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家庭教养方式与儿童社会性发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙瑜 《现代教育科学》2006,(3):121-122,53
从发展心理学和儿童教育的角度看,我们认为儿童社会性是指儿童在其生物特征基础上。在与社会生活环境相互作用的过程中掌握社会规范。形成社会技能,学会社会角色,获得社会需要、态度、价值。发展社会行为。并以独特的个性与人相互交往,相互影响。适应用围社会环境。由由然人发展为社会人的社会化过程中所形成的儿童心理特征。  相似文献   

从发展心理学和儿童教育的角度看,我们认为儿童社会性是指儿童在其生物特征基础上,在与社会生活环境相互作用的过程中掌握社会规范,形成社会技能,学会社会角色,获得社会需要、态度、价值,发展社会行为,并以独特的个性与人相互交往,相互影响,适应周围社会环境,由自然人发展为社会人的社会化过程中所形成的儿童心理特征。  相似文献   

交往是人与人之间相互影响、相互作用的活动,是个体发展自身的方式。儿童在与他人相互交往的过程中,逐渐掌握社会技能和杜会道德准则。只有在此基础上,儿童的心理水平及社会交往能力才能不断得到发展和提高,才能逐渐学会在平等的基础上协调好各种关系,最终成为社会的人。 同伴是由地位相近,年龄、兴趣、爱好、价值观及行为方式等方面大体相同的人组成的群体,它以独特的、重要的方式帮助儿童塑造个性,约束社会行为,形成社会价值观和态度,是儿童社会化不可缺少的动因。研究表明;同伴关系有利于儿童社会价值的获得、社会能力的培养…  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 幼儿期是儿童社会性发展的关键期,幼儿期儿童社会性发展的程度如何,不仅关系到幼儿当下的健康成长,而且关系到幼儿未来的和谐发展。幼儿的社会技能是交往的产物。在实际的交往中,幼儿逐渐认识到他人的特征以及自己在他人心目中的形象和地位,学会如何与他人交往及处理与他人的矛盾。这是保证活动的有效性和同伴关系的统一性的重要条件,也是今后儿童参加成人社会所必须具有的能力。  相似文献   

社会技能指有效的社会交往技能,它是儿童社会化发展的重要内容和主要指标,包括交往态度、交往能力、同伴关系、友好行为、文明行为习惯等五个方面。本文通过对遵义市1-6岁儿童社会交往情况的调查,明确现今遵义市儿童社会技能发展的具体状况,并提出相应的儿童社会技能培养措施。  相似文献   

焦霄 《家教世界》2013,(12):38-39
社会性是个体在掌握社会规范时形成的社会技能,学习社会角色的社会化过程中所产生的一种心理特征。但是在刚入园的小班幼儿中,往往会显现出以自我为中心、缺乏合作意识、不会交往等问题,而且存在着普遍性和日趋严重的趋势。我们认为:产生问题的原因主要有以下几方面:1、社会环境发生变化;2、家庭教育存在一些不良倾向;3、教师教育意识不当。为了改变这种现象,我们尝试从以下几方面入手:1、创设良好的交往环境;2、引导孩子学习交往的技能;3、合理安排孩子一日活动。  相似文献   

外来儿童是我国城乡人口流动带来的新人群,同样是需要我们了解和帮助的受教育者.研究运用问卷法和访谈法.采用对比调查的方式,从在家中的亲子互动质量、基本生活技能、自我意识发展、同伴交往状况四个角度.分析外来儿童与本地儿童社会性发展差异中可能存在的原因.进而提出:修补亲子关系.构建和谐家庭氛围:开展赏识教育,促进自我意识发展;开展有效互动,发挥生活技能优势;促进伙伴交往,突破亚文化圈束缚等建议.  相似文献   

近些年来,我国独生子女增多、家庭中缺乏兄弟姐妹的现状,导致儿童在性格上出现明显的社会性缺陷:如任性、依赖性强、胆小、自私及孤僻等。本文阐述的小学社会课混龄活动主要致力于消除小学生的社会性障碍,实现其个体社会化。混龄生活扩大了孩子们的同伴群体,使不同年龄层儿童的交往能力都有不  相似文献   

儿童社会性交往的生态学分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在社会中,任何一个个体,从本质上说,从一生下来就既是一个生物的人,又是一个社会的人,他从来都不是单一、孤立地存在的,而是被包围在各种社会物体、媒介和关系中,与多方面发生联系,在与周围的人和环境的相互作用中存在和发展。特别是在信息化、多元化、开放化的现代社会,人际交往更成为个体生存和发展的首要条件。儿童的能力、情感、认知、社会行为、道德规范、交往经验、人际关系与人格品质等个性、社会性品质都是在社会性交往过程中不断形成和发展起来的。因此,儿童的社会性交往在儿童发展中的作用日益受到重视和研究。人类发展…  相似文献   

交往指人们运用语言或非语言符号交换意见、传达思想、表达感情和需要等的交流过程.儿童早年与其他社会成员的交往对于其正常的社会性发展是必要的;若剥夺交往则会使儿童失去安全感,产生抑郁、淡漠和敌意,对儿童情绪及整个身心的发展都不利.[1]对儿童交往的心理学研究,包括对儿童与生人交往的考察.美国心理学家艾恩斯沃斯(M·Ainsworth)就曾针对12~18个月的儿童,专门设计了一种"陌生人情境",用来观察儿童与母亲和陌生人相处的不同反应.可见,儿童与生人交往的现象早就进入心理学家的视野.然而,由于幼儿身心发展不成熟,社会化也不完善,加之现实社会的复杂多变,成人常常在不同的场合告诫孩子"不要和陌生人说话"!如何走出幼儿与生人交往的误区?本文对此进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

幼儿社会技能——进入儿童群体的重要社会标签   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会标签是社会、他人或社会组织给有关人员加上的一个身份证明,在儿童群体中以人缘的好坏来衡量。社会技能是个体经过学习获得的,从“同伴接纳”的角度分析,主要用于评定同伴接纳或者人际关系(如同伴社会测量地位)。幼儿社会技能是进入儿童群体的重要社会标签,社会技能的获得将促使幼儿良好的心理行为的发生。根据社会技能干预的理论,本文提出社会技能干预训练的方法,以帮助幼儿成功获得进入儿童群体的社会标签。  相似文献   

社会技能评估是自闭症儿童诊断、干预计划制定和效果评价的重要基础。本文回顾了自闭症儿童社会技能评估的学习理论及认知理论,系统梳理了行为观察、角色扮演测验等评估方法,并在此基础上提出了自闭症儿童社会技能评估研究进展的建议:进一步界定社会技能概念的外延及内涵;进一步完善角色扮演测验及编制学前自闭症儿童社会技能评估量表;临床评估中需整合各类方法;进一步将社会技能评估应用于临床实践中。  相似文献   

Generalist practice social workers need to master group leadership and facilitation skills, and the best way to achieve this goal is through actual practice. An innovative teaching approach used to engage undergraduate social work majors in developing group facilitation skills is a “hands-on” service-learning experience leading social skills groups with middle school children. Students have the opportunity for a meaningful educational experience while working with children in a school setting. A four-session social skills curriculum is provided.  相似文献   

孤残儿童的社会交往能力、心理行为问题与寄养   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本研究运用"孤残儿童教育基本情况表"和"CBCL儿童行为量表"对寄养孤残儿童的社会交往能力和心理行为问题进行了调查,结果表明孤残儿童的社会交往能力普遍落后于正常儿童,并存在各种心理行为问题.寄养可促使孤残儿童社会交往能力的显著发展,但单纯的寄养不能解决孤残儿童存在的心理行为问题.  相似文献   

This study explores changes in children's social skills after a cognitive-social skills model intervention. The intervention was conducted over a period of 12 weeks within a regular preschool setting. Sixteen children including four considered to have low social skills participated in the study. Data analysis revealed that the four children with low social skills demonstrated changes in social skills through positive play behaviours such as asking positive questions, offering suggestions, initiating play episodes, and sharing play materials, although they had limited ability to maintain play episodes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the social skills of five groups of children: children with visual impairments attending inclusive education schools, children with visual impairments attending schools for the blind, children with intellectual impairments attending inclusive education schools, children with intellectual impairments attending segregated special education schools, and typically developing children. A hundred and sixty-nine children aged from 7 to 12 participated in the study. The children's social skills were rated by their teachers on the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) – Turkish Form. The results suggested significant group differences between children attending inclusive education schools and children attending special education schools. Analysis of the findings indicated that children with visual impairments and children with intellectual impairments had poorer social skills than typically developing children; however children with visual impairments and children with intellectual impairments attending inclusive education schools had higher social skills than children attending segregated special education schools. The findings of the study were discussed and suggestions for future research were provided.  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童社会技能研究主要围绕社会技能缺失、社会技能训练有效性和社会技能研究方法方面进行。社会技能缺失研究主要探讨学习障碍儿童社会技能缺失成因、分类以及社会技能缺失是否是一种学习障碍等问题。影响学习障碍儿童社会技能训练有效性的因素主要包括干预的频率和强度、干预方法、治疗完整度和训练效果的迁移与保持等。社会技能研究方法的研究主要包括对现有社会技能评定量表和测量方法的分析与评价以及对新的社会技能研究方法———最小可觉差法和功能分析法的特征分析和有效性评价。  相似文献   

This article considers the implications of a small‐scale research project, undertaken by the authors, which used the example of the Massage in Schools Programme (a simple peer massage programme) to ascertain whether the planned use of touch‐based activity can support the growth of social and emotional skills in the primary classroom. Such claims are considered within the context of a modern society that is ill at ease with touch. Data, including observations of children and interviews with children and staff, were collected in two primary school classrooms pre, during and post the introduction of a six‐week massage programme, led by Massage in Schools practitioners. The findings of this project demonstrate that the number of social relationships reported by children did increase post intervention. The article goes on to consider the possible mechanisms by which this was achieved and features of the classroom context that may mediate the impact of the intervention. The authors conclude that a touch‐based intervention such as the Massage in Schools Programme may have a positive and potentially educational value for children and schools and support the growth of social and emotional skills.  相似文献   

Peer acceptance during early childhood is related to children's academic achievement, adjustment in school, and even psychological well-being in adulthood. Children who experience low peer acceptance exhibit socially inappropriate behavior patterns, which are associated with irrelevant patterns of information processing. Therefore, as a way of helping children with low peer acceptance, a cognitive-social learning model of social skills training has been used because the model focuses on cognitive changes as well as behavioral changes. Three parts of the social skills training—enhancing skill concepts, promoting skill performance, and fostering skill maintenance/generalization—are discussed. In order to be successful, a trainer should understand the training model as well as behavioral patterns of children with low peer acceptance to provide theory-based and individualized feedback to each participant.  相似文献   

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