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产教融合型企业的建设和发展,推动了职业教育现代化发展.依据利益相关者理论,产教融合型企业的发展受到诸多利益相关者的影响.影响产教融合型企业发展的利益相关者包括核心利益相关者、间接利益相关者和边缘利益相关者.这些利益相关者有着不同的利益诉求,且目前他们的利益诉求实现存在诸多困境.因此,需要采取通过构建第三方监督评价机构协调平衡多方利益、全面发挥核心利益相关者的主体作用、充分发挥间接利益相关者引导作用、积极发挥边缘利益相关者监督作用的策略促进产教融合型企业的长足发展.  相似文献   

依据利益相关者理论,对职教集团的三类利益相关者进行识别,分析了核心利益相关者、蛰伏利益相关者、边缘利益相关者的不同利益诉求,提出了基于利益相关者理论的职教集团组成结构和运行系统框架.基于系统框架,从激发需求驱动点、搭建利益共享点、明确责任共担点、登上共赢制高点等方面提出推动职教集团可持续发展的实施策略.  相似文献   

企业绩效评价存在两种价值导向,即股东价值导向和利益相关者价值导向.民营企业的生存和发展,更加依赖于各方面利益相关者的支持.因此,民营企业的绩效评价不能以股东利益最大化为导向,应建立以利益相关者利益最大化和均衡化为价值导向的评价模式.绩效三棱镜考虑了更广泛的利益相关者以及利益相关者与企业的双向作用,是利益相关者价值导向的企业绩效评价首选模式.在绩效三棱镜模式下,按照每方面主要利益相关者的需求、贡献和企业相应的战略、流程和能力,并依照他们的重要性程度设置二个层次的评价指标.  相似文献   

利益相关者理论综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利益相关者理论作为对传统股东至上主义理念挑战的一种公司治理理论,在近年来获得较大的发展.在从利益相关者理论背景、定义和类型、利益相关者理论与公司治理3个方面对利益相关者理论进行梳理的基础上提出利益相关者理论对我国企业实践的影响及其不足,有助于为实践提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

利益相关者视角下职教集团发展战略初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职教集团利益相关者主要可以分为三大类,牵头学校、成员学校与企业.职教集团利益相关者的利益诉求包括三个部分,牵头学校的利益诉求、成员学校的利益诉求与企业的利益诉求.职教集团是典型的利益相关者机构,职教集团的发展战略应当整合利益相关者的权益,尽最大可能地满足这些利益相关者的"共同利益"与"各自利益".因此,要在牵头学校、成员学校和企业等部门间建立利益整合机制,使这种合作关系得以制度化.利益整合机制的建立主要包括两个部分,一方面是职教集团在运作过程中应该主动邀请其利益相关者参与职教集团决策;另一方面,对于职教集团的利益相关者来讲,他们要向职教集团主动诉求其优势和需要,促使职教集团能够更加明确各个利益相关者的权益.  相似文献   

旅游景区门票价格调整是不同利益相关者博弈的结果,通过对黄山风景区门票价格变动的利益相关者的利益诉求分析,探究各利益相关者之间的博弈关系.研究表明,在这一博弈过程中相关者利益博弈目标分离、博弈方式扭曲,缺乏博弈约束机制,各利益相关者之间博弈失衡是黄山风景区门票价格不断上涨的根本原因.黄山风景区在价格变动的管理决策中,必须综合考虑诸多利益相关者之间相互冲突的利益索取权,以形成合理的门票价格变动机制,从而实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

高职院校教育管理中的利益相关者分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高职院校作为一类非营利性组织,是典型的利益相关者组织.目前,我国高职院校的利益相关者群体主要有内、外部利益相关者两大群体.对利益相关者进行分析是有效管理与利益相关者群体关系,在诸多利益主体之间寻求平衡的重要基础,也是高职院校"培养高级技术性专门人才,发展科技文化,直接服务社会",进而实现自身社会责任的基本要求.  相似文献   

以z大学为例,利用专家评分法对其利益相关者进行界定并筛选出利益相关者的利益要求及实现方式.设计了利益相关者的利益要求及实现方式调查问卷表并实施调查,把问卷结果进行数值转换后录入SPSS16.0软件进行处理,计算出各类利益相关者不同利益要求得分均值,然后进行均值比较和配对样本T检验,判断这些排序是否具有统计意义.结果证实了不同类型利益相关者对z大学有不同的利益要求,并且对各种利益要求的重视程度存在差异;同时,不同类型利益相关者对z大学有不同的利益要求实现方式,并且对各种利益要求实现方式的重视程度存在差异.大学应采取适当的利益相关者管理策略,实现大学与利益相关者的利益最大化目标.  相似文献   

基于和谐理念的出租车管理体制改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆、三亚、甘肃永登等地发生的出租车“罢运”事件,缘于出租车管理体制的滞后。基于和谐理念,从利益相关者理论出发,当前中国出租车行业乱象的治本之策,在于改变双重垄断的运行管理体制,协调好政府、出租车企业、个体经营者和消费者等利益相关者利益关系,从而推进利益均衡化,实现和谐出租车交通。  相似文献   

作为一种战略管理方法和分析框架,利益相关者理论为高等教育质量管理提供了全新战略分析模式和运行机制.大学是典型的利益相关者组织,运用米切尔属性评分法分析高等教育的利益相关者表明质量是高校各利益相关者利益的契合点.质量利益协调机制与质量管理责任分担机制是基于利益相关者的高校质量管理的基本远行机制.  相似文献   

In 2000, Japan became the largest car producing nation and Toyota was the biggest car producer in 2008 in the world. Thispaper firstly make analysis on the Toyota's management in history under the background of macroeconomic environment  相似文献   

围绕丰田的"召回门"事件,追求真相、揭示原因、预示影响等评论探析接踵而至,难以尽数。旨从跨文化交际角度评价丰田"召回门"事件,深入分析日美文化间的差异,以期对中国与美日两国进行跨文化交流提供有益参考,增强并提高有关从业人员的跨文化交际意识和能力。  相似文献   

Children's Memory for Traumatic Injury   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Children between 2 and 13 years who suffered traumatic injury necessitating hospital emergency room treatment were recruited as subjects. They (and adult witnesses) were interviewed a few days and 6 months later, using free and probed recall, about both injury and hospital treatment. Children at all ages were able to provide considerable information about both stressful events, although the amount of detail increased with age. They also made few commission errors. Surprisingly, children's distress at time of injury did not affect the amount or accuracy of their recall of that event, whereas distress during hospital treatment did decrease recall. A tripartite classification into 3 categories of detail was used: central, peripheral-inside the emotional events, or peripheral-outside those events. Children's recall differed depending upon detail category. Implications for children's testimony are discussed.  相似文献   

Children late in the second year of life show patterns of event recall similar to those of older children: (a) well-ordered immediate and delayed recall, and (b) facilitation of recall by familiarity and by enabling relations. We used elicited imitation to test whether the patterns extend to children early in the second year. In Experiment 1, 13.5- and 16.5-month-olds accurately recalled familiar and novel 2-act sequences immediately and after a 1-week delay. For 16.5-month-olds, recall was facilitated by familiarity and by enabling relations; for 13.5-month-olds, only enabling relations facilitated recall. In Experiment 2, verbal cues were used to test immediate and 1-week delayed recall of 3-act sequences. For both ages, recall was facilitated by familiarity and by enabling relations. Experiment 3 verified that the verbal information served to cue recall of previously experienced events, not to "suggest" sequences that could be performed. Together the results demonstrate that children as young as 13 months can recall specific events after a delay. They also suggest development in sensitivity to factors that facilitate recall.  相似文献   

The Structure of Events and Event Representations: A Developmental Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we investigated how the temporal order and variability of events influence 3- and 5-year-old children's developing event representations. Children participated in 3 different events: a logical-invariant (making fundough), a logical-variable (shape collage), and an arbitrary-invariant (sand play) event. At each age, half of the children experienced the events once prior to recalling the events both verbally and behaviorally; the other half experienced the events 4 times, recalled the events verbally after each experience, and behaviorally reenacted the events only after the last experience. Children verbally recalled more and organized their recall better for the logical events than for the arbitrary event, and these differences remained stable with increasing experience. The sequencing of behavioral recall was also more accurate for the logical events than for the arbitrary event across age and condition, but amount of recall did not differ, with one exception. 3-year-old children in the single experience condition recalled less about the variable event than the invariant events. The results indicate that both the structure of the event and children's representational capabilities influence children's developing representations of events.  相似文献   

The ability to recall is something that most intact adults take for granted. For much of the last century, this feature of mental life was not considered to extend to very young children. There now is evidence that 1- to 2-year-olds are able to recall specific events after delays of several months. Over the short term, 1- to 2-year-olds' recall is affected by the same factors that affect older children's recall; it is not clear whether similar effects are apparent over the long term. Moreover, although age-related increases in long-term recall are assumed, there have been few empirical tests of the question. We examined recall by 14- to 32-month-olds for events experienced at 13 to 20 months. Using elicited imitation of novel multistep event sequences we examined effects of (a) delay length, (b) age at the time of experience, (c) temporal structure of events, (d) mode of experience of events, and (e) availability of verbal reminders, on long-term recall. Participants were 360 children enrolled at 13 (n = 90), 16 (n = 180), and 20 (n = 90) months. All of the 13-month-olds and half of the 16-month-olds were tested on 3-step event sequences; all of the 20-month-olds and half of the 16-month-olds were tested on 4-step event sequences. Within each age and step-length group, equal numbers of children were tested after intervals of 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months (n = 18 per cell). Children were tested on a variety of sequence types. For half of the events, imitation was permitted prior to the delay; for the other half, children were not permitted imitation. At delayed testing, children experienced a recall period during which they were cued by the event-related props alone, followed by a period in which recall was cued both by the event-related props and by verbal labels for the event sequences. Within step-length groups, the length of time for which older and younger children showed evidence of memory did not differ. Nevertheless, when the children were prompted by the event-related props alone, there were age-related differences in the robustness of children's memories (as indexed by higher levels of recall for older children relative to younger children). When the children were prompted by the props and by verbal labels for the event sequences, at the longer retention intervals, there were age-related differences in the robustness of children's memories and in the reliability with which recall was evidenced (as indexed by the larger numbers of older children evincing recall). Age-related effects were particularly apparent on children's ordered recall. Across the entire age range, the children were similarly affected by the variables of sequence type, opportunity for imitation, and verbal reminding.  相似文献   

The study reported here was designed to examine linkages between mother-child conversational interactions during events and children's subsequent recall of these activities. In this longitudinal investigation, 21 mother-child dyads were observed while they engaged in specially constructed activities when the children were 30, 36, and 42 months of age. Analyses of the children's 1-day and 3-week recall of these events indicated that at all age points, features of the activities that were jointly handled and jointly discussed by the mother and child were better remembered than were features that were either (1) jointly handled and talked about only by the mother, or (2) jointly handled and not discussed. Potential linkages were also explored between incidental memory for personal experiences and deliberate recall of familiar but arbitrary materials. In this regard, children's recall of the special activities was positively correlated with their recall of objects in a deliberate memory task performed at 42 months.  相似文献   

针对丰田汽车维修实践中遇到的非常规性故障,采用实际案例分析、对比的方法,分析2辆美国进口丰田红杉4.7越野车胎压监测系统所存在的故障.结果表明:若胎压监测系统的电脑数据及参数产生紊乱或者传感器损坏,则会导致胎压监测系统在进行数据处理时不能对传感器数据进行对应比较,从而产生故障.通过案例分析可以很直观地理解系统工作原理,为以后类似故障的诊断排除提供借鉴指导作用.  相似文献   

Inferences and recall at ages 4 and 7 were studied as a function of the cause of a target event, the presence and timing of questions prior to recall, and the type of inference demanded by the questions. 7-year-olds inferred and recalled well with stories containing any of the causal connections employed in the study. 4-year-olds performed better when physical causes, rather than either psychological causes or enabling relations, connected events. Timing of questions did not affect the 7-year-olds' inferences, but asking questions interfered with their recall. Questions about story events aided the 4-year-olds' ability to make inferences and to recall, especially when causal connections were least specified and when questions were asked following the story. 4- and 7-year-olds also differed in responding to demands for 3 specific types of inference. 4-year-olds produced significantly more unconstrained inferences than logical or constrained informational inferences. 7-year-olds were most responsive to logical inference questions, and produced significantly more logical than constrained inferences.  相似文献   

Researchers have shown that experts and novices differ in their recall, representation, and analyses of problem situations. This study investigated whether such differences existed between novice and experienced high school teachers in their recall and analyses of problem events during interactive teaching. Experienced and inexperienced teachers (n = 10 in each group) completed cognitive ability tests and were interviewed after viewing three videotaped vignettes of interactive teaching. In contrast to novices, experienced teachers both recalled more classroom events and relied more on procedural knowledge and principles in analyzing classroom events. These differences may indicate that experienced teachers have better developed knowledge structures of “schemata” for classroom teaching than do novice teachers.  相似文献   

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