.8%) cited HINTS‐related documents. Both data and data‐related citations increased over time. Data citation format varied, and 13 different compositions of citation elements were identified. Author, Title, and Location (URL) were common elements. The frequent use of URLs is undesirable due to URL instability. Furthermore, the data citations showed not only various compositions of citation elements but also ill‐defined element formats. Standardized citation formats are therefore needed.  相似文献   

王丽 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):503-505
在中国知网数据库中检索医药卫生类2011年1月1日至2014年8月31日下载与被引频次排位前100名的文章并对其进行分析,发现下载排名前100篇文章中这2类合计占56.7%,被引排名前100篇文章中述评类和规范类合计占55.2%,两者重叠的23篇中,规范类和述评类合计占69.6%.认为规范类和述评类文献具有较高的权威性、参考价值大,是能够产生较高下载和较高被引的文献类型,应是期刊组稿的重要方向之一.观察下载次数与被引次数发现,两者没有明显的相关性,无规律可循.认为单纯以一两个数据库的下载、被引数据来做定量分析是不科学的,仅可作为定性参考之用.在研究的100篇文献中,有4篇为一稿多发,均属于规范类文章.认为这类文章承担着行业指导性任务,传播理应更广泛,故应与一般意义上的一稿多投、一稿多发的学术不端行为相区别.  相似文献   

This article reviews the research literature of three major journals in reference librarianship. The texts of 494 articles were analyzed and classified as research versus nonresearch. Articles such as news, commentary, book reviews, editorials, meeting announcements, and opinion pieces were excluded from the analysis. A total number of 162 (30.49%) articles were determined to be research articles and were examined to collect data on numerous variables including but not limited to authorship, affiliation, topic, type of research, data collection, and data analysis techniques.  相似文献   

Articles are cited for different purposes and differentiating between reasons when counting citations may therefore give finer-grained citation count information. Although identifying and aggregating the individual reasons for each citation may be impractical, recording the number of citations that originate from different article sections might illuminate the general reasons behind a citation count (e.g., 110 citations = 10 Introduction citations + 100 Methods citations). To help investigate whether this could be a practical and universal solution, this article compares 19 million citations with DOIs from six different standard sections in 799,055 PubMed Central open access articles across 21 out of 22 fields. There are apparently non-systematic differences between fields in the most citing sections and the extent to which citations from one section overlap with citations from another, with some degree of overlap in most cases. Thus, at a science-wide level, section headings are partly unreliable indicators of citation context, even if they are more standard within individual fields. They may still be used within fields to help identify individual highly cited articles that have had one type of impact, especially methodological (Methods) or context setting (Introduction), but expert judgement is needed to validate the results.  相似文献   

邱峰 《出版科学》2016,24(4):72-76
对104个高校人文社会科学学报的数据采集,探索现阶段高校学报的本校科研人员发文情况,并分析其对高校学报影响力的影响。研究表明:高校学报的本校科研人员发文比率在20%—60%之间;985或211高校、具有社科博士点高校学报更倾向于刊发本校作者的论文;从区域上来看,华东、华北、东北的高校学报更倾向于刊发本校作者的论文;CSSCI 和非 CSSCI 高校学报在本校科研人员发文占比上差异不显著;高校学报的本校科研人员发文占比并未显著影响学报的影响力。  相似文献   

Nations can be distinguished in terms of whether domestic or international research is cited. We analyzed the research output in the natural sciences of three leading European research economies (Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK) and ask where their researchers look for the knowledge that underpins their most highly-cited papers. Is one internationally oriented or is citation limited to national resources? Do the citation patterns reflect a growing differentiation between the domestic and international research enterprise? To evaluate change over time, we include natural-sciences papers published in the countries from three publication years: 2004, 2009, and 2014. The results show that articles co-authored by researchers from Germany or the Netherlands are less likely to be among the globally most highly-cited articles if they also cite “domestic” research (i.e. research authored by authors from the same country). To put this another way, less well-cited research is more likely to stand on domestic shoulders and research that becomes more highly-cited is more likely to stand on international shoulders. A possible reason for the results is that researchers “over-cite” the papers from their own country – lacking the focus on quality in citing. However, these differences between domestic and international shoulders are not visible for the UK.  相似文献   

《编辑学报》创刊20年论文引文分   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赵捷  李旭林  程斌  曾建勋 《编辑学报》2009,21(6):554-557
以万方数据的"中国核心期刊遴选数据库"中1989-2008年的论文引文数据作为样本,采用文献计量学的方法,对<编辑学报>自创刊以来20年间的载文、作者、引文、被引等4个方面进行统计分析,揭示了该刊的编辑出版现状.  相似文献   

为探究面向学科新兴主题探测领域多源科技文献融合过程中的时滞性问题,本文设计了多源科技文献时滞计算方案。首先,从获取的4种科技文献数据集中提取学科主题,计算学科主题间的相似度,构建相似矩阵;其次,基于匈牙利最优匹配算法寻求相似度损耗最小条件下的最优组合;最后,构建线性方程模型并拟合计算时滞程度。本文以2009-2016年农业学科领域337790篇摘要文本为实验数据,抽取基金项目文本学科主题为250个、专利文献为260个、期刊论文为260个、会议论文为240个,利用上述多源科技文献时滞计算方案实验。结果表明:期刊论文滞后于基金项目文本和会议论文1年,专利文献滞后于期刊论文1年,结合以往对不同学科领域数据的研究结果,验证了多源科技文献时滞计算方案的可行性和有效性,同时也为多源科技文献融合策略的制定提供新思路。  相似文献   

论文以期刊《Library Trends》2008-2012年间的文章为研究对象,首先对其中的207篇文章进行了整理和统计,然后从时间、国家和被引次数等方面对数据进行分析,并从中找出图书馆学的研究热点,最后将整理的数据与其他人的研究结果进行了对比分析,对图书馆学的发展趋势做了大致的预测.  相似文献   

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