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高师公共教育学课程的实践性质决定了它不能给师范生一个分析逻辑的知识体系,而是通过教师的经验、学生的体验展示给师范生一个生动的教育生活世界。公共教育学课堂就是帮助师范生叩问教育的意义,寻求对教育意义的整体理解。从现象学和解释学的视角重新建构高师的公共教育学课程,有助于培养师范生的教育学意向。  相似文献   

现行的教育理论体系是基于学校通过课堂教学的形式向学生传授系统的文化科学知识而形成的教学教育学,而真正能够促进学生成人、成才的教育理论却是生活教育学。生活教育学是以人的整个生活为视域进行研究的教育学说,生活教育学与教学教育学是整体与局部的关系。生本教育思想要求教育应做到以学生为本,即以学生的发展为本,而要做到以学生为本,必然要求教育理论由教学教育学向生活教育学回归。  相似文献   

钱捷信 《考试周刊》2011,(52):213-215
如何让教育学适应师范生的实践需要,适应新时期人才培养目标的教育教学需要,必须把师范生培养成为懂教育和重视教育实践的教师,教育学教学的策略要为学生专业成长提供一个既有理论又有实践的平台,这样教育学理论教学才能为学生走向合格教师的讲台夯实理论基础。  相似文献   

在教学过程中充分开发师范生已有教学经验,《教育学》能够实现三个方面的价值:检视师范生已有教学经验,帮助师范生树立正确的教学观;阐释教育理论,促进师范生更好地理解、运用教育教学理论;增进师范生《教育学》理论学习与教育实习之间的整合,减轻师范学习负担、提升师范生学习质量。然而传统上《教育学》课程与教学忽视师范生已有经验,片面强调师范生对教育理论的识记、理解与重现,课程价值无法实现。有鉴于此,《教育学》课程围绕师范生已有经验从以下三个方面进行改革:教师从师范生已有经验中筛选典型案例,组织师范生交流、讨论,检视师范生已有教学经验;围绕师范生已有经验,穿插以教育学理论为主的理论知识的学习;大学教师通过指导师范生阅读、组织讨论、提问以及讲解,促进师范生围绕典型已有教学经验进行探讨与研究。  相似文献   

我们时代的教育学教育——以教师的教育学教育为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育学的发展离不开教育学的教育。教育学教育的对象涉及师范生、教育专业的研究生、教师、非教育职业的大众。就针对教育实践者的教育学教育而言,需要以时代为背景,确立教师立场和实践立场,并在此基础上确立教育学教育的目标,包括激发教育学之趣,引发教育学之需,形成教育学之养,养成教育学之眼,培养教育学之觉等。  相似文献   

教育学是师范院校的一门必修课,它对培养合格的教师具有重要的作用。然而实际上,大多数师范生对教育学并不重视,教育学对这些准教师也没起到多大作用。其中原因是多方面的,本试从全方位就教育学的教学提出一些建议,以改进教育学教学,使其成为一门对高师学生真正有用的学科。  相似文献   

教育学是师范生的一门必修专业课,具有特殊的育人功能。它是以增强师范生的职业道德意识,坚定职业信念为主要内容,以教育学理论,观点,方法为中介,提高师范生的职业道德认识的。具体讲,教育学具有培养师范生的“乐业”品质,启发师范生的“教育爱”,增强师范生的“人师”意识等育人功能。  相似文献   

公共教育学的课程资源是丰富的、开放的;师范生是教育对象更是教育资源。要把丰富的课程资源纳入课堂教学,教师就要以学生为本,对课程进行整合,由教转化为学,学生自主地进行学习和研究,以学定教。通过教师自身的课程开发和教学改革的示范,给师范生树立榜样,从而全面开发教育学课程的显性资源和隐性资源。  相似文献   

教育学是师范院校学生的公共必修课,优化公共课教育学的教学质量对培养合格的师范生尤显重要,我们认为,建立合理的教育学的课程观、改善教育学教师的教学理念、重新认识教育实践类课程的功能可以达到优化教育学教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

公共教育学教学的逻辑起点主要存有师范生、教师、人三个维度,据此出发构建的教 育学体系分别是师范教育学体系、教师教育学体系、大众教育学体系.师范教育学体系迎合 了教师职前教育的需要,但忽略了教师职后教育的需求.教师教育学体系有效地将教师的职 前教育与职后教育要求结合起来,但仍然未能拓展教育在社会发展中的作用.大众教育学体 系则从所有人在社会不同场所中的教育角色出发树立"人人是教育者"的理念,以实现构建和谐社会的宏伟目标.  相似文献   

This article analyses university pedagogy by contrasting mainstream pedagogy and feminist pedagogical thought. The data consist of two textbooks, and we investigate what kinds of teaching, learning and knowledge the textbooks construct and what kinds of student and teacher positions they suggest. The inquiry shows that learning in the textbooks is seen as a strictly defined, hierarchical process and that ideal teaching stresses methods over content. The power of knowledge is not discussed, nor are gender, sexuality and other differences. Academics are seen as professional teachers who master teaching methods, and students are framed as customers. An assumed human sameness, marketisation of education, emphasis on vocational benefit and ‘pathos of the new’ were found to be themes guiding mainstream pedagogy. We suggest that feminist pedagogy can offer an alternative approach, one enabling a critical analysis of the power of knowledge and an awareness of differences among students.  相似文献   

Problematisation is the means by which critical pedagogy attempts to destabilise power relations related to gender, race, class, identity etc. Studies in critical pedagogy in language teaching explore different ways of problematisation treating problematisation as classroom practice. However, they do not specifically address the teacher’s struggle in employing problematisation and the learners’ experience with it in classroom settings. Hence the complexity of problematisation remains neglected in research in critical pedagogy in classroom contexts. This article explores the notion of problematisation through an analysis of a writing lesson involving undergraduate students in Bangladesh. It analyses both the teacher’s and a student’s encounters with and reflections on problematisation throughout the lesson, and reveals that problematisation embodies complexities, and is empowering when it is self-reflexive.  相似文献   

Silence infuses all aspects of our daily communications: what we say and what remains unspoken; those to whom we speak, and those we ignore; those we trust and respect, and those we do not. In the school environment, interactions between students and teachers lie at the heart of pedagogy. This relationship is also marked by its silences, and the concept of ‘student voice’ arose out of these silences on matters that affect students. However, the role of silence in such interactions has yet to receive comprehensive attention. This article presents the findings of a study on the uses and experiences of silence in the classroom with secondary school students aged 14–15 years and their teachers. Drawing on nine group discussions and 33 interviews with 20 teachers and 35 students, respectively, I argue that an oversight of silence in the student voice discipline has obscured the power dimensions of student voice, and the injustices that become visible when different forms of silence are illuminated. I argue that there are two core ideas which emerge from the findings: firstly, that silent practices manifest in two distinct paradigms of productivity and listening which function as expectations of teaching and learning; secondly, that the conflation of the listening paradigm with respect demonstrates the capacity of silent practices to reinforce the division between teaching and learning to become mediums of injustice. I conclude that this dichotomous relationship between pedagogy and student voice requires a pedagogy based on a critical examination of respect.  相似文献   

This paper opens a theoretical discussion regarding the pedagogy of a learning setting as students experience it. Students’ experience of learning deserves particular attention because it may differ from the pedagogy that is designed and campaigned for by the school, or even from the one that is ‘experienced’ by the teacher in the same situation. In order to open up such a discussion, we introduce the term ‘pedagogy in practice’ (PiP). This new term describes the pedagogy that actually acts on students’ thought and affects; it relates to the interaction between the school’s pedagogy and students’ experience of it. In this paper, we define the concept of PiP and examine its implications and differentiation from related pedagogic concepts. By doing so, we question educators’ and policy makers’ ability to understand, evaluate, make sense of, and eventually improve pedagogies or curricula in general without looking at PiP in particular.  相似文献   


Public schools have increasing numbers of its teachers fitting into one demographic, white and female, while the numbers of Black/African American teachers decrease. This trend has not changed since the publication of Black on Black Education: Personally Engaged Pedagogy for/by African American Pre-Service Teachers. Furthermore, African American collegiate students who decide to enter teaching may face a chilly climate because of their cultural and educational experiences as they encounter devaluation in the classroom. This work provides a critical race reflective examination into the teaching and learning experiences and dilemmasI using personally engaged pedagogy as a means of enhancing the quality of the learning experiences for African American pre-service teachers. Critical race theory (CRT) and Critical Race Feminism (CRF) will be used as the theoretical framework for understanding the role of race and gender in teacher education. Critical autoethnography is the methodological approach used to examine the subject phenomenon. Field notes, research journaling, and student memoirs provide data for this critical autoethnography. This work highlights the significance of CRT/CRF’s unique voice of color and CRF’s multidimensionality to engaged pedagogy, creating a personally engaged pedagogy.  相似文献   

Within US teacher preparation programs, critical pedagogy and a desire for social change can lead teacher educators to prioritize transformation of prospective teachers’ beliefs through self-reflection. In pursuit of effective critical pedagogies, teacher educators also need to examine their own practices and beliefs. This self-study, a manifestation of teaching as inquiry, reframes evaluations of teaching away from what students do toward what teachers do. Here I undertake a reflexive examination of my own recursive practice as a teacher educator in children’s literature. Drawing upon a complex notion of teaching and learning, I argue that student learning outcomes are unpredictable, and as a result, successful teacher education should model self-inquiry as a vital part of teaching. Findings show that teaching choices (and omissions) in response to students’ responses led to unintended outcomes that undermined my motivations. I conclude that teacher educators’ self-inquiry and reflection in broader social contexts offers access to critical ways of thinking that underlie their work toward developing similar capacities among their prospective teacher students.  相似文献   

While educators in many parts of the world grapple with what creativity means in practice, discussions about creative pedagogy usually include the elements of creative teaching, teaching for creativity and creative learning. This article stems from a research project that occurred at a Preparatory to Year 9 school in Australia where we worked with staff to explore their understandings of creativity and creative learning in the Arts. We found that while students’ creative learning is a fundamental element in a creative pedagogy framework, the notion of creative learning of teachers is largely overlooked in discourses of teachers’ professional learning. Given the important role teachers play in student learning, we argue that teachers need to be informed not only about how to teach creatively and for creativity, but also how to consider possibilities and understand things in new ways, thereby making a case that a teacher’s own creative learning is crucial.  相似文献   

During their years of schooling, students develop perceptions about learning and teaching, including the ways in which teachers impact on their learning experiences. This paper presents student perceptions of teacher pedagogy as interpreted from a study focusing on students' experience of Year 7 science. A single science class of 11 to 12 year old students and their teacher were monitored for the whole school year, employing participant observation, and interviews with focus groups of students, their teacher and other key members of the school. Analysis focused on how students perceived the role of the teacher's pedagogy in constructing a learning environment that they considered conducive to engagement with science learning. Two areas of the teacher's pedagogy are explored from the student perspective of how these affect their learning: instructional pedagogy and relational pedagogy. Instructional pedagogy captures the way the instructional dialogue developed by the teacher drew the students into the learning process and enabled them to “understand” science. How the teacher developed a relationship with the students is captured as relational pedagogy, where students said that they learned better when teachers were passionate in their approach to teaching, provided a supportive learning environment and made them feel comfortable. The ways in which the findings support the direction for the middle years and science education are considered.  相似文献   

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