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目的:研究快速伸缩复合训练对青年男子篮球运动员下肢爆发力的影响,旨在为篮球运动员下肢爆发力的训练提供参考。方法:采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验法、数理统计法等,选取16名青年男子篮球运动员为研究对象,随机分成实验组和对照组,每组各8人。对照组采用下肢传统抗阻力量训练,实验组采用下肢快速伸缩复合训练,训练时长为8周,每周3次课,每次60min。训练前后对反映篮球运动员下肢爆发力的立定跳远、原地双脚起跳摸高、助跑单脚起跳摸高、"T"字折返跑和30m冲刺跑指标进行测试。结果:经过8周的训练,对照组各测试指标成绩均有提高,其中立定跳远、原地双脚起跳摸高成绩有非常显著提高(P<0.01),助跑单脚起跳摸高成绩有显著提高(P<0.05),"T"字折返跑和30m冲刺跑成绩提高但不显著(P>0.05);实验组的立定跳远、原地双脚起跳摸高、助跑单脚起跳摸高、"T"字折返跑和30m冲刺跑成绩均有非常显著提高(P<0.01)。实验后实验组各项爆发力测试指标的成绩均非常显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:传统抗阻力量训练和快速伸缩复合训练均可以提高青年篮球运动员的下肢爆发力,但快速伸缩复合训练比传统抗阻力量训练提升效果更为明显。  相似文献   

采用运动学和动力学相结合的生物力学研究方法对跳高运动员下肢肌的承受能力进行研究,得出如下主要结论:①跳深纵跳练习可以作为提高跳高运动员起跳能力的专项练习;②跳高运动员起跳腿的承受能力直接影响缓冲和蹬伸过程,并最终影响起跳效果;③膝关节和踝关节,尤其是踝关节是二级跳高运动员下肢承受能力的薄弱环节。同时膝关节是最大缓冲时刻的“关键性环节”;④二级跳高运动员产生最大反跳高度的适宜高度为(35.0±4.56)cm,最大反跳高度为(48.00±3.78)cm;⑤适宜高度跳深的冲击载荷与摸高成绩、适宜高度跳深纵跳的反跳高度与助跑摸高成绩均呈高度相关,两者均是评价运动员起跳能力的重要指标。  相似文献   

跳跃练习的方法很多,原地纵跳、助跑纵跳是最基本的方法。在各种测定中常采用原地纵跳(摸高)以评价弹跳的能力。关于原地跳跃方而研究已有过报导。作者也曾对人体下肢形态、膝角与纵跳关  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、特尔菲法、运动生物力学测量法和数理统计法,对男子跳远运动员起跳力量训练方法进行定量研究。结果表明:8步助跑跳远、4步助跑5级单足跳、4步助跑5级跨步跳、起跳腿跳深摸高、起跳腿跳深跳远等5项练习被公认为发展跳远起跳力量的方法;8步助跑跳远、4步助跑单足跳、4步助跑5级跨步跳是与跳远专项非常接近的专项力量训练方法;跳深跳远练习可以促进运动员提高积极着板起跳技术。  相似文献   

跳高是一项需要高功率爆发力以及合理、正确技术的田径项目之一,关于如何更有效地去发展对跳高专项有直接作用的下肢专门素质,是极为重要的,多年来我们在这方面是重视的。然而我们有不少的运动员,他们的一般弹跳力很好(如:立定跳远,立定多级跳、原地纵跳),可惜的是这些弹跳素质不能在跳高时充分地反映出来,尤其是助跑一快就几乎无法完成起跳的动作。例如我组过去有一位跳高运动员(该运动员已于1981年分配了),他的一般弹跳素质很好,立定跳远3.44米,立定三级跳9.98米,原地过竿1.72米,但这些  相似文献   

目的:分析单侧训练对沙滩排球运动员不同跳跃高度能力的有效性,并根据实验结果来结合沙滩排球运动员专项分析以及单侧训练计划设计思路。方法:采用单侧训练对10名沙滩排球运动员进行16周的单侧力量训练干预,测试助跑摸高、原地反向摸高、原地无反向摸高干预训练前后的成绩,采集试验前后数据,并用配对样本T检验对组内前后的实验数据进行统计与分析讨论。结果:单侧训练分别提高了助跑摸高、原地反向摸高、原地无反向摸高5cm、3.8cm、6.4cm,并且存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:单侧力量训练对女子沙滩排球运动员助跑摸高、原地反向摸高、原地无反向摸高的高度提高都有良好效果。  相似文献   

陈伟  袁鹏  许贻林  王然 《体育科研》2021,42(6):78-85
本文旨在研究青年篮球运动员变向能力与直线速度、力量和爆发力之间的相关性以及性别差异。方法:本研究对3 1.名青年篮球运动员(男子1 7.名,女子1 4.名)进行传统5-0- 5.变向测试和2 0.m冲刺、深蹲最大力量、垂直纵跳、助跑摸高等测试,并计算变向赤字。结果:男子篮球运动员变向赤字占比显著高于女子篮球运动员 ;男子、女子篮球运动员5-0- 5.测试时间与变向赤字均呈正相关 ;男子篮球运动员5-0- 5.测试时间、变向赤字与体重呈正相关,与深蹲体重比、垂直纵跳及助跑摸高净高度呈负相关 ;女子篮球运动员5-0- 5.左侧测试时间与垂直纵跳及助跑摸高净高度呈负相关,5-0- 5.左侧变向赤字与助跑摸高净高度呈负相关。结论:青年男子篮球运动员变向能力与体重呈正相关,与下肢相对力量、下肢爆发力呈负相关,而青年女子篮球运动员变向能力仅与下肢爆发力呈负相关,且呈现出左右侧肢体差异。此外,对于青年男子篮球运动员来说,仅用5-0- 5.测试可能无法准确评价其变向能力,推荐使用变向赤字作为其变向能力的评价方法 ;对青年女子篮球运动员来说,5-0- 5.测试与变向赤字均可以作为其变向能力的评价方法  相似文献   

纵跳摸高或助跑起跳摸高练习对增强下肢肌肉力量,提高弹跳力,发展动作的速率和灵敏性有着重要的意义。是田径、球类,体操运动专项训练中不可缺少的辅助练习手段之一。广东省中学体育试用课本高一高二年级四次出现纵跳摸高,助跑摸高教材。笔者在具体教学中过去采用在墙上钉板方法,让学生纵跳手摸木板,留下痕迹再丈量高度。但丈量高度较繁琐。经常出现学生在对起跳动作掌握不正确时往往会形成手臂和膝关节皮肤擦伤的现象。后来经过多次反复设计制作制成一种简易摸高器。其性能使纵跳摸高,助跑起跳摸高都能适用。高度表示明显,学生练习兴趣性又较高。现介绍出来供大家参考。一、固定式简易摸高器  相似文献   

如何有效地发展跳高运动员的下肢专门素质,是对提高跳高成绩有直接作用的一个极为重要的问题。在实践中我们看到,有不少运动员的一般弹跳力(立定跳远、原地纵跳等)都很好,但不能在跳高时充分反映出来,如果加快助跑,往往就难以完成起跳动作。出现这个问题的原因,除了技术不合理外,主要是下肢专门素质跟不上需要,素质训练的针对性不强。  相似文献   

排球运动中网上对抗是重点,因此运动员弹跳素质的发展地位显得十分突出。近年来,我国甲级女排集训的专项身体素质训练考核内容包括了以下多项:100m、800m、6×16m移动、快速挺举、五级跬跳、米字移动、负重背肌、一次助跑摸高、连续5次助跑摸高等,也在集训课中规定了专项身体素质训练占总训练时数的比例不得低于40%。自1998年以来,甲级女排集训简化了项目,规定了一次助跑摸高、5次连续摸高、800m、6×16m移动等4项专项身体素质的体能测试。从体能测试项目内容的确定和排球运动的特点来看,一次助跑摸高及5次连续摸高这两个相关程度为0·953(…  相似文献   

姚远  阮棉芳  任峰 《体育科研》2012,33(4):73-76
通过录像分析了NBA与CBA各8场比赛,对比CBA与NBA比赛中各个位置队员使用各种跳跃步法的差异。将跳跃步法按原地起跳、一步助跑起跳、两步以上单脚起跳、两步以上双脚起跳、后撤步起跳、连续起跳、横向移动急停起跳等7种方式进行了归类和统计。结果发现CBA队员比NBA队员更多地采用了原地起跳,而在一步助跑起跳与两步以上助跑双脚起跳的使用频率上比NBA低。相差最大的是横向移动急停起跳,NBA的控球后卫、得分后卫、小前锋使用该步法的频率分别是CBA相同队员的1.6倍、2.1倍、3.9倍。提示:CBA队员应该增加运动中起跳的次数,尤其要加强对横向移动急停起跳的训练与应用。同时要加强对横向移动急停起跳的生物力学研究,为提高训练效果、预防损伤、研发符合篮球运动特点的篮球鞋提供理论依据。  相似文献   

王珏  杨红春  陈谦 《浙江体育科学》2012,(5):105-108,112
对浙江省25所幼儿园3~6岁的5 267名学前儿童进行立定跳远和10m连续跳测试,观察浙江省学龄前儿童的下肢力量发展情况,旨在为评价学前儿童下肢的活动能力及其发展趋势以及探寻运动素质发展敏感期提供参考依据。结果发现3~6岁幼儿的立定跳及连续跳成绩随年龄的增长而显著增加。性别因素对两个指标的测试成绩有明显的影响,但对两次测试的变化率没有影响。分析得出浙江省城市3~6岁男童立定跳能力显著强于同年龄段女童,在3岁时增长速率最大;连续跳成绩男女组在相同年龄段几乎没有差异,结合立定跳成绩分析显示,女童的下肢协调性优于同年龄段男童。  相似文献   

世界男子三级跳远技术现状及发展趋势的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于世界20名优秀三级跳远的男运动员资料,总结了不同阶段世界男子三级跳远的技术,归纳了男子三级跳远技术可分为4种类型,分别是自由式,高跳型、平跳型和速度-平跳型.文章还提出了世界男子三级跳远发展的新趋势.  相似文献   


We aimed to determine key biomechanical parameters explaining age-related jumping performance differences in youth elite female soccer players. Multiple biomechanical parameters from countermovement (CMJ) squat (SJ) and drop (DJ) jump testing of elite female soccer players (n = 60) within the same national training centre were analysed across ages 9-11y, 12-14y and 15-19y. Effects of age group and jump type on jump height were found, with the older jumping higher than the younger groups in all jumps (P < 0.05). For DJ, higher reactive strength index was found for older, compared to each younger group (P < 0.001). For CMJ and SJ, peak power was the most decisive characteristic, with significant differences between each group for absolute peak power (P < 0.0001) and body-weight-normalised peak power in CMJ (57 ± 7W/kg, 50 ± 7W/kg, 44.7 ± 5.5W/kg; P < 0.05) and between the older and each younger group in SJ (56.7 ± 7.1W/kg, 48.9 ± 7.1W/kg, 44.6 ± 6W/kg; P < 0.01). Age-related differences in jumping performance in youth elite female soccer players appear to be due to power production during standing jumps and by the ability to jump with shorter ground contact times during reactive jumps.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of body size and pubertal status on variation in functional capacities and sport-specific skills of 59 youth basketball players aged 14.0–15.9 years. Height and mass were measured and stage of pubic hair was assessed at clinical examination. Six tests of functional capacity were evaluated: squat jump, countermovement jump, 60-s sit-ups, 2-kg standing medicine ball throw, hand grip strength, and 20-m multi-stage shuttle run. Four basketball skills were tested (shooting, passing, dribbling, and defensive movements). Comparisons between basketball players of different sexual maturity status were performed using analysis of covariance (controlling for chronological age). Functional capacities and basketball skills appeared to be largely independent of pubertal status especially after controlling for variation in body size. Results of multiple linear regressions indicated chronological age as a significant predictor for four items, while maturity status was a significant predictor for only one item. The influence of body mass was negative for two functional indicators (jumping, multi-stage shuttle run) and two basketball skills (dribbling, defensive movements), but positive for two functional tests of upper body strength (hand grip, ball throw). Height was positively correlated with two specific skills (passing, defensive movements), while a combination of tallness and heaviness was associated with a disadvantage on three functional capacities and two sport-specific skills.  相似文献   

在查阅相关文献和访问诸多篮球专家的基础上,选取部分NBA和CBA优秀篮球运动员为调查对象,运用文献资料、访谈、数理统计等研究方法,对NBA和CBA篮球运动员的体能数据进行比较研究,发现各个位置的CBA球员在身体形态和素质上(除身高外)均低于NBA球员,同时也发现在体重、立定跳高、冲刺跑等指标的权重系数高于其他,这也反映出力量,速度、耐力等素质已是世界篮球运动员所必备的素质。另外,以NBA球员为例,建立了球员体能的评价体系,以求为CBA篮球运动员体能的考核和训练以及从长远角度改善男篮体能水平提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to describe the differences in the activity demands of sub-elite and elite Australian men's basketball competition. Ten elite (age 28.3 ± 4.9 years, mass 97.0 ± 13.9 kg, height 197.4 ± 8.3 cm) and 12 sub-elite (age 26.1 ± 5.3 years, mass 85.9 ± 13.2 kg, height 191.4 ± 7.6 cm) Australian basketball players participated in the study. Player activity was analysed using video-based time-motion analysis across multiple in-season matches. Customized analytical software was used to calculate player activity into frequencies, mean and total durations (s), and mean and total distances (m) for standing/walking, jogging, running, sprinting, low shuffling, high shuffling, and dribbling movements. Only movement frequency was calculated for jumping and upper body activity. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that elite players performed significantly more total movement changes (P <0.001), and experienced greater activity workloads while jogging (P <0.01) and running (P <0.002). In contrast, sub-elite players performed significantly more standing/walking (P <0.023) and sprinting (P <0.003) activities. These data suggest that elite basketball competition requires a greater intermittent workload and more sustained activity demands, whereas sub-elite competition may involve greater bursts of activity and longer recovery periods. These differences are likely to reflect variations in player skill and fitness, as well as playing structure between playing standards.  相似文献   


A high incidence of overuse knee injuries among youth basketball players may be attributed to number of jumps. Wearable technology may be an effective tool for measuring jump load compared to traditional counting methods. The purpose of this study was to validate a commercially available jump counter (VERT® Classic) in youth basketball practices and games, and to identify the characteristics (i.e., height, direction, takeoff) of jumps recorded by the VERT® Classic. 46 (19F, 27M) youth basketball players wore a VERT® Classic and were recorded on video during games and practices. The number of jumps recorded by the VERT® Classic and evaluated by video raters were compared for each jump characteristic using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC(3,k)), mean offset, and limits of agreement. The number and percent of VERT® Classic jumps and corresponding video jumps according to timestamp were reported. VERT® Classic jumps had excellent reliability with video-counted jumps over 15 cm (ICC(3,k) = 0.958), with a mean offset of ?2.4 jumps (fewer VERT® Classic) and limits of agreement ?12.6 to 7.8 jumps. Pairs of corresponding jumps represented 68.0% of total video jumps and 92.0% of VERT® Classic jumps. The VERT® Classic can provide an estimate of jump load in youth basketball.  相似文献   


Previous research on the development of jumping has indicated that the coordination of the jump is stable from its inception, but that individual differences lie in the control of the task. The purpose of this study was to examine control in the vertical jump as performed by novice jumpers. Two groups of children who varied in their ability to regulate the takeoff angle were compared on measures of coordination and control. The children's groups were also compared to a group of skilled adults. Both children's groups demonstrated temporal coordination patterns comparable to the adult pattern, though the children were distinguished from the adults on selected spatial (control) measures. The results indicate that a mature pattern of coordination for the jump exists at the earliest stages of the behavior's appearance in the movement repertoire. The novice, however, lacks the ability to precisely control, or tune, the movement to task demands.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of arm-swing and sporting activity on jump height and jump height variability of countermovement jumps in adolescent students to inform correct jumping technique in different settings. Altogether, 324 students (grades 5–11) performed three countermovement jumps with bilateral arm-swings and three countermovement jumps without arm-swings on a force platform. The participants were divided into three groups based on sporting activity. The groups with the most (“active group”; more than 6 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) and least active (“sedentary group”; less than 3 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) participants were compared. Jump height was calculated for all jumps, and the best trial of three was used for further analysis. Jump height variability was indicated by the coefficient of variation over three jumps. The reliability of jump height was determined using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) over three trials of each jumping technique. The reliability of jump height was very high for all conditions (ICC: 0.90–0.96). Jump height was significantly higher for countermovement jumps with than without arm-swings for both groups. Jump height in the active group was significantly greater than in the sedentary group for both jumping techniques. A significant interaction between jumping technique and sporting activity indicates a greater benefit of arm-swing in the active than in the sedentary participants. No significant differences between groups were observed for jump height variability. Jump height can be measured reliably in active and sedentary adolescent individuals for both jumping techniques. The relevant jumping technique should be chosen with respect to the context of its application and based on its suitability for the individual and task of interest.  相似文献   

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