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如果问大家,e是什么?多数人会说它是英语字母表里的第5个字母.如果再问它在数学上表示什么,那么只有少数人能够说出它是一个数,而且是一个奇怪的数,e=2.71828….e在我们周围出现的频率跟任何一个特定的整数一样多,尽管它的出现并不总能被人们察觉.  相似文献   

1 Clifford代数C1-,1的若干性质Clifford代数Cl1,1是4维实代数,它的基为{1,e1,e2,e1,2},满足下列乘法运算:e21=-e22=1,e1e2=-e2e1,由基元素张成的子空间由纯量、向量和双向量构成,1R纯量e1,e2R1,1向量e12∧2R1,1双向量Clifford代数Cl1,1可以表示为Cl1,1=R R1,1∧2R1,1.其中Cl1  相似文献   

“e”似乎在一夜之间充斥了中国各类媒体,在广告牌、报纸、杂志上,你随时能看到它心安理得地与汉字朋友们同处一室。“e”到底是什么?在英语中,“e”是electronic的缩写,意思是电子,词性为形容词。在汉语中,“e”是———①“e”就是“易”,可以理解为交易的易,也可以理解为容易的易。例如:WWW.ebid.com易必得拍卖网WWW.ego800.com易购网电子邮件“e拉罐”②“e”就是“一”,例如:行家细细评说,e路风光无限中国制造网,千里姻缘e线牵领先e招e步登天③“e”就是“伊”,例如:WWW.eliren.com伊丽人网站世纪e始,神…  相似文献   

在高三复习时碰到了下面一题: 设两个向量e1、e2满足|e1|=2,|e2|=1,e1、e2的夹角为60°,若向量2te1+7e2与e1+te2的夹角为钝角,求实数t的取值范围.  相似文献   

1问题的提出 题目:设两个向量e1,e2,满足|e1|=2,|e2|=e1,e2的夹角为π/3,若向量2te1+7P2与向量e1+te2的夹角为钝角,求实数t的取值范围.  相似文献   

无理数e的实质其实是一个极限问题,它是数学家欧拉命名的,用来代表一个无理数,其值为2.71828182846.在今天的银行业里,e是对银行家最有帮助的一个数.假如没有e的发现,银行家要计算今天的利息就要花费大量的时间,无论是逐日地算复利,还是持续地复利都无法避免复杂的运算.有幸的是,e的出现为银行家助了一臂之力.  相似文献   

在当今,“e”似乎成为了一个流行时尚词,就如前不久中央电视台8套播出的电视连续剧《e网情深》,再如学生辅导书“e讲e练”等等。当你问别人是什么星座时,对方也许回答“e座”。让你“丈二和尚——摸不着头脑”。什么是“e座”?我想它只不过是一个总称,其中分12种类型,让我们一起来看看吧!“e想天开”型:这种人想象丰富,富有创造能力,喜欢拆拆弄弄,好奇心十分强;独树一帜,坚持己见。“e诺千金”型:这种人十分看重诚信,凡是自己答应的,即使碰个头破血流也要做到,因此有威信,颇受周围人尊敬。“e气风发”型:这种人拥有朝气…  相似文献   

章采用证法新颖,以避开传统的对数列(1+1/n)^n极限存在性的证明;巧妙地利用平均值不等式给出了较为简单的证明,并在理论上说明了Euler数e的存在性,在此基础上给出了数e的两种近似计算方法,最后对数e的无理性作了进一步的讨论。  相似文献   

无理数e的实质其实是一个极限问题,它是数学家欧拉命名的,用来代表一个无理数,其值约为2.71828182846,在今天的银行业里.e是对银行家最有帮助的一个数.假如没有e的发现.银行家要计算今天的利息就要花费大量的时间.无论是逐日地算复利,还是持续地算复利都无法避免复杂的运算.有幸的是,e的出现为银行家助了一臂之力.  相似文献   

数,不管它是正整数、有理数、无理数,甚至虚数、复数、四元数、超复数……永远都是诱人的.话说0.618这个数目,来头实在不小,它的名气虽然比不上圆周率π、自然对数的底e,却也半斤八两,相差无几.人们发现在兔子繁殖、植物生长、梯级爬升……乃至保密通信等方面,0.618所起的作用非同小可.但为了看出眉目,进行统计推断与假设检验,一般需要研究0.618的高次方,  相似文献   

“初等数论”是高师院校数学专业的一门传统专业选修课,在中小学各级数学竞赛、组合数学、密码学等方面都有广泛应用,是一门重要的数学专业课程。但近几十年来,数论课无论教材内容还是教学方法变化都不大,为了适应当前中小学和高校课改的需要,我们有必要对该课进行出一些改革探讨。本文从教学内容和教学方法上分析了传统的数论教学中存在的不足,然后提出了针对性的改革措施。  相似文献   

椭圆曲线加密算法的研究与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,椭圆曲线作为公开密码体制的基础,已引起了通信保密领域内的广泛关注。文章对椭圆曲线加密算法的数学基础理论知识和基本原理作了详细的阐述,并对它的一个应用作了剖析和研究。  相似文献   

Interactive mathematics using mathematical notation on the Web have up to now not been possible. The development to the XML-standard MathML and also the use of JAVA servlet containers have made it possible to use the Web as an advanced calculator using numeric, graphic and symbolic mathematics interactively. In connection with mathematical e-learning for engineering students this will represent quite a quantum step. In many European countries both the number of students in mathematical courses generally and the number passing through the exams has reached a ‘dangerously’ low level and industry and schools are complaining. To meet this challenge the pedagogics and the methods of communicating mathematics will have to undergo an innovative process where new technology is important. The improvement of understanding mathematics by using interactive and personalized documents on the Web could reverse bad trends, and the problems associated with recruiting girls into engineering and mathematics also have to be emphasized through the selection of applications.  相似文献   

当前很多初中生都认为数学是初中学科中最难学的,无论是学习效果还是学习成绩都不太理想。对此,学校和家庭要联合起来,寻找可能阻碍初中数学授课成效的相关原因。笔者在总结以往的课堂经验和教学效果的过程中,发现在课堂上应用数形结合的教学思想时,教学效果是最佳的。将数形结合与初中数学教材知识点相结合,能够降低知识点的难度。对此,笔者经过研究分析,简述了在初中数学课堂中使用数形结合法的好处,并根据初中数学中的重难点,对数形结合法在数学教学中的科学应用展开了论述。  相似文献   

Individual differences in mathematics performance may stem from domain-general factors like working memory and intelligence. Parietal and frontal brain areas have been implicated in number processing, but the influence of such cognitive factors on brain activity during mathematics processing is not known. The relationship between brain mechanisms during symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison and individual differences in working memory, nonverbal IQ, and mathematics achievement were investigated to determine possible associations with behavior and brain function. A number of brain areas showed correlations with working memory and number processing. For symbolic digits, working memory showed a positive relationship with brain activity in a network of bilateral parietal, temporal, and right frontal regions. For nonsymbolic dot arrays, working memory showed a negative relationship with several parietal and frontal brain areas. This relationship indicates differences between behavioral and brain function measures and points to the importance of working memory and basic number processing.  相似文献   

近年来,小学“奥数”越来越热。小学生做奥数题是否真的有利于小学生的数学思维能力发展,这一问题成为一些教育界人士与家长关心的重要议题。文章认为,大面积的小学生“奥数”培训热,降低了小学生数学学习的兴趣,不利于提高小学生的数学能力。小学数学教学应该把提升小学生的数学素质作为基本出发点,促进小学生的数学思维能力发展。  相似文献   

The foundations for more advanced mathematics involve a good sense of rational numbers. However, research in cognitive psychology and mathematics education has repeatedly shown that children and even adults struggle with understanding different aspects of rational numbers. One frequently raised explanation for these difficulties relates to the natural number bias, i.e., the tendency to inappropriately apply natural number properties to rational number tasks. This contribution reviews the four main areas where systematic errors due to the natural number bias can be found, i.e., their size, operations, representations and density. Next, we discuss the major theoretical frameworks from which rational number understanding is currently investigated. Finally, an overview of the various papers is provided.  相似文献   

Literacy educators have been actively theorising the demands of literacy in New Times yet mathematics educators have taken little of this debate up. If, as literacy educators suggest, literacy demands are different in these New Times, what are the implications for numeracy or mathematics educators? This paper explores perceptions of young and older people who are engaged in work practices. It was found that there were statistically significant differences in a number of areas. Numeracy was found to be an important variable in discerning differences between older and younger people, and that technology was also seen to differentiate the two cohorts. Within numeracy, older people were more like to see number as important, whereas younger people were more likely to identify statistics, applied areas of mathematics and the use of technology to support numeracy as being important. These finding shave implications for theorising and practice in mathematics education.  相似文献   

Mathematics departments in many universities, in many countries, are under pressure. The demand for mathematics undergraduate programmes is diminish- ing and service mathematics is under threat. In particular, engineering schools are either reducing the number of mathematics courses in degree programmes or engineering staff are teaching mathematics as part of engineering analysis courses. There is also a strong trend in engineering education to make greater use of computer courseware like Mathcad, Matlab and other software systems for the mathematical and statistical components of engineering programmes. Engineer- ing education is undergoing substantial change. The mathematics of engineering programmes will need to change accordingly. Mathematics learning centres have been established in many universities world-wide. Initially their main role was to provide assistance for those who had insufficient levels of competency in pre- requisite mathematics. However, these centres can also make a very useful contribution to the latest trends in the mathematics education of engineering undergraduates. This paper will describe that contribution.  相似文献   

随着美国公众认识到个体的数学学习与数学能力在其发展中的重要意义,"数学等于机会"等理念获得广泛认同,数学教育中的公平问题也愈加受到关注。在美国中小学,不同族裔、家庭背景、城乡区域的学生在数学学习水平上存在着明显差距。导致差距的原因错综复杂,可以从教育资源配置、家庭背景、文化观念等方面予以阐释。  相似文献   

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