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《优选论与语言变化》一书是在优选论提出的十年间,相关学者在历史语言学领域研究成果的集成。文章对《优选论与语言变化》一书的构架、背景知识进行了介绍,对该书中的音系研究、句法研究做了深入的阐述,并概括出该书的三大特点。  相似文献   

此文对朱志勇博士的《学校教育与族群认同:对中国内地西藏中学的个案考察》一书进行了述评。文章逐一介绍了该书的研究背景、研究方法、研究视角和研究发现,并评论和讨论了该书的理论贡献及不足。  相似文献   

1924年,瞿秋白同志发表了《社会科学概论》,该书全面系统地介绍了马列主义关于社会科学方面的论述,对马克思的历史唯物主义作了精辟的阐述,是研究中国共产党成立后马列主义在中国进一步传播的极好资料。目前在研究介绍瞿秋白的这部论著的文章中,一般介绍了该书的三个版本,即1924年10月上海书店  相似文献   

清孙希旦的《礼记集解》是研究《礼记》的重要书籍。文章考察了该书的成书、整理与刊刻及版本情况,为对该书的进一步研究打下基础。  相似文献   

文章从詹姆逊"政治无意识"的视角探讨华裔美国作家汤亭亭的《女勇士》一书以及对该书的评论研究中的"缺场因素",并揭示文本背后的社会、历史文化和意识形态是如何影响了该书的叙事模式和评论研究视野。  相似文献   

文章具体介绍《徽州学概论》一书编撰出版的经过、主要内容和特色,该书的出版在徽州学研究进程中的意义。  相似文献   

吴笛 《海外英语》2014,(9):247-249,252
语义学,作为一门专门研究意义、特别是研究自然语言意义的年轻学科,近年来受到越来越多专家学者的关注,关于该学科的专著或文章不计其数。Nick Riemer所著的《语义学导论》一书另辟蹊径,以意义一词贯穿全书,既包含了以往的研究精髓,又概括了语义学的最新发展成果,并对新旧论题提出了自己独到的见解与疑惑,引人深思。该文介绍了该书的主要内容,对整体结构作了详细描述,并指出了该书的优点及不足。  相似文献   

本文是对《20世纪的世界革命》一书所作的介绍和评价。文章首先介绍了该书的主要内容和基本思想,然后对该书的理论贡献和写作特点进行了分析。文章认为,《20世纪的世界革命》一书是我国学术界对20世纪世界革命进行首次全方位的研究,既理清了历史的发展脉络,又对其进行了理论总结。具有十分重要的理论贡献和学术价值。  相似文献   

明末清初鄞县人沈光文致力于中华文化在台湾的传播,因其在甬台文化交流史上的特殊地位,宁波本土学者格外关注沈光文其人其事研究,乐承耀著《台湾文献初祖沈光文研究》一书就是典型代表作之一。文章就该书主要内容,学术创新和需要商榷之处进行了述评,认为该书是一部具有一定创新的学术著作,但也存在一些可以进一步拓展的空间,书中的一些疏漏也影响了全书的整体质量。  相似文献   

田野调查法是多学科研究常用的有效方法,其对于民间文学研究同样具有可行性。《文化和社会语境下的缅族民间口头文学》是一书基于田野调查的民间文学研究著作。该书将田野调查与缅甸民间文学研究结合起来,对于研究田野调查方法在缅甸民间文学中的运用具有代表性。文章通过对该书作者进行缅族民间口头文学田野调查的分析,阐明田野调查方法在缅甸民间文学运用特点以及需要注意的方面。  相似文献   

Since 1953 there have been three symposia and also various articles on the topic “Religion and the Public Schools” which have appeared in this Journal.

But the subject is still warmly and broadly controversial.

The present symposium of nine articles is presented to assist in the definition of terms and also to furnish data on what is actually being done.

We believe this symposium is a constructive contribution to the subject and we are indebted to the authors for their cooperation.

The Editorial Committee  相似文献   

花瑶文化研究始于20世纪80年代,初期多为民间爱好者的摄影介绍,2004年后进入真正的学理式研究期,截至2013年底,共发表文章131篇。统计分析表明:研究内容涉及花瑶的民俗、服饰、音乐、旅游开发等各方面,以"花瑶挑花"和"呜哇山歌"的研究成果最多;论文的学术视野及研究手段尚未超出田野调查与分析报告的范畴,具有湖南省地域特征,全国影响力不足,还有很大研究空间。  相似文献   

A review of publications about educational research in Guinea-Bissau in the last 40 years is the subject of this paper. Published articles have permitted us to map the research terrain and produce new knowledge without collecting new empirical data. We reviewed 148 studies published between 1975 and 2015 in journal articles, theses, monographs, research reports, conference papers, books, edited volumes and grey literature. Moving from title to introduction/abstract and then the entire text we explored thematic focuses, methods, findings, conclusions and funding. This paper argues that education policy receives more attention followed by language issues and it also suggests that the research agenda is mainly due to external pressure with a tendency for applied research.  相似文献   

A recurring concern within criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) is how to best investigate criminological theory and criminal justice policy. To assess the current state of research, we conducted a content analysis of articles that appeared in seven CCJ journals over a two-year period (2013–2014). We then examined types and frequencies of data sources, analytic techniques, methodological approaches, and subject matters. Findings demonstrate that articles are predominantly employing quantitative methodologies and data where there is no participant contact. From these findings, we discuss the current state of research and how this could be used to guide graduate education, by recommending a variety of subject matters that graduate schools should emphasize in training new academics.  相似文献   

本文在简要回顾学科教育学研究近年来发展历程的基础上,对目前学科教育学研究中存在的几个基本问题进行了分析。指出:到目前为止,关于学科教育学的性质及研究对象的认识模糊不清,分歧明显。学科教育学与相邻学科关系问题的已有的研究成果尚不能令人信服。对学科教育学的内容体系的构想,有的过于庞大,且问题明显。因此,作者认为,有必要对已有的研究成果进行分析归纳,对涉及学科教育学科学学的几个基本问题再做进一步探讨。  相似文献   

学科教学智慧是教学智慧研究新的生长点,其实质是教师对学科知识进行转化以使学生更好学习的能力,体现为教学设计智谋和现场调适机智两种形态。深刻理解学科知识、深入了解学生、更新教学信念和写作教学文章是教师学科教学智慧发展的有效策略。  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to further our knowledge about what is meant by inclusion in research addressing the topic. While it is common to remark that inclusion is defined in different ways in research, few attempts have been made to map and analyse different types of definitions and whether there are patterns to be find in how the concept is used. The 30 most cited journal articles from a North American and a European research arena were selected for analysis. Each article was analysed in relation to genre, theoretical tradition and inclusion concept used. The review yielded several important results. To name a few, a divide was identified between position articles, with developed discussions about and analyses of the meaning of inclusion, and empirical articles, where inclusion signifies that children with disabilities are placed in the mainstream. In addition, writing within a critical theoretical tradition was much more common among positional papers. Further, both arenas are dominated by Anglo-Saxon researchers. It is argued that the conceptual confusion characterising the field impedes its development.  相似文献   

皎然《诗式》是唐代十分重要的诗学著作,但迄今为止,学术界对其缺乏系统研究。20世纪发表了近40篇研究文章,其中涉及皎然生平考释、《诗式》版本流变以及《诗式》的意境、风格论、诗史观等问题,还有诸多问题未曾涉及,譬如《诗式》在中国诗学转型过程中的重要作用和影响,在诗学史上的地位等都未能得到深入研究,梳理这些研究成果并提出未来研究构想是一件有意义的工作。  相似文献   

The ‘bullied’ gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and otherwise Queer (GLBTIQ) student is a fairly recent figure in the sexuality education research literature. GLBTIQ students have previously been problematised by sex education research in a range of different ways and have been the subjects of varying methodological interventions. This paper explores how the different ways in which GLBTIQ students have been constructed by research, have been to some extent interdependent on the research questions behind the inquiries and the methodologies and methods employed to explore them. To achieve this, the paper draws on a Foucaultian view of research as discursive and the GLBTIQ subject as an entry point for considering different research discourses. It reviews constructions of GLBTIQ students in past, recent and emerging research projects through post-structuralist reflection on the key research reports, studies and peer-reviewed journal articles that have shaped the field of contemporary research. Rather than asserting a dichotomy between sex education research that contributes to constructions of the ‘deviant homosexual student’ and studies that contribute to ‘bullying victim’ tropes, the paper considers both the usefulness and limitations of the many different types of inquiries being pursued and the diverse constructions of GLBTIQ students they offer. Future research approaches for particular contexts and audiences are identified.  相似文献   

超常儿童研究的现状与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对历届世界超常(天才)儿童会议资料的回顾和对第十一届世界超常(天才)会议论文的分析,我们可以发现:(1)在超常儿童研究领域,对超常儿童的教育和进行教学改革一直是人们关心的重点;(2)对超常儿童的创造力和成就的研究越来越受到研究者的关注;(3)一些新的领域将随着对超常儿童本质特征的探讨而越来越变得受人注意,如超常儿童神经心理学的研究,虽然提交的论文数量比例很小,但引起了与会者的极大兴趣;(4)我国的超常儿童研究,近二十年来已取得了可喜的进展,但与国际水平相比,仍有相当的差距。  相似文献   

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