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Learning about foreign language (FL) cultures is becoming an important objective in the FL curricula and national standards of different countries throughout the world. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of the cultural portfolio project on: (1) students' concept development in their perceptions of the target language culture and their own; (2) students' evaluation of stereotypes towards English‐speaking cultures; and (3) students' self‐awareness and perception of EFL (English as a foreign language) and cultural learning process. Data were collected from students' cultural portfolio projects, classroom observation, and interviews. Results indicate that through the cultural portfolio project, students engaged in active learning, gained insight into specific aspects of the target language cultures and became more aware of the diversity within these cultures, and developed their ability to think critically instead of automatically accepting cultural information.  相似文献   

北京师范大学新世纪义务教育课程标准小学语文实验教科书是首批进入国家课程改革实验区的三套语文教材之一。在本套教材的编写和实验中 ,我们力图解决三个问题 ,一是学习语文的兴趣问题 ,让学生喜欢语文 ;二是学习语文的方法问题 ,让学生会学语文 ;三是人文性和工具性的统一 ,让语文学习的过程 ,既是学习语言文字的过程 ,又是学习现代文化知识的过程 ,还是接受现代文明熏陶、感染的过程。我们以“兴趣先导 ,学会学习、整体推进、文化积累”作为本套教材总的指导思想  相似文献   

文化全球化能促进各民族文化的发展,同时也会对各民族语言文化造成冲击和威胁。全球化语境下的英语教育,肩负着培养民族文化认同感和维护国家文化安全的责任。文化自觉意识的培养应成为英语教育不可忽视的一项重要内容。英语课程作为文化传递的重要工具,一方面要引导学生学习西方优秀文化,另一方面要培养学生对民族文化的认知自觉性,从而实现英语教育与文化自觉的统一,使多元文化达到"和而不同"的境界。  相似文献   

The growing U.S. Latino dispersal is allowing for more interactions between students of Spanish and native Spanish speakers. By working with Latino community members, Spanish instructors help meet the standards for foreign language education developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. This article describes 2 projects. In the first, students of Spanish and Latinos come together. Students tutor adult Latinos in ESL, math, and GED and citizenship preparation courses, whereas Latinos help students develop their conversational skills. In the second project, students visit local Latino businesses to make cultural comparisons and learn how Latinos enrich the community.  相似文献   

以化学检验工职业能力为主线,以国家职业标准为依据,从总体构架、教学内容的选择、课程项目设置、教师的岗位经理人作用、学生的职业行为及成绩评定等方面,对化学检验技术课程项目教学过程进行了研究。采用项目教学法,能使学生主动地掌握知识与技能,有效提升学生的职业能力和综合能力,为学生今后的职业发展奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

This study investigated the national impact of the Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation program (CETP). Impact of the program was examined in two different settings: institutions of higher education, and K–12 science and mathematics classrooms. The focus of this study was to determine the impact of the CETP program on the institutional culture and collaborations among faculty, and changes in instructional techniques used by higher education faculty and K–12 teachers. Data were gathered over a 3‐year period from 12 different CETP projects. At the higher education level faculty reported more collaboration and a slight increase in the use of standard‐based teaching. At the K–12 level, students of teachers who were prepared by the CETP program viewed classroom instruction as slightly more standards‐based than comparable students of non‐CETP prepared teachers. Additionally, external observers rated classes taught by teachers educated in CETP projects as more standards‐based than classes taught by non‐CETP teachers educated in other programs. Implications of the results for national large‐scale reform of science and mathematics education are discussed. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 1348–1369, 2007  相似文献   

鉴于信息时代学生书写能力减弱的现实,2011年的新课程标准明确提出在中小学语文课中开设书法课,其宗旨在于提高学生的书写能力、传承民族文化、陶冶情操、全面提高语文素质.书法教育当然要继承传统,但如何根据当代信息传播特征,促使其与网络联姻,化劣势为优势,全面提高书法教育质量和效果也是当务之急.总体说来,整合网络资源、建设网络平台、增强师资能力、加强政府管理、加大财政投资是保障应用网络进行书法教学的有效措施.  相似文献   

This study used an age-cutoff regression discontinuity design to examine the impact of a well-resourced Early Reading First prekindergarten program designed to foster the language and literacy development of 4-year-old children from low-income homes. A special challenge for the application of the language-rich curriculum and professional development package implemented in this study was the presence of a large proportion of ELL children in essentially English-speaking classrooms. We, therefore, sought to determine whether the program was effective for improving English language and literacy outcomes for English-language learners as well as native English speakers. There were large and significant differences between treatment and control groups on literacy outcomes for all students. On the literacy tasks, ELL students in the treatment groups performed nearly as well or better than non-ELL students at the beginning of kindergarten, and reached national norms on standardized tests. There were also significant program impacts on some language outcomes for all students. ELL students who received the intervention significantly outperformed ELL students in the control groups on English receptive and expressive vocabulary. On the more complex oral comprehension skills, preschool did not have a significant impact for ELL students. Intervention effects on receptive vocabulary and oral comprehension for native speakers were found only for the third cohort and were not found for expressive vocabulary. These results provide evidence that, given material supports, coaching, professional development, and the use of a language and literacy-focused curriculum, prekindergarten classrooms can enable low-SES children from diverse language backgrounds to enter kindergarten with literacy skills at or near national norms and can significantly impact some language skills. While non-native speakers of English continued to score lower on language measures than their native-speaking peers, results show that 1 year of preschool can put all children on a positive trajectory for long-term success in school.  相似文献   

美国教师教育改革新趋势对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国奥巴马政府执政以来,增加联邦教育经费,招募教师和吸引人才,进一步提高学生学业标准并奖励优秀教师,出台了一系列对美国的教师教育发展产生深刻影响的教育革新计划。美国大学在通识教育、培养模式、教学实习、教师资格等方面的改革举措有:在教师教育课程方面,更加注重多学科知识基础;在培养模式上更加多元化;延长教育实习期,完善实习专业标准;严格教师资格认定标准,建立考试体系。美国教师教育改革的经验和创新措施,对我国的启示主要有以下四点:建立和完善国家教师教育课程标准,强化教师综合素质提升;完善教育实习顶层制度设计,建立国家级教师教育实习基地;健全和完善国家评定标准,把好教师准入关;完善多层级的专业发展模式,建立教师资格证书进阶制。  相似文献   

Providing an equal education for the 3.5 million children who do not have a sufficient knowledge of the English language and to help them participate fully in mainstream classrooms is a growing challenge for U.S. public schools. Education reform and accountability initiatives in several states are beginning to include limited English proficient (LEP) students in their assessment efforts. Educators recognize the importance of maintaining rigorous standards and high expectations for language minority students. Legal mandates require periodic assessments of LEP students' progress and the allocation of additional resources where needed. Texas leads the country in bringing about academic accountability for LEP students-through evaluating and reporting annually on their progress in English-language literacy and in their learning of school subjects, and by documenting the steady growth in successful performance on state tests by this special population.  相似文献   

“互联网+教育”带来的就业挑战要求大学生接纳、利用、改造信息技术,以更广阔的视角、更前瞻性的思维方式在实践和学习中不断审视自己、关怀他人、思考未来所在组织乃至社会的前进方向。本文在分析国内外研究与国家标准的基础上提出大学生信息化领导力的结构模型并分析其内涵特征,通过调查问卷了解当前大学生信息化领导力现状,以此探讨在“互联网+教育”背景下如何开展大学生信息化领导力培养工作。  相似文献   

运用文化语言学的观点,从新疆地区民族语言教学过程中的“文化”概念入手,确定了文化因素教学在民族语言教学中的重要地位;把民族语言教学中的文化因素教学内容界定在交际文化的范围内。在具体的教学过程中就产生了一个互动过程,从而培养学生学习和研究所学民族语言的兴趣,同时也使学生对自己本民族文化进行重新审视与研究。  相似文献   

In an attempt to better prepare future teachers to fight against social injustice, support their culturally and linguistically diverse students and wrestle with social and educational complexities around the globe, many education programs have increased the number of study abroad programs and international service learning projects. In this qualitative study, we explored seven preservice teachers’ experiences related to humanizing pedagogy after participating in a study abroad program combined with an international service-learning project in a South African rural community. Analyzing multiple data sources such as interviews and reflective journals, we discovered that the preservice teachers grappled with the political, social, economic, and educational differences they encountered during the international project and wrestled with conflicting ideas and beliefs about poverty and language. They identified their relationships with students as catalysts to address these educational issues and their need to reverse systemic inequities. They built caring relationships with students in the community and developed additive perspectives the focused on the students’ community cultural capital. The preservice teachers expressed deep critical reflection and a desire to promote a more fully human educational world where students have the opportunities to enact their agency, their creativity, and their language and culture.  相似文献   

Multicultural education respects cultural differences and affirms pluralism which students, their communities and teachers bring to the learning process. It is founded on the belief that a school curriculum which promotes the ideals of freedom, justice, equality, equity and human dignity is most likely to result in high academic achievement and quality education. In Botswana, English is the official language and medium of instruction and Setswana is the national lingua franca which is used for formal occasions in the villages and other informal settings. Any other languages spoken by unrecognised tribes are banned from use in schools or the media, including minority languages taught before independence in 1966, This paper describes the Shiyeyi Language Project, initiated by the Wayeyi tribe, which advocates for a multicultural model of education where children learn in their mother tongue and about their local culture at an early stage, then add the national language, and eventually an international language as medium of instruction. The project operates within an unfriendly political and legal context, but has achieved some results. Continued efforts, especially as supported by similar language projects, have the potential to change the situation in Botswana.  相似文献   

针对少数民族大学生的汉语文教学具有自身的独特性。汉语文阅读能力的提高对于提高少数民族大学生的汉语水平至关重要。因此,教师应当结合少数民族学生的特点,改变传统教学模式、激发学生的学习热情,引导学生进行恰当的自我评估,展开合作教学,加强文化背景的导入,以期从整体上提升少数民族大学生的汉语文教学质量。  相似文献   

在英语全球化的背后直接关注到民族语方的纯洁性问题。语言的选择实质上是民族文化身份的选择。面对洋泾浜英语的重新泛起,我们既要学好英语,迎接全球化的挑战,又要注意语言的纯洁,保持自己独立的文化身份。  相似文献   

在英语全球化的背后直接关注到民族语方的纯洁性问题。语言的选择实质上是民族文化身份的选择。面对洋泾浜英语的重新泛起,我们既要学好英语,迎接全球化的挑战,又要注意语言的纯洁,保持自己独立的文化身份。  相似文献   

云南高校艺术设计学科专业多年来在特色化的办学过程中,积极引入民族传统文化,在形成一定影响的同时也存在学生对民族传统文化的内涵理解不足,难以结合市场创新,尚未形成有影响力的市场产品品牌等问题;而大创项目的开展可对其进行补充,在大创项目中融入民族传统文化,可使大创项目更具有特色和竞争力。通过融入民族传统文化精神和元素,注重功能与形式的结合,注重多学科结合的方式,将民族传统文化精神内涵和元素融入到大创项目中,使之具有一定的成效,为艺术设计学科大学生创新创业打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

Summary It is always important to remember that science and mathematics are forever tied together by context and application. Science is the application of mathematical theory and understanding, and mathematics is the language and primary tool of science. As teachers and teacher educators, we should help our students see the connection between content and concept, rather than their separation.Through the use of the Connections Matrix described in this article, the standards can be addressed in the classroom and connections established across the curriculum as an individual or with a partner. The process can be established as a regular part of the planning process and help guide educators to implement effective activities which embed the standards and connections within the curriculum, rather than as an add-on or supplemental program. In short, this is the right way to accomplish the goals of connecting the curriculum and implementing the national mathematics and science standards.  相似文献   


In the field of second and foreign language learning, the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) is widely-used for setting language proficiency standards within European, and increasingly global, contexts. Few studies, however, have investigated the ways in which systemic, macro-level factors within national educational contexts may influence standard setting practices using the CEFR. In this paper, we explore this issue through an analysis of recorded discussions within standard setting sessions for the Épreuve Commune for English, a national English language examination in Luxembourg. The data reveals four key sources of influence on standard setting decision-making: Luxembourg’s unique language ecology, streamed schooling, the national curriculum, and an ongoing exam reform project. Through this analysis, we argue that Luxembourg functions as a critical case illustrating the tension between international standards of language proficiency and local realities.  相似文献   

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