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通过对Q-阵及其特征值的分析刻划,得到了Q谱谱半径的一些可达上界和可达下界.最后给出了 Lapla-cian谱谱半径的一个下界.  相似文献   

利用定向图的邻接矩阵的特性,得到了定向图的邻接谱的谱半径的一个可达上界.设D为n阶的定向图,则其邻接谱的谱半径ρ(D)≤n2-1.当n为奇数时,上式取得等号当且仅当D为n2-1出度正则(入度正则);当n为偶数时,不等式严格成立.  相似文献   

利用主特征向量法,给出了主特征分量从优的边移接变换和平衡枝变换两个定义,总结了一般图的移接变换与其谱半径大小关系的相关结论,并应用于特殊图,得到了特殊图上的移接变换与谱半径大小关系的一个结论.  相似文献   

一个混沌系统设计及其FPGA电路实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一个混沌系统,并利用理论和数值仿真对系统的基本特性进行了分析.通过Lyapunov指数谱和分岔图,对系统的状态转换进行了分析.为验证系统的混沌行为,在matlab的simulink下,利用DSP Builder设计了一个电路,并转换成VHDL代码程序,用Quartus II下载到FPGA硬件电路中进行了实验,实验结果与仿真结果完全一致,提出了一种基于FPGA平台和EDA开发工具实现混沌吸引子的新方法.  相似文献   

该文给出了图的谱半径的一个可达上界的证明.  相似文献   

谱共轭梯度法有两个方向控制参数,是解决大规模无约束优化问题的有效方法.本文提出了一个改进的谱参数θ_k,它不同于现有的θ_k.新算法在任何线搜索下都满足著名的共轭条件:d~T_ky_(k-1)=0.新方法的搜索方向在任何线搜索下都是充分下降的.在一般假设下,我们证明该方法在改进的Wolfe线搜索是全局收敛的.  相似文献   

基于FPGA的一个超混沌Lorenz系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在变形的Lorenz系统的基础上,提出了一个新的四维超混沌系统,并通过理论分析和数值仿真对该系统的基本动力学特性进行了深入研究,得到了该系统的Lyapunov指数谱和Lyapunov维数,还设计了一个数字电路进行实验,从电路实验中观察到了各种超混沌吸引子.  相似文献   

钢琴学习是一项复杂的心智活动,钢琴背谱又是钢琴演奏中一个重要的环节.而牢固的记忆是背谱的基础.本文从认知心理学角度,分析大脑记忆的过程及特点,探究了记忆的奥秘.因此充分发挥主动的记忆力,在舞台上保持清醒的头脑,对于钢琴学习者来说是十分重要的.  相似文献   

识谱教学是音乐教学的一个重要环节.识谱教学应从一、二年级抓起,注重引导学生用"唱名"来唱曲调.如何使学生获得"唱名音程感"是现在音乐教学中急需解决的重要问题.  相似文献   

对树的谱半径按照从大到小的顺序进行了排序,给出了谱半径第十四大到第三十二大的树,并给出了树的谱半径的一个新上界.  相似文献   

不要忘记,在人生的路上,要想做成什么事,我们必须持之以恒。如果我们在学校里想要学好功课,就必须得勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。  相似文献   

定积分的计算机求解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用牛顿-莱布尼兹公式求定积分十分方便。但对于找不出原函数的定积分。我们不能舍本求末。走入求定积分的误区。而应当求曲线和X轴所围成的面积。用计算机近似求解。  相似文献   

预设与批判性思维所要求的清晰性、准确性、精确性以及深度有密切关系。对于预设的分析要弄清楚语用预设和语义预设的联系和区别,要逐层进行分析,要以最大限度保证思维的清晰性、准确性、精确性以及深度为原则,把握好分析的程度,要谨慎对待复杂问语。运用预设时,要端正态度,对自己的预设和别人的预设的态度应有所区别。  相似文献   

Language use cannot be separated from its context. Any piece of discourse is the product of a certain context. When we read a piece of discourse, we are trying to understand it  相似文献   

建设社会主义政治文明,要有开放的视野,既要看到政治文明的相互借鉴吸收是一种普遍的历史现象,但又不能完全照搬照抄西方政治制度的模式.而是要从中国的实际出发,大胆学习和借鉴人类政治文明,特别是资本主义政治文明的有益成果,走出一条有中国特色的社会主义政治文明发展之路.  相似文献   

Delphine Hanna was a pioneer in both disciplinary scholarship and the establishment of professional programs. In this paper I contend that we must follow her example if we are to survive in the 21st century. In the past half century we have evolved from a profession primarily associated with teaching to a group of subdisciplines and many different professions. We got where we are as we both reacted to criticism and conformed to university concepts of centrality. For optimal development of both the disciplines and professions of kinesiology/physical education, it is suggested that we must become a field that includes both the disciplines and professions. The field should reward the many different roles equally in the pursuit of its common goals. We learn from nature and history that working together is critical for survival. By working together, we can make kinesiology/physical education the renaissance field of the 21st century.  相似文献   

Should we easily wail about the embarrassment and the unfairness of life?Or should we accept obstacles as challenges?With a choice of stance we can allow ourselves to be oppressed victims.When anything happens to us,we can take it as a sign that we should not expect anything good out of our lives.These are times when we need to determine whether it is wisdom or fear that motivates us in our choices.……  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss meritocracy as it impacts our undergraduate college teaching. As college educators, we have come to realize how little students have been challenged to critically examine the notion of meritocracy. Seeking to understand why this is so and what we can do to engender a more nuanced understanding of how social class is structured and perpetuated across generations, we present an assessment of why the majority of students believe we live in a meritocratic society and how college educators can use specific activities to complicate this view. As we do this we include evidence of how social class and social mobility are structured and why an adherence to meritocracy is, we believe, an anathema to teaching for social justice.  相似文献   

As researchers, we often seek to change science education practices that have become outdated. Throughout such change processes we are faced with the dilemma of embodying relationships of power or discourse that we are trying to transform. A situated cognition framework would suggest that this conundrum is inevitable because a community of practitioners is fundamentally bound by the institution and its resources, concerns and ways of being. If we cannot step outside the institution we are trying to change how can we change something which defines who we, as agents of change, are? We reframe the issue as one of cultural production, where we locate ourselves within a cultural field, struggling to change it. This paper embodies some of the tensions involved in cultural re/production of science education. These tensions are played out both in our autobiographical accounts that are part of this article and in the relationship of the authors as graduate student and supervisor. Through a conversational hermeneutic analysis of the authors' autobiographical writings, we examine some of the salient features of bringing about change in science education.  相似文献   

In response to a mandate to develop a more welcoming university for students, especially those of Aboriginal inheritance, we set out on a journey for ways of accommodating cultural differences in our university classrooms. Over the course of a year, we met regularly and audiotaped our conversations. By talking, transcribing, writing, and rewriting, we carried our understandings forth in a recursive manner. In our efforts to represent the ideas that arose in our conversations, the conceptual movements in our thinking, and the insights that evolved, a play took shape. In the play, three characters evolve their understandings over the course of four acts. In this article, we reflect on the conditions that produced the play; we comment on the process of writing the play; and we share the understandings, insights, and transformations that occurred in our desire to live well amidst differences.  相似文献   

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