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从话轮替换的角度分析语言是话语分析的方法之一。它最早是在二十世纪七十年代美国一批社会学家创立的,用来分析人们的日常对话。八十年代以后,一些学者把这一分析方法应用到文学范畴,分析书面体形式的对话,同样取得了成功。文章从话轮替换的角度分析商务谈判中的语言特点和日常的对话有什么共性和特殊性,从一个全新的视角欣赏商务谈判的语言。  相似文献   

话轮转换规律为我们日常会话提供了理论指导,如何使会话和交谈顺利地进行一直是人们研究的话题。依据话轮转换理论,探讨在电视访谈节目中主持人如何运用反馈项目和话轮转换策略,以便有效地展开和收回谈话的主题;以及主持人如何掌握谈话内容的宽度和深度。力求能够对人们的日常交际有所启发。  相似文献   

中国修辞界和艺理论界的学,从相同的古代典籍开掘理论资源,也从大致相同的概念范畴、理论话语展开各自的阐述。在共同的开发中,不同的学科视野以各自的方式逼近共同的对象,也留下了一些理论的盲点。鉴此,有必要探讨如何通过学科对话和不同学科经验的相互激活,重辟研究路径,在理论资源共享、研究方法互补的良性运作中,拓展古代修辞理论的研究空间。  相似文献   

This article examines two ideologies that have been prominent in recent, if not current, education thinking. The first is that means can be separated from ends (or processes from products); the second is that learning is merely a process of knowledge acquisition. Attention to these ideologies arises from two projects in the overlapping fields of information and communications technology (ICT) and instructional design. Both projects attend to conversation as an educational resource. They are animated by the questions: should a conversation be regarded as an activity in context or can it be decoupled from the circumstances that define it as a conversation? In other words, does a conversation take place within an environment, or by means of the environment? Relating these questions to the changing view of ICT held within the European Community, the article uses a bricolage of ideas from economic history, communication theory and discourse analysis to summarise how such inherited ideologies might be realigned in the analysis of online conversation.  相似文献   

以会话合作原则为核心的格赖斯会话含义理论引入我国后,引起了我国哲学界、语言学界的广泛关注,同时也一直存在某些异议,争论的焦点之一是合作是否是原则。这里从合作原则与四准则关系的解读出发,阐述违反准则并不就是违反原则,合作是原则。  相似文献   

语境与话语表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语境既要求掌握语言知识,也要应用语言外知识,语境与语言活动的时间和空间有关,与话语的语气和语调有关,与特定的社会规范和会话规则有关,对语境的理解是取得会话成功的首要条件,只有动态分析语境,才能揭示话语含义的本质。  相似文献   

焦蕾 《海外英语》2012,(5):184-186
The cooperative principle in conversation proposed by Herberr Paul Grice is an important theory in pragmatics,which contrib utes a lot to translation.It introduces pragmatics to translation field and injects fresh vigor to translation practice.Translation is also a kind of conversation some time,thus it should also obey the Cooperative Principle and its maxims.Sometimes,translators have to violate some maxims in order to obey the cooperative principle better in some extent.This article will show some examples in which cooperative princi ples can be used as a guide or a scale to improve the quality of translation.  相似文献   

The paper adopts the perspective of turn-taking in conversation analysis to analyze the repetition in a College English lesson.It aims to explore the effects of repetition in teaching.Finally,the paper proposes some implications for teaching conversation.  相似文献   

不完全表述是语言表达中的常见现象,文章以影视文学作品为素材,主要从存在性前提、逻辑前提、常识性前提三个方面进行探讨,并证实了从前提理解不完全表述方法的可行性。因此,作为一种新的尝试,对交流过程中谈话双方信息的理解,有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to examine conversations about living together between cohabiting partners. Survey responses of 103 non-engaged cohabiting couples (206 individuals) were assessed using theme analysis procedures. Results show that 84% of the sample did have a conversation about the transition prior to moving in together. The conversations ranged from relational and logistical issues to justifications for why cohabitation was the right choice. The theme analysis also revealed that for some couples, the decision to cohabit was dependent on having a conversation, while for others the conversation seemed to occur after the decision had been made.  相似文献   

Developing reading behaviours in early childhood is essential for later reading comprehension. This study explored how peer buddy reading could potentially support emergent readers’ engagement with reading behaviours. Across 40 buddy‐reading events, 14 preschoolers (ages 4.0–5.5 years) produced 1,359 conversation turns, which were coded for a variety of reading behaviours including comprehension, thematic vocabulary use and concepts about print. Using statistical discourse analysis, we examined how children's engagement with reading behaviours was related to their buddies’ engagement with reading behaviours in subsequent conversation turns during buddy‐reading events. Findings suggest that some of preschoolers’ reading behaviours, such as literal text representation, inferential text interpretation, character development and comprehension monitoring were related to their buddies’ engagement with reading behaviours; others, such as vocabulary and concepts about print, were not. Implications include that buddy reading can be used to support preschoolers’ engagement with some reading behaviours, such as certain aspects of comprehension.  相似文献   

浅析会话含义理论的实际运用及不足   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谈话是受一定的条件制约的,人们在谈话中总有一个共同接受的谈话目的,在谈话的各个阶段,也可以有各个阶段的谈话目的,而人们的交谈之所以不至于成为一连串互不连贯的话语,是因为交际双方都必须遵守一些基本原则,从而使交际活动能顺利进行。  相似文献   

GAO Chong 《海外英语》2014,(13):200-201
The doctor-patient conversation is the major way of communication between doctors and patients.A good conversation helps to construct a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.This paper attempts to analyze the doctor-patient conversation by applying the Theory of Conversational Implicature.The theory is accepted as the cooperative principle consisting of four maxims:quantity,quality,relation,manner.This paper will analyse how the four maxims work and the violating of the maxims in the doctor-patient conversation.Through linguistic study of the conversation,we try to find out the problems in the doctor-patient conversation and to provide some directive linguistic suggestions to doctors and patients.  相似文献   

Taken‐for‐granteds (TFGs), or uncoded propositions, seem to be as vulnerable to Janguage‐action analysis as is speech. The present essay provides some beginnings to such analysis. Taken‐for‐granteds are described in a brief literature review as being constituted of reflexive relations of patterns and parts‐the parts are micro‐details of messages; the patterns are frames. Following Goffman, a line of research called “frame analysis” is proposed to describe TFG use. Several areas of inquiry are sketched briefly, including: alignment talk, analysis of frame genres, male‐female conversation, and patterns of myth.  相似文献   

The work of the Mikhail Bakhtin circle is examined to discover useful intersections between their approach to situated talk and that of conversation analysis (CA). Although the Bakhtin and CA come from distinctive traditions, they are shown to share many concepts about the analysis of conversation., Comparing the approaches yields three Bakhtinian dimensions of language: open and closed perception, ownership, and incompleteness. These dimensions are applied to three well‐known samples from the literature on analysis of talk, demonstrating how the problem space in analysis of talk can be expanded. The work of the Bakhtin circle is thus shown to be a valuable addition to the investigational repertoire of the conversation analyst.  相似文献   

程式化语言是人类交际中一种极其普遍而复杂的语言现象。它在交际中起着减少投入、增加互动的重要作用。是地道流畅表达的关键。同时,作为一种社会语言现象,程式化语言受各种社会因素的影响而呈现差异。因此。了解并积累各种语境下的程式化语言是成功交际的前提。  相似文献   

本文以解决生态文明建设评价指标体系量化问题为基本任务,概括了社会主义生态文明建设评价指标体系的基本特征,总结了生态文明建设评价指标体系应当遵循的基本原则。文章从8个方面构建了一个包含3层评价指标的社会主义生态文明建设评价指标体系,采用AHP方法确定权重,并提出了运用这一评价指标体系的对策措施。  相似文献   

本文选取了230段陌生人之间的会话开头语作为语料,运用会话分析理论从结构类型、功能类型、话轮交接3个方面对其进行了分析,不仅指出目前对外汉语教材在编写会话语料时,具有结构类型完备、功能类型多样、正常与非正常话轮交接并重等优点,还认为语料编写中也存在嵌入式结构类型量少、缺少应答功能类型、缺少转换关联位置线索等缺陷,并针对缺陷提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Children learn most of their vocabulary incidentally, by hearing words used in their environment. This study explored which kinds of presentations of words, without any direct instruction, yielded greater depth of target word knowledge. Changes in 56 kindergartners’ depth of knowledge for each of 23 novel target words (N = 1,288) based on presentation in 1 of 3 conditions (read-aloud, teacher conversation, or both read-aloud and conversation) were explored and compared to control words that were never presented. A 2-level, cross-classification analysis modeled the postintervention score for each word for each child. Children’s word meaning knowledge improved most when words were presented via combined conversations and read-alouds. Vocabulary gains for words presented via conversations differed across classrooms. Practice or Policy: Both teacher conversations and read-aloud presentations of target vocabulary should be used together. Professional development for teachers’ effective vocabulary conversations may be needed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with one aspect of teachers' professional culture, as it appeared in staffroom conversation — the value of vocation. Teachers sit in the staffroom, and while talking to each other they grumble a lot. These grumblings are a way of teachers presenting themselves to each other, according to Goffman (1959), as well as a way to stress the teachers' vocation. Grumblings have the inner function of raising the teachers' status within the group, and the outher function of raising their status in society. This presentation also offers some of the features of the image of the good teacher, as commonly created in the context of staffroom meetings. The data were collected as a part of a 2-year ethnographic study dealing with a comprehensive high school staffroom in Israel. The method of study was mainly observational, and the conversations were written in the staffroom.  相似文献   

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