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This paper studies the effect of migration age on school performance. We exploit that siblings have different migration age, but share the same family background to identify the effect of migration age on educational attainment in lower secondary education in Norway. We estimate a separate effect for migrants from countries with low access to a high quality school system.We find negative effects of migration age on exam results, and larger effects for migrants from countries with low school access. Language intensive subjects are substantially affected for all migrants, while there are differences according to school access for mathematics performance.  相似文献   

为了解决传统单机Linux程序移植到集群环境的困难,提出集群网络服务器单一系统映像系统架构,即Glosim(Global System Image)集群系统。本系统实现在操作系统内核层,通过修改与IPC对象、进程信号相关的系统调用,集群内部节点相互协作,统一调度,支持全局IPC对象和全局工作进程,透明地从系统底层对上层应用程序提供SSI服务,在Linux2.4.18内核上实现了集群系统的高性能单一系统映像。  相似文献   

基于云计算在信息系统实施、运营方面的架构优势和信息共享优势,提出信息系统迁移路线图及实现迁移所采用的SaaS软件架构模式和关键技术.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,在体制改革和经济转型的双重作用下,我国人口迁移规模不断增加。教育水平是影响迁移的一个非常重要的因素,而人口迁移对教育水平也会产生一定的作用。研究结果显示,县平均受教育年限与县人口的迁出、迁入均呈正相关。从全国来看,县教育水平提高1%,每百万约迁出6人;县人口迁出对县教育的负面影响小于迁入对教育的正面影响。这说明我国城镇化趋势在加强,同时反映出我国目前的人口迁移呈现一种波浪式递进的模式,即从农村到城镇再到城市的层级递进模式。  相似文献   

彻底改革户籍制度,实现迁徙自由   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
迁徙自由是公民的基本权利,是对公民追求幸福生活,实现人生价值的确认与保障。在我国,户籍制度虽历经调整,但总体上仍然是一种身份制度,是计划经济的坚固堡垒和现代化建设的绊脚石。改革户籍制度,实现迁徙自由,是我国经济持续增长和现代化发展的迫切需要。目前提出的暂缓迁徒自由的种种观点,集中表现为对农民进城的恐惧,这是对社会发展缺乏自信力的一种表现。运用多学科的观点对户籍制度改革的重大意义和改革策略进行分析,认为对户籍制度进行改革的时机已经成熟。  相似文献   

三江源区生态移民是当前加强生态建设、构建和谐社会重要的政策措施.在生态移民工作中,应当加大移民社会的制度建设.因为,法律在推进生态治理及生态移民乃至经济创新发展中具有不可替代的作用.当前,移民问题在现有国家法律层面上还没有专门的源头法.因此,政府首先应当面对移民民众的权益,依照国家基本法律制度处理好生态治理与移民安置的关系,不断制定完善生态移民及其权益保障方面的行政法规.  相似文献   

以木本植物女贞为例,根据木本植物吸附土壤重金属特点,布设采样点,利用Sufer软件,进行Kiging插值分析,模拟重金属Cu在土壤-根系界面系统的横向迁移特征;通过多模型统计回归趋势分析,探寻重金属Cu在土壤-根系系统中不同剖面水平方向上的迁移机制。土壤-根系系统重金属空间分布特征研究对于土壤的污染风险评价以及植物修复土壤效应研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对在异构数据库迁移过程中的格式转换问题,探讨了数据迁移系统的设计思想和关键技术;同时根据社保系统的实际需求,在改进原有的方法和流程的基础上,使用XML技术完成数据迁移工作。实际运行结果表明,可以正确、快速地实现社保业务新旧系统的数据迁移,保证数据的完整性。  相似文献   

建国以来农村劳动力流动的政策演变与思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建国以来,随着我国经济体制从计划经济向市场经济转变和改革的不断深入,政府关于农村劳动力流动的政策经历了从严格控制农村劳动力进城到允许并鼓励农民进城、控制农村劳动力盲目流动、引导农村劳动力跨地区有序流动、建立城乡统一的劳动力市场这样一个变化过程.目前我国农村劳动力流动的现状不容乐观,政府还须进一步采取积极有效的政策,致力于建立城乡统一的劳动力市场,以服务于我国现代化建设发展的需要.  相似文献   

A computational model of water migration flux of fine porous soil in frost heave was investigated in a closed system. The model was established with the heat-mass conservation law and from some previous experimental results. Through defining an auxiliary function an empirical function in the water migration flux, which is difficult to get, was replaced. The data needed are about the water content along the soft colunm after test with enough long time. We adopt the test data of sample soil colunms in [1] to verify the model. The result shows it can reflect the real situation on the whole.  相似文献   

史诗是一种古老的民间叙事体长诗,它用诗的语言,记叙各民族有关天地生成、人类起源的传说以及关于民族迁徙、民族战争等重大事件。它有特定的演述场域和民族诗性智慧化身的歌手,"百科全书"式的内容和顺时连贯的程式化叙事范型,从共性发展到个性的众多人物形象。  相似文献   

本文利用上海财经大学2013年“千村调查”中的4719份农民工数据,实证检验了子女随迁入学对农民工迁移决策的影响。研究发现:子女随迁入学的农民工比未随迁农民工更倾向于流入随迁教育政策友好的省份,即迁移存在显著的“洼地效应”;大部分农民工难以达到随迁子女入学门槛要求的稳定就业,衡量成本收益后更偏好省内迁移,通过举家迁移、省内迁移,来降低生活成本、提高迁移稳定性,形成了迁移的“边界效应”。基于倾向得分匹配法的稳健性检验亦证实了以上结论。要破除随迁子女入学的政策藩篱,须要从随迁子女教育体制和劳动力市场机制双管齐下,打造“低交易成本、高公共服务”的教育洼地。  相似文献   

史诗是一种古老的民间叙事体长诗,它用诗的语言,记叙各民族有关天地生成、人类起源的传说以及关于民族迁徙、民族战争等重大事件。它有特定的演述场域和民族诗性智慧化身的歌手,"百科全书"式的内容和顺时连贯的程式化叙事范型,从共性发展到个性的众多人物形象。  相似文献   

高能耗已经成为云计算数据中心的一个重要课题。[1]本文提出了一个基于CPU和内存的二维贪婪型启发式算法,在部署虚拟机的过程中有效地实现了CPU和内存两种密集型服务的组合,同时考虑了虚拟机的服务时间单元,减少了虚拟机的迁移;采用的双阈值策略保障了服务质量并进一步减少了能耗。实验表明该算法具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

性别机制是影响社会分层的重要因素。农村女性的流动具有减弱和强化传统的性别机制和社会分层的双重作用。在现有的“城一乡制度框架”中,性别关系呈现出有变化而没有飞跃的特殊形态。  相似文献   

母语在一定程度上影响着第二语言的学习,比如母语迁移即对新知识的掌握产生妨碍,如语音迁移、词汇迁移、语法迁移、语用迁移等。论文从普通话和英语的对比入手,从音素系统(音位)的比较、音位变体(音节内音变)对比、语法音变(音节外联音音变)对比三方面具体探讨语音对比问题。  相似文献   

High educational aspirations are considered to be a crucial factor for educational success and social advancement. As is also the case in many western European countries, migrants in Germany have higher aspirations than non-migrants. Although migrants’ average school performance levels are significantly lower, their greater educational aspirations exert a positive influence on the acquisition of higher educational qualifications. This paper investigates whether higher aspirations are also revealed in respect of Germany’s highly prevalent dual vocational education and training (VET) system and how this affects the transition to dual VET for young people from a migration background. Multivariate analyses using the database of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) relate to school-leavers in Years 9 and 10 of general schools who aspired to enter dual VET upon completion of schooling. If we control for the main influencing factors, young people from a migrant background are shown to exhibit higher occupational aspirations with regard to dual VET than their counterparts not from a migration background. However, viewed in overall terms, higher occupational aspirations lead to poorer chances of transition to dual VET. This is much more noticeable amongst migrants than amongst non-migrants.  相似文献   

Histology is a visually oriented, foundational anatomical sciences subject in professional health curricula that has seen a dramatic reduction in educational contact hours and an increase in content migration to a digital platform. While the digital migration of histology laboratories has transformed histology education, few studies have shown the impact of this change on visual literacy development, a critical competency in histology. The objective of this study was to assess whether providing a video clip of an expert’s gaze while completing leukocyte identification tasks would increase the efficiency and performance of novices completing similar identification tasks. In a randomized study, one group of novices (n = 9) was provided with training materials that included expert eye gaze, while the other group (n = 12) was provided training materials with identical content, but without the expert eye gaze. Eye movement parameters including fixation rate and total scan path distance, and performance measures including time-to-task-completion and accuracy, were collected during an identification task assessment. Compared to the control group, the average fixation duration was 13.2% higher (P < 0.02) and scan path distance was 35.0% shorter in the experimental group (P = 0.14). Analysis of task performance measures revealed no significant difference between the groups. These preliminary results suggest a more efficient search performed by the experimental group, indicating the potential efficacy of training using an expert’s gaze to enhance visual literacy development. With further investigation, such feedforward enhanced training methods could be utilized for histology and other visually oriented subjects.  相似文献   

我国城市化障碍的深层次分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本从人口迁移的“供给”与“需求”,城市化动力机制、制度安排等三方面的角度分析了我国目前城市化的障碍,其中,城市人口的双重剩余是目前城市化发展的最大障碍,工业化发展缓慢及户籍制度、人口迁移政策、土地使用制度及城市管理体制等因素也是我国目前城市化滞后的主要障碍。  相似文献   

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