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一个自闭症儿童的初期训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对一个自闭症儿童在初期训练中采用离散单元教学法、游戏法和感觉统合治疗法着重发展儿童的基本能力 ,使儿童在目光接触、听从指令、模仿能力、感觉统合能力和表达要求方面得到显著改善 ,研究说明从现有能力入手、采取针对性的训练 ,进行全面、综合性干预 ,对促进自闭症儿童的能力发展能取到较好效果。  相似文献   

The continued viability of art and design programmes depends on our ability to produce graduates able to contribute successfully and confidently to the future of the creative industries. This in turn depends on our ability to lead students to develop both the ability and the motivation to learn. A significant proportion of our students however, are not adequately prepared or inclined to engage with the learning environment. Based on a review of the literature on student engagement, this article attempts to identify the origins and examine the impact of the perceptions and attitudes (the ‘mental pictures’) that currently limit our students' ability and inclination to engage as well as those factors (including the features of our programmes) through which these ‘mental pictures’ may be inadvertently reinforced. It then proposes a number of practical suggestions to make more effective use of the learning outcomes of art and design programmes in order to mitigate their influence and thereby improve both our graduates' capacity and inclination to become more competent professionals, as well as self‐directed learners.  相似文献   

对比幼儿母语习得与外语教学之间的差异发现,幼儿和外语学习者在学习目的、学习动机、所接触的语言文化环境和对待语言文化及错误的情感因素上都存在差异;同时发现学习语境中教授者的合作性和对待偏误的态度也存在差异。文章建议外语教学从学习者和教授者两方面入手,学习幼儿母语习得的成功因素,以提高外语教学的效能。  相似文献   

幼儿的体验活动本质上是一种具有探究性和实践性的学习活动。良好的活动体验可以强化幼儿的学习兴趣,改善幼儿的学习态度,促进幼儿对事物的认识与理解,增强幼儿学习的目的性和持续性,往往代表着高水平的学习卷入,说明幼儿的体验活动与其深度学习之间存在着有机的内在连接。教师应尊重幼儿的学习主体性,给予幼儿充分的自主学习机会,提高幼儿对体验活动的情感参与;应为幼儿创设真实的学习情境,提升幼儿活动体验的水平与质量,促进幼儿学习能力与学习品质的发展;应加强与家庭、社区之间的合作,为幼儿开展体验活动、实现深度学习提供外部环境支持。  相似文献   

Recent research shows that, as students interpret the demands of the assessment tasks, they vary their approaches to learning in order to cope with the assessment tasks. Three research questions are central in the present paper: (1) Do students who participate in a constructivist learning environment change their perception of assessment demands towards more deep level demands? (2) Do students in a constructivist learning environment change their approaches to learning towards a more deep approach to learning? (3) Is there a relation between change in approaches to learning and change in the perceptions of the assessment demands? Students following the course ‘Education and psychology’ of the teacher training program at the University of Antwerp completed questionnaires during the first, the second and the final lesson of the course. One questionnaire measured their approaches to learning and the other their general perceptions of the assessment demands. The course ‘Education and psychology’ can be labelled as a ‘constructivist learning environment’ with congruent assessment methods. Results of the paired sampled t-tests indicated that students indeed do change their perceptions of assessment demands towards more deep level demands. However, the results also indicated that students did not change their approach to learning towards a more deep approach. On the contrary, students seem to develop more surface approaches to learning during the course. Correlation analyses indicated that only changes of perceptions of assessment demands towards less surface levels are significantly related to changes in approaches to learning, towards a more surface approach. Results of the stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that students’ approach to learning at the beginning of the course seems to have a higher impact on the extent to which they change their approach to learning than how students perceive the demands of the assessment within the course. These results point us to the complexity of the relationship between the learning environment, the students’ perceptions of assessment demands, and students’ approaches to learning.  相似文献   

信息技术与研究生的日常科研学习有着密切的联系,将信息技术融入日常科研学习活动之中已经成为新技术环境下研究生进行有效学习的趋势。通过对当前影响研究生将信息技术融入日常科研学习的因素进行探索性分析发现,影响研究生应用信息技术进行科研学习的成效的核心因素主要有5个,即个人信息素养、学习动机、教师支持、信息技术硬件环境和信息技术软件资源。通过信度分析表明,该因素量表具有较高的信度。通过回归分析进一步构建这5大核心因素的结构模型,发现研究生个人信息素养和信息技术硬件环境对学习成效具有显著的解释力度。  相似文献   

学习动机是直接推动学习者进行学习的一种内在原动力。本文结合物理教学,将学习动机分为直接动机和间接动机,并根据他们的来源阐述了在物理教学中如何充分利用相关因素及适当的途径来培养学生的学习动机,使学生把物理学习当作自觉的需求,从而达到教与学双赢的效果。  相似文献   

Despite the dramatic rise in international student enrolment in Chinese higher education institutions, the classroom learning experiences of these students are not adequately reflected in the international literature. The present qualitative study explores the learning experiences of 33 international students in different types of classroom arrangements at Chinese universities. The findings show that the international students’ perceptions of teaching and learning approaches, their language difficulties, the type of classroom arrangement, the origin of the international students in the class, the more relaxed academic requirements for international students and the international students’ learning motivation all shaped their in-class experiences. Furthermore, the findings reveal that the international students’ personal traits and cross-cultural environment interacted with their psychological mechanisms to produce and influence their learning experiences. The article highlights the need to make sense of these complexities in order to understand international students’ in-class learning experiences. The implications of improving these experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

浅谈开展创造性教学的实践过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来,我们在植物生物学的各个教学环节中,灵活运用创造性教学手段,坚持创造性教学原则,注重理论与实践相结合,学习与生活相结合,不仅提高了教学质量,有效地培养了学生的创造性思维和敏锐的观察力,而且还充分调动了学生的学习积极性和主动性,为创造性人才的培养打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that genetic influences on achievement are more pronounced among children living in higher socioeconomic status homes, and that these gene-by-environment interactions occur prior to children's entry into formal schooling. We hypothesized that one pathway through which socioeconomic status promotes genetic influences on early achievement is by facilitating the processes by which children select, evoke, and attend to learning experiences that are consistent with genetically influenced individual differences in their motivation to learn. We examined this hypothesis in a nationally representative sample of approximately 650 pairs of four-year old identical and fraternal twins who were administered a measure of math achievement, and rated by their parents on a broad set of items assessing learning motivation. Results indicated a genetic link between learning motivation and math achievement that varied positively with family socioeconomic status: Genetic differences in learning motivation contributed to math achievement more strongly in more advantaged homes. Once this effect of learning motivation was controlled for, gene-by-socioeconomic status interaction on math achievement was reduced from previously significant levels, to nonsignificant levels.  相似文献   

目的:研究西安市学习障碍小学生感觉统合失调情况。方法:选取西安市两所有代表性的普通小学1-6年级学生,筛选出259名学习障碍学生,对其进行感觉统合评定。结果:学习障碍小学生中,感觉统合轻度和重度失调率为31.27%和24.71%;不同年龄组在总体上和轻度感觉统合失调上存在显著差异,而在重度感觉统合失调方面并不存在显著差异;男生感觉统合失调率明显高于女生;基本不存在校际差异。结论:多数学习障碍小学生都存在轻重不一的感觉统合失调现象,对于他们,最好方法的治疗是给予感觉统合训练,从而提高其学习能力。  相似文献   

杨宁宁  吴骅 《高教论坛》2007,(5):102-105
现代教育技术必然走向与课程建设相结合的阶段。信息技术为传统教学提供了良好的学习环境,使学生的主体地位得以真正确立,使自主学习、探究学习、协作学习得以真正实现,使终身教育和学习社会化成为可能,极大地激发了学生的学习动机,培养了创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

WebX.0正由连接信息的简单网页发展为连接人类智慧的愈加复杂和智能的元网络(Meta Web),这对传统的由“教”的一方驱动的网络学习环境设计提出了挑战.对环境整体而言,环境形成良性生态循环有利于维持其可持续发展;对学习者而言,当学习者面对多种网络组成的复杂的、具有高度不确定性的学习环境时,根据自身的需求构建个人学习环境(Personal Learning Environment,PIE)是促进其学习的最有效方式.因此,WebX.0时代的网络学习环境设计应当以创设网络学习生态和利于学习者构建PLE为目标,以学习者的需求为起点,提高“以学习者为中心”、“标准化”、“一体化”、“开放化”的程度,以更好地促进学习者在复杂网络学习环境中通过构建PLE进行的有效学习.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,对于特殊儿童的关注度不断提高,越来越重视特殊儿童教育。智障儿童是特殊的儿童群体之一,由于大脑出现器质性的损伤,大脑发展不全,在认知、心理、运动以及社会交往中都存在一定的障碍,从而影响儿童之后的健康成长。而这些障碍其实可以通过采用不同的感觉统合训练加以改善,帮助儿童过上正常的生活。本文就感觉统合训练对智障儿童的实效性影响以及应用策略进行分析。  相似文献   

Promoting intrinsic motivation is often a central concern in teaching foreign languages to elementary school children. Self-determination theory posits that intrinsic motivation develops through the interaction of the person and the environment. The present study investigated how elementary school students’ motivation develops over the course of a school year in Japanese public schools. Five-hundred and fifteen Japanese elementary school children were surveyed over the course of one school year. Self-reported motivation, perceptions of teacher support, need satisfaction, and engagement were measured at different times. External raters observed students’ engagement, while classroom teachers assessed the quality of students’ motivation and learning. Structural equation modeling results indicated a positive, dynamic relationship between motivation, perceptions of the learning environment, and engagement. External raters’ assessments showed significant positive correlations with students’ self-reported engagement. Findings indicate how the instruction offered in these Japanese elementary schools supported students’ foreign language learning motivation.  相似文献   

In 2011 we, a group of English-as-a-foreign-language teachers at a secondary school in Argentina, decided to investigate our teaching practices through collaborative action research so as to improve our students’ learning opportunities and thus revitalise English-language teaching in our context. We implemented and evaluated the integration of content and language learning in our classrooms through the development of our own materials. The experience revealed a growth in professional development and how our motivation and autonomy influenced our students’ motivation and language development. In our attempt to disseminate our experience as a group, this report particularly focuses on the evaluation facets of our collaborative action research project so as to encourage other teachers and teacher-researchers to adopt collaborative action research to improve their own practices.  相似文献   

大学提供给学生的是什么?简而言之,就是学习环境。杜威的实用主义教育思想注重效用原则,强调实用主义方法是引导人们积极地改造环境。从实用主义角度认识高校信息化教学环境建设,就是为了适应社会变革对创新型人才的需求。信息化教学环境是以ICT技术为支撑的教与学活动开展过程中赖以持续的情况和条件。目前高校信息化学习环境建设存在硬件建设整体设计融合度较低、软件设计考虑师生需求不够、教学评价机制单一、教学服务缺乏个性化支持和一站式服务、总体投入依旧不足等问题。高校信息化学习环境建设需要通过加强顶层设计和部门协同,倡导使用者设计及相关者参与,提供有效学习服务等方式来改变建设模式,从而促进创造性学习的发生。信息化学习环境建设正在成为高校破解的命题,“云大学”的概念已经出现在可能的解决方案中。  相似文献   

Support for children with special educational needs (SEN) in inclusive classrooms, in many countries, continues to be provided by teaching assistants (TAs). Whilst they frequently take responsibility for instruction, they are rarely adequately trained and prepared. As TAs have ample opportunities for individualised and group interactions, this paper recommends scaffolding as the key theory to inform their practice. From a large dataset of interactions in mathematics and literacy lessons, episodes of TA scaffolding were selected. Using conversation analysis, three scaffolding roles emerged: 1) a support role that maintained learner engagement, on-task behaviour and motivation; 2) a repair function that focused on learning and fostered independence when children were in difficulty; and c) a heuristic role that encouraged students to use their own learning strategies. The paper concludes with implications for trainers and managers and how teachers can support TAs in implementing each role.  相似文献   

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