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以约翰·罗尔斯为代表的当代平等理论的一种重要限度在于消解了个人责任,罗纳德· 德沃金建构了一种名为"资源平等"的分配正义理论试图调和平等与责任以弥补这种缺陷.德沃金主要以"昂贵嗜好"为例探讨了人们应对自己的选择承担责任,即"敏于抱负".本文认为德沃金调和平等与责任的努力是不成功的,资源平等的理论目标之间存在张力,原因在于,一方面,德沃金对选择与环境这一资源平等最根本的区分是不成功的,另一方面,"敏于抱负"的原因是不充分的,同时选择深受原生运气因素的影响.  相似文献   

高中教育公平的哲学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在公平理论中,罗尔斯的“结果平等”适用于义务教育,诺齐克的“持有正义”适合于高等教育,德沃金的资源平等理论适合于高中教育.德沃金的“资源平等”理论,主张资源分配“钝于天赋,敏干志向”.按照这一原则,高中教育公平就是要确保高中教育的底限,实现高中教育办学基准的统一,在此基础上,强化个人的选择和责任.  相似文献   

罗纳德.德沃金在对福利平等和罗尔斯的平等理论批判的基础上建构了"资源平等"的分配正义理论。通常认为资源平等是一种非常激进的平等理论,但这仅适用于早期德沃金的资源平等,从动态的角度考察之,可发现德沃金晚期褪去了其早期较为激进的面孔而渐趋保守:资源平等从早期的"结果导向"和"程序导向"并举到后期仅仅以"程序导向"为主。德沃金激进立场的不断退却,可能主要在于他试图用资源平等处理更加现实的问题和回应他人批判时不得不做出调整。  相似文献   

葛四友 《政治思想史》2013,4(2):126-143
德沃金提出的“平等尊重与关切”为当代分配正义理论提供了一个讨论的平台,其资源平等正是对每个人表示“平等尊重与关切”的一种尝试.但这种资源平等无论是做运气均等主义解读,还是按德沃金的原意做日常伦理解读,都有着无法克服的内在不一致.尽管这种不一致有各种表现,但其根源在于道德的崇高与有限的仁爱动机.后果主义能够很好地解决这种不一致,表明日常分配正义具有与有限仁爱相适应的两种核心成分:利他主义的人道与自利的公平.  相似文献   

平等的资源主义分析路径是当代政治哲学中的平等理论的一种重要分析进路,罗纳德.德沃金所建构的名为"资源平等"的分配正义理论是其中的代表性理论之一。资源平等的理论目标是"敏于抱负"和"钝于禀赋",实际上,这两种理论目标之间有一种内在的张力,"敏于抱负"与"钝于禀赋"相互消解。德沃金在一定程度上意识到了其平等的资源主义分析路径的内在张力,并试图以"虚拟保险市场"来化解它。德沃金的这一尝试是值得商榷的,原因主要在于虚拟保险市场既不能实现"敏于抱负",又不能实现"钝于禀赋"。  相似文献   

德沃金根据抽象的平等权理论对自由主义的分配正义理论作了新的阐发,提出了资源平等论,这一理论构想包括拍卖模式和虚拟保险市场两个部分,分别解决初始分配和再次分配的平等问题。试就德沃金的资源平等理论缺陷进行分析,并就其对我国和谐社会法治建设的理论和现实指导意义提出一点思考。  相似文献   

"嫉妒检验"是罗纳德·德沃金所建构的名为"资源平等"的分配正义理论的重要检验标准.很多人认为嫉妒检验是一种心理检验标准,一旦满足嫉妒检验标准,资源的分配就是平等的.实际上,这是对嫉妒检验标准的双重误解,嫉妒检验是一种经济检验标准而非心理检验标准,同时,嫉妒检验是资源平等分配的必要条件而非充分条件.消除对嫉妒检验标准的误解,有助于正确理解德沃金的资源平等理论.  相似文献   

德沃金努力论证和辩护资源平等理论表示了对所有人平等的尊重与关切.他利用两个区分(个人/个人性资源、选项运气/原生运气的区分)来划分个人责任与集体责任,并根据两种责任的承担来实现资源平等.这里的核心思想就是为所有人创造出一种正义环境来让他们选择与追求各自想过的某种生活,并且能够对所选择过的生活承担责任.但是德沃金的两个区分都是以人们的实然选择为依托的,因此实质上他是根据人们的实际选择来确定要在其中作出的选择的环境是否正义,这就形成了一种恶性循环.故而他的平等理论无法成功地对所有人表示平等的尊重与关切.  相似文献   

基础教育作为国家发展的重要基石,其公平问题显得尤为重要。当前我国基础教育在城乡地区、东西部地区等区域间的差距仍然较大。德沃金资源分配理论中“钝于禀赋”的重要性平等原则和“敏于志向”的具体责任原则,对于基础教育阶段的重要性和独特性给出了创新见解。政府需要继续加强对弱势学校的资源投入和政策扶持力度,为弱势地区的发展提供助力;继续提升全国范围内的基础教育质量,缩小弱势家庭由于教育投资能力不足所造成的教育劣势地位。  相似文献   

李洁 《教学与研究》2015,(3):102-108
美国当代三大法哲学家之一的罗纳德·德沃金对平等问题的研究引发了关于分配正义的辩论,他的平等理论引起了广泛的讨论,其中既有赞同,亦有批判。德沃金以激进批评和对奢侈嗜好的反对两个重要论点,对福利平等进行了彻底的否定与批判,而由此对德沃金平等理论产生的批评普遍存在着误区。  相似文献   

分配是一个社会公正与否的直接体现,教育是决定分配的最重要因素之一。欲求分配之公正,必须首先在教育机会和资源共享上做到最大的公平。  相似文献   

差异机会平等是指社会成员之间的生存与发展机会的不完全相等性,存在程度上的差别。政府的各项民生政策的实施要以差异机会平等为前提,要高扬自由、平等理念,确立自致性、能力本位的价值取向;完善公平公正的体制机制,大力发展教育尤其是基础教育事业,把促进公平作为国家基本教育政策。  相似文献   

Background Over the past four decades there have been a number of controversies arising from the discussion of ‘equity’ and ‘equality’. These concepts are often invoked by policy analysts, policy-makers, government officials and scholars in order to justify or critique resource allocation to different levels of the educational system.

Purpose By creating a new equality–equity goal-oriented model, which allows the combination of different dimensions for each concept with different stages of the educational process, this paper aims to achieve two purposes: (1) to clarify among researchers, educators, evaluators, policy analysts, and policy-makers the notions of ‘equality’ and ‘equity’; and (2) to encourage researchers and evaluators to critically examine and synthesize equality/equity-based research.

Sources of evidence A review of the literature concerning the meaning, goals and assumptions of the concepts ‘equity’ and ‘equality’, and their implications for social and public policy, is presented.

Main argument A survey of recent and earlier debates on ‘equity’ and ‘equality’ among scholars and researchers reveals disagreement and confusion about what those concepts really mean and what they involve in terms of goals and results. It is debatable whether we can have ‘equity’ and ‘equality’ in a society that prioritizes efficiency in resource management over social justice. Certainly, such questions have shaped and guided many discussions and theoretical debates among scholars, policy analysts and policy-makers.

Conclusions Most of the definitions of ‘equity’ and ‘equality’ are frequently used by many researchers, evaluators, policy-makers, policy analysts, scholars and educators as if they were interchangeable. Instead of arguing for a unique or simple conception of ‘equity’ and ‘equality’, a set of definitions of those concepts as well as a discussion related to theoretical and policy issues associated are presented. In order to avoid that confusion, the equality–equity model developed in this paper suggests several new directions for analysis and research. It provides some ideas about how ‘equity’ (i.e. ‘equity for equal needs’, ‘equity for equal potential’ and ‘equity for equal achievement’) and ‘equality’ (i.e. ‘equality of opportunity’, ‘equality for all’ and ‘equality on average across social groups’) could be treated and measured in future research in relation to different features of the educational process (availability of resources, access, survival, output and outcome).  相似文献   

菲律宾历任政府都十分重视实现教育平等和公正,促进教育公平被视为民主政治的核心内容。菲律宾的教育公平是指任何人都享有平等的、与其兴趣和能力相适应的受教育机会,而不因其社会背景、经济条件、种族、文化和个人情况不同而有所区别。促进教育公平就是要清除阻碍,让每个人都享有学习知识、培养个性、融入社会、顺利就业的受教育机会。  相似文献   

The Race Relations Amendment Act (2000) identifies a key role for education, and more specifically history, in promoting ‘race equality’ in Britain. In this article Ian Grosvenor and Kevin Myers consider the extent of young people's current engagement with the history of ‘diversity, change and immigration’ which underpins the commitment to ‘race equality’. Finding that in many of Britain's schools and universities a singular and exclusionary version of history continues to dominate the curriculum, they go on to consider the reasons for the neglect of multiculturalism. The authors identify the development of an aggressive national identity that depends on the past for its legitimacy and argue that this sense of the past is an important obstacle to future progress.  相似文献   

Looking to conflicting constitutions of education systems through the terms equality and excellence, this paper examines the discursive formation of two political rationalities in the contemporary German education system. While early childhood and primary education discourses are dominated by a terminology of equality, tertiary education institutions such as universities are described using a terminology of excellence that has become a reference point for political interventions and institutional reform processes. Drawing from hegemony theory, governmentality studies and systems theory, this paper analyses the rules of justification referred to by such hegemonic discourses. It presents a policy discourse analysis of strategic, conceptional and institutional texts produced between 2003 and 2010. Through this analysis, the paper suggests that ‘mobilising’ and ‘optimising’ represent the common principles of equality and excellence as economic rationalities.  相似文献   

党的历代领导集体核心继承和发展马克思主义教育公平观,为促进教育公平、发展人民教育事业做出了划时代的贡献。毛泽东为劳动人民争取了享受平等教育的机会和权利。邓小平通过恢复高考制度重建了社会公平与正义。江泽民积极发展全民教育,开启了高等教育大众化。胡锦涛主张教育公平是社会公平的重要基础,坚持把促进教育公平作为国家基本教育政策,努力办好人民满意的教育。  相似文献   

民族平等是马克思主义民族理论的核心,是马克思主义解决民族问题的基石和制定民族政策的重要支柱。在中国,其思想精髓始终体现于对待少数民族宽厚待遇的各项政策体系之中。  相似文献   

由于法律解释多元化等因素的存在,我国的法律解释制度备受质疑。因此,如何对我国法律解释体系进行重构,是法学界一直争论不休的话题。笔者认为,在各种法律解释观中,德沃金法律解释观是最适合我国法律解释体系重构的理论。在德沃金法律解释观的视野下,我国的法律解释体系的重构应该以取消法律解释主体多元化、完善审判解释程序两个层面为切入点。  相似文献   

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