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培训和继续教育正在成为企业发展和人力资源开发的重要途径,但总体上,我国劳动者的在职培训与社会发展和劳动者自身发展的要求还有很大差距,而且不同行业、不同职业、不同文化程度的劳动者学习培训的状况之间存在较大差距和不平衡性。因此,应在调查研究的基础上,建立并完善在职培训和终身教育的领导管理体制,加快终身学习法律法规的建设,重视弱势人群的培训和学习机会,建立健全有关的学习保障机制,促进教育培训的公平和公正,进一步调动全社会在培训和继续教育方面的积极性,并注意引进国外优质教育资源,加快教育培训信息化的步伐,加强培训机构建设,促进培训主体和经费来源多元化。  相似文献   

Objective and subjective indices of imagery and verbal ability and their relationship to recognition memory for pictures and concrete words were examined in a large correlational study. Objective spatial tests of imagery proved to be better predictors of picture recognition than were self‐assessments, the Flags test excepted. Spatial tests also predicted word memory in males, but not females. Imagery control and imagery vividness bore little relation to recognition; vividness within specific modalities may have some influence, however, particularly in males. Verbal fluency and verbal comprehension were either unrelated or marginally negatively related to performance. In general, a more specialised pattern of ability‐performance correlations emerged for females than for males.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are neurodevelopmental disorders that emerge in childhood. There is increasing recognition that ADHD and autism frequently co-occur. Yet, questions remain among clinicians regarding the best ways to evaluate and treat co-occurring autism and ADHD. This review outlines issues relevant to providing evidence-based practice to individuals and families who may be experiencing difficulties associated with co-occurring autism and ADHD. After describing the complexities of the co-occurrence of autism and ADHD, we present practical considerations for best practice assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD. Regarding assessment, this includes considerations for interviewing parents/caregivers and youth, using validated parent and teacher rating scales, conducting cognitive assessments, and conducting behavior observations. Regarding treatment, consideration is given to behavioral management, school-based interventions, social skills development, and the use of medications. Throughout, we note the quality of evidence that supports a particular component of assessment or treatment, highlighting when evidence is most relevant to those with co-occurring autism and ADHD across stages of development. In light of the current evidence for assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD, we conclude by outlining practical implications for clinical and educational practice.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育对大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观起着巨大的作用,而艺术美育在培养大学生审美情趣、道德情操中也发挥着不可忽视的作用。促进两者的有机融合和渗透,发挥各自的作用和功能,是培养和提高大学生整体综合素质的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

Faculty morale is low and falling. Support budgets for higher education are tight and getting tighter. The quality of education programs increasingly is questioned. This article presents a case for selective funding of new approaches to higher education. The author argues that though blank-check funding is a phenomenon of the past, special incentive grant programs are an effective means of addressing all three problems. He cites the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education and a special State Fund for Innovation and Improvement in the Instructional Process in California as programs that have tapped faculty creativity and improved the quality of education at modest cost.David H. Provost, Professor of Political Science on leave from California State University, Fresno, is Statewide Dean, Division of New Program Development and Evaluation, Office of the Chancellor, The California State University and Colleges, Long Beach, California 90802.  相似文献   

The assertion that manpower and skill research does not exist or is only in its infancy in Italy (90) is correct in the sense that research which takes into account all the factors influencing production and the use of skills has not yet been developed. On the other hand, many research teams are concerned with problems of direct relevance to the present study. The Institute for Research on Economic Development and Technical Progress (Istituto per gli studi sullo sviluppo economico e il progress tecnico, ISVET) in Rome, for example, is commissioned by government bodies to study particular aspects of the relation between technical development and the educational sys tem. (91) The Center for Education and Research in Southern Italy (Centro di formazione e studi per il mezzogiorno, FORMEZ) deals primarily with problems in the planning of vocational-technical education that arose as a result of industrialization in Southern Italy, while the Institute for Research on Labor and Industrial Relations (Istituto di studi sulle relazioni industriali e del lavoro, ISRIL) is concerned especially with observing changes in the industrial sector. (92)  相似文献   

Seven- and eight-year-old deaf children and hearing children of equivalent reading age were presented with a number of tasks designed to assess reading, spelling, productive vocabulary, speechreading, phonological awareness, short-term memory, and nonverbal intelligence. The two groups were compared for similarities and differences in the levels of performance and in the predictors of literacy. Multiple regressions showed that both productive vocabulary and speechreading were significant predictors of reading for the deaf children after hearing loss and nonverbal intelligence had been accounted for. However, spelling ability was not associated with any of the other measures apart from reading. For hearing children, age was the main determinant of reading and spelling ability (due to selection criterion). Possible explanations for the role of speechreading and productive vocabulary in deaf children's reading and the differences between the correlates of literacy for deaf and hearing children are discussed.  相似文献   

The success of standards-based education systems depends on 2 elements: strong standards, and assessments that measure what the standards expect. States that have or adopt test-based accountability programs claim that their tests are aligned to their standards. But there has been up to now no independent methodology for checking alignment. This article describes and illustrates such a methodology and reports results on a sample of state tests. In general, although individual items align quite well with some standard, the tests as a whole are not well aligned. With few exceptions, the collections of items that make up the tests that we examined do not do a good job of assessing the full range of standards and objectives that states have laid out for their students. This misalignment can have serious consequences for instruction and for the validity of test results.  相似文献   

Readers' memories for the physical location and sequence of information in a text were measured to further explore how they are represented in memory and their relation to comprehension. Participants read a biography or an expository essay and were tested on their comprehension of the text, memory for the location of information on a page of text (place on the page), and temporal memory for the sequence of information in a text (text sequencing). Results suggest that (a) readers store a substantial amount of text-sequencing information, (b) memory for text-sequencing information is strongly related to comprehension, (c) memory for place on the page is very weak, and (d) memory for place-on-the-page and text-sequencing information appear to be distinct. Our results indicate that text-sequence information is part of the textbase or situation model, whereas place-on-the-page information is a surface-level memory.  相似文献   

哲学对象论有四对基本矛盾大范畴---在者或非在者(在者的外在矛盾);正者与反者(在者的内在矛盾);存在或非在(存在的外在矛盾);实在与应在(存在的内在矛盾)。基于此,引出了在者的外在矛盾是哲学对象本体论之完全性的根据;在者的内在矛盾是正反内容逻辑(Logos)之对象本体论的根据;存在的外在矛盾是正非形式逻辑(Logic)之对象存在论的根据;存在的内在矛盾是认知模态逻辑与行为规范逻辑之统一性的根据。据此,通过相同在者必存在互蕴公理和相反在者必存在互蕴公理,将哲学对象论的上述四对基本矛盾大范畴间的种种逻辑关系,以及涉及认识与实践的关于逻辑形式否定关系的非等值矛盾命题规律、关于描述内容否定关系的等值矛盾命题规律之哲学对象论的根据全都揭示出来了。  相似文献   

赛博基础设计作为一个统一的技术平台,具有技术推动、社群牵引、专长拓展等显著优势,为教育打造了一个把有形的物质资源和无形的人力资源整合在一起的新型学习环境——赛博学习环境。赛博学习环境的构建要吸收和借鉴复杂性科学的思想方法,以社会系统工程的方式进行建构。赛博学习环境的基本架构由赛博基础设施、赛博技术工具、数字化学习资源和软件平台以及个性化交互界面等部分组成,借助于数字化通信技术和高性能运算技术,构造了一个新型的数字化学习共享空间。以系统集成为核心特征的赛博学习空间具有开放性和分布式的显著特征,为我们提供了前所未有的学习机遇,比如协作、建模、可视化等。  相似文献   

两晋南朝时期,社会上盛行“尊老养老”之风。大量文献记载足以说明此时“尊老养老”之风的普遍性和社会性。门阀士族的养老待遇与庶民百姓的养老待遇有很大区别。广大劳动人民虽然生活困窘,但仍能奉亲敬老,这种美德与真情更值得称道。  相似文献   

Current teaching and learning methods reveal marked differences between how students approach learning and how instructors approach teaching. Little attention has been paid to understanding these differences and their implications for designing successful learning environments. The purpose of the paper is to introduce a framework for understanding and reconciling perspectives on teaching and learning success. First, we examine perspectives on learning success. Next, we compare and contrast beliefs and practices associated with teaching and learning. Finally, we introduce a model for reconciling teaching and learning beliefs and practices, and discuss implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

着力推进宏观调控科学化与精确化,是国民经济持续快速健康发展的客观要求,是切实转变经济发展方式的重要保障,是有效抵御内外部重大风险冲击的基本条件。当前,着力推进宏观调控科学化与精确化应努力实现四大转变,即调控理念上从期望完全平衡向满足近似均衡转变,调控方略上从短期被动跟进向长期主动引领转变,调控模式上从注重目标管理向突出过程控制转变,调控操作上从事后刚性校正向事前弹性调适转变。具体操作中,需研究解决好总量对比态势的判断指标问题、适度增长速度的评估确定问题、调控工具与手段的选择使用问题。  相似文献   

A pool of 116 14-18-year-old secondary school pupils who had been given the computer-presented Cognitive Styles Analysis was used to provide two sub-samples to explore the relationship between style and motor skills and sports performance. The Motor Skills sub-sample of 69 (32 males and 37 females) did a battery of motor skills tests. A factor analysis suggested four skills factors - bodily movement, interactive skills, mechanical skills and aiming. All of these except the mechanical skills showed a significant relationship to style. The Sports Performance sub-sample of 99 (46 males and 53 females) were rated on a five-point scale by their teachers on performance in rugby, soccer and cricket for the boys, and hockey, netball and tennis for the girls. Here, there was a significant effect of style for tennis but not for the team games. The findings were discussed in terms of their practical implications.  相似文献   

毛泽东是现当代的化巨人、伟大诗人,他的诗词对当代的诗歌创作尤其是旧体诗词的创作,有着巨大的影响。然而对其诗词的研究,谈其对现实社会生活关系的多,而对其诗词的历史渊源的探讨较少。对毛泽东诗词从中华民族化精神与艺术形式传统两个方面,系统地分析它与唐宋诗词的渊源关系,及其对古典诗词的化精神传统及艺术形式的全面继承、批判、超越与创新,对于繁荣当代社会主义的学艺术的创作,尤其是诗歌创作,有深刻的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

世界开放大学的办学理念以服务大众终身学习需求为基础,其教育目标是使学习者无论何时何地都能够获取知识、发展技能、提升能力。在经济体制发生深刻变革、教育技术不断更新的时代,终身学习正在逐步从理想变为现实。我们在探讨终身学习战略发展的同时,通过研究世界一些典型开放大学多年的教育实践活动,重申开放大学的历史使命,并坚持认为开放大学应继续在促进终身学习过程中发挥重要作用。无论在管理体制、运行机制上,还是在教学内容和教学方法上,开放大学都始终在探索服务大众终身学习的方式和渠道。然而,终身学习作为民族振兴的基本国策,还需在实践探索中不断完善其体系构建。开放大学在促进终身学习体系构建的实践探索中,还需不断了解和分析各类学习群体对终身学习的需求,在资源获取、技术应用和制度建立等方面还需进一步为学习者提供优质的服务,要在与普通高校、企业、行业等机构的合作中,逐步建立起终身学习的立交桥,实现学分转换、资格认证、学历教育与非学历教育的互通。开放大学要在参与构建终身学习体系的实践探索过程中形成更加成熟的思考,并付诸行动。  相似文献   

网络信息化的高速发展 ,为高校教学科研提供了一个崭新的环境。教学工作者为了获取有价值的教学科研信息 ,应主动与图书资料人员建立紧密的互动机制 ,对信息进行科学处理。  相似文献   

Helwig CC  Yang S  Tan D  Liu C  Shao T 《Child development》2011,82(2):701-716
This research applied social domain theory to illuminate reasoning about the perceived legitimacy and limits of group decision making (majority rule) among adolescents from urban and rural China (N = 160). Study 1 revealed that adolescents from both urban and rural China judged group decision making as acceptable for both social conventional and prudential issues, but not for personal issues or those that entailed possible harmful coercion of others. Study 2 revealed that personal jurisdiction develops later for rural than urban adolescents for certain issues (democratic rights to political participation and choice of friends). Results indicate that reasoning about group and personal jurisdiction in a non-Western society (China) is influenced by social domain, age, and environmental setting (modern vs. traditional).  相似文献   

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