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The purpose of this study was to examine what distance education-related skills and knowledge television production specialists had to learn in order to perform their jobs. The purposive sample for this study consisted of 12 full-time television production specialists who develop live, interactive, video-based educational programs at American universities. However, prior to employment at their respective universities, these television production specialists had no experience or educational background in the field of distance education. Qualitative methods were used to collect data. The analysis gave rise to the finding that television production specialists had to learn skills in two major areas—technical skills and personal/interpersonal skills—and knowledge of instructional design methods.  相似文献   

Attacking widespread under‐education with limited resources in the scattered, oppressed adult population of South Africa is a formidable challenge. One way of meeting this challenge could be to develop adults’ critical thinking skills, using their own experience as their main educational resource. Experiential learning technology, facilitated from a distance, could provide a means of achieving this aim. Research carried out at a conference on experiential learning at Natal University, Durban, provided an opportunity to assess the viability, desirability and usefulness of this educational method and aim. Participants’ responses indicate that the method is promising, although further experiment and development are necessary, particularly with different groups.

Three issues are discussed in this paper: the nature of the South African educational context, the promotion of critical thinking skills as an adult education aim, and the potential of employing experiential learning technology, facilitated from a distance, as a method of developing critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

做强电大现代远程教育关键在教师。基层电大现代远程教育师资有优势,但劣势也很明显,应着重加强专业知识和现代远程教育学知识的学习,唯此,才能有效地做强电大现代远程教育。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代信息化、全球化背景下,学习型组织应运而生,随着教育生产方式、教育重心的变化,高校思想政治教育面临新的要求和挑战,在这样的情况下,高校需要顺应时代的需要创建学习型辅导员队伍,并要总结目前学习型组织创建经验、避免误区。  相似文献   

县域经济的发展需要强有力的智力支持。县级电大在长期的办学过程中,为当地的社会进步和经济发展作出了重要贡献,但也存在着许多问题。在信息网络环境下,县级电大必须理顺管理体制,健全管理机构,构建县级现代远程教育中心;必须转变工作职能,优化能力结构,全面加强教师队伍建设;必须更新教育思想,转变教育观念,依托县级现代远程教育中心构建农村终身教育体系。  相似文献   

The production of video‐taped courses at postgraduate level and their use by industry in the United States of America has been increasing rapidly over the past decade. This paper gives some indication of the time‐scale, magnitude, and attractive features of this development, a comparison with the development of educational television in UK universities, and an assessment of the future for this form of open/distance learning.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern over disengagement of teacher candidates during on‐campus periods of pre‐service programs due to the perceived disconnect between educational theory and practice. In response, teacher education has been called to engage candidates in praxis through authentic learning. In this paper, we bring together the fields of teacher education, authentic learning, and arts‐based learning to articulate a means of enhancing pre‐service programs. Specifically, this paper documents and analyzes the process of engaging teacher candidates in an authentic learning experience of a musical theatre production. Data collected from 30 teacher candidates through rehearsal observations, a post‐production questionnaire, and focus group interviews indicated that participation created a sense of community and belonging, as well as developed skills necessary to carry forward art‐based learning activities into their teaching careers.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the experience in practising the video‐based distance education in Russia initiated jointly by the IACEE and the Bauman State Technical University. The structure of the East‐West Distance Education Project has been incorporated into the system of continuing education that existed in the former Soviet Union. The thirteen regional centres have been established in the universities and institutions of the Russian Federation and four other countries of CIS to train specialists needed for emerging market economy. Six video‐based courses of Western universities have been adapted and tested in the CIS educational environment and proved to be effective during the pilot phase of the project.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘therapeutic education’ is being increasingly used in contemporary education policy studies to identify learning initiatives which are dominated by objectives linked to personal and social skills, emotional intelligence and building self‐esteem. Contemporary educational goals connected with such strategies have been criticised for encouraging a ‘victim culture’ which marginalises learners and replaces the pursuit of knowledge and understanding with the development of personal values relevant to a life of social, cultural and economic risk and uncertainty. In relation to vocational education and training (VET) and post‐school policy trends in particular, Hayes has argued that preparation for work has abandoned vocational/occupational knowledge and skills in favour of providing learners with personal skills for emotional labour in low‐level service jobs. This paper interrogates such analyses and questions whether the therapeutic role of VET really is incompatible with the traditional objectives of developing knowledge, understanding and values in work environments. Links are made between new emphases on work‐based learning and the ‘caring’ conceptions of learning in post‐school education. It is concluded that—although therapy should not dominate VET—an attention to the important values dimension of learning in the field does involve a therapeutic dimension of some kind.  相似文献   

A phenomenographic study of the conceptions that teaching‐learning specialists working in distance education in Australian universities hold of their role in contributing to the development of distance education packages is described. The study identified eight conceptions labelled instructional editor, educational process consultant, instructional process consultant, transformer, critical reviewer (surrogate student), joint venturer, distance education development facilitator, and staff developer. The conception, distance education developer, differed from the other conceptions insofar as it reflected a greater concern with organisational as compared with teaching‐learning issues. The remaining conceptions were able to be distinguished, according to whether they indicated a macro level (structural) perspective or a micro level (process) perspective. The former included the educational process consultant and staff developer conceptions. The latter were able to be further distinguished according to whether they indicated an understanding of the learning package as dialogic text (critical reviewer) or as an instructional medium (instructional process consultant, instructional editor, joint venturer, and transformer). Finally, the four conceptions which reflected an understanding of the learning package as an instructional medium could be distinguished according to the way in which the teaching‐learning specialist saw his or her relationship with the subject specialist in terms of power.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the distribution of employment-related organised education and informal learning in the Canadian workforce. The paper draws on a large-scale survey, the Changing Nature of Work and Lifelong Learning (WALL), which was based on structured and standardised telephone interviews with a representative sample of 5783 Canadian members of the employed labour force. In exploring the determinants facilitating employment-related informal learning, three analytical categories of factors derived from previous research on learning participation were used: individual-level factors, job characteristics and workplace environment. The analyses focus on differences in individuals, jobs and workplace characteristics among adult workers who acquired or improved their job-related skills through different training pathways. In addition, analyses were performed to compare the extent to which these factors differ in their influence on learning decisions among workers who combine both organised education and informal learning and those who receive only informal learning. The results indicate that important predictors of participation in employment-related organised education and informal learning are age, educational attainment, learning skills, occupational class, education-job relation, degree of autonomy, degree of labour intensity, principal area of production and organisation size.  相似文献   

透过美国的"社区学院"看我国县级电大的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校扩招给以学历教育为主导的县级电大带来了冲击。面对未来,县级电大如何重新定位,如何走改革发展之路?本文通过美国社区学院与我国县级电大的比较,认为建构社区开放学习中心是县级电大的必由之路,并提出了学校社区一体化的观念,以及这一观念下的社区开放学习中心的办学模式、管理模式、教学模式和学习模式。  相似文献   

在我国,多种原因导致了远程开放教育在与广播电视信息传播技术的教学实践生态文化融合的过程中,出现了令人遗憾的媒体结构缺位与滞后发展的现象.严重迟滞了我国开放大学的建设进程。因此,我国的开放大学不得不根据远程教育与广播电视信息传播技术教学实践生态文化融合的发展特点变化、时代演化逻辑和模式形态变迁.采用一种“分类指导、分区建设、分地使用、分层教学”的广播电视远程开放教育媒体教学的策略。针对全国各地不同的发展情况.因地制宜.要为学习者提供有效的人性化远程开放教育学习支持服务,以避免在远程开放教育教学过程中因为媒体搭配错位.而导致的学习者学习活动不能承受的媒体接触困难、学习互动缺失等尴尬的教育现象.避免广播电视教育媒体教学的结构缺位现象与滞后发展现象的发生,将我国开放大学的远程教育发展推进到崭新的历史阶段。  相似文献   

Lifelong learning, where individuals keep modifying, renewing and updating their existing skills and competencies, is an essential requirement in the knowledge economy. Yet research has shown that employers often find it hard to hire individuals who are equipped with sufficiently rounded competencies in areas such as commitment, enthusiasm and timekeeping. The Student Ambassador (SA) scheme offers university students the opportunity to undertake relatively well‐paid and flexible part‐time jobs around widening participation initiatives, which, in general, focus on raising aspiration and attainment of young people from more disadvantaged backgrounds. This article examines research evidence into the SA scheme in South‐East London and, in particular, focuses on analysing whether the scheme offers students an ideal part‐time job opportunity while in higher education. It will be seen that SAs not only gain complex transferable skills while earning money, but also engage in something that they perceive to be a highly rewarding and valuable experience.  相似文献   

The growth of eLearning technologies has blurred the boundaries of educational modes to a point where distance education programs can be offered without drawing particular notice on campus. The experience of distance education staff working in campus‐focused universities and their perceptions of their chances of successfully planning and teaching by distance should inform evaluation of a university’s quality framework. In this case study, we report on the experience of distance educators at an Australian campus‐focused university. We identify organisational structure and culture as critical success factors for quality in distance education, with technology a, perhaps surprisingly, minor consideration. While the eLearning era has opened the door to a distance education cottage industry, eLearning strategy has failed to comprehensively prepare the way for the issues unique to distance education. The paper recommends that campus‐focused universities must protect their reputation by systematically assuring the quality of their (inevitable) distance offerings.  相似文献   

高职教育的目标是要培养出动手能力强,能吃苦耐劳,身心健康的高素质职业技能型人才,而这一目标是要通过教师在每门课程的教学过程中来实现的,在《电视技术》教学中实施素质教育,应把握有关环节,注重教学方法,才能获得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Reflection and change are pivotal themes in this paper, which outlines the rationale, methodology and principal findings of a research undertaking on teacher development in Ireland. The study was based on the premise that teachers’ practices are guided in large measure by a ‘tacit knowledge’ of education, formed in response to personal and contextual factors. It was held that sustained teacher and school development relate primarily to acquiring an awareness of and engaging in ongoing reflection on this implicit theory. Participants were facilitated in structuring such reflection through images—as subjective knowledge structures which capture their latent understandings of teaching and learning processes. It was an enlightening and empowering experience for the teachers involved, who, as a consequence, could both envision and initiate necessary improvements in their educational practices. The findings have notable implications for pre-service and in-service teacher education.  相似文献   

Education is not easily converted into human capital and well‐being in low‐income countries, because these countries do not have a high degree of economic and labour market differentiation that makes it possible to convert acquired knowledge and skills. Consequently, to have completed primary or even secondary education does not necessarily lead to a better life situation than some types of Islamic education. This paper reports findings from an ongoing longitudinal research project in Senegal. The study compares the relationships between educational/learning background, life skills and well‐being in adult life among individuals who attended primary school, Quranic, Arabic or Indigenous learning systems at the beginning of the 1980s. The findings illustrate some of the complexities in the relationships between, on the one hand, education and life skills and, on the other hand, individual well‐being in a low‐income society. Since this study enters into an area that has not been very much researched, this study is explorative and employs concepts heuristically. Some findings in relation to different theoretical approaches are also discussed here.  相似文献   

网络教学是建立在计算机辅助教学(CAI)和以广播电视为媒体的第二代远程教育基础之上,利用计算机技术和现代通信技术发展起来的一种现代教学模式。与传统课堂教学相比,从学习的适用对象、教育内容的表现形式、课程的组织安排和学习者的学习方式来看,网络教学都具有不可比拟的优越性。将网络教学引进高校是提高其课程教学水平的有效手段。其中,网络课程的设计开发是关键。本文基于建构主义理论,就高校网络课程的设计与开发提出了自己的认识。  相似文献   


Positional competition in the labour market entails graduate opportunities that depend not only on graduates’ skills, experience and abilities, but also on how their educational credentials compare to those of others. In this study, we examined the positional competition in the Finnish labour market and compared the influence of different ‘degree types’ on the probability of obtaining high-paid, high-status jobs. We used a register-based 5% sample of 25–45-year-old Finnish higher education (HE) graduates from 2010 to 2012 (N?=?63 486). It was expected that the relative position of graduates would be affected by the degree level as well as the educational field and the binary division (university vs. non-university) of HE. Therefore, master’s and bachelor’s degree levels in all educational fields from universities versus universities of applied sciences (UASs) were included. The method of analysis was logistic regression. According to our results, the binary divide structured the opportunities to enter high-paid, high-status jobs within different fields of education. The university master’s degree graduates had the highest probability of succeeding in the Finnish labour market, and their status/rank elevated them above the competition by regulating access to certain professions or occupations through specific qualification requirements (i.e., credential social closure). Moreover, our results demonstrated how the degree rankings and the relative distance between university and UAS degrees vary in different fields. The Finnish case offers a valuable point of comparison to other HE systems with a binary structure.


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