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The education of students identified as ‘gifted’ has had a highly problematic history, having been judged as conceptually confused, socially and ethnically discriminatory, and educationally exclusive. Despite this, it is argued that contemporary research and scholarship critiquing the concepts of giftedness and gifted education programmes may provide a base for teacher education and development generally, rather than only for those interested in giftedness. It has particular potential for altering teachers’ thinking about students’ ability. Such research has emphasised the developmental nature of intelligence, its multidimensional character and the sociopolitical role of the concept of ability in school systems. It is argued that the appropriate use of this research could contribute to a more equitable and inclusive model for teachers’ thinking and for practice in schooling. Five implications for teacher development are discussed.  相似文献   

论罗杰斯的创造观与创新教育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章论述了罗杰斯有关创造性方面的观点,并着重从罗杰斯有关创造性的本质和创造性产生的外部条件出发,分析了罗杰斯的创造观对我国推行“创新教育”改革的启示。  相似文献   

Three proposals are made regarding values acquisition in schools. It is believed that: (a) optimal conditions for the integration of values into school-students' lives will include students' voluntary commitments; (b) values learning must lead to personally transformed relationships between students and topics considered worthwhile; (c) since values learning is, arguably, the core of formal education, there has to be some consistency between what is learned and the wider socio-political scene. It is argued that these conditions are hard to fulfil via the prescribed, performance-oriented curricula currently on offer in English school classrooms.  相似文献   

This article reviews the existing literature on the relationship between dialogue and pedagogy, examining the concepts of dialogic instruction, dialogic enquiry and dialogic teaching. It submits these concepts to critical scrutiny and explores questions which remain to be resolved in the field. It is argued that a dialogic mode of engagement with learners has the potential to bring about a narrowing of the gap in educational outcomes. The structural conditions of schooling and current assessment policy are seen as constraints on the development of a dialogical pedagogy. The article identifies the affective conditions for learning created by different patterns of teacher–student interaction as a neglected line of enquiry, which future research could profitably pursue.  相似文献   

Action research in graduate management research programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how action research may be applied to graduate management research programs. After distinguishing action research from traditional research and establishing that the former is more appropriate for developing managerial competencies than the latter, the paper discusses issues of conducting action research within a graduate management research program. These issues centre on the key concept of distinguishing between action research project and a thesis action research project. Distinctions between action research projects at Masters and PhD levels are noted. It is argued that ideally the core action research project has to be part of the PhD candidate's full-time work. Future difficulties are canvassed.  相似文献   

This is a discussion paper reflecting on the National Literacy Strategy (NLS) after one year of operation. It is argued that, despite claims that it has already had an effect on KS2 SAT (Standardised Assessment Test) performance, it is too soon to make such a judgement. Questions are raised about whether it is wise to use a non‐professional group of assistants to provide the Additional Literacy Support for at risk children in Key Stage 2 or the Key Stage 1 Intervention Programme. It is argued that those children who show atypical development need the most qualified and highly skilled teachers. Finally, it is argued that once the NLS becomes established it will be necessary for all teachers to engage with the research literature so that they teach from a position of professional understanding of the processes involved in reading and writing development.  相似文献   

论罗杰斯心理治疗思想与老子哲学的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了罗杰斯心理治疗思想与老子哲学的关系。本文表明,罗杰斯心理治疗思想中的某些方面.可以追溯到老子哲学。并且.老子哲学对罗杰斯的心理治疗思想.有着重要影响。两者间存在着相同或相通之处。特别是老子哲学中的人责论、无为思想,在罗杰斯心理治疗思想中均有体现。文章还用老子哲学的某些观点和论述.诠释了罗杰斯心理治疗思想中某些方法论原则,即其所说的促进来访者改变和成长的三个前提:真诚一致、无条件积极关注和共情性理解。将老子哲学和罗杰斯心理治疗思想进行比较和探讨,既是可行的.也是颇有意义的。  相似文献   

《要人,还是要科学》一文是罗杰斯晚年运用多年心理咨询理论研究和实践经验,对行为科学研究的目的、价值、方法等理论的一个系统回答。对罗杰斯在《要人,还是要科学》中关于主观体验和科学方法在行为科学研究中价值的观点进行系统论述,作出简要评析,有助于人们从更高的层次上理解和把握罗杰斯思想的精髓。  相似文献   

It is argued that education systems are of considerable importance in the evolving worlds economic and social order. A range of policies are offered which it is argued will improve British educational practices and outcomes considerably. Further advances are argued to be necessary in the improvement of global knowledge management, extending international networks, rethinking public/private collaboration, learning the lessons of research on the human brain, embracing educational transformation and cherishing the ethical core of education.  相似文献   

From context to contextualizing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although context is rapidly becoming one of the core concepts in modern educational thinking, this notion still remains ill-defined in literature. This article aims at contributing to the definition of the notion of context and examining its value for research and development of educational praxes. The article starts out from a general conception of context, identifying its basic intentions as particularization of meaning and providing for coherence. In this article the activity approach to context is explored more particularly. It is argued here that one consequence from this approach is, that context should be conceived of dynamically, i.e. in terms of context-making (contextualizing). Reasoning from this activity approach, several new research questions arise.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2000,10(4):361-391
Hypothesis testing has been seen by science educators as a context which supports the integrated acquisition of conceptual and procedural knowledge. However, research suggests potential conflicts between the conditions conducive to conceptual growth and those conducive to procedural. The study reported here with 9- to 12-year old pupils endorses this, but suggests that the problems can be overcome given tasks where pupils: (a) debate their conceptual knowledge and reach consensus; (b) subject their consensual positions to guided experimental appraisal and draw conclusions from what transpires. It is argued that the demonstrated role of consensus has consequences not just for educational practice but also for psychological theories of development and learning.  相似文献   

Much criticism of educational research has focussed on the problem of its effective dissemination to practitioners. This paper explores an alternative model, in which research, in some of its modes at least, is linked with development rather than dissemination. This argument is made in the context of further education. Most further education colleges have a tradition of involvement in development work, and many have a senior member of staff responsible for it. An examination of this has led to the conclusion that a two-way link needs to exist between researchers and those who have the role of development manager in colleges. It is argued that a well developed model embracing both research and development could be very powerful, and could establish a new and more productive relationship between colleges and universities. However, it is also argued that this relationship cannot be fully effective without some form of mediation. This requires the creation of a new kind of professional to undertake this function. The model proposed is one in which research and development remain distinct activities, each with their own disciplines and expertise, but where R&D as an integrated concept becomes more than the sum of its parts.  相似文献   

人类的学习是一个积极的、主动的建要过程,在教学中如何发挥人的学习的主动性,取得最好的教学效果,已经成为教学优化的目标。罗杰斯的人本主义学习观研究的认知与情感,斯金纳的强化理论对强化的时间关系的论述,以及能倾与教学交互作用研究探讨的因学生能倾特点施教等问题,是我国当前追求最优化教学目标需要特别关注的问题,也是我国当前提倡的创新教育需要注意的问题。借鉴这些研究中有价值的成果,对我国当前的学校教育教学研究和教学改革有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

Earlier research on the development of children with Down syndrome is summarized from the standpoint of the development-difference debate. While some progress is recognized, it is argued that this research has neglected to theorize the concept of context and has, therefor, to a large extent created a notion of a universal child with Down syndrome. Three such neglected contexts are discussed; (1) the controlled setting, (2) the life context of the children, and, (3) culture as a context of development. With the point of departure in the criticism of how these contexts have been theorized, it is argued that (1) it is difficult to search for specific weaknesses in children with Down syndrome, (2) little is known about what factors in the lifes of these children that are important to development, and, (3) since cultures structure development differently, the development of children with Down syndrome will consequently vary from culture to culture. An outline of a framework for the study of the development of children with Down syndrome is proposed as well as its methodological implications. It is suggested that a partly new way of speaking about the development of children with Down syndrome is needed.  相似文献   

Wales is undergoing a major programme of educational reform, including the development of a new curriculum and transformation of the system for supporting learners with additional learning needs (ALN). This article reports on a research project investigating how these two elements are being brought together, drawing on interviews with policy leads and school‐based practitioners. Findings indicate that the new curriculum is perceived as broader, more focused on the quality of teaching and more relevant to all learners. Tensions were apparent, however, in the core belief systems of interviewees. For those with a school‐based and/or curriculum‐focused role, what is in the best interests of specific learners is a core belief that subsumes the idea of inclusivity and necessitates the continuation of arrangements for ALN in their current form. It is argued that clearer articulation of teachers as agents of change is required if educational transformation is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Teacher Evaluation and Teacher Effectiveness in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An outline is given of the UK research situation for the knowledge bases of school effectiveness and teacher effectiveness, and the UK policy situation in terms of school and teacher evaluation, improvement and development. It is argued that the UK has seen a much greater use of school-level policies, reflecting its substantial school effectiveness research base, rather than teacher-level interventions, although there are currently some attempts at policy and practice level to focus upon teacher effects, teacher evaluation and related issues of professional development. Speculations are given concerning future policy and research needs.  相似文献   

The article continues a critical discussion of phenomenography by raising some issues on the status of interview data in such research. It is argued that it is doubtful if and in what sense the interview data generated in much of the empirical work within this tradition can be assumed to refer to “ways of experiencing”, the core object of research in phenomenography. In general, it would seem that the data must be understood as indicative of accounting practices — ways of talking and reasoning — that interviewees, for one reason or another, find appropriate when being asked questions. Very little, if anything, is gained in analytical terms by an initial commitment to a position in which the researcher connects utterances to experiences rather than to discourse, since the latter is what is in fact analyzed. It is also argued that in some important respects discursive practices must be seen as preceding experience, and that experiential accounts given by individuals are grounded in discursive patterns.  相似文献   


The article reports on research conducted in Zimbabwe's 11 universities between 2001 and 2003. The research was aimed at finding how vice chancellors and internal marketers perceived the marketing concept and its organization within the universities including the extent to which prospective university customers considered the arrangements for marketing as meeting their expectations for choice and decision making. It is argued that the new university environment in the developing world replicates that which has driven Higher Education institutions in the developed world to embrace marketing as a key strategic option. However, even in the developed world, marketing in Higher Education continues to be based on imported wisdom from the business sector. The article argues that for marketing to occupy its rightful place in Higher Education, it has to be based on a new axis which reflects the core business of universities. It proposes a theoretical basis for considering a curriculum-focused marketing orientation for Higher Education.  相似文献   

"两个务必"是西柏坡精神的核心,在建设中国特色社会主义小康社会的今天仍然有着宝贵的时代价值:对于加强党风建设,提高党的执政能力,构建和谐社会,学习实践科学发展观,开展争先创优活动具有指导作用,它仍然是推动我党从胜利走向新的胜利的强大动力。  相似文献   

在课程改革日益向纵深发展的今天,对教学效果和教学风格的研究已经引起了国内外学者越来越多的兴趣和关注,追求个性化教学和独具魅力的教学风格已成为一种发展趋势和学科发展的需要。但是,教学风格的研究在体育学科领域里还是一个薄弱环节,本文对当前体育专业理论课教学存在的问题进行了调查分析,指出了国内外教学风格研究发展的趋势及其对体育专业理论课教学的启示。  相似文献   

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