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在美国,很多领域视循证实践为服务的"黄金标准",自闭症教育领域亦非常强调教育和教学须以"科学研究为基础"。其具体做法是:研究机构通过对已发表的科研文献进行严格的筛选和科学的分级后,以简单明了的方式将研究成果进行分类,并推荐大家使用已证实有效的干预方法,谨慎使用正在建立科学实证的干预方法,不要使用没有科学实证的干预方法;专门的管理部门通过系统的组织和推广,让教育者能依循科学的干预方法,结合家长和儿童本身的价值观、偏好以及教育者自身的能力,对自闭症儿童进行有效的干预,彻底贯彻和落实循证实践。中国也需要采取科学有效的方法对自闭症儿童进行科学的干预,作为急需可以借鉴和引进国外的研究数据,但从"本源"上最需要的还是科学的、本土的、高质量的原创性实证研究。  相似文献   

王波  Kang Young  Sim 《教育导刊》2011,(12):52-55
目前,西方关于自闭症儿童早期集中行为干预(EIBI)的研究方兴未艾。越来越多的研究证实早期集中行为干预是自闭症儿童积极有效的干预范式,能有效提升自闭症儿童的认知水平、语言能力以及适应性功能。文章回顾了自闭症儿童早期集中行为干预的涵义、缘起与发展,阐述了其实践运用和效果研究,并对未来的实践与研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

自闭症(孤独症)是一种广泛性发育障碍疾病,在众多干预自闭症的康复方法中,关键反应训练(PRT)是经过循证证实的11种干预方法之一,对自闭症儿童社交技能的提升成效显著。本实验采用单一被试的跨行为多基线实验设计方法,对自闭症儿童的社交技能展开研究。实验自变量是关键反应训练方法,因变量是被试社交技能的两个目标行为:共同注意力和识别生气、害怕的面部表情。本实验有三个阶段:基线期、干预期和维持期。最后对实验数据进行视觉分析。  相似文献   

关键反应训练(Pivotal Response Training,PRT)是一种基于应用行为分析、具有循证实践支持的自闭症儿童干预方法。有关PRT干预的认知神经科学研究多使用小样本的高功能自闭症儿童进行实验,PRT干预后,自闭症儿童的行为指标显著改善,大脑连通性改变,同时其前额叶皮层(尤其是左腹外侧前额叶皮层和左背外侧前额叶皮层)、梭状回、后颞上沟等脑区对生物运动的激活增加。未来的研究应当增加使用ERP、fMRI等认知神经科学技术探寻PRT有效性的生理标记物,以准确预测PRT对自闭症儿童的干预效果,推动自闭症儿童的干预向着精准医学的方向发展。  相似文献   

解析音乐疗法在自闭症儿童干预中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童自闭症是严重的发育障碍性疾病,患后会严重影响一生。这已引起各国医学界、心理学界和教育界的强烈关注。在众多对自闭症儿童的干预方法和技术中,音乐疗法具有自身独特的优势。本文系统检索了Ovid—Medline/PubMed和FMIF数据库,主要分析了2000年以来的12篇采用音乐疗法对自闭症儿童进行干预的研究报告,分别从研究方法、可行性、干预目标、音乐疗法的类型等方面探讨了音乐疗法在自闭症干预中的应用价值及存在的问题,并对未来的实践工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

近年来,自闭症谱系障碍儿童的发病率稳定增长,如何为他们提供更多的教育和支持成为人们关注的焦点。本文对自闭症谱系障碍儿童教育干预方法的分类、普遍的教育干预方法及目前研究的热点进行了阐述,以便能够更好地促进自闭症谱系障碍儿童的发展。  相似文献   

模仿是一个人从周围环境中进行学习的重要技能.认知发展的研究认为,模仿技能缺陷是自闭症谱系的主要特征之一,这对发展自闭症儿童早期干预方法有着重大的影响.文章系统检索了Medline/PubMed和EBSCOhost数据库,主要分析了其中十篇采用模仿策略对自闭症儿童进行干预的研究报告,分别从研究方法、理论基础、干预内容、示范方式等方面探讨了模仿策略在自闭症早期干预中的应用价值及存在的问题,并对未来的实践工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

国际特殊教育循证研究热点问题分析对我国特殊教育理论和实践发展具有重要意义.文章采用Bicomb2和SPSS17.0软件,对近10年SSCI最有影响力的前10种国际特殊教育期刊中循证研究相关文献进行可视化分析并绘制热点知识图谱,结果显示,国际特殊教育循证研究的热点主要集中在自闭症、智力障碍、学习障碍以及口吃的循证干预4个领域.据此提出统一循证标准、教育决策中纳入循证理念以及加强特殊教育实证研究的建议.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,生态学作为一种跨学科的元理论,已经广泛渗透和浸润到各个学科领域.运用生态学的眼光、态度、理念和方法来关照、思考、解释、践行自闭症的教育实践,是由自闭症儿童教育干预过程的复杂性、持续性和发展性决定的.文章通过梳理相关文献,并结合国内的成功实践,从生态化模式的定义及要素、生态化模式的运作与应用、生态化模式的启示及建议等维度展开,系统介绍了该模式在自闭症儿童教育干预中的应用,以期丰富我国自闭症教育干预领域的理论研究和实践研究.  相似文献   

图片交换沟通系统是以传统的应用行为分析为理论基础,利用图片作为媒介对重度自闭症儿童沟通技能进行干预的辅助性沟通系统.本研究采用单一被试的跨情境跨行为多基线设计,对一名四岁重度自闭症幼儿进行图片交换沟通系统干预.研究结果表明图片交换沟通系统产生了积极效果,自闭症儿童的需求表达行为明显增加,而其攻击性行为也随之减少.此外,本研究为未来开展自闭症儿童图片交换沟通系统的研究与实践干预提供建议.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童是一群存在社交沟通障碍并且行为重复刻板的孩子,在症状和严重程度上存在着连续性特征,其中一部分ASD儿童具有接受普通教育的可能,将其与发育落后儿童一起进行小组教学,互相取长补短,对于两类孩子的生涯发展都大有裨益,这种联合教育的模式就是混合教育模式.另一部分ASD儿童或者属于中重度范畴,或者随着年龄的增长而出现能力的倒退和停滞,针对这些儿童,建议采用传统的教育康复模式.论文作者在证明教育康复对于孤独症谱系障碍儿童社会交往障碍具有明显效果的基础上,验证了教育实践中因材施教,区分使用混合教育和传统教育的必要性.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系儿童的典型特点之一是社会性发展障碍,目前国外有许多针对孤独症谱系儿童的社会交往干预方式,近几年也出现了视觉文本干预方式的研究,因此,需要对视觉文本干预方式的有效性进行分析。通过对国外文献的查询、整理和分析,发现各研究结果均显示出视觉文本干预能够增加儿童积极的沟通行为,社会交往也能够泛化到新的同伴、新的环境以及新的刺激当中。  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - Research and practice emphasize the importance of family involvement in early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, in order to...  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of an evidence-based literacy program, ABRACADABRA, on the spelling abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Twenty children with ASD aged 5–11 years were assigned to matched instruction and waitlist control groups. Children in the instruction group received 26 hrs of individualized, home-based instruction using ABRACADABRA over a 13-week period. Results showed no change in children’s conventional spelling accuracy skills following ABRACADABRA instruction. However, an analysis of spelling attempts using the Computerized Spelling Sensitivity System (Masterson & Hrbec, 2011) revealed statistically significant gains in linguistic spelling accuracy for children in the instruction group relative to the waitlist control group, with large effect sizes. These findings suggest that ABRACADABRA improves aspects of spelling ability in children with ASD and that the Computerized Spelling Sensitivity System is a useful tool for detecting changes in the spelling abilities of children with ASD following literacy instruction.  相似文献   


Little research examines the best ways to improve communication between parents and teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and its effect on child outcomes. The present study tests an innovative parent-teacher consultation model, entitled Partners in School. The goal of Partners in School is to improve parent-teacher communication about evidence-based practices (EBPs) and, subsequently, outcomes for children with ASD. Participants were 26 teachers and 49 parents of children with ASD from a large urban public school district. Parents and teachers completed measures of their communication and child outcomes prior to and after receiving consultation through Partners in School. Results indicated that parents and teachers perceived improvements in child outcomes after participation in Partners in School. Changes in parent-teacher communication also were associated with changes in some child outcomes. Discussion highlights the important role of communication in consultations targeting family–school partnerships for children with ASD.  相似文献   

We examined explicit and implicit processes in response to third-party moral transgressions in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Twenty 4- to 7-year-old children with ASD and 19 typically developing controls evaluated dynamic visual stimuli depicting intentional or accidental harm to persons or damage to objects. Moral evaluations, eye fixations, and pupil dilations toward the stimuli were collected. Results indicate a preserved capacity to understand the mental states of perpetrators and an implicit moral sensitivity to the third-party harms in children with ASD. Nonetheless, children with ASD showed specific sensitivity and emotional arousal when viewing damage to objects. These findings contribute to the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of moral reasoning in ASD and its possible association with the autistic symptoms.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing group of neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood. Earlier detection means an increased need for early intervention and other educational services. This study examined what services a sample of young children with ASD received, what variables predicted service utilization, and how satisfied parents were with the services. Sixty children (2–7 years) and their families from the Northwestern United States participated in the study. Results suggest that, on average, children received 13 h of educational and therapeutic services per week, with younger children receiving fewer services than older children. Child age, atypical behavior, and family income predicted number of service hours received. Children’s adaptive behavior and autism symptoms did not predict service hours. Although services received were, by most standards, minimal and far below best practice recommendations, parents reported high satisfaction, especially for their toddlers and preschool-aged children. Implications and future directions are described.  相似文献   

The inclusive education of children with disabilities is considered best practice, yet many early childhood educators feel unprepared to deliver appropriate instruction for children with disabilities and often require supports to successfully meet the children’s unique needs. Young children experiencing autism spectrum disorder are being diagnosed at a young age and they are commonly receiving their education within inclusive early childhood settings. This article presents two methods to meet the needs of children with autism spectrum disorder. First, early childhood educators can provide interventions tailored to the children’s learning needs. Second, educators can adapt the environment, materials, activity, instruction, and assistance they provide so that each child is appropriately supported, while still being encouraged to succeed as independently as possible. This article summarizes research-based interventions and adaptations that early childhood educators can implement within inclusive settings to meet the diverse needs of young children with autism spectrum disorder and presents a case study to describe how these practices can support young children with autism spectrum disorder within inclusive settings.  相似文献   

Research studies have shown the importance of early intervention services for young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. However, most attention has been given to the effectiveness of treatments solely for children with ASDs. Because the family centered practice has been emphasized and supported by many researchers and legislation, involving family members other than children with ASDs and their parents in the assessing, planning, and implementing interventions is seen as crucial. The purpose of this article is to review what sibling relationships look like for a typically developing sibling of a child with an ASD and what resources are available for parents and specialists to support siblings of children with ASDs.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to develop and evaluate a scale to measure adaptive behavior skills in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Participants were 121 young children (M = 55.18 months, SD = 0.18 months) with a formal diagnosis of ASD (73% male). Psychometric evaluation indicated that the reliability and validity of this scale were good. Furthermore, independent t‐tests revealed that boys demonstrated better adaptive behavior skills than girls. The present findings suggest that the scale is a valid measure of adaptive behavior skills in Chinese children with ASD.  相似文献   

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