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Students' misconceptions before or after formal instruction have become a major concern among researchers in science education because they influence how students learn new scientific knowledge, play an essential role in subsequent learning and become a hindrance in acquiring the correct body of knowledge. In this paper some students' misconceptions on chemical bonding reported in the literature were investigated and presented. With this aim, a detailed literature review of chemical bonding was carried out and the collected data was presented from past to day historically. On the basis of the results some suggestions for teaching were made.  相似文献   

德育生态是近年来德育研究的热点之一。目前学术界对于德育生态的研究还不多,成果还不够丰富。本文对国内德育生态理论进行了综合的梳理,从基本内涵、内容结构、理论依据三个方面加以归纳并作简要评述。  相似文献   

延安文人的“公共空间”:社团与期刊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
延安文学作为现代中国革命和历史叙述的重要参与者,繁复而生动地呈现着现代中国革命和文学的历史面影.延安文人社团及刊物在现代中国文学史上构成了极为重要的独特的文化现象,期刊既是延安文人自觉地将文学与革命联系起来进行文艺界的精神总动员的传播载体,又是延安文人话语交融、思想汇聚甚至碰撞的媒介空间.同时,在革命战争的传播生态环境中,大量的延安文学期刊不仅鲜明地标示着延安文人的美学姿态和风范,而且最终汇流到波澜壮阔的现代中国革命的洪流之中,和它的传播主体一道成为革命的重要组成部分.以原始史料为依据,对延安文学期刊回归"历史现场"进行考察,展示在特殊的战争环境中延安文人的创作与生活、思想与交流,以期为当代中国文化建设提供具有历史深度的经验借鉴和精神资源.  相似文献   


Promoting self-determination has become an important aspect of the educational programs of students with disabilities. There is now a sufficient literature base to support some syntheses that enable researchers to judge their progress in this area to date and to provide direction for future research and practice. For this study, we conducted a literature review of studies that measured or examined global self-determination.  相似文献   

This review examines the literature on teacher epistemic cognition, epistemic beliefs, and calibration to consider the relation between these constructs and instruction that emerged from empirical studies. In considering how this body of literature can enhance understanding of how students become masters of their learning processes, we will briefly review how different theoretical frameworks have conceptualized the relation between epistemic cognition, epistemic beliefs, calibration and metacognition, self-regulation, and self-regulated learning. Implications for research include a more nuanced conceptualization of epistemic beliefs and a theoretical integration of these constructs. Implications for practice regard the reciprocal relations between teachers’ knowledge, experience, epistemic cognition, epistemic beliefs, and calibration and their effects on pedagogical practices. The role of teachers’ education and professional development is discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The practice of measuring Indigenous achievement dates back to the early 1960s. Since then, Indigenous people have been subjected to a number of different standardized assessments intended to capture indicators of their well-being. Unfortunately, little attention has been given to the cultural appropriateness of subjecting Indigenous people to instruments designed for non-Indigenous populations. Subsequently, there has been reluctance for some Indigenous jurisdictions to participate in standardized large-scale assessments that have now become commonplace throughout the world. The purpose of this literature review was to consolidate literature reporting on the different types of assessments and corresponding outcomes used to measure achievement of Indigenous students in Canada and to synthesize more recent documents reporting on assessment practices and Indigenous student achievement. The outcome of this examination of literature provides insight into how achievement has been measured in the past and how we might transition toward culturally responsive assessment for the future.  相似文献   

中国现代文论的重建步履经过近一个世纪的积淀已日显成熟和厚重,但依然存在许多困难.其间,不乏东方与西方、传统与现代、全球化与本土化等等的冲突与两难抉择.而且,后现代主义带来的多元共生思潮和读图时代的迅猛君临,几乎颠覆了既有的话语方式与学科体系,我们确实面临着新的挑战.如何超越困境、重建文论话语体系,进而建立拥有当代发言权和世界影响力的具有中国特色的文艺理论学派?张荣翼新著《冲突与重建》从文论视野、本体辨认与建设立场等方面进行了跨世纪反思与重构.这或许正是我们应该努力的方向.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的来临,人力资本管理已经成为组织发展和成功的关键所在。因此,加强对人力资本管理的理论和实践研究非常重要。但目前人力资本管理研究一直存在着概念和内容界定不清以及研究层面混淆的问题。文章首先对西方人力资本管理、人力资本规划和测量的概念进行了梳理,在此基础上对人力资本管理与企业绩效关系研究的现状进行了分析,从而提出了未来的研究方向以及对管理实践的几点启示。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来中国近代社会史研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来中国近代社会史研究异军突起,确立了作为一个学科在当今中国学术界的地位。进入新世纪以后,中国近代社会史的研究更加繁荣,已经成为中国近代史领域里的一门显学。本文对1990—2004年学术界在人口、风俗习尚、日常生活、妇女、赈灾五个方面研究的主要成果给予了概要评述,并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

互联网的飞速增长,造成在校大学生上网相当普遍。在了解和关注学生网络使用情况及对当今网络文学的基础上,就上网比例、对网络文学所持态度、发展现状、写手和作品的评价以及发展趋势等问题进行调查后的分析,得出高校开设该课程的必要性和教学方法。  相似文献   

许竞 《比较教育研究》2007,28(12):85-89
英国教育界学者以及政府决策部门自上世纪80年代起就开始对劳动者的技能形成问题进行研究,近年来对该课题的关注程度更是有增无减.本文根据这方面研究成果的特点,主要从技能形成体系(或制度)的模式和实施高技能发展路线的条件与局限两个角度对该领域具有代表性的研究成果进行综述,以期帮助国内教育学者更好地了解英国有关技能形成问题的研究范围和研究现状.  相似文献   

我国城市低收入群体问题日益凸显,已成为一个严峻的社会问题。本文结合以城市贫困群体为研究对象的文献资料,从规模、生存现状、演变趋势、解决策略等四个方面分析我国的城市低收入群体。试图从理论上对其做出清晰的概括和解释,为城市反贫困的政策推行提供参考依据。  相似文献   

受西方生态文化思潮的影响,20世纪80年代末,生态文学研究在我国兴起,并在全球性生态危机的现实语境下逐渐形成研究热潮。我国生态文学研究在生态文学概念的界定、生态批评理论的建设与生态文学评论的发展等方面都取得了显著成就,正实现研究层面由“浅绿”到“深绿”的转变。  相似文献   

王兄 《现代教育技术》2010,20(12):106-110
基于文献综述,文章讨论了评价网络学习环境建构面临的挑战、理论框架以及实践思考,特别是分析技术的运用。认为评价网络学习环境需要考虑:分析框架中的网络参与结构以及学习互动的过程性评价;实践思考中的关于网络学习环境建构的指标以及学习互动和综合性分析等;关于满意度、知识建构、内容分析、社会网络关系分析、角色分析以及影响力分析等领域的技术运用。最后,基于文献综述的相关知识,文章提出关于未来评价网络学习环境建构的一些建议。  相似文献   

以选自于1978~2009年间13种中文体育类核心期刊中的303篇文章作为研究对象,采用内容分析法对从研究性质、研究方法、研究主题、研究主体等入手进行详尽的内容分析.辅以文献资料、历史分析及数理统计等研究方法进行研究.针对以往我国教练员研究的内容分析得出:研究方法以及统计方法由单一薄弱变得丰富多样,资料收集方法过于单一,教练员与社会、大众、媒体之间的人际关系,残疾人教练员研究等领域没有学者进行研究等结论.  相似文献   

Science education models for secondary and college students as well as K‐12 teachers have been dominated by classroom‐based approaches. Recently, research apprenticeships wherein learners worked with practicing scientists on authentic scientific research have become increasingly popular. The purpose of this critical review of the literature was to review and synthesize empirical studies that have explored learning outcomes associated with research apprenticeships for science learners. We reviewed 53 studies of scientific research apprenticeship experiences for secondary students, undergraduates and teachers, both pre‐service and in‐service. The review explored various learning outcomes associated with participation in research apprenticeships. These outcomes included effects of apprenticeship experiences on participant career aspirations, ideas about the nature of science (NOS), understandings of scientific content, confidence for doing science and intellectual development. The extant literature supported many of the presumed positive associations between apprenticeship experiences and desired learning outcomes, but findings related to some themes (e.g., NOS understandings) supported conflicting conclusions. Implications included importance of the length of the apprenticeship, need to explicitly place attention on desired outcomes, and engagement of participants. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:235–256, 2010  相似文献   

伴随着个性化学习需求的增长,自适应学习系统的研制已经成为教育领域的研究热点。该文首先通过问卷调查了解了高中英语词汇自适应学习系统的需求;然后在文献综述的基础上,提出了本系统开发的重点内容和理论基础;接着介绍了系统功能模块的具体实现;最后,阐述了系统在教学实践中的适用对象和时间。  相似文献   

Learning and Teaching Programming: A Review and Discussion   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this paper we review the literature relating to the psychological/educational study of programming. We identify general trends comparing novice and expert programmers, programming knowledge and strategies, program generation and comprehension, and object-oriented versus procedural programming. (We do not cover research relating specifically to other programming styles.) The main focus of the review is on novice programming and topics relating to novice teaching and learning. Various problems experienced by novices are identified, including issues relating to basic program design, to algorithmic complexity in certain language features, to the “fragility” of novice knowledge, and so on. We summarise this material and suggest some practical implications for teachers. We suggest that a key issue that emerges is the distinction between effective and ineffective novices. What characterises effective novices? Is it possible to identify the specific deficits of ineffective novices and help them to become effective learners of programming?  相似文献   

陈子昂作为初唐文学革新的倡导者,其身上的儒、道、纵横家的思想,宇宙、悲剧、忧患、孤独等意识,他与高层之间的关系及其政治品格,他的诗论“兴寄”与“风骨”的内涵,其诗论产生的复杂原因及后人对其诗论的评价等,历来为研究者关注的焦点。本文特将近十年来对陈子昂思想与诗论方面的研究作一综述与简评。  相似文献   

Online learning has become a conventional term and practice in Australian higher education, yet cultural inclusivity for Indigenous (Indigenous for the purposes of this paper refers to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) students is insufficiently reflected in learning management system (LMS) policies and design. This study aims to explore culturally inclusive learning entrenched in Australian university policies on and practices of LMS by applying Indigenous holistic pedagogical values in LMS design. Based on a literature review, we articulate four dimensions: communication, collaboration, community and interculturality for culturally inclusive learning in an online learning environment. By using the dimensions, we critically review policies (n?=?10) and LMS sites (n?=?50). In this review, we argue that there are contrasts of individually heterogeneous and collectively homogeneous approaches, self-focused and community-driven pedagogy, and task-oriented and relational learning. Significantly, the review results indicate that Indigenous holistic pedagogies have a metaphysical strength to be the ontological foundation for cultural inclusivity.  相似文献   

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