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近几年来,模态认识论领域见证了模态怀疑论的复兴和模态经验论的崛起。前者宣称我们的模态辩护仅限于关于日常生活的陈述;后者宣称我们的模态辩护来自关于现实世界的经验研究。霍克(Peter Hawke)以两者为共同工作前提,提供了一套基于经验论的模态认知理论。进而,他构造了一个反休谟怀疑论的模态论证,并用该经验论的模态认知理论为其提供辩护。文章指出霍克的模态论证面临两难,该两难导致他对休谟怀疑论的攻击是失败的。进一步,文章解释了植根于这个两难背后的根源:霍克的基于经验论的模态认知理论辩护范围过窄。存在一些形而上学可能但非物理可能的命题,霍克的模态认知理论无法解释它们的可能性。  相似文献   

认知渗透指的是这样一种现象,认知有时会反过来影响知觉。认知渗透会给信念的形成引入循环结构。这决定了被渗透的知觉经验是不能辩护信念的。因此,任何会做出认知提升预测的知觉辩护理论都是有问题的。独断论会做出认知提升的预测,它是有问题的。独断论要摆脱困境,要么就找到一个击败者,要么就给出一个说明以使得认知提升的预测变得合理。但这两种方式都是行不通的。认知渗透带来的挑战也适用于其他知觉辩护理论,并且,这种挑战可以一般化到超出认知提升的预测的情形,因而对知觉辩护理论构成了普遍威胁。一个知觉辩护理论要能应对认知渗透所带来的挑战,就需要对知觉经验的起因给出限制性说明。  相似文献   

认知失调理论和自我一致理论可用于考察校园欺凌嫌疑人自我辩护的心理过程及其与欺凌行为的相互作用,以解释学生对同伴的主观恶意自何而来、好孩子何以会干坏事、人们何以会选择性遗忘自己欺负同伴的往事。学生打闹之类的行为一旦造成伤害,就会引发肇事者认知失调;为了缓解认知失调的压力,肇事者倾向于在内心进行与积极正面的自我认知相一致的自我辩护;自我评价高的肇事者在造成严重伤害时,其自我辩护伴随于道德推脱过程,在内心将伤害事故归咎于受害者;这种自我免罪的道德推脱又会促使肇事者以更进一步的攻击来证明其自我辩护,于是发生确实的欺凌;而欺凌引发更加严重的认知失调、自我辩护;欺凌者在道德推脱中加深对受欺凌者的恶意,最后陷入欺凌与自我辩护的恶性循环。实践和研究表明,共同关切法和拆拼法可以防止欺凌者陷入这种恶性循环。  相似文献   

外部世界怀疑论认为我们没有关于心灵之外的对象存在的知识。马尔康姆通过扩展摩尔反怀疑论的常识论证,指出怀疑论内部的语义不融贯性:如果怀疑论是正确的,那么怀疑论者用来证明其观点的语词将无法具有其所赋予的意义。这种对怀疑论自我驳斥的语义学分析构成了反怀疑论的典范示例论证。借鉴维特根斯坦诊断语言问题的独特视角及其自身对怀疑论的讨论,文章将考察典范示例论证是否有资格成为一种反怀疑论的普适性策略,并结合当代语言哲学和认识论的特定立场(语义外在论、认知语境主义)分析该论证背后所涉及的语词(思想)之意义(内容)赋予问题,以及心灵与世界的关系问题,从而为辨明怀疑论内在困境和有效回应怀疑论勾勒一条参考路径。  相似文献   

范·因瓦根(van Inwagen)是温和的模态怀疑论的拥护者。他认为,我们只能获取对某些模态陈述——普通模态陈述——的知识(或辩护);但是对于特殊模态陈述,我们无法获得关于它们的知识(或辩护)。特别地,范·因瓦根认为,可设想性作为认知手段无法使得我们获得关于后者的知识(或辩护)。但是,范·因瓦根的理论缺陷有两点:首先,他没有对"特殊模态陈述"这个概念给出精确的刻画;其次,他只论证了模态怀疑论在亚布罗(Stephen Yablo)的可设想性理论框架内成立,而亚布罗的理论并不是最精致的。所以,即便模态怀疑论在粗糙的理论体系下成立,它是否能在更精致的可设想性理论体系中成立尚未可知。文章提供了一个关于特殊模态陈述的定义,并证明即便在查莫斯(David Chalmers)的可设想性理论的框架下,模态怀疑论也无法消除。  相似文献   

在元伦理学界,道德错论的主张不仅常常被看作是不合理的,还被认为破坏了道德的良好地位。为了证明这一主张,道德错论的反对者常常利用对等关系的方法来进行论证。例如,如果道德怀疑论的论点内含数学怀疑论,那么一旦数学怀疑论被证明是不可信的,那么道德错论的观点也是不合理的。这种反驳策略被称为“有罪同伴论证(companions in guilt arguments)”,即CGA。但在仔细分析从认知理由出发的CGA策略后可以发现,这一策略的可行性是值得怀疑的,它所预设的对等前提和认知存在的论证都不太合理。这一发现不仅有利于错论者维护自身,还可以推动道德实在论者提出完善和发展CGA策略的一些新的方案,以接受错论者的持续挑战。  相似文献   

维特根斯坦在其晚期哲学的核心著作《论确定性》一书中,基于对摩尔反怀疑论论证的批评,对枢轴命题和知识的关系等进行了系统研究,这为一种反激进怀疑论和知识论的建构提供了重要资源。根据学界对维氏文本的多维解读,相关的体系性建构面临基本困难。科里瓦提出延展理性的观点,即将认知理性延展到认知实践的基础上,意图建立一种所谓的枢轴知识论,但她对枢轴命题的处理仍有遗留问题。在考察普理查德对枢轴命题的非信念式阐述后,我们认为在语境主义基础上,结合了延展理性的枢轴知识论建构并非不可能的。  相似文献   

刘植 《宜宾学院学报》2012,12(10):46-51,55
我国目前实务界和学术界对有效辩护概念的理解不一,而有效辩护制度的实行必须在统一的语境下才有意义,因此,我国引入有效辩护制度应在我国刑事诉讼法同一语境下。有效辩护是指辩护律师能够勤勉、尽力并在合理胜任的范围内完成刑事案件中辩护任务,保证当事人的辩护权利不因自己的行为瑕疵而受到损害。如果辩护律师不能满足合理胜任范围内的最低标准进而损害当事人辩护权利时,当事人可通过上诉要求上级法院撤销原审判决。  相似文献   

知识辩护理论长期处于内在主义与外在主义、基础主义与融贯主义、可错论与不可错论的争论中止步不前。导致这种状况的根源在于争论的双方都在某些方面错误地理解了知识辩护的性质。内在主义和外在主义错误地采取了个体主义立场;基础主义和融贯主义执迷于知识的绝对真理性质,错失了知识的语境性质;对可错论的担忧源于全面而彻底地拒斥怀疑论的幻想。为纠正这些失误,语境主义的辩护观认为,知识辩护是可错的、历时的、公共的。语境主义的辩护是在特定语境下以实用真理为目标的,是在"挑战-辩护"过程中的动态活动。  相似文献   

如果我们的经验可以在认知上被渗透,那么,它们可以被我们先前的期望、信念或者其他认知状态影响。一些学者,比如丘奇兰德、福多(Jerry Fodor)、麦克弗森(Macpherson)和西格尔(Siegel),已经讨论了我们的认知状态是否能够以及如何能够影响我们的知觉经验,以及这些影响如何能够改变我们的经验,为我们关于外部世界的信念提供辩护的能力。考察关于认知渗透本质的观点,否认了存在认知渗透所产生的认识论后果,肯定了认知渗透在认识论上的后果。  相似文献   

Recent research points to the importance of teacher educators teaching for diversity in initial teacher education programmes. Teaching for diversity is an approach to teacher education in which an understanding of specialist literature and a focus on critical thinking supports a social justice agenda as opposed to merely using different tips and tricks to prepare future teachers for teaching diverse learners in the classroom. In this study, we explored how Australian and New Zealand teacher educators negotiated a social justice agenda in teacher education programmes, using a new transdisciplinary framework of epistemic reflexivity. The Epistemic Reflexivity for Teacher Education (ER-TED) framework draws on epistemic cognition (Clark Chinn’s Aims, Ideals, Reliable epistemic processes – AIR – framework) and Margaret Archer’s reflexivity to explore knowledge claims in teacher educators’ pedagogical decision-making. The findings identified how teacher educators in our study discerned and deliberated with respect to epistemic aims for justification, which involve transformative critical thinking and critical thinking for self. They reported good knowledge (ideals) as being scholarly in nature, and reliable epistemic processes based on higher-order thinking (analysis and evaluating competing ideas) or engaging with multiple perspectives. The teacher educators in our study are clear examples of how strong overall evaluative epistemic stances enable teaching for social justice. We argue that the ER-TED framework can help us as a profession to address teaching for diversity in teacher education programmes based on the belief that the pursuit of social justice requires an evaluativist epistemic stance.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 282 Norwegian upper secondary students, we examined whether two dimensions of topic‐specific epistemic beliefs, concerning the certainty of knowledge and the justification for knowing, predicted students' understanding of seven texts representing partly conflicting views on climate change. Text comprehension was measured at three different levels. Topic knowledge and topic interest were included in the analyses as control variables. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that students' beliefs about justification for knowledge positively predicted text comprehension at all three levels. That is, students believing that knowledge claims about climate change should be based on rules of inquiry and the evaluation and integration of multiple information sources did better on the three comprehension measures.  相似文献   

This study examined epistemic metacognition as a reflective activity about knowledge and knowing in the context of online information searching on the Web, and whether it was related to prior knowledge on the topic, study approach, and domain-specific beliefs about science. In addition, we investigated whether Internet-based learning was influenced by epistemic metacognition and the individual differences examined. Seventy 8th grade students were interviewed retrospectively after searching for online information about the scientifically controversial topic of dinosaur extinction. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed. Findings showed that participants expressed reflections about the simplicity/complexity, certainty/uncertainty, source, and justification of knowledge at different levels of sophistication, according to three patterns of epistemic metacognition. Prior knowledge was not related to epistemic metacognition in the search context, while study approach and epistemic beliefs about science were associated significantly, although modestly, with aspects of online knowledge evaluation. Moreover, findings revealed that Internet-based learning was influenced by overall science-related epistemic beliefs. Learning from Internet sources was also affected by study approach and epistemic reflections about the justification of online knowledge, as well as by the interaction between beliefs about the justification of scientific knowledge and beliefs about the justification of the knowledge accessed concerning the topic.  相似文献   

We examined the role of justification for knowing beliefs in learning and comprehension when ethnic majority and ethnic minority students from the same school classes read five conflicting documents on the scientific issue of sun exposure and health. Results showed that the more ethnic minority students trusted scientific authorities and the less they relied on personal opinion when validating knowledge claims in the domain of science, the more they learned from and the better they comprehended the documents. In contrast, justification for knowing beliefs did not seem to play a role in learning and comprehension among ethnic majority students. These results may reflect that the documents represented more of a challenge to the ethnic minority students, with justification beliefs affecting learning and comprehension processes to a greater extent when the task is perceived as an ill-structured problem. This study is probably the first to indicate different relationships between various justification beliefs and performance in different language and cultural groups, having theoretical as well as educational implications.  相似文献   

Inspired by the major part of scepticism in recent philosophy of education, one of the sources of scepticism in classical antiquity is reconstructed in view of its educational consequences. It is the scepticism of Sextus Empiricus, one of the most elaborate and consistent forms on record. Its major characteristic is the suspension of judgement on all issues that cannot be settled without any possible objections, while maintaining the classical definition of truth. Suspension of judgement leads to tranquillity, an untroubled condition of the soul. From this radical sceptical view, more recent views that are sometimes called sceptical, like anti‐foundationalism, relativism and anti‐realism, must be considered dogmatic. Despite of that, Sextus’ scepticism does not forbid teaching and education, because it allows participation in common life as long as truth‐claims are avoided. It is also not necessarily conservative, as common life can be revolutionary. However, it becomes paradoxical whenever one tries to teach non‐sceptics to adopt the sceptic way, because then an appeal to principles or truth‐claims seems unavoidable.


通过两次问卷调查可以发现,绝大多数调查对象直观上都认为:理解一个命题就是知道它的意义。然后我们认为,在认知逻辑中,理解,作为一个模态算子,可以在一个较弱的意义上用知道算子来刻画:理解一个命题就是知道它的真假。由此,我们给出一个刻画理解的认知逻辑来揭示理解与知道之间的联系与区别。  相似文献   

In Israel, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is the most fundamental political and moral issue current and future citizens face. If we accept the maxim that schools should prepare citizens for participation in determining the future of their state, Israeli students must be introduced to the historical, political and moral questions at the heart of the conflict. But this responsibility of Israeli schools and teachers is a highly contentious issue. The most important issue in Israeli political education is thus the hardest to teach. In this article I argue that, despite considerable educational and political risks, teaching Jewish Israeli students about the 1948 Palestinian Nakba (alternatively known as the Israeli War of Independence) holds substantial potential for their epistemic development as capable knowers. I begin by reviewing the political, dialogical, cognitive and epistemic deficits in Israeli education, highlighting how the Nakba is suppressed in history and citizenship education. By analysing the epistemic context of the Nakba in Israeli society and education, I present two pedagogical approaches for teaching controversial issues, arguing for an inquiry-based approach over the widely held approach. I demonstrate the benefits of an inquiry-based approach in the context of history education. In the final section of the article, I build on the case of the Nakba to argue for a new epistemic framework for Israeli citizenship education. I begin by outlining the shortcomings of the current epistemic framework of the subject and point to possible future directions for the subject.  相似文献   

Although the study of epistemic beliefs has received growing interest in the past decades, this research tends to focus on high school and undergraduate students, and does not address beliefs about information and truth, concepts that have been regarded as critical for learners in 21st-century educational contexts. In this study, the authors examined 87 elementary and middle school students’ beliefs about the definitions of and relations among knowledge, information, and truth through the use of a graphical and justification task, and addressed the consistency of beliefs across contexts and domains. Results indicated that students tended to regard knowledge, information, and truth as interrelated, and the majority of students described their beliefs as consistent across contexts and domains.  相似文献   

It is a widely held view that students’ epistemic beliefs influence the way they think and learn in a given context, however, in the science learning context, the relationship between sophisticated epistemic beliefs and success in scientific practice is sometimes ambiguous. Taking this inconsistency as a point of departure, we examined the relationship between students’ scientific epistemic beliefs (SEB), their epistemic practices, and their epistemic cognition in a computer simulation in classical mechanics. Tenth grade students’ manipulations of the simulation, spoken comments, and behavior were screen and video-recorded and subsequently transcribed and coded. In addition, a stimulated recall interview was undertaken to access students’ thinking and reflections on their practice, in order to understand their practice and make inferences about their process of epistemic cognition. The paper reports on the detailed analysis of the data sets for three students of widely different SEB and performance levels. Comparing the SEB, problem solutions and epistemic practices of the three students has enabled us to examine the interplay between SEB, problem-solving strategies (PS), conceptual understanding (CU), and metacognitive reflection (MCR), to see how these operate together to facilitate problem solutions. From the analysis, we can better understand how different students’ epistemic cognition is adaptive to the context. The findings have implications for teaching science and further research into epistemic cognition.  相似文献   

Refutation texts have been previously shown to be effective at promoting knowledge revision. The current study builds on recent trends to gain deeper insights into how this learning advantage can be enhanced and extended to more learners. In particular, we examined whether distinct epistemic profiles can be discerned on the basis of individuals’ beliefs about justification for knowing (i.e., justification by authority, personal opinion, or multiple sources) in the natural sciences. Further, we designed refutation texts according to this trichotomous framework of epistemic justification. We tested whether profiles stronger in certain dimensions would attain higher learning scores over others and whether consistency between profiles and texts would confer a learning advantage compared to when these factors were inconsistent. Results showed that distinct epistemic profiles are discernable and a profile with stronger preference for justification by multiple sources, authority, and lower preference for justification by personal opinion in natural science attained higher learning scores. Further, higher learning scores were observed when refutation texts justified by authoritative explanations were consistent with one cluster dominant in preference for justification by authority. Theoretical and instructional design implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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