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海运保函是海运制度中的双刃剑,业界对海运保函给予了高度关注。本文从海运保函的定义入手,并对保函对相关各方的风险进行了分析,最后,对承运人风险防范的措施提出了一点看法。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的趋势下,信息技术、交通运输飞速发展,金融工具也发生了很多变革和创新。原本国际结算三大传统工具:国际汇款、国际信用证和国际保函,依然在扮演着重要的角色。其中,保函更是具有适用范围广、银行保证强、索赔便捷等优势,在国际经济交易中得到了广泛应用。目前,中国对外工程承包业新签合同额屡创新高,需要对外开立的国际工程保函总量不断增加。国际工程保函在支持国内工程承包企业走出去的过程发挥了十分重要的作用。企业在申请对外开立国际工程保函时,不仅希望保函能够顺利促成项目签约,还要关注保函带来的潜在索赔风险,加强对保函条款的理解。  相似文献   

在国际贸易中,以银行信用为基础、以出口商为委托申请人、以进口商为受益人的备用信用证和银行保函被大量广泛地使用。从备用信用证的概念、特点出发,比较了备用信用证、银行保函、跟单信用证之间的异同点。  相似文献   

担保提货作为一种传统的贸易融资产品,在现代国际贸易实务中仍然被广泛采用。本文主要从实务方面论述了担保提货业务的特点及可能存在的风险,并提出了防范风险的办法。  相似文献   

在国际贸易中,以银行信用为基础、以出口商为委托申请人、以进口商为受益人的备用信用证和银行保函被大量广泛地使用。从备用信用证的概念、特点出发,比较了备用信用证、银行保函、跟单信用证之间的异同点。  相似文献   

无单放货法律问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提单自问世以来,在国际货物运输和国际贸易领域中一直扮演着重要角色.然而随着新科学技术在航海领域的应用,船舶航行速度及码头装卸效率的提高,尤其在短程运输中,传统的提单流转过程不能适应这种快捷的变化.因此在实际业务中,出现了各种各样凭非正本提单(如以副本提单加保函)提货的变通作法.这种作法在实践中对疏通货物、提高效率的确起到了一定的积极作用,但同时也加大了承运人的责任风险.针对近几年来无正本提单放货案件在我国司法实践中日渐增多的现状,本文从提单的法律性质入手,分析了“无单放货”行为侵犯物权和违约的性质,借此引起承运人及其代理人对该问题的注意,并提出了相应的规避方法及应对措施,希望为提单持有人保护其权益提供选择的方法.  相似文献   

在关系数据理论中,为了优化数据库的设计,要求将低一级的关系模式转换为高一级的关系模式集.根据关系数据理论,任何一个关系模式都能转换为无损的BCNF关系模式集,但不一定能保函.为了使得转换后得到无损保函的BCNF模式集,本文引入图论中的有向图来表示函数依赖关系,并将有向图结合运用到关系模式的规范化过程中,使得模式分解能得到无损保函的BCNF模式集,从而达到改进传统的BCNF分解算法,优化分解的效果.  相似文献   

通过对我国关于提单的重要案例的分析,提出关于无正本提单放货、提货的审判处理原则,即:除非有相反的证据,提单应被推定具有物权效力;但是,允许案件有关当事人举证反驳提单的物权效力。  相似文献   

作为一种新型的信用担保方式,见索即付保函对传统保证的从属性进行了颠覆性变革,担保银行不得援引主合同债务人的一切抗辩权来对抗受益人的索款。见索即付保函是在国际经贸中具有独立性的无名契约且仅由银行承担义务的单务契约,其本质为居于近代民法核心领域的契约自由原则所派生的任意契约,并由国际贸易所惯用、容许,不宜用传统的担保法理论中保证的从属性加以衡量。  相似文献   

<正> 谁快电动机同时带动两组皮带轮提货,根据图示情况,判断出哪边货物上升得快? (王维国)  相似文献   

从商业银行的角度对信用证融资的风险管理展开论述,以信用证本身、融资担保以及监管政策三方面为切入点讨论信用证融资项下相关风险的产生及合理规避,从而提高企业运用信用证的实效,并最大限度地降低银行承担信用证融资的风险.  相似文献   

备用信用证集担保、融资、支付及相关服务为一体的多功能金融产品,用途广泛,运用灵活,在国际上得以普遍应用,本文主要探讨了备用信用证的法律性质,银行从事备用信用证业务面临的风险以及如何防范问题.  相似文献   

Following several studies on the relationship between phonological awareness, children’s knowledge of letter names and their understanding of the alphabetic code, we pose the hypothesis that children’s knowledge of letter names may contribute to their analysis of the oral segments of words, thereby enabling them to produce writing in which some of the sounds are represented by appropriate letters. The participants were 80-syllabic 5-year-old kindergarten children, who were assigned to 2 experimental and 2 control groups and submitted to phonological and letter knowledge tests. We asked the children in the experimental groups to write a set of words in which either the initial sound (Exp. G. 1) or the middle sound (Exp. G. 2) coincided with the name of a letter known by the child; the children in the control groups were asked to write a set of control words. The results show that the introduction of facilitating words prompts syllabic children to produce writing in which some of the sounds are represented by appropriate letters; Exp. G. 1 gave better results than Exp. G. 2. Finally, there is a positive relationship between the results achieved by children in phonological and letter name tests and the number of sounds they write phonetically.  相似文献   

国际商务英语中信用证的语言和翻译   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信用证结算方式是随着国际贸易的发展,在金融机构参与国际贸易的过程中逐步发展起来的,是国际贸易中一种主要的支付方式。翻译、审核信用证是其中一个重要的环节。这不仅需要有商务专业知识,还需要较高的英语水平,从而准确理解证内每一个务款。本文通过若干实例,分析了信用证中特殊的用词,用句和它的文体风格,讨论了翻译信用证时应注意的问题和方法技巧。  相似文献   

信用证支付方式下的收汇风险主要由伪造信用证和"软条款"信用证引起,出口商防范外汇风险的措施包括:慎重选择贸易伙伴;提高业务人员素质;严格审证,认真备单,等等。  相似文献   

One goal of this longitudinal study was to examine whether the predictors of reading skills in Grade 3 would differ between English as a second language (ESL) students and native English-speaking (L1) students. Phonological processing, syntactic awareness, memory, spelling, word reading, and lexical access skills were assessed in kindergarten and in Grade 3. The results indicated that in kindergarten, the ESL group had significantly lower scores on phonological processing, syntactic awareness, spelling, and memory for sentences tasks. However, in Grade 3, the ESL group performed in a similar way to the L1 group except on the syntactic awareness task. The combination of the two kindergarten measures, memory for sentences and Oral Cloze, and the combination of phonological processing and letter identification all contributed equally to predicting the L1 students' word-reading skills. However, for ESL students, letter identification and phonological processing made much larger contributions to predicting Grade 3 reading ability. Another goal of this study was to assess the procedures used to identify reading disability in the ESL and L1 student sample. Performance on two measures—letter identification and phonological awareness in kindergarten—predicted whether students would be classified in Grade 3 as at risk or having typical reading development for the ESL and L1 groups. The ESL children developed strong reading skills, and their status as ESL speakers did not put them at risk for reading difficulties in Grade 3. ESL students were not at any particular risk for reading difficulties after 4 years in Canadian schooling with an adequate balanced literacy program.  相似文献   

We examined how achievement (learning and performance) goals and academic self-efficacy predicted three achievement-related outcomes in a college sample. Self-efficacy tended to moderate the effects of (learning and performance) goals on number of courses taken for a letter grade as well as achievement in letter graded and pass/fail courses. Thus, learning goals better predicted choosing letter grades when self-efficacy was high than when it was low. In contrast, performance goals better predicted choosing letter grades when self-efficacy was low than when it was high. Through their prediction of the choice to receive letter grades these interactions predicted achievement in pass/fail courses. In addition, achievement goals and self-efficacy directly predicted achievement in letter graded courses.  相似文献   

Phoneme segmentation training: Effect on reading readiness   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3  
Recent evidence suggests that the ability to segment words into phonemes is significantly related to reading success, and that training in phoneme segmentation appears to have a positive influence on beginning reading. In this study, we evaluated the effect on reading readiness of phoneme segmentation training in kindergarten. Ninety nonreaders with PPVT-R standard scores of 78 or higher were randomly selected from six kindergarten classrooms and assigned to one of three treatment conditions: a) phoneme segmentation group; b) language activities group (control group I); and c) no intervention (control group II). The phoneme segmentation group received seven weeks of instruction in segmentation and in letter names and sounds. Also for seven weeks, the language activities group received the identical instruction in letter names and sounds and additional language activities. Prior to the intervention, the three groups did not differ in age, sex, race, PPVT-R phoneme segmentation, letter name and letter sound knowledge, or reading ability. After the intervention, the phoneme segmentation group outperformed both control groups on phoneme segmentation and reading measures. This study provides additional strong support for including phoneme segmentation training in the kindergarten curriculum. Clinical suggestions for teachers are included. This project was supported in part by USDE grant # G008630421 and a Syracuse University Senate Research Grant.  相似文献   

由群所组成且涉及群与群关系的网络称为G2G网络,群是一些具有相同属性节点的聚合。G2G通信可以描述为:将内容从源端(群)传送到目的群。G2G网络使用了G2G/CDS协议来实现内容发布,即将参与分发内容的节点分群,用控制数据集(CDS)来管理节点,用G2G传输原理来实现G2G传输。G2G/CDS简单和有效地解决了“如何管理节点”和“如何传输”的G2G通信问题,并为解决“如何保障传输的QoS”问题打下基础。G2G络是一种能有效且容易实现多对多网络通信的网络模型,擅长解决需要精确控制的网络通信问题,尤其是内容发布。  相似文献   

基于顾客具有时间与价格敏感性和服务价格是服务承诺时间的分段函数前提假设下,建立了相应的服务承诺时间决策模型,并证明了最优服务承诺时间L*的存在性,分析了相关参数对L*的影响.研究发现:当L*小于行业水平L0时,低成本服务商应声明较短的服务承诺时间;随着顾客时间敏感系数的减小或顾客之间保留支付差异的增大,服务商应延长服务承诺时间.当L*>L0时,服务商应声明较长的服务承诺时间;随着顾客价格敏感系数的增大或顾客平均保留支付的减小,服务商应延长服务承诺时间,并降低价格.  相似文献   

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