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转化思想是指把生疏问题转化为熟悉问题,把抽象问题转化为具体问题,把复杂问题转化为简单问题,把一般问题转化为特殊问题,把未知的问题转化为已知的问题,把顺向思维转  相似文献   

基于我国对学生发现问题、提出问题研究的孱弱,通过课题立项研究,形成了一系列小策略:模仿发端,提出问题;搭建支架,托出问题;逆向构造,命出问题;基于开放,钓出问题;营造情境,孕育问题;基于变化,创编问题;反面切入,发现问题;类比联想,导出问题;拓展引申,萌发问题;改词易字,变出问题;否定假设,提出问题;"元认知性提问",引出问题.并辅以案例分别阐释,以助力学生的问题发现,增强学生的问题意识,提升创新能力.  相似文献   

本文总结了直线与圆锥曲线的位置关系有关的主要题型:直线和圆锥曲线位置关系的判定,距离问题。弦长、弦中点问题,定点问题,定值问题,最值问题,对称问题,定比分点问题,范围问题以及夹角问题,结合典型问题,对这些题型相应的规律方法给出了总结.  相似文献   

陈绪贵 《教师》2010,(16):18-18
伴随教育体制的变革、办学自主权的扩大,教学管理中出现的问题也越来越多,基于问题解决的“问题管理”也就应运而生。近年来,湖南省吉首市第二小学从问题人手,以问题为中心对学校实施管理,我们称它为“问题管理”,收到了良好的效果。问题管理的基本流程是:问题征集、问题整理、问题征解、问题论证、问题管理、问题管理评价。  相似文献   

问题教学以问题作为主线,以问题引入,以问题归结,又以新的问题进入新的学习,问题贯穿于课堂教学的始终。新课程背景下的问题教学的首要任务并不在于直接给学生传授现成的知识,而在于引导学生发现各种各样的问题。问题教学活动自始至终都应围绕问题而展开。  相似文献   

基于问题导向的教学思想,设计具有逻辑关联、螺旋上升的递进式问题链,有助于学生在体验、探究、逐层推进学习的过程中,获得知识和能力.递进式问题链由情境性问题、体验性问题、技术性问题、探究性问题、应用性问题和延伸性问题等构成.在实践应用中,递进式问题链的设计要“瞻前顾后”,递进式问题链的生成具有开放性,问题的呈现要重视情境性和生活化.  相似文献   

1问题的提出问题情境教学是以获取知识方法为前提,以教育教学理论为指导,以解决问题为核心,以把握知识为基本原则,不断提高学生分析问题、解决问题和应用知识的能力.根据问题情境教学理论,课堂教学应该是以提出问题并解决问题的方法来获取新知识的问题性思维过程.这一过程一般包括以下3个环节:产生问题情境;分析问题情境;问题情境的反思.而目前不少教师在以问题教学方式上课时,存在较多问题:教师提出问题多而学生提出问题少,问题呈现方法单调,内容直自,不具有深度和广度,质疑性问题少,同时,解决问题的方法和途径较单一.  相似文献   

唐意容 《中学文科》2008,(4):103-104
什么是问题教学法呢?所谓问题教学法,就是教师通过创设情景,善导问题,引导学生积极主动地在自主、合作、探究的学习过程中努力地发现问题,提出问题,探寻解决问题的途径和方法,由此获得基础知识和基本技能,学会学习并形成正确的价值观,从而完成一个教学过程的教学方法。它以问题为主线,以问题引人,以问题归结,又以新的问题引人新的学习,问题贯穿于课堂教学的整个过程之中,“问题”是问题教学法的主要特征。采用问题教学的课堂教学模式,可称之为“问题课型”或“问题教学”。  相似文献   

教育管理学的研究对象及其分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄崴 《教育研究》2005,26(7):25-28,43
教育管理学的研究对象是教育管理问题或成为问题的教育管理现象。根据教育管理问题的性质,可从不同的角度把教育管理研究的问题分为事实问题与价值问题、经验问题与概念问题、常规问题与革命问题。所有这些问题必须是真问题,而不是假问题。  相似文献   

正课堂提问是每堂课的关键。听课中我们发现一节课中教师虽提出了许多问题,但大量的是琐碎的问题,必然造成知识点的支离破碎,对于学生而言也是不必要的认知负荷。因此,我们要精心设计并提炼出一两个核心问题,核心问题是达成教学目标的关键,它能改变课堂冗长、繁琐、低效的状况。而其他的问题往往是由这个核心问题派生出来的,或与这个核心问题息息相关。抓准了核心问题,那么一节课的教学就能围绕这个核心问题来展开,学生的思维就有了聚焦点,学习的主线就清晰了。一、核心问题的特征核心问题是一节课的中心问题,其他问题都是与之存在逻辑联系的派生问题,解决核心问题  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among academic, sociometric, and personality variables of 242 children who were selected by their teachers as having behavior problems, learning problems, learning and behavior problems, or no problems. The results were generally supportive of teachers' ability to distinguish between children with problems and children without problems. Children without problems and those with behavior problems only were more similar than different. Children with learning problems and those with learning and behavior problems were also more similar than different, yet differed significantly from children with no problems and those with behavior problems only. The unique characteristics of each group were identified and contrasted.  相似文献   

This study compared how selected mathematics textbooks from Mainland China and the United States at the lower secondary grade level represent various types of problems for classroom teaching and learning. The examination of problems was carried out based on the classifications of problem types established in the study, including routine problems versus non-routine problems, open-ended problems versus close-ended problems, traditional problems versus non-traditional problems, and application problems versus non-application problems, among others. Both the similarities and differences in the representation of problems in the selected textbooks were analyzed. The results were used to explore the possible influences of those textbooks on students’ different performances in mathematics, as revealed in cross-national comparisons. Discussions about how to improve the representation of problems in mathematics textbooks were provided at the end of the study.  相似文献   

School attendance problems are associated with a range of adverse consequences, and educational practitioners play a role in identifying and responding to attendance problems. This qualitative study explored educational practitioners’ experiences of working with students with attendance problems and interventions to address them. Focus groups were conducted with sixteen practitioners across three secondary schools. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Attendance problems were considered resource-intensive and emotionally challenging. Practitioners expressed difficulty understanding causes, although individual/family factors were emphasised over school factors. A range of interventions were described, including adaptations to school context and providing emotional support. Views on punitive approaches were mixed. Individualised interventions implemented at the first sign of problems, and a team approach, were considered important. Findings highlight the important role of educational practitioners in identifying attendance problems and implementing interventions. Recommendations include early intervention, team-work, and emotional support for students with, and staff responding to, attendance problems.  相似文献   

Two questions were investigated. First, are children with reading problems in first grade more likely to experience behavior problems in third grade? Second, are children with behavior problems in first grade more likely to experience reading problems in third grade? The authors explored both questions by using multilevel logistic regression modeling to analyze data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Class (ECLS-K). After statistically controlling for a wide range of potential confounds, they found that children with reading problems in first grade were significantly more likely to display poor task engagement, poor self-control, externalizing behavior problems, and internalizing behavior problems in third grade. They also found that children displaying poor task engagement in first grade were more likely to experience reading problems in third grade. Collectively, these findings suggest that the most effective types of interventions are likely to be those that target problems with reading and task-focused behaviors simultaneously.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the knowledge exhibited by 30 elementary school in-service and pre-service teachers in solving non-routine mathematical problems and on their beliefs regarding these kinds of problems. Interviews were used to reveal teachers' knowledge and beliefs. The findings indicated that these teachers had difficulty in solving non-routine problems and that their ability to solve these problems was influenced by their professional backgrounds. Most of the teachers, although failing to solve the given problems, expressed their willingness to give such problems to their students in class, explaining that such problems are important for students to learn how to solve as they help develop mathematical thinking and the skill of solving problems in everyday life. However, the teachers were unwilling to include such problems in examinations.  相似文献   

This study explored whether early elementary school aged children’s externalizing problems impede academic functioning and foster negative social experiences such as peer victimization, thereby making these children vulnerable for developing internalizing problems and possibly increasing their externalizing problems. It also explored whether early internalizing problems contributed to an increase in externalizing problems. The study examined 1,558 Canadian children from ages 6 to 8 years. Externalizing and internalizing problems, peer victimization, and school achievement were assessed annually. Externalizing problems lead to academic underachievement and experiences of peer victimization. Academic underachievement and peer victimization, in turn, predicted increases in internalizing problems and in externalizing problems. These pathways applied equally to boys and girls. No links from internalizing to externalizing problems were found.  相似文献   

Recently, the importance of an everyday context in physics learning, teaching, and problem‐solving has been emphasized. However, do students or physics educators really want to learn or teach physics problem‐solving in an everyday context? Are there not any obstructive factors to be considered in solving the everyday context physics problems? To obtain the answer to these questions, 93 high school students, 36 physics teachers, and nine university physics educators participated in this study. Using two types of physics problems—everyday contextual problems (E‐problems) and decontextualized problems (D‐problems)—it was found that even though there was no difference in the actual performance between E‐problems and D‐problems, subjects predicted that E‐problems were more difficult to solve. Subjects preferred E‐problems on a school physics test because they thought E‐problems were better problems. Based on the observations of students' problem‐solving processes and interviews with them, six factors were identified that could impede the successful solution of E‐problems. We also found that many physics teachers agreed that students should be able to cope with those factors; however, teachers' perceptions regarding the need for teaching those factors were low. Therefore, we suggested teacher reform through in‐service training courses to enhance skills for teaching problem‐solving in an everyday context.  相似文献   

The adaptive use of approximate calculation was examined using a verification task with 18 third graders with mathematics learning disabilities, 22 typically achieving third graders, and 21 typically achieving second graders. Participants were asked to make true-false decisions on simple and complex addition problems while the distance between the proposed and the correct answer was manipulated. Both typically achieving groups were sensitive to answer plausibility on simple problems, were faster at rejecting extremely incorrect results than at accepting correct answers on complex addition problems, and showed a reduction of the complexity effect on implausible problems, attesting to the use of approximate calculation. Conversely, children with mathematics disabilities were unaffected by answer plausibility on simple addition problems, processed implausible and correct sums with equal speed on complex problems, and exhibited a smaller reduction of the complexity effect on implausible problems. They also made more errors on implausible problems. Different hypotheses are discussed to account for these results.  相似文献   

A meta‐analysis examined the relations between children’s adjustment and children’s cognitive, affective, behavioral, and physiological responses to interparental conflict. Studies included children between 5 and 19 years of age. Moderate effect sizes were found for the associations between cognitions and internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and self‐esteem problems, negative affect and behavioral responses and internalizing behavior problems, and behavioral responses and self‐esteem problems. Small to moderate effect sizes were found for the associations between cognitions and relational problems, negative affect and behavioral responses and externalizing behavior problems, and physiological reactions and internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Effect sizes were, with 1 exception, larger for internalizing than for externalizing behavior problems. Age significantly moderated the majority of effect sizes.  相似文献   

We investigated risk factors in a population-based sample of alcoholic (father) and comparison families with 3-year-old sons. Alcoholic and comparison parents did not differ in socioeconomic status (SES), education, years married, family size, or cognitive functioning. Anti-social behavior and depression were significantly greater in alcoholic parents. High risk children were more impulsive than comparison children, but there were no differences in developmental age, IQ, or behavior problems. A higher percentage of high-risk children were rated in the extreme clinical range for behavior problems than were comparison children. For alcoholic families, mothers' ratings of their children's total behavior problems, externalizing behavior problems, and internalizing behavior problems were predicted by mothers' lifetime alcohol problems, current depression, and family SES. Father variables failed to predict children's behavior problems. Maternal variables were stronger predictors of their 3-year-old sons' problem behaviors than were paternal variables.  相似文献   

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