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如何学好哲学常识,对于刚升入高二年级的同学们来说是个新课题。下面,笔者对此谈几点看法。一、要了解哲学常识教材的叙述特点。哲学常识教材与其他学科的教材相比,有其独特的叙述方式:1.它总是先讲世界观道理(基本概念或基本原理),再讲方法论意义。如:“世界是客观存在的物质世界”是世界观道理,“主观必须符合客观,一切从实际出发”是方法论意义。了解这个顺序,对于同学们理解教材是很有益处的。另外,哲学常识的学习要围绕“黑体字”、钻研“宋体字”、了解“楷体字”,要分清概念、原理、方法论,要知道教材是怎样讲概念、原理、方法论的。…  相似文献   

哲学常识第三课出现了两个“两点论”:第一个是单独的“两点论”,第二个是“两点论和重点论的统一”中的“两点论”。这是哲学学习的重点和难点,同学们应准确、全面地理解和把握。1.二者的区别首先,二者对应的哲学原理不同。第一个“两点论”是矛盾普遍性原理的方法论,即事事有  相似文献   

现象学与心灵哲学的融合,不仅体现在对共同问题的关注,也体现为不同思想传统对核心概念的重新解读。当代心灵哲学对“现象学”概念的理解呈现出三个特点:一是从对胡塞尔“现象学”演变分析着手,侧重于对意识的经验维度的分析,并引入第一人称和意向性概念;二是在分析经验的主观特性时,对“现象学”概念的内涵和外延予以修正,使之区别于相关概念;三是以经验维度的分析为依据,分别从意识和意向性出发,拓展出现象意识和现象意向性。这三个特点通过展现“现象学”概念的引入、修正和拓展,集中反映了当代心灵哲学与现象学融合的认知取向。  相似文献   

现行高中哲学教材中有两处“看本质”内容:一处是第三课在讲“矛盾主次方面关系原理的方法论意义”时,要求看问题要看本质、看主流(以下简称第三课“看本质”);另一处是第五课在讲“认识的根本任务是将感性认识上升到理性认识的方法论意义”时,要求认识事物要透过现象看本质(以下简称第五课“看本质”)。教学过程中有同学提出,这两个“看本质”有何异同?怎样理解?下面就此谈一点个人浅见,请专家学者指正。笔者以为,教材中这两个“看本质”既有区别又有联系。它们的区别表现在:首先,两个“看本质”的含义不同。第三课的“看本质”,实际上是看…  相似文献   

“超越”(transzendenz)构成了古典形而上学的“生死难题”。康德不仅是形而上学的批判者,也是形而上学的建设者,其思想正处在形而上学兴衰史的关节点上,其哲学中transzendental(先验的)与transzendent(超验的)这两个关键词就与形而上学的超越问题密切相关。在形而上学的背景下,康德批判哲学的体系试图“调和”超越与内在,其批判哲学体现为某种从“绝对的超越”向“内在的超越”的转向,从而决定了形而上学的“命运”:形而上学在德国古典哲学中完成,也在德国古典哲学中终结。  相似文献   

“量”的辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常,用“量”这个词表达的概念有两个:哲学的“量”范畴和数学的“量”概念。它们之间虽然有着密切的联系,却更有着本质的差异。在许多文献中,认识到它们的联系,却忽视了它们的差异;更有一些文献(包括哲学方面和数学方面)则基本上把二者混为一谈。实际上没有注意到用“量”这一个词表达的有分属于两个不同学科、不同层次的两种量概念,因而引起一些认识上的混乱。本文试图“辨析”用同一个词表达的这两个不同的概念,并以此澄清一些认识上的混乱。  相似文献   

王海波 《文教资料》2006,(36):105-106
本人首先从《马克思主义哲学原理》在“两课”中的地位以及马克思主义哲学这门课包括的三个部分,灵活运用其基本原理和方法论对搞好今后的课堂教学,有效地实现“两课”教学目标具有非常重要的意义。然后从以下三个方面作了详细阐述:一、走出两个误区,做到两个明确;二、理论联系实际,引入两层案例。三、讲清两方面结合,确保马克思主义哲学课永葆青春。  相似文献   

现代转型问题无可否认的成为当代美学研究领域的重大难题。论文尝试着从哲学文化的整合趋向中寻找方法论的支持 :首先是东西方平等“对话”关系的出现 ,其核心是“自我中心论”的扬弃 ;其次是比较方法论的自觉贯彻运用 ;再次是以辨证思维贯穿其中的理论重构  相似文献   

本人首先从《马克思主义哲学原理》在“两课”中的地位以及马克思主义哲学这门课包括的三个部分,灵活运用其基本原理和方法论对搞好今后的课堂教学,有效地实现“两课”教学目标具有非常重要的意义。然后从以下三个方面作了详细阐述:一、走出两个误区,做到两个明确;二、理论联系实际,引入两层案例。三、讲清两方面结合,确保马克思主义哲学课永葆青春。  相似文献   

党的二十大明确要求把握好习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的世界观和方法论,作为继续推进实践基础上理论创新的哲学指引。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的世界观和方法论,是马克思主义世界观和方法论中国化时代化的产物。坚持“两个结合”,强化了这一思想的世界观和方法论的实践根基、时代特征和文化基础。“六个坚持”的系统概括,凝结着这一思想的世界观和方法论及立场观点方法的精髓,是新时代的“时代精神的精华”。  相似文献   


In this article, we provide a balanced critique of Sen’s Capability Approach (CA) with reference to its potential to inform career guidance theory and practice. There are varying understandings and interpretations of the CA. Some see capabilities as universal, whilst others favour a more relativist view. The CA is also vulnerable to misunderstanding. Critiques based on misunderstanding are easily dismissed, so our focus is on substantive conceptual and practical critiques. Three main challenges are explored: conceptual debates about the nature of freedom and justice; limitations arising from the disciplinary origins of the CA; and challenges in operationalising the CA.


小说《围城》中色彩瑰丽、新奇独特的隐喻,构成了钱钟书独特的写作风格,但同时也向翻译工作者提出了挑战。茅国权在翻译此部小说时,对其中的诸多隐喻进行了传神达意的翻译,赋予了读者极大的阅读享受。但是,由于译者忽视了英汉文化间的细微差异,某些意象翻译出现了误差。从概念隐喻理论来看,《围城》英译中的意象误差主要有两种情况:隐喻认知的偏离和隐喻认知的缺省。有可能导致译语读者对原文理解的偏差,难以领略小说原文的艺术价值。  相似文献   

The aim of this experimental study was to compare learning outcomes of students using a simulation alone (simulation environment) with outcomes of those using a simulation in parallel with real circuits (combination environment) in the domain of electricity, and to explore how learning outcomes in these environments are mediated by implicit (only procedural guidance) and explicit (more structure and guidance for the discovery process) instruction. Matched‐quartets were created based on the pre‐test results of 50 elementary school students and divided randomly into a simulation implicit (SI), simulation explicit (SE), combination implicit (CI) and combination explicit (CE) conditions. The results demonstrated that the instructional support had an expected effect on students' understanding of electric circuits when they used the simulation alone; pure procedural guidance (SI) was insufficient to promote conceptual understanding, but when the students were given more guidance for the discovery process (SE) they were able to gain significant amount of subject knowledge. A surprising finding was that when the students used the simulation and the real circuits in parallel, the explicit instruction (CE) did not seem to elicit much additional gain for their understanding of electric circuits compared to the implicit instruction (CI). Instead, the explicit instruction slowed down the inquiry process substantially in the combination environment (CE). Although the explicit instruction was able to improve students' conceptual understanding of electrical circuits considerably in the simulation environment, their understanding did not reach the level of the students in the combination environment. These results suggest that when teaching students about electricity, the students can gain better understanding when they have an opportunity to use the simulation and the real circuits in parallel than if they have only a computer simulation available, even when the use of the simulation is supported with the explicit instruction. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 71–93, 2011  相似文献   

战争隐喻概念是把战争中关于敌我之间的利害、矛盾和冲突等事物的特性投射到类似特征的相关事情的概念域之上;尽管战争隐喻概念中不乏勇敢、忠诚、奉献等美好的形象,但在政治、宗教、商业、体育等中带有明显抗衡、对立等特征的方面,战争隐喻概念更多的是抗争、竞赛、不宽容、残忍、折磨和杀戮等。  相似文献   

Cognitive efficiency (CE) is generally defined as qualitative increases in knowledge gained in relation to the time and effort invested in knowledge acquisition. Across disciplines, limited consensus exists concerning the conceptual and measurement properties of CE partly because some researchers indiscriminately use the construct of CE to describe neurological, instructional, performance, and learning efficiency. In this study, two models of measuring CE, the likelihood model (Hoffman & Schraw, 2010), and the deviation model ( [van Gog and Paas, 2008] and [Paas and van Merri?nboer, 1993]) were used to compare problem-solving outcomes and determine if different conceptual models of CE measure the same or different efficiency constructs. The two models yielded uncorrelated scores using the same data. Further, regression analysis revealed that unique variance associated with effort, self-efficacy judgments, and background knowledge differed according to the measurement model used, suggesting that either each measurement approach assessed a different facet of CE, or the efficiency constructs measured were altogether different. Practical applications of CE research for teaching and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new way of evaluating instructional strategies by using computers. Two basic theories, instructivism and constructivism, are discussed and critically evaluated in terms of their effectiveness in conceptual learning. Despite the current popularity of constructivism, the radical form of it is criticized in this paper. The advantages and limitations of these two approaches, especially the radical forms of constructivism, are outlined. After borrowing some ideas from other effective conceptual change models, an integrative model for conceptual learning (the Inventive Model) is introduced. Two versions of multimedia physics software are developed by the authors. The first version is based on the Inventive Model and the second version based on a radical constructivist model. The effectiveness of the Inventive Model was compared with the radical constructivist approach and conventional science instruction. Students' log files were analyzed to investigate the nature and the processes of the conceptual change. A conceptual test and a knowledge test were used to compare the groups. The quantitative results showed the superiority of the Inventive Model over the other models in conceptual learning and the superiority of conventional instruction in learning the basic knowledge. The qualitative analysis showed that only the Inventive Model lead to coherent conceptual learning. It was concluded that the process of conceptual change is gradual and continuous. Analysis of students' log files revealed no moments of dramatic change in students' conceptions.  相似文献   

Engaging students in learning: a review of a conceptual organiser   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Student engagement in learning is a complex process influenced by many factors. This article introduces a conceptual organiser developed from a review of the literature. It captures four key perspectives – motivation and agency, transactional engagement, institutional support and active citizenship – and suggested indicators for each perspective. Data from a project researching student engagement with first‐time enrolled students in Aotearoa New Zealand is then used to review the conceptual organiser. Findings show that the four perspectives were all evident, though some indicators were more clearly supported than others. As a result of the evaluation, changes were made to the organiser. We argue that it has value as a way for teachers and institutions to inform and evaluate their efforts to engage students in learning.  相似文献   

This study reports an adaptive digital learning project, Scientific Concept Construction and Reconstruction (SCCR), and examines its effects on 108 8th grade students' scientific reasoning and conceptual change through mixed methods. A one‐group pre‐, post‐, and retention quasi‐experimental design was used in the study. All students received tests for Atomic Achievement, Scientific Reasoning, and Atomic Dependent Reasoning before, 1 week after, and 8 weeks after learning. A total of 18 students, six from each class, were each interviewed for 1 hour before, immediately after, and 2 months after learning. A flow map was used to provide a sequential representation of the flow of students' scientific narrative elicited from the interviews, and to further analyze the level of scientific reasoning and conceptual change. Results show students' concepts of atoms, scientific reasoning, and conceptual change made progress, which is consistent with the interviewing results regarding the level of scientific reasoning and quantity of conceptual change. This study demonstrated that students' conceptual change and scientific reasoning could be improved through the SCCR learning project. Moreover, regression results indicated students' scientific reasoning contributed more to their conceptual change than to the concepts students held immediately after learning. It implies that scientific reasoning was pivotal for conceptual change and prompted students to make associations among new mental sets and existing hierarchical structure‐based memory. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 91–119, 2010  相似文献   

Teachers in arts education frequently struggle with their professional identity. When asked, arts teachers often answer that they believe that their main responsibility is education at the expense of understanding themselves as artists. The Mexican‐American artist and teacher Jorge Lucero questions whether an occupation as teacher necessarily impedes a creative practice. The finding that both progressive pedagogy and conceptual art share certain characteristics forms the basis for his concept of ‘teacher as conceptual artist’. In short, Lucero proposes that a teacher’s practice, in and beyond the classroom, simultaneously can be his or her creative practice. This qualitative intervention study explored whether or not the concept of teacher as conceptual artist holds the possibility to narrow down the gap between teacher and artist identities. The intervention consisted of a three‐day project led by Lucero in which nine arts teacher students were familiarised with modes of operation as a conceptual artist. In the three following months, these students implemented lessons in primary and secondary education based on those modes. Prior to the project, ‘elicitation‐interviews’ were used to explore how students perceived their professional identity and at the end of project semi‐structured interviews were conducted. The findings suggest that through the modes of operation as a conceptual artist, students who mainly identified as an artist were able to integrate a teacher identity in their artist identity, but the modes of operation also gave students who withheld their artist identity from the classroom an opportunity to live their artist identity in the classroom.  相似文献   

西方科学教学中概念转变学习理论的形成与发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
概念转变学习是一种建构主义科学教学理论.本文从历史的角度回顾了概念转变学习理论的形成与发展的过程,着重分析了概念转变模型与概念生态等问题.  相似文献   

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