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19世纪末至20世纪初,在美国以著名的心理学家和教育家霍尔(G.S.Hall)为首发起了一场声势浩大的研究运动。历时三十多年。这是由多种社会力量参加的一场广泛的思想运动和社会运动,其影响是多方面的,尤其对科学教育学和科学心理学产生了很大的影响。一、儿童研究运动的历史背景 (一)18至19世纪西方儿童观和教育观的变化在1700年以前,西方关于儿童的文献记  相似文献   

19世纪末和20世纪初美国的儿童研究运动对美国的教育科学产生了重大影响。霍尔作为这一运动的代表人物,其教育思想和心理学思想至今仍具有较高的参考价值。本文对儿童研究运动及其目标和方法、在美国的兴衰和影响进行了论述。  相似文献   

霍尔是19世纪末和20世纪初美国儿童研究运动的代表人物。本文对其生平,儿童研究活动及其有关青少年儿童的心理特征、道德、道德教育的思想作了简要的介绍和评论  相似文献   

杜威与美国的儿童研究运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在19世纪至20世纪的美国教育中,约翰·杜威不仅是美国进步教育的领袖,也是儿童研究运动的重要代表人物之一.在美国儿童研究运动中,杜威参与其中,关注运动的进程,为运动的健康发展做出了重要贡献.杜威参与美国儿童研究运动的经历及其思考不仅成为他教育思想和实践的组成部分,也成为现代教育形成和发展的重要内容之一.  相似文献   

在19世纪末、20世纪初的美国,儿童观的转变、儿童研究运动的兴起、新的儿童教育理念的传播以及改革学校呼声的不断高涨,为"儿童中心"论在美国的兴起准备了条件本文旨在通过对历史文献的梳理,考察这一时期美国教育界的相关思潮,分析"儿童中心"论的兴起和在早期阶段的主要含义。19世纪末20世纪初,在公立学校课程改革的论争中,帕克运用赫尔巴特学派"集中"的概念较早明确提出了儿童是学校中心的观点,儿童研究运动的代表人物霍尔提出了"儿童中心的"学校理想,而杜威则通过比较新旧教育的差异,将"儿童中心"作为新教育的基本特征。在同样使用"儿童中心"概念的教育家的思想中,这个观念所指陈的问题不同,其含义也存在明显差异。对"儿童中心"论兴起背景与过程的探讨,有助于更合理、更充分地把握这个观念的准确含义及其历史价值。  相似文献   

在19世纪末、20世纪初的美国,儿童观的转变、儿童研究运动的兴起、新的儿童教育理念的传播以及改革学校呼声的不断高涨,为"儿童中心"论在美国的兴起准备了条件本文旨在通过对历史文献的梳理,考察这一时期美国教育界的相关思潮,分析"儿童中心"论的兴起和在早期阶段的主要含义。19世纪末20世纪初,在公立学校课程改革的论争中,帕克运用赫尔巴特学派"集中"的概念较早明确提出了儿童是学校中心的观点,儿童研究运动的代表人物霍尔提出了"儿童中心的"学校理想,而杜威则通过比较新旧教育的差异,将"儿童中心"作为新教育的基本特征。在同样使用"儿童中心"概念的教育家的思想中,这个观念所指陈的问题不同,其含义也存在明显差异。对"儿童中心"论兴起背景与过程的探讨,有助于更合理、更充分地把握这个观念的准确含义及其历史价值。 更多还原  相似文献   

布鲁纳结构主义学习观的教育意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布鲁纳是美国心理学家,历任英国牛津大学心理学教授,普林斯顿公共舆论研究所副所长,伍慈霍尔心理学会主席,哈佛认知研究中心主任。他在心理学方面接受并发展了皮亚杰的“发生认知论”,形成了结构主义学习理论。 布鲁纳的结构主义学习论主要强调学科基本结构学习和儿童的早期教育,提倡用发现法进行教学,重视学生内部学习动机。自60年代以来,布鲁纳的教育思想在世界上反响很大,其著作《教育过程》在美国再版二十多次,被译成20多种文字。事隔30多年,他的部分教育思想对我国的教育改革和发展仍有现实意义。 教育目标主要是发展智力 布鲁纳将教育“作为训练民主社会里平衡发展的公民的手段”,学校不仅要传授知识和发展学生智力,还要致力于儿童的社会和情感的发展,他在《教育过程》一书的引论中特别申明:“如果说后面讨论的主要是智力方面,这并  相似文献   

在美国P-12教育及转衔服务中,特殊儿童自我倡导是自我决定的核心成分,被当作帮助特殊儿童走向独立的重要基础.在正常化运动、去机构化运动、残疾人自助运动和独立生活运动的推动下,美国特殊儿童自我倡导经历了从社会运动到教育服务的发展过程.与之相对应,其内涵也包括了特殊儿童赋权增能与倡导活动技能的两大侧面.对于特殊儿童自我倡导能力的培养有三类基本模式:独立转衔课程或专门课程设置与实施、融合到日常课堂学习的实践和学校外的倡导团体影响模式.  相似文献   

在19世纪末20世纪初,世界主要工业国家的公共教育制度基本建成。为了使世俗化的教育体系、内容和方法,能更好地促进儿童身心的健康发展,以适应进入新世纪的社会发展要求,当时的一些著名教育家如美国的霍尔(1844—1924)、杜威(1859—1952)、瑞...  相似文献   

本文考察和分析了美国教育走向保守主义的趋势及其所引发的冲突和斗争。美国教育政策的保守趋势运动是多元的,存在着不同的取向,主要有四种力量构成新自由主义、新保守主义、威权民粹主义和正处在上升阶段的由专业人员和管理人员所构成的新中产阶级。本文侧重探讨了保守主义在改造美国教育的运动中居于领导地位的前两支力量,并认为在教育和社会政策领域,这些力量成功地构建成一个联盟,该联盟成功的重要原因在于对常识的改造,作者将之称为“保守主义的现代化”。  相似文献   

Empirical research in progressive education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the development of empirical psychology was helpful for research in several fields of schooling, progressive education gained much from the diverse branches of child studies in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. There are several outstanding examples like G. Stanley Hall, Jean Piaget and the Geneva Institute, and the German movement of “experimental pedagogy.” Progressive education was not constituted out of empirical research, but was in need of empirical research to secure and stabilize public interest in “new education”. Research activities were launched to secure older theories of child orientation, most of them referring to Rousseau and the “naturalistic approach” to education. Without this tradition progressive education could not have been developed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how historical narratives of the 1930s conflict between child‐centred and social reconstructionist factions of US progressive education reinforce gendered constructions of education. The split between these two groups has been drawn along lines of gender with child‐centred education associated with female educators focused on individual development and social reconstructionists comprised of university male faculty working for social justice. The work of Elsie Ripley Clapp, an active proponent of rural progressive education in the 1920s and 1930s, is used to illustrate the limitations of accepted categorisations of progressive education. The focus on Clapp points to new ways of framing the ideological tensions within the progressive education movement and highlights how the politics of gender influence which educators are remembered as leaders and activists. The paper argues that the recent renewal of interest in social reconstructionism should include a critique of its oppositional and hierarchical relation to female progressive educators.  相似文献   

This study focussed on the capacities and behaviours of quality teachers. Four key capacities were identified as being characteristic amongst the five quality teachers who were observed in action which were then related to their behaviour. Prominent amongst the findings was the conclusion that these teachers had high cognitive ability which allowed them to develop critical powers of observation, reflection and analysis; they had strong philosophies of education; they had developed a bicultural approach, and possessed a strong sense of humour and a well developed social conscience. Above all else they cared about the learning outcomes of their children. Their approach was child‐centred and they encouraged students to set goals, to review progress, to challenge, and to solve problems. The article concludes with a discussion of its relationship to, and differences with, the parent CERI/OECD study of which it was part.  相似文献   

律动欣赏教学作为素质教育的一个重要组成部分,直接关系到聋儿素质的提高。在上律动欣赏课时,我们必须改变传统的以教师为中心的欣赏方法.注重增强聋儿的主体意识,利用各种手段充分调动聋儿学习的积极性.主动性,从而提高其对律动欣赏的兴趣与欲望,积极地参与到律动中来。  相似文献   

传统与超越:高校权力结构的解构与重建   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
传统观点认为,高校内部的管理权力主要由学术与行政权力构成,高校管理活动的展开和高校办学目标的达成主要依赖于这两种权力作用的发挥。然而,由学术、行政权力架构的二元权力结构存在着明显的缺陷,在实践中滋生了诸多问题。因此解构二元的权力结构,构建一种由学术权力、行政权力及学生权力组成的高校内部管理三元权力结构已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

Do early childhood education and care (ECEC) professionals make good advocates? Canadian advocates have fought for better child care policies since the mid-1940s. What has happened to this advocacy with the recent increased professionalization of the ECEC sector? How does increased professionalization limit, innovate or expand advocacy strategies? This content analysis of seven Canadian child care social movement organizations’ discursive resources in 2008 examines how different types of child care social movement organizations communicated their positions to their members and the public to manage a changing economic and political climate. Preliminary findings indicate that both ECEC workforce sector associations and grassroots organizations shared common advocacy messages, played down problems associated with a market approach to child care, and framed child care as a business case in their messaging. The authors suggest this reflects a nascent discursive move towards the professionalization of Canadian child care movement advocacy messages.  相似文献   

The social needs of children with autism are complex, and their inclusion in mainstream schools necessitates a consideration of the nature of a child's participation in peer culture and how it is received by others. The case study reported here sought to investigate the social engagement of a child with autism and his peers using naturalistic methods to provide contextualised and detailed information. A comparative approach was used to study different social contexts: the wider class group, the peer group which included the child with autism, and the individual participation of the child with autism compared with this smaller group. Findings indicate that the child with autism demonstrated a number of competencies in relation to his own social group and that social difficulties were not necessarily seen as a weakness within the peer culture. The importance of careful analysis of social processes and the use of reflective assessment to autism education is highlighted.  相似文献   

Personalisation is an emerging ‘movement’ within education. Its roots reside in marketing theory, not in educational theory. As a concept it admits a good deal of confusion. It can refer either to a new mode of governance for the public services, or it qualifies the noun ‘learning’, as in ‘personalised learning’. The concern here is with its intellectual affinity to child‐centred education, one which the government in England has strongly denied. On balance, the government’s view of personalisation is not of a piece with what may commonly be regarded as child‐centred education. But the strong semantic accord between the terms ‘personalisation’ and ‘child‐centred education’ provokes a question: why does the government not provide a term which unequivocally distinguishes its current ‘vision’ for education from child‐centred education? By retaining the term personalisation, the government purports to do two things: first, because of its focus on personalised ‘tailored’ needs and co‐produced solutions, it adapts education even further to a consumerist society; and second, because the term personalisation strikes a chord with the discourse of child‐centred education, it blurs the fact that little to do with pedagogy or with curriculum has in fact been changed. The term personalisation generates a nostalgic appeal to better times long gone.  相似文献   

伴随着中国城市化进程的加快,越来越多的农村剩余劳动力流入城市,由此而产生的农村留守儿童的教育问题已成为中国社会转型期的一个独特社会问题。通过调查发现,农村留守儿童在安全、学习、品行、心理等方面存在着比较突出的问题。要解决这些问题,需要家庭、学校、社会及政府各方共同努力,协调合作。  相似文献   

霍尔效应及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
霍尔效应是一种发现、研究和应用都很早的磁电效应。霍尔效应的研究在当今已取得了许多突破性的进展,在科学技术的许多领域都有着广泛的应用。  相似文献   

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